RCP II: Extended Universal Workbench (2-1)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  75

2. Define view

(1) View overview

l View is a visual container in the Eclipse table, allowing users to display or navigate specific types of resources.

l View is responsible for displaying data from the domain model, and the similar type of object should be packet into the same view.

l This method minimizes the user to complete the need to switch between a particular task

l The number of views contained in the application depends largely on the size and complexity of the application.

l The Google application example in this tutorial has two views, one for querying and displaying query results, another web page for displaying query results

(2) Define org.eclipse.ui.Views extension


Point = "org.eclipse.ui.views">

Name = "Google"

ID = "com.xqtu.igoogle.views" />

Class = "com.xqtu.igoogle.views.searchview"

category = "com.xqtu.google.view"

Name = "Search"

ID = "com.xqtu.igoogle.views.searchview" />

Class = "com.xqtu.google.views.browserview"

category = "com.xqtu.google.view"

Name = "browser"

ID = "com.xqtu.google.views.browserview" />

l Define org.eclipse.ui.Views extension in Plugin.xml

l Defines the directory (for grouping); Name property specifies the directory name; ID attribute uniquely identifies the directory

l Define the view; the class property specifies the view class full path of the org.eclipse.ui.i.iViewPart interface, the category property (optional) specifies the ID of the directory; the Name property specifies the view name; ID attribute uniquely identifies the view

l SearchView view allows the user to search for Google and display search results in the list; the Browserview view contains a SWT browser control, displays a specific URL web page according to the user in the search results table.

(3) Implement SearchView view

Package com.xqtu.igoogle.view;

Import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog;

Import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.doubleClickevent;

Import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.idoubleClickListener;

Import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.istructupstence;

Import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.tableviewer;

Import org.eclipse.swt.swt;

Import org.eclipse.swt.events.selectionEvent;

Import org.eclipse.swt.events.selectionListener; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.Griddata;

Import org.eclipse.swt.Layout.GridLayout;

Import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.button;

Import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.composite;

Import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.label;

Import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.table;

Import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.tableColumn;

Import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.text;

Import org.eclipse.ui.internal.dialogs.viewContentProvider;

Import org.eclipse.ui.part.viewpart;

Import com.google.soap.search.googlesearch;

Import com.google.soap.search.googlesearchfault;

Import com.google.soap.search.googlesearchResult;

Import com.google.soap.search.googlesearchResulTelement;

Import com.xqtu.google.wizards.LicenseKeywizard;

Public Class searchView Extends ViewPart IMPLEments iDoucastLickListener {

Public static final string id = "com.xqtu.igoogle.views.searchview";

Private TableViewer TableViewer;

Private text searchText;

Private GooglesearchResulTelement Model;

Public void createpartControl (Composite Parent) {

GridLayout GridLayout = New GridLayout ();

GridLayout.NumColumns = 3;

GridLayout.Marginheight = 5;

GridLayout.marginwidth = 5;

Parent.setLayout (GridLayout);

Label SearchLabel = New Label (PARENT, SWT.NONE);

SearchLabel.Settext ("Search:");

SearchText = New Text (Parent, Swt.Border);

SearchText.setLayOutdata (New GridData (GridData.grab_horizontal


Button searchButton = new button (parent, swt.push);

SearchButton.Settext ("Search");

SearchButton.addSerectionListener () {NEW SelectionListener

Public void widgetselected (SelectionEvent E) {

Googlesearch Search = New GoogleSearch ();

Search.setKey (licenseKeywizard.getlicenseKey ()); search.setQueryString (SearchText.getText ());

Try {

GooglesearchResult Result = search.dosearch ();

TableViewer.setInput (model);

TableViewer.Add (Result.getResulTelements ());

} catch (Googlesearch Fault EX) {

MessageDialog.OpenWarning (E.Display.GetActiveShell (),

"Google Error", EX.GETMESSAGE ());



Public void widgetdefaultselected (SelectionEvent E) {



Griddata griddata = new griddata ();

GridData.VerticalIgnment = griddata.fill;

Griddata.horizontalspan = 3;

Griddata.grabexcesshorizontalspace = true;

Griddata.grabexcessverticalspace = true;

Griddata.horizontalalignment = griddata.fill;

TableViewer = New TableViewer (PARENT, SWT.FULL_SELECTION | SWT.BORDER);

TableViewer.SetLabelProvider (New SearchViewLabelProvider ());

TableViewer.SetContentProvider (New ViewContentProvider ());

TableViewer.setInput (model);

TableViewer.getControl (). setLayOutdata (Griddata);

TableViewer.adddoubleClickListener (this);

Table Table = TableViewer.getTable ();

Table.setHeadervisible (TRUE);

Table.SetLinesVisible (TRUE);

TableColumn Titlecolumn = New TableColumn (Table, SWT.NONE);

Titlecolumn.Settext ("Title");

Titlecolumn.SetWidth (250);

TableColumn Urlcolumn = New TableColumn (Table, Swt.none);

Urlcolumn.Settext ("URL");

Urlcolumn.Setwidth (200);


Public void setfocus () {

SearchText.Setfocus ();


Public void DoubleClick (doubleclickevent event) {

IF (! TableViewer.getSelection (). ISEMPTY ()) {

IstructureDSelection SS = (istructureDSelection) TableViewer

.getSelection ();

Googlesearch Element Element = (GooglesearchResulTelement) SS

.Getfirstlement ();

BrowserView.browser.SetURL (Element.geturl ());}



l SearchView extension ViewPart, ViewPart is an abstract base class for all works.

l This must implement CreatePartControl and SetFocus abstraction methods, the former is responsible for creating user interface controls, the latter is used to set the default focus

l SearchView uses GridLayout layout view, the main control is the title of SWT style, text domain (search content), buttons, buttons (search results)

l View 3 unit column layout, Search title, text domain, Search button on one line, forms exclusive 3 columns

l Search button Increases the SelectionListener listener, perform Google Search when the user selects (ie, click) buttons.

l SelectionListener listener needs to implement widgetSelected and WidgetDefaultSelected methods, and Google search features are placed in widgetSelected methods.

l Google Search: Create a GoogleSearch object; set the license key, this tutorial collects the license key value by the wizard (later introduction); set the query content (obtained by text domain); execute the dosearch method for search, search results return to GooglesearchResult object; Search results are loaded into the table; if you find out, display warning information

l Table control uses JFACE TableViewer view to package

l First, use GridData to set the layout of the table control: 3 mesh units, horizontal and vertical stretching and total unit

l Set the TableViewer view: Have a full range of all-elective and border style; use the SearchViewLabelProvider object (later introduction) to set the column value of each row of the table; use the previous GridData object to set the layout of the table control; add a listener that doubles the event, in the user Display the page of the specified URL in the Browserview view when you double-click

l Adding a double-clicking on the event is implemented by the SearchView view to implement the method of the iDoubleClickListener interface, add a DoubleClick method to implement specific features.

l Set the topic of the table and the width of the column of the list

l SetFOCUS method is relatively simple, set the text domain to get the default focus


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