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@FileName OvalButtonskin.as
@Description Ellipse button Skin
@Author AOL
@Email jeremy1982@21cn.com
@Create 2004.08.27
@Lastchange 2004.08.27
// ******************************************************** *****************************
Import mx.skins.rectborder;
Import mx.skins.skinelex;
Import mx.core.ext.uiobjectextensions;
Class Ovalbuttonskin Extends RectBorder
/ **
* Symbolname for Object
* /
Static var symbolname: String = "ovalbuttonskin";
/ **
* Class Used in CreateClassObject
* /
Static var symbolowner: Object = OvalButtonskin;
/ **
* Name of this class
* /
Var classname = "ovalbuttonskin";
Var backgroundcolorname = "buttoncolor";
// var drawowhannel: function;
Function OvalButtonskin ()
Function init (): void
Super.init ();
Function size (): void
Drawhalorect (Width, Height);
Function Drawhalorect (W: Number, H: Number): Void
Var borderstyle = getStyle ("Borderstyle"); var themecol = getStyle ("themecolor");
Var emph: boolean = _parent.emphasize;
Clear ();
Switch (BorderStyle)
Case "falseup":
Drawoval (X, Y, W, H, 0x919999, 100); // Outerborder
Drawoval (X, Y, W, H, THEMECOL, 75); // Outerborder
Drawoval (x 1, y 1, W-2, H-2, [0x333333, 0xfffffff), 85, 0, "Radial");
Drawoval (X 2, Y 2, W-4, H-4, [0x000000, 0xDadada], 100, 0, "Radial");
Drawoval (X 2, Y 2, W-4, H-4, Themecol, 75);
Drawoval (x 3, y 3, w-6, h-6, 0xfffffff, 100); // highlight
Drawoval (X 3, Y 4, W-6, H-7, 0xF8F8F8, 100); // Face
Drawoval (0, 0, W, H, 0x919999, 100); // Outerborder
Drawoval (1, 1, W-2, H-2, [0xCAD1D1, 0xF7F7F7], 100, 0, "Radial");
Drawoval (2, 2, W-4, H-4, [0x919999, 0xD2DADA], 100, 0, "Radial");
Drawoval (3, 3, W-6, H-6, 0xFfffff, 100); // Highlight
Drawoval (4, 4, W-6, H-7, 0xF8F8F8, 100); // Face
Case "falsedown":
Drawoval (X, Y, W, H, 0x919999, 100); // Outerborder
Drawoval (x 1, y 1, W-2, H-2, [0x333333, 0xFCFCFC], 100, 0, "Radial");
Drawoval (X 1, Y 1, W-2, H-2, Themecol, 50);
Drawoval (X 2, Y 2, W-4, H-4, [0x000000, 0xDadada], 100, 0, "Radial");
Drawoval (X, Y, W, H, THEMECOL, 40); // Outerborder
Drawoval (x 3, y 3, w-6, h-6, 0xfffffff, 100); // highlight
Drawoval (X 3, Y 4, W-6, H-7, Themecol, 20); // Face
Case "falserollover":
Drawoval (X, Y, W, H, 0x919999, 100); // Outerborder
Drawoval (x, y, w, h, themecol, 50); // Outerborder
Drawoval (X 1, Y 1, W-2, H-2, [0x333333, 0xFfffff], 100, 0, "Radial");
Drawoval (X 2, Y 2, W-4, H-4, [0x000000, 0xDadada], 100, 0, "Radial");
Drawoval (X 2, Y 2, W-4, H-4, Themecol, 50);
Drawoval (x 3, y 3, W-6, H-6, 0xfffff, 100); // highlightdrawoval (x 3, y 4, W-6, H-7, 0xF8F8F8, 100); // Face
Case "falsedisabled":
Drawoval (0, 0, W, H, 0xC8CCCC, 100); // Outerborder
Drawoval (1, 1, W-2, H-2, 0xF2F2F2, 100);
Drawoval (2, 2, W-4, H-4, 0xD4D9D9, 100);
Drawoval (3, 3, W-6, H-6, 0xF2F2F2, 100); // Face
Case "Trueup":
Drawoval (X, Y, W, H, 0x999999, 100); // Outerborder
Drawoval (x 1, y 1, W-2, H-2, [0x333333, 0xFCFCFC], 100, 0, "Radial");
Drawoval (X 1, Y 1, W-2, H-2, Themecol, 50);
Drawoval (X 2, Y 2, W-4, H-4, [0x000000, 0xDadada], 100, 0, "Radial");
Drawoval (X, Y, W, H, THEMECOL, 40); // Outerborder
Drawoval (x 3, y 3, w-6, h-6, 0xfffffff, 100); // highlight
Drawoval (X 3, Y 4, W-6, H-7, 0xF7F7F7, 100); // Face
Case "TrueDown":
Drawoval (X, Y, W, H, 0x999999, 100); // Outerborder
Drawoval (x 1, y 1, W-2, H-2, [0x333333, 0xFCFCFC], 100, 0, "Radial");
Drawoval (X 1, Y 1, W-2, H-2, Themecol, 50);
Drawoval (X 2, Y 2, W-4, H-4, [0x000000, 0xDadada], 100, 0, "Radial");
Drawoval (X, Y, W, H, THEMECOL, 40); // Outerborder
Drawoval (x 3, y 3, w-6, h-6, 0xfffffff, 100); // highlight
Drawoval (X 3, Y 4, W-6, H-7, Themecol, 20); // Face
Case "Truerollover":
Drawoval (X, Y, W, H, 0x919999, 100); // Outerborder
Drawoval (x, y, w, h, themecol, 50); // Outerborder
Drawoval (X 1, Y 1, W-2, H-2, [0x333333, 0xFfffff], 100, 0, "Radial");
Drawoval (X 1, Y 1, W-2, H-2, Themecol, 40);
Drawoval (X 2, Y 2, W-4, H-4, [0x000000, 0xDadada], 100, 0, "Radial");
Drawoval (X 2, Y 2, W-4, H-4, Themecol, 40);
Drawoval (x 3, y 3, w-6, h-6, 0xfffffff, 100); // highlight
Drawoval (X 3, Y 4, W-6, H-7, 0xF8F8F8, 100); // Face
Case "Truedisabled": Drawoval (0, 0, W, H, 0xC8CCCC, 100); // Outerborder
Drawoval (1, 1, W-2, H-2, 0xF2F2F2, 100);
Drawoval (2, 2, W-4, H-4, 0xD4D9D9, 100);
Drawoval (3, 3, W-6, H-6, 0xF2F2F2, 100); // Face
Function Drawoval (X0: Number, Y0: Number, W: Number, H: Number, C, Alpha: Number, Rot: Number, grad: string
Var radius = w / 2;
VAR Yradius = H / 2;
VAR x = x0 radius;
IF (arguments.length <3)
IF (TypeOf C == "Object") {
VAR alphas = [alpha, alpha];
Var Ratios = [0, 0xFF];
Var sh = h * .7
Var Matrix = {MatrixType: "Box", x: -sh, y: sh, w: w * 2, h: h * 4, r: rot * 0.0174532925199433}
IF (grad == "radial") {
THIS.BEGINGRADIENTFILL ("Radial", C, Alphas, Ratios, Matrix;
} else {
THIS.BEGINGRADIENTFILL ("Linear", C, Alphas, Ratios, Matrix;
} else if (c! = undefined) {
This.Beginfill (C, Alpha);
// init variables
Var Theta: Number, Xrctrl: Number, Yrctrl: Number, Angle: Number, Anglemid: Number;
VAR PX: Number, Py: Number, CX: Number, Cy: Number;
// if only yradius is undefined, yradius = radius
IF (Yradius == Undefined)
Yradius = RADIUS;
// Covert 45 Degrees to Radians for Our Calculation
Theta = math.pi / 4;
// Calculate the discance for the control point
YRCTRL = Yradius / Math.cos (Theta / 2);
// Start on the right side of the circle
Angle = 0;
// this loop Draws the circle in 8 segments
FOR (var i = 0; i <8; i )
// increment ou Angles
Angle = Theta;
Anglemid = Angle - (Theta / 2);
// Calculate Our Control Point
CX = x math.cos (anglemid) * xrctrl; cy = y math.sin (anglemid) * yrctrl
// Calculate Our End Point
PX = X Math.cos (ANGLE) * RADIUS;
PY = y math.sin (angle) * yradius;
// Draw the circle segment
This.curveto (CX, CY, PX, PY);
IF (c! = undefined)
THIS.Endfill ();
Static function classconstruct (): boolean
UIObjectExtensions.extensions ();
_Global.skinRegistry ["ovalbuttonskin"] = true;
Return True;
Static var classconstructed: boolean = classconstruct ();
Static var uiobjectextensionsionsdependency = uiobjectextensions;
Here is a shortcoming that once you change the theme of the component, you cannot use another topic in the same FLA file. Because they are controlled by a global variable. I can only use setStyle () and another. One component can coexist. Macromedia has a lot of defects in the overall component design, not only here. In the design of the base class, there are some major defects in the design of the event model. Time you use Set of MVC mode design.