Oracle common fool problem 1000 asked (one)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  78

Author: CCBZZP we may encounter in the application ORACLE many of the problems seem difficult, especially for the novice, today I simply summarize it, released to everyone, we want to help and we explore together! Common progress! Don't look at the Oracle master .1. Initial password after the Oracle installation? INTERNAL / ORACLE SYS / CHANGE_ON_INSTALL System / Manager Scott / Tiger Sysman / Oem_Temp2. ​​Oracle9ias Web Cache initial default user and password? Administrator / Administrator3. Oracle 8.0.5 How to create a database? Use ORAINST.

If there is a MotiF interface, you can use ORAINST / M4. Oracle 8.1.7 How to create a database? DBAssist5. Oracle 9i How to create a database? DBCA6. Oracle's bare device refers to what? Naked equipment is the storage of direct access to the file system Space 7. How can oracle distinguish between 64-bit / 32bit version? ? ? $ Sqlplus '/ AS SYSDBA' SQL * Plus:. Release - Production on Mon Jul 14 17:01:09 2003 (c) Copyright 2001 Oracle Corporation All rights reserved Connected to: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release 9.0.. 1.0.0 - Production with the parting optioning jserver Release - Production SQL> SELECT * FROM V $ VERSION; Banner ---------------------- ---------------------------------------- Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release 0 - Production PL / SQL Release - Production Core Production TNS for Solaris: Version - Production NLSRTL VERSION - Production SQL> 8. SVRMGR What do you mean? SVRMGRL, SERVER Manager. 9i, there is no, it has changed to SQLPlus / Nolog to archive log type 9. How to distinguish which machine is logged in Oracle? Select Machine, Terminal from V $ session; 10. What statement is used inquate? DESC TABLE_NAME You can query the structure of the table SELECT FIELD_NAME, ... from ... You can query the value of the field Select * from all_tables where table_name like '%' select * from all_tab_columns where table_name = '??' 11. How to get the trigger, Process, creation script of function? Desc user_sourceuser_triggers 12. How to calculate the size of the space occupied? select owner, table_name, NUM_ROWS, BLOCKS * AAA / 1024/1024 "Size M", EMPTY_BLOCKS, LAST_ANALYZED from dba_tables where table_name = 'XXX'; Here: AAA is the value of db_block_size; XXX is the table name you want to check13. How to view the maximum number of sessions? Select * from v $ parameter where name like 'proc%'; SQL> SQL>

Show parameter processes name type value ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- AQ_TM_Processes Integer 1 db_writer_processes INTEGER 1 JOB_QUE_PROCESS INTEGER 4 log_archive_max_proces INTEGER 1 Processes Integer 200 Here 200 users. Select * from v $ license; where the sessions_highwater record has reached the maximum number of sessions 14. How do I check the system locked transaction time? Select * from V $ locked_Object; 15. How to run Oracle in ArchiveLog.

Init.ora log_archive_start = truerest Database16. How do you get any database SELECT UserName from V $ session; 17. What is the maximum number of fields in the data table? Table or the maximum number of columns is 100018. How to find the database SID? SELECT NAME FROM V $ DATABASE; you can also directly view the init.ora file 19. How to view this machine IP address with SQLPlus on the Oracle server? Select sys_context ('useerenv', 'ip_address') from dual; if it is logged in This machine database can only return, huh, 10. How to adjust the database time under UNIX? Su -root Date -u 0801000021. How to grab the MEMO type field in Oracle Table? SELECT Remark from OMS_FlowRec Where Trim ('' from remark) is not null; 22. How to use the BBB table Update the information of the AAA table (associated field) Update aaa set bns_snm = (select bns_snm from bbb .dpt_no) where bbb.dpt_no is not null; 23. P4 computer installation method change Symcjit.dll SYSMCJIT.OLD24. Which query Server is OPS? SELECT * FROM V $ OPTION; if Parallel Server = true has OPS can 25. Which is query permissions for each user? Select * from DBA_SYS_PRIVS; 26. How to move table space ? ALTER tABLE TABLE_NAME mOVE TABLESPACE_NAME;. 27 how to move the index table space ALTER iNDEX INDEX_NAME REBUILD tABLESPACE TABLESPACE_NAME;?. 28 how to start the DBA STUDIO under LINUX, UNIX oEMAPP DBASTUDIO29 target status query locks have V $ lOCK,?.? V $ locked_object, v $ session, V $ SQLAREA, V $ process; Query lock table method: select s.SID session_id, s.username, decode (LMODE, 0, 'NONE', 1, 'NULL', 2 'ROW-S (SS)', 3, 'ROW-X (SX)', 4, 'Share', 5, 'S / ROW-X (SSX)', 6, 'Exclusive', TO_CHAR (LMODE) ) Mode_held, decode (Request, 0, 'None', 1, 'Null', 2, 'Row-S (SS)', 3, 'ROW-X (SX)', 4, 'Share', 5, ' S / ROW-X (SSX) ', 6,' Exclusive ', TO_CHAR (REQUEST)) MODE_REQUESTED, O.OWNER ||'. '|| O.Object_name ||' ('|| O.Object_Type ||') '

, S.Type Lock_Type, L.ID1 LOCK_ID1, L.ID2 LOCK_ID2 from V $ LOCK L, SYS.DBA_OBJECTS O, V $ session s where l.sid = s.SID and L.ID1 = O.Object_ID; 30. How to Unlock? Alter System Kill Session 'SID, Serir #'; 31. How to Modify Editor Under SQLPLUS? Define _Editor = " Comment on Table Table IS 'Table Note'; comments have been created. SQL> Comment on column table. Column is 'column annotation'; comment has been created.


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