ASP.NET Displays the specified error page while the server error is displayed simultaneously to write the error message to the system log file
First, the page displayed when filling in the error in Web.config, can display different error pages according to different statuscode.
Second, add an app error code to the global.asax file, write the system log file
Protected Void Application_ERROR (Object Sender, Eventargs E)
Exception lasterror = server.getlasterror ();
String errmessage = lasterror.tostring ();
String logname = "mylog";
String message = "URL" Request.path "Error:" ErrMessage;
// Create Event Log if it doesn't exist
IF (! EventLog.SourceExists (logname))
EventLog.createEventSource (logname, logname);
EventLog log = new eventlog ();
Log.source = logname;
Log.writentry (Message, EventLoGentrytype.information, 1);
Log.WriteEntry (Message, EventLoGENTRYTYPE.ERROR, 2);
Log.WriteEntry (Message, EventLoGentrytype.Warning, 3);
Log.WriteEntry (Message, EventLoGENTRYTYPE.SUCCESSAUDIT, 4);
Log.WriteEntry (Message, EventLoGENTRYTYPE.FAILURAUREAUDIT, 5);
Third, now you can test it.
I created an error in default.aspx.cs, and I jump to the default error page!
Private Void Page_Load (Object Sender, System.EventArgs E)
// put user code to initialize the page
INT Y = 0;
INT x = 1 / y;
Catch (Exception Err)
Throw New Exception ("404"); // I want to have different errors, how to implement StatusCode in Web.Config?
// ERR.