Optimation instructions for Windows XP services

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  93


Microsoft: The user and computer system management alert will be notified. If you stop this service, the program that uses the system management alert will not receive a notification. If this service is deactivated, all services that are dependent on it will not be launched.

Supplement: General household computers do not need to transmit or receive a warning of computer system management, unless your computer is used on a local area network

Depending: Workstation

Suggestion: Disabled

Application Layer Gateway Service

Microsoft: Support for the Third Party Communication Protocol Plugin of Internet Online Online Firewall

Supplement: If you don't use Internet Online Sharing (ICS) to provide multiple computers Internet access and Internet online firewall (ICF) software you can turn off

Depending on: Internt Connection FireWall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

Suggestion: Disabled

Application Management (Application Management)

Microsoft: Software installation services that provide assignment, distribution, and removal.

Supplement: Services such as software installation changes

Suggest: manual

Automatic Updates

Microsoft: Enable the download and installation of important Windows updates. If this service is deactivated, you can manually update the XX as a system from the Windows Update website.

Supplement: Allow Windows to automatically check and download update patches to Microsoft Servers automatically check and download update patches.

Suggestion: Disabled

Background Intelligent Transfer Service, INTELLIGENT TRANSFER SERVICE

Microsoft: Use idle network bands to transfer data.

Supplement: Is it possible to transfer information from VIA HTTP1.1 in background? # 124; West, for example, Windows Update is one of the work

Dependence: Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and Workstation

Suggestion: Disabled

CLIPBOOK (Scrapbook)

Microsoft: Enables the Scrapbook Tester to store information and share it with remote computers. If this service is stopped, the scrapbook checker will not be able to share information with remote computer. If this service is deactivated, any service that is clearly referred to in it will not be able to start.

Supplement: Share the information in the scrapbook and other computer, and the general home computer is not used.

Depending: Network DDE

Suggestion: Disabled

COM Event System (COM Event System)

Microsoft: Supports "System Event Notification Service (SENS)" that allows events to automatically disperse into subscribed COM components. If the service is stopped, SENS will close and no login and logout notifications. If this service is deactivated, any obvious service cannot be started.

Supplement: Some programs may be used in COM components, like the Optimize System apps of Bootvis, such as DCOM displayed in the event checker is not enabled.

Depending: Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and System Event Notification

Suggest: manual


Microsoft: Manage the settings and tracking of COM components. If this service is stopped, most of the COM components will not be appropriate? # 092; If this service is deactivated, any service that is clearly dependent on it will not be able to start.

Supplement: If the com event system is a car, then COM System Application is the driver, such as the DCOM displayed in the event checker is not enabled: Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Suggest: manual

Computer Browser (Computer Browser)

Microsoft: Maintains the list of updated on your network and supplies this list to your computer as a browser. If this service is stopped, this list will not be updated or maintained. If this service is deactivated, all services that are dependent on it will not be launched.

Supplement: General family computer does not need unless your computer is applied on the area network, but is it necessary to open this slow speed on a large area?

Dependent: Server and Workstation

Suggestion: Disabled

Cryptographic Services

Microsoft: Provide three management services: Confirm the [Category Directory Database Service] of the Windows Archive Signs; new and remove the "protected root directory service] of the trusted root certificate authorization credentials; and assist the registration of this computer To obtain the credentials [key service]. If this service is stopped, these management services will not work correctly. If this service is deactivated, any service that is clearly referred to in it will not be able to start.

Supplement: Simple saying is a kind of authentication of Windows Hardware Quality Lab (WHQL), if you have automatic updates, then you may need this

Dependence: Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Suggest: manual

DHCP Client (DHCP client)

Microsoft: Manages network settings through login and updating IP addresses and DNS names.

Supplement: People who use DSL / Cable, ICS and IPSec need this to specify dynamic IP

Depending on: AFD network support environment, NetBT, Symtdi, TCP / IP Protocol Driver and NetBIOS over TCP / IP

Suggest: manual

Distributed Link TRACKING Client (Distributed Connection Tracking Client)

Microsoft: Maintains link between NTFS files in computers or in different computers in the network domain.

Supplement: the file link between different computers in the maintenance area network

Dependence: Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Suggestion: Disabled

Distributed Transaction Coordinator (Distributed Trading Coordinator)

Microsoft: Coordinates transactions across multiple resource administrators, such as databases, information queues, and archive systems. If this service is stopped, these transactions will not occur. If the service is deactivated, any obvious service will not be activated.

Supplement: As mentioned above, the general family uses the computer unless you are enabled, unless you are enabled.

Depending: Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and Security Accounts Manager

Suggestion: Disabled

DNS Client (DNS client)

Microsoft: Resolving and taking this computer's domain name system (DNS) name. If this service is stopped, this computer will not be able to resolve the DNS name and look for the location of the Active Directory domain control station. If this service is deactivated, all services that are dependent on it will not be launched.

Supplement: As mentioned above, the other IPsec needs to be used

Depending: TCP / IP Protocol Driver

Suggest: manual

Error Reporting Service

Microsoft: Allows an error reporting of services and applications in non-standard environments.

Supplement: Microsoft's application error report

Dependence: Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Suggestion: Disabled

EVENT log (event record file)

Microsoft: Enable Windows-based programs and event messages issued by components can be viewed in the event checker. This service cannot be stopped.

Supplement: Allow event messages on the event checker

Depending: Windows Management Instrumentation

Suggest: Automatic

Fast User Switch Compatibility

Microsoft: Provides application management in a multi-user environment.

Supplement: Also image is the switching user function in the logan screen

Dependent: Terminal Services

Suggest: manual

Help and support

Microsoft: Let the instructions and support centers can be executed on this computer. If this service is stopped, the instructions and support centers will not be used. If this service is deactivated, all of its dependent services will not be able to start.

Supplement: If you don't use it, you will be closed.

Dependence: Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Suggestion: Disabled

Human Interface Device Access

Microsoft: Enables universal input access to the humanized interface device (HID), the HID device launches and maintains the use of the keyboard, remote control, and other multimedia devices. If this service is stopped, this service control is no longer played. If this service is deactivated, any service that is clearly referred to in it will not be able to start.

Supplement: As mentioned above

Dependence: Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Suggestion: Disabled

IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service

Microsoft: Manage CD recording using Image Mastering Applications Programming Interface (IMAPI). If this service is stopped, this computer will not be able to record the disc. If this service is deactivated, any service that explicitly rely on its will not be able to start.

Supplement: XP integrated CD-R and CD-RW drives drag and drop the burning function, but unfortunately, it is more than burning software, and it can also speed up NERO's open speed.

Suggestion: Disabled

INDEXING Service (Index Service)

Microsoft: Native and remote computer index content and file properties; quick file access is available through elastic query language.

Supplement: Simple saying that you can speed up the search speed, but I think I should be very small and remote computers.

Dependence: Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Suggestion: Disabled

Internet Connection FireWall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

Microsoft: Provides network address translation, addressing, and name resolution services and / or prevent interference services for your home network or small office network.

Supplement: If you don't use Internet Online Sharing (ICS) or the Internet Online Firewall included in XP (ICF) you can turn off

Depending: Application Layer Gateway Service, Network Connences, NetWork Location Awareness (NLA), Remote Access Connection Manager

Suggestion: Disabled

IPsec Services (IP Security Services)

Microsoft: Manage IP Security Principles and launch Isakmp / Oakley (IKE) and IP security drivers. Supplement: Assist in protecting data transmitted via network. IPsec is an important link to provide security in the virtual private network (VPN), while VPN allows organizations to secure data via the Internet. Perhaps it is needed on some domains, but most of the usual users are not needed.

Depending: IPsec Driver, Remote Procedure Call (RPC), TCP / IP Protocol Driver

Suggest: manual

Logical Disk Manager (Logical Disk Administrator)

Microsoft: Detects and monitors new hard disk disks, and transmits disk area information to logical disk management system management services for settings. If this service is stopped, dynamically disk status and setting information may be outdated. If this service is deactivated, any service that is clearly referred to in it will not be able to start.

Supplement: Disk administrator used to dynamically manage disks, such as display disk free space, etc., etc., using Microsoft Management Console (MMC) main control station

Depending: Plug and Play, Remote Procedure Call (RPC), Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service

Suggest: Automatic

Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service (Logical Disk Administrator System Management Service)

Microsoft: Sets the hard drive disk and disk area, and the service only executes the setup program and stops.

Supplement: Use the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) main control station to use

Depending: Plug and Play, Remote Procedure Call (RPC), Logical Disk Manager

Suggest: manual


Microsoft: Transmits network transfer between clients and servers and [Alerter] service messages. This service has nothing to do with Windows Messenger. If this service is stopped, the Alerter message will not be transferred. If this service is deactivated, all services that are dependent on it will not be launched.

Supplement: Allow the network to transfer the functionality of the message, such as NET Send, if you don't want to be haarned, you can turn off

Depending on: NetBIOS Interface, Plug and Play, Remote Procedure Call (RPC), Workstation

Suggestion: Disabled

MS Software Shadow Copy Provider

Microsoft: Managing the shadow-based disk area shadow replication obtained by the shadow replication service of the disk area. If you stop this service, you cannot manage the shadow copy of the software-oriented disk area. If this service is deactivated, any service that is clearly referred to in it will not be able to start.

Supplement: As mentioned above, used to back up? # 124; West, such as MS Backup programs need this service

Dependence: Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Suggestion: Disabled

Net logon

Microsoft: Pass-through authentication of account login events on the network on the network field.

Supplement: General household computers are unlikely to use login fields to review this service

Depending: Workstation

Suggestion: Disabled

NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing (Netmeeting Remote Desktop Sharing)

Microsoft: Make authorized users can use NetMeeting to access this computer through the company's proximal internal networks. If this service is stopped, the remote desktop sharing feature will not be available. If the service is deactivated, any service that relies on its will not be able to start. Supplement: As mentioned above, let the user can share the computer's control rights to other users on the Internet or the Internet, if you pay attention to security, don't want to open the door, turn it off.

Suggestion: Disabled

NetWork Connections (Network Online)

Microsoft: Manages objects in the network and dial-up online data clips, you can view local area networks and remote online in this data clip.

Supplement: Control your network online

Depending on: Remote Procedure Call (RPC), Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

Suggest: manual

NetWork DDE (Network DDE)

Microsoft: Provides network transmission and security for programs executed on the same or different computers for Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). If this service is stopped, DDE transfer and security will not be available. If this service is deactivated, any service that is clearly referred to in it will not be able to start.

Supplement: The average person does not use it

Depending: Network DDE DSDM, Clipbook

Suggestion: Disabled

NetWork DDE DSDM (Network DDE DSDM)

Microsoft: Message Data Exchange (DDE) network sharing. If this service is stopped, DDE network sharing will not be available. If this service is deactivated, any service that is clearly referred to in it will not be able to start.

Supplement: The average person does not use it

Depending: Network DDE

Suggestion: Disabled

NetWork location awareness (NLA)

Microsoft: Collect and store network settings and location information, and notify the application when this information is changed.

Supplement: If you don't use ICF and ICS, you can turn it off.

Dependent: AFD Network Support Environment, TCP / IP Procotol Driver, Internet Connection FireWall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

Suggestion: Disabled

NT LM Security Support Provider (NTLM Security Support Provider)

Microsoft: Provides security for remote procedure calls (RPC) programs that do not use named pipes.

Supplement: If you don't use Message Queuing or Telnet Server, then turn it off.

Depending: Telnet

Suggestion: Disabled

Performance Logs and Alerts (Efficacy Record Files and Warnings)

Microsoft: Collect performance data from this unit or remote computer based on prior set schedule, then write data to record or? # 124; If this service is stopped, the performance information will not be collected. If this service is deactivated, any service that is clearly referred to in it will not be able to start.

Supplement: Nothing value service

Suggestion: Disabled


Microsoft: Enables computers to identify and adapt hardware changes, stop or deactivate this service, will cause system unstable.

Supplement: As the name suggests is the PNP environment

Depending: Logical Disk Manager, Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service, Messenger, Smart Card, Telephony, Windows Audio suggestion: Automatic

Portable Media Serial Number

Microsoft: Retrieves The Serial Number of Any Portable Music Player Connected To your Computer

Supplement: Re-acquire any music dial number through the online computer? Nothing value service

Suggestion: Disabled

Print Spooler (Print Multiking Buffer Processor)

Microsoft: Load the files to be printed later.

Supplement: If there is no printer, it can be closed.

Dependence: Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Suggestion: Disabled

Protected Storage (protected storage)

Microsoft: Provides protected storage areas to store private key such sensitive data to prevent unauthorized services, processing, or users from accessing.

Supplement: Used to store your computer's password, like Outlook, Dial Programs, Other Applications, Lord from Architecture, etc.

Dependence: Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Suggest: Automatic

QoS RSVP (QoS license control, RSVP)

Microsoft: Provides network signal and regional traffic control installation function to identify QoS programs and control small program items.

Supplement: Used to keep 20% wide service, if your network card does not support 802.1p or not ACS Server on your computer's domain, then don't say more, close it.

Depending: AFD network support environment, TCP / IP Procotol Driver, Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Suggestion: Disabled

Remote Access Auto Connection Manager (Remote Access Auto Online Administrator)

Microsoft: When the program refers to the remote DNS or NetBIOS name or address, establish a remote network online.

Supplement: Some DSL / Cable providers may need to use this to process login programs

Depending: Remote Access Connection Manager, Telephony

Suggest: manual

Remote Access Connection Manager (Remote Access Online Administrator)

Microsoft: Establish a network connection.

Supplement: Network online

Depend: Telephony, Internet Connection FireWall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS), Remote Access Auto Connection Manager

Suggest: manual

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager

Microsoft: Manage and control remote assistance. If this service is stopped, remote assistance will not be available. Before you stop this service, please refer to the [Dependence] tab in the Content Dialog box.

Supplement: If the management and control of the management and control, if it is not used, it can be closed.

Dependence: Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Recommendation: disable

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) (Remote Process Call, RPC)

Microsoft: Provides end-point correspondence and other RPC services.

Supplement: Some devices are dependent, don't move it, too much, go see yourself

Suggest: Automatic

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator (Remote Process Call Location)

Microsoft: Manages the RPC Name Service Database.

Supplement: As mentioned above, there are very few usage on the normal computer, you can try it.

Depending: Workstation

Recommendation: disable

Remote Registry (remote login service)

Microsoft: Enabling remote users to modify the login settings on this computer. If this service is stopped, login can only be modified by the user on this computer. If this service is deactivated, any service that is clearly referred to in it will not be able to start.

Supplement: Based on security reasons, if there is no special demand, it is recommended to close it unless you need to remotely help modify your login settings.

Dependence: Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Suggestion: Disabled

REMOVABLE Storage (Removal)

Microsoft: NONE

Supplement: Unless you have a ZIP disk drive or a USB-like hardware or TAPE backup device, you can try it.

Dependence: Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Recommendation: disable

Routing And Remote Access (Routing and Remote Access)

Microsoft: Provides a routing service from companies that connect to a local area network and wide area network.

Supplement: As mentioned above, provide dial-up online to the area network or VPN service, the general user can not be used

Dependence: Remote Procedure Call (RPC), NetBiosGroup

Suggestion: Disabled

Secondary Logon

Microsoft: Enables startups under other certifications. If this service is stopped, such login access will not be used. If this service is deactivated, any service that is clearly referred to in it will not be able to start.

Supplement: Allow multiple users to handle programs, implementation, etc.

Suggest: Automatic

Security Accounts Manager (Security Account Administrator)

Microsoft: Stores the security information of the native account.

Supplement: Management Account and Group Principle (GPEDIT.MSC) Application

Rest: Remote Procedure Call (RPC), Distributed Transaction Coordinator

Suggest: Automatic

Server (server)

Microsoft: Provides files, print, and named pipes for this computer through the network. These features will not be used if you stop this service. If this service is deactivated, all services that are dependent on it will not be launched.

Supplement: Simple is to share the sharing of files and print unless you have other computers, otherwise it is closed.

Computer Browser

Suggestion: Disabled

Shell Hardware Detection

Microsoft: Provides notifications for automatic playback hardware events.

Supplement: Generally used in memory card or CD device, DVD device

Dependence: Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Suggest: Automatic

Smart Card (Wisdom Card)

Microsoft: Manages the access to the smart card read by this computer. If this service is stopped, this computer will not be able to read the smart card. If this service is deactivated, any service that is clearly referred to in it will not be able to start.

Supplement: If you don't use Smart Card, it can be closed.

Depending: Plug and Play

Suggestion: Disabled

Smart Card Helper (Smart Card Assist Procedure)

Microsoft: Enables the support of the old version of this computer that is not with plug-in and smart card reading. If this service is stopped, this computer will not support the old version of reading. If this service is deactivated, any service that is clearly referred to in it will not be able to start.

Supplement: If you don't use Smart Card, it can be closed.

Suggestion: Disabled

SSDP Discovery Service

Microsoft: Enable universal plug-in device search on your home network.

Supplement: As mentioned above, universal plug and play, UPnP enables the computer to find and use the device on the network, search the device through the network through TCP / IP, like a scanner on the network , Digital cameras or printers, that is, using UPNP features, security is not used by security.

Depending: Universal Plug and Play Device Host

Suggestion: Disabled

System Event Notification (System Event Notifications)

Microsoft: Track system events such as Windows login, network, and power events. Notify these events of the COM event system subscriber.

Supplement: As mentioned above


Suggest: Automatic

System Restore Service

Microsoft: Execute the system restore function. To stop the service, close the system restore from my computer -> content, [System Restore]

Supplement: Reply to the computer to the previous state, not being used

Dependence: Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Suggestion: Disabled

Task Scheduler (Work Schedule)

Microsoft: Let the user can set and schedule automated work on this computer. If this service is stopped, these work will not be executed when they scheduled. If this service is deactivated, any service that is clearly referred to in it will not be able to start.

Supplement: Set the scheduled automatic work, like some timing disk scan, viral timing scan, update, etc.

Dependence: Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Suggest: Automatic

TCP / IP NetBIOS Helper (TCP / IP NetBIOS Assist Program)

Microsoft: Enables [NetBIOS over TCP / IP (NetBT)] service and support for NetBIOS name resolution.

Supplement: If your network does not use NetBIOS or WINS, you can close

Dependent: AFD network support environment, NetBT

Suggestion: Disabled

Telephony (phone speech)

Microsoft: Control the phone voice device and IP on the server, which control the phone voice device and IP on the server, which control the telephone voice device and IP, and provides the telephone voice device and IP support.

Supplement: General dial-up modem or some DSL / Cable may be used

Dependence: Plug and Play, Remote Procedure Call (RPC), Remote Access Connection Manager, Remote Access Auto Connection Manager

Suggest: manual


Microsoft: Enables a remote user to log in to this computer and execute the application, and support a variety of TCP / IP Telnet clients, including Unix Basic and Windows Basic Computers. If the service is stopped, the remote user may not access the application. If the service is deactivated, any other service that is explicitly in this service will fail. Supplement: Allow remote users to log in with Telnet, the average person will misunderstand the BBS, which is not unrelated to BBS, security based on security, if there is no special demand, it is recommended to close

Depending: NT LM Security Support Provider, Remote Procedure Call (RPC), TCP / IP Protocol Driver

Suggestion: Disabled

TERMINAL SERVICES (Terminal Services)

Microsoft: Allows multi-user users to connect to the same computer, desktop displays and applications to remote computers. Restoring Remote Desktop (including system administrator's RD), fast switching users, remote assistance, and terminal servers.

Supplement: Remote desktops or remote assistance features, no need to turn off

Depend: Remote Procedure Call (RPC), Fast User Switch Compatibility, InteractiveLogon

Suggestion: Disabled


Microsoft: Provides user experience theme management.

Supplement: Many people use the foundation theme, but if they are not used, you can close

Suggest: Automatic

Uninterruptible Power Supply (constant power supply system)

Microsoft: Managing Uncommon Power Supply (UPS) connected to this computer.

Supplement: Do you use it for average power supply (UPS)? Otherwise it is closed unless your power supply has this feature.

Suggestion: Disabled

Universal Plug and Play Device Host

Microsoft: Provides support for host universal plugging.

Supplement: Used to detect installing universal plug and play, upnp) devices, like digital cameras or printers

Depending: SSDP Discovery Service

Suggestion: Disabled

Volume Shadow Copy

Microsoft: Manage and execute disk zone copy replication for backup and other purposes. If this service is stopped, the shadow copy will not be used for backup, and the backup may fail. If this service is deactivated, any service that is clearly referred to in it will not be able to start.

Supplement: As mentioned above, used to back up? # 124; West, such as MS Backup programs need this service

Dependence: Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Suggestion: Disabled


Microsoft: Enable Windows-based programs to establish, access, and modify the Internet-based file. If this service is stopped, these features will not be available. If this service is deactivated, any service that is clearly referred to in it will not be able to start.

Supplement: Use WebDAV to load the file or data clip to all web services, based on security, you can try to close

Depending: WebDav Client Redirector

Suggestion: flood S?

Windows Audio

Microsoft: Manages audio devices for Windows as the main program. If this service is stopped, the audio device and the effect will not be normal? # 092; If this service is deactivated, any service that is clearly referred to in it will not be able to start. Supplement: If you don't have a sound card, you can turn him.

Depending on: Plug and Play, Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Suggest: Automatic

Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) (Windows image acquisition)

Microsoft: Provides images capturing images for scanners and digital cameras.

Supplement: If the scanner and the digital camera have the support WIA function, you can see the icon directly, no other driver, so the user without the scanner and digital camera is bigly closed.

Dependence: Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Suggestion: Disabled

Windows Installer (Windows Installer)

Microsoft: Install, repair, and removal software based on instructions contained in the .msi file.

Supplement: is a system service to assist users to properly install, set, track, upgrade, and remove software programs, manage applications, standard formats, and track, such as archive groups, login projects, and shortcuts. Assembly

Dependence: Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Suggest: manual

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)

Microsoft: Provides public interfaces and object models to access management information about XX as system, devices, applications, and services. If this service has stopped, most of the Windows software will not be normal? # 092; If this service has been deactivated, all services that are still in its own cannot be started.

Supplement: As mentioned above, it is a service that provides a standard infrastructure to monitor and manage system resources. You must not move him.

Dependence: Event log, Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Suggest: Automatic

Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions (Windows Management Instrumentation Drivers)

Microsoft: Provides system management information to / taken from the driver.

Supplement: The extension of Windows Management Instrument provides information

Suggest: manual

Windows Time (Windows Time Set)

Microsoft: Maintains data and time synchronization processing of all clients and servers on the network. If this service is stopped, the date and time synchronization processing will not be possible. If this service is deactivated, all dependent services will stop.

Supplement: The network is used in the time of calibration, there is no need to turn off

Suggestion: Disabled

Wireless Zero Configuration

Microsoft: Automatic settings for 802.11 adapter cards

Supplement: Automatically configure the wireless network device, the meaning is to say, unless you have a wireless network adapter card device, then you need to use this network zero management service

Depending: NDIS Usermode I / O Protocol, Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Suggestion: Disabled

WMI Performance Adapter

Microsoft: Provides efficacy link library information from WMIHIPERF providers.

Supplement: As mentioned above

Dependence: Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Suggest: Live L


Microsoft: Establish and maintain the client network to the remote server. These online will not be used if this service is stopped. If this service is deactivated, all services that are dependent on it will not be launched.

Supplement: Some features necessary in the Internet online

Dependess: Alerter, Background Intelligent Transfer Service, Computer Browser, Messenger, Net Logon, Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator

Suggest: Automatic


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