Create an in the directory, enter the content:
# - International test -
Test.title = International Program Test
Test.body = this is an international program test example
Because Java's internationalization is implemented through the Unicode code, so turn the code into a Unicode code; under DOS, go to the directory, execute:
Native2ASCII Application_Cn.Properties
The contents of the converted Application_ZH_CN.Properties are:
# - International test -
Test.Title = / U56FD / U9645 / U5316 / U7A0B / U5E8F / U6D4B / U8BD5
Test.BODY = / U8FD9 / U662F / U4E00 / U4E2A / U56FD / U9645 / U5316 / U7A0B / U5E8F / U6D4B / U8BD5 / U4F8B / U5B50
This is the unicode code above Chinese.