Sybase12.5 installation guidance

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  82

Sybase 12.5 Installation Guide 1) Root Login 2) Establishing DBA User Group 3) Establishing Sybase Users = 800

Note: The value of SHMINFO_SHMMAX is the system physical memory byyode, 512M memory time value (512x1024x1024 = 536870912) 8G memory is set to 6.4G (6871947680) SET RLIM_FD_CUR SHOULD Be No more Than 1024. You Should Reboot The Machine.

5) Set the environment variable of the Sybase account, modify the .profile file 6) Root restart the host, log in to the Sybase account 7) Add Sybase 12.5 Installation CD (32bit) 8) Open a command line window and switch to Sybase installation CDROM directory; $ CD / CDROM / SYB * 9) Execute this directory (-c parameter, representing command line installation); $. / install -c 10) After the command line prompt selection, select [Full installation] 11) Continue, start installation, wait 10%, 20% .....0% (installation speed, depending on the machine speed) After the installation is complete,

Exit, perform Sybase patch (EBF 11441) installation

12) To re-establish the database into the Sybase account, run ~ / ASE-12_5 / bin / srvbuild13) 14) Select 2 Adaptive Server and Backup Server in multiple database builds, the database name is IPNET, IPNET_BACK (case sensitive ) 15) Set the ASE page size 8K, switch the command line window, create a / opt / sybdata directory with root, Chown Sybase: DBA / OPT / SYBDATA16) Set the Master database device file /opt/sybdata/master.dat, file size 420MB , Master database size 400MB; 17) Set the SybTemProcs database device file /opt/sybdata/sybtemprocs.dat, file size 620MB, SybTemProcs database size 600MB; specific situation According to the space arrangement of the operating system, the database ratio is 20MB; 18 ) Starting Build Server. Long wait, specifically depending on the machine speed 19) Build completed,

To re-configure the language and environment, run ~ / aSE-12_5 / bin / sqlloc setting language, select Add Chinese, EUC is the default language, sort Binary Chinese EUC, 20) Install the language package. Long wait for more than ten minutes to dozens Minute, the specific machine speed is 21) All installation. Determine Exit 22) $ EJECT, Take out CD 23) Sybase Login, CD ASE-12_5 / Install /. / Showserver Kill SERVER24) Register server license; CD / export / home / sybase / sysam-1_0 / bin25) ./lmgr (Starting the GUI Register) ./lmutil Lmreread 26) According to the license file, enter the serial number of ASE12.5 and ASE_JAVA and Function Name ... (5) 27) After the completion, the general content of the license.dat file in / export / home / sybase / sysam-1_0 / licenses / under / export / place / Sybase / SySAM-1_0 / license is as follows: Server E250 ANY 29722 Vendor Sybase / Export / Home / sybase / SYSAM-1_0 / bin / SYBASE USE_SERVER INCREMENT ASE_SERVER SYBASE 12.0 PERMANENT 1 B58C308DDA64 SN = 1054290-142 OVERDRAFT = 10000 ck = 0 INCREMENT ASE_JAVA SYBASE 12.0 PERMANENT 1 49BF4D12CE41 SN = 1054290-291 OVERDRAFT = 10000 ck = 0 INCREMENT ASE_EJB SYBASE 12.5 Permanent 1 da607a375623 SN = 1054290-321 Overdraft = 10000 ck = 028) CD / export / home / sybase / sysam-1_0 / bin / $. / Lmgrd start the background registration service program (please restart every time you restart, first After Sybase starts, execute this program) But Sybase Database will restart, do not restart this service, this service only needs to restart again after the system is started. 29) CD / E Xport / Home / Sybase / ASE-12_5 / Install; 30) ./startServer -f Run_IPNET launches ASE12.5 Server 31) ./startServer -f Run_IPNET_BACK launches ASE12.5 backup server 32) ./ showserver View server start UID PID PPID C Stime Tty Time CMD Sybase 18956 18955 3 09:21:06? 20:27 / Export / Home / Sybase / ASE-12_5 / bin / Dataserver -Sipnet -D / OPT / Sybdata / Master.dat - Sybase 18674 18673 0 8 ?? 03 PTS / 2 0:01 / Export / Home / Sybase / ASE-12_5 / bin / backupserver -sipnet_back -e / export / home / sybas33) Isql -usa -p login enters confirmation database has started 34) Isql -usa -P -i / export / home / sybase / limited-12_5 / scripts / installjconnect executes SQL script installjconnet, making Sybase support JDBC batch SQL operation 35) Sybase SQL Server is completed. Concrete other user database ... () 36 ) Login execution (support Java function) SQL>

SP_CONFIGURE "enable java", 1 SQL> Go SQL> Shutdown SQL> Go Restart Sybase Server {SQL> SP_CONFIGURE "Enable Enterprise Java Beans", 1 (32-bit system only)> Go} 37) Create an IPNET database, add Sybase resource Sybase_ADD); Creating Traffic TM Database 38) Adjusting Database Optimizing Database Performance 39) Data Initialization Script of Modules 40) IPNET_EQUIPMENT_TYPE The initialization script in IPNET_EQUIPMENT_TYPE.SQL in the same directory (must be imported before running TNG database First complete the above work)

41) If the IP address of the host changes, you want to run ~ / ASE-12_5 / bin / Asecfg to modify the IP address of the Interface as the correct IP value. 42) How to delete a field of the field: Delete from dbo.table_name Delete all records delete from dbo.table_name where field name = value Delete elsewhere This record 43)> sp_password null, "IPNET" Modify SA Password> Go

44) $ lang = $ export lang '' Temporary language set into English $ isql -usa -p> shutdown SYB_BACKUP Stop Backup Server> Go


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