AdopenForwardonly (= 0)
Read only, and the current data record can only move down
AdopenKeyset (= 1)
Read-only, current data records are free to move
AdoPendynamic (= 2)
Ready-write, current data records are free to move
AdoPenStatic (= 3)
Readable, current data records are free to move, you can see new records
AdlockReadOnly (= 1)
Default lock type, record set is read-only, can not modify record
Pessimistic locking, when modified records, data providers will try to lock records to ensure successful editing records. As long as the editing start, lock the record immediately.
AdlockOptimistic (= 3)
Optimistic lock until you lock the record when you submit an update record with an UPDATE method.
AdlockBatchOptimistic (= 4)
Batch optimism locks, allowing multiple records to be modified, only lock the record only after calling the UpdateBatch method.
When you don't need to change any record, you should use a read-only recordset, so provider doesn't have to do anything.
For general use, optimistic locks may be the best choice, because records are only locked for a short period of time.
Data is updated during this time. This reduces the use of resources.