QMail + Mysql + VPopmail + IGENUS installation documentation

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  84

Here, I have focused on IGENUS installation and debugging, QMail installation no longer explained. My System Environment: System: Redhat 7.2 Environment: Qmail MySQL VPOPMAIL QMAILADMIN Before installation, you must meet the conditions. 1. Install Apache PHP 2, install qmail mysql vPopmail success. 3, download IGENUS_2_20030311.tgz (www.igenus.org) First, install Apache PHP. I have no system to install Apache and PHP by default because it is handled manually. 1, download httpd-2.0.40.tar.gz (www.apache.org) php4-200303121030.tar.gz (http://snaps.php.net) # mkdir / home / software --- Required files Put in the Software directory. 2, install apache # cd / home / software / # tar -zxvf httpd-2.0.40.tar.gz # cd httpd-2.0.40 # ./configure --prefix = / var / www --enable-modules = SO # Make # make install # vi /var/www/conf/httpd.conf Add the following: addtype application / x-tar.tgz addtype application / x-httpd-php .php loadingmodule php4_module / var / www / modules / libphp4. SO Modifications: DirectoryIndex Index.php DocumentRoot "/ VAR / WWW / IGENUS" User VPopmail Group vchkpw #vi /etc/rc.d/rc.local Add: / var / WWW / BIN / APACHECTL Start Note: It is automatically started. 3, install php ../ # tar -zxvf php4-200303121030.tar.gz # cd php4-200303121030 # ./configure --with-mysql --with-apxs2 = / var / www / bin / apxs # make # Make install # cp php.ini-dist /usr/local/lib/php.ini # vi /usr/local/lib/php.ini register_globals = OFF Change to: register_globals = ON (Note: I compile Apache, is made It supports the DSO module. Then compile PHP, install the SO file into your Apache's module directory, which is convenient for future expansion.) Next, install qmail vpopmail mysql (QMailAdmin optional). Here, it will not explain it in detail, you can refer to other literature. For primary users, it is recommended to apply qmail_setup-v1.5.3.tar.gz or qmail_setup-v1.5.4a.stable.tar.gz written by Iceblood, is also good. Many places can be downloaded online, or you can contact Iceblood in the forum.

If you use the version of the QMail_Setup installation package, read the install and setup files in detail after unpack, and modify the setup as needed. When you have QMAIL MySQL VPOPMAIL, you want to modify the VPopmail Databases of the following mysql library file. # MySQL -UROOT -PASSWORD password --- Your password creates an Address table in MySQL, the specific table structure is as follows: # Use vpopmail # create Table address (id int (11) unsigned not null auto_increment, pw_id int (5) unsigned not NOTOTOTO_ISIGNED NOT Null Default '0', Name VARCHAR (64) Not Null Default ', Email Varchar (12 Not Null Default', UNIQUE Key ID (ID), Key PW_ID (PW_ID)); Modify the original vpopmail table, the method is as follows: use vpopmail; alter table vpopmail drop primary key; alter table vpopmail add column pw_id int (5) NOT NULL primary key auto_increment; (Note: adding address table, because igenus be used in personal contacts, because igenus by adding pw_id It identifies the uniqueness of the user, but vpopmail uses PW_UID) Finally, installs IGENUS. 1, install IGENUS # CD / Home / Software # cp iGenus_2_20030311.tgz / var / www # cd / var / www # mkdir Temp # Chown vpopmail.vchkpw Temp # tar zxvf IGENUS_2_20030311.tgz 2, modify the config / config_inc.conf file .config_inc.conf is the configuration file of Igneus, must be set correctly, the specific settings are as follows: # vi / var / www / imenus $ cfg_basepath = " / var / www / iGenus "; $ cfg_basepath ----- is Igneus webmail installed in the system path. $ cfg_mysql_host = 'localhost'; $ cfg_mysql_host ----- is the address of the MySQL server. $ cfg_mysq L_user = 'root'; $ cfg_mysql_user ---- is the username of the MySQL server. $ Cfg_mysql_pass = '123456'; $ cfg_mysql_pass ---- is the password of the MySQL server, according to your actual fill in $ cfg_hostname = "http://bsd.gic.ac.cn/mail/"; $ cfg_hostname --- - is the host name of the server. According to your actual fill in $ cfg_language = GB; $ cfg_language ----- is the system's default language, there can be optional in Chinese and English. $ Cfg_gmt = 8; // GMT Time Local $ cfg_gmt ---- is the time zone setting, China chooses 8.


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