QMail IGENUS program
Operating system Red Hat 7.3
What is qmail?
A very famous MTA, is known for his security, stability, and high load performance, detailed, access http://qmail.org/top.html
What is IGENUS
A web interface specially customized for qmail, using PHP, after a period of test, it has become more and more perfect, and the interface is very beautiful, thank you marijuana to work! ! !
For details, please visit http://www.igenus.org
To save trouble, we use Iceblood production installation package, of course, if you are interested, you can install a component.
First download the software we need.
I have already packaged in Zhengzhou University Network Safety Park, welcome to download.
OK, start timing!
Log in with root users
Unlock the compressed package
#unzip qmail.zip
Install MySQL server first
# rpm -ivh mysql-shared-3.23.55-1.i386.rpm
# rpm -ivh mysql-client-3.23.55-1.i386.rpm
# rpm -ivh mysql-wevel-3.23.55-1.i386.rpm
# rpm -ivh mysql-3.23.55-1.i386.rpm
#mysqladmin Password Your MySQL Password
Then then install Apache PHP, IGENUS is a PHP support
#TAR ZXVF /DOWN/apache_1.3.27.tar.gz
#TAR ZXVF /DOWN/PHP-4.3.1.tar.gz
Install Apache first
#CD APACHE_1.3.27
#. / configure --prefix = / usr / local / apache --enable-shared = max; make; make install
Then install PHP-4.3.1
#cd ../php-4.3.1
#. / configure --with-mysql --with-apxs = / usr / local / apache / bin / apxs --enable-track-vars --disable-debug; make; make install; cp php.ini-dist / USR / local / lib / php.ini
Then edit the Apache profile to let him support PHP and set the CGI directory path.
#vi /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf
Modify the following information
ServerAdmin Fatb@zzu.edu.cn
ServerName mail.fatb.org
DocumentRoot "/ www"
DirectoryIndex index.htm index.php login.php
Scriptalias / cgi-bin / "/ www / cgi-bin /"
Options Execcgi
Add the following information
AddType Application / X-httpd-php .php After Save the VI and restart Apache
# / usr / local / apache / bin / apachectl stop
# / usr / local / apache / bin / apachectl start
Then test whether the PHP program can be parsed
#echo " phpinfo ();?>> /www/test.php
HTTP: //urip/test.php, see if "PHP Version 4.3.1" is displayed, if not, please check the above steps carefully.
Now let's start installing qmail
#TAR ZXVF /DOWN/Qmail_Setup-v1.5.4.stable.tar.gz
Edit installation script
#vi setup
Modify the following information
1: # please set your system, default is freebsd, more harve linux
_OS = "freebsd" here changed _OS = "linux"
2: Change _INSTALLAPACHE = "yes" to _installapache = "no", we have installed Apache
3: # Domain Name
_Domain = domain.com set to your domain name, no? Write IP, huh, huh
4: # Mailadmin Password
_mailpasswd = password Set your postmaster password
5: CGI path
# set you cgi path
_CGIBIN = / usr / local / httpd / cgi-bin
Change into / www / cgi-bin or you choose one place yourself, but you have to set with your Apache's CGI path.
# set you html path
_htmlpath = / www your www directory
# "n" disables quotas, or # where # is a number in bytes not y, do not use "y", "y" is Bad
_MAILSIZE = 10000000S limit user space is 10m
# @ use mysql, default is no, if you use mysql for set "y"
_SQL = y (IGENUS requires mysql support)
_SQLHOST = localhost
# mysql user
_SQLUSER = root
# MySQL Passwd
_SQLPass = Your MySQL Password
# include path
_incdir = / usr / incrude / mysql
# LIB File Path
_LIBDIR = / usr / lib / mysql
Edited, you can start installing
#. / setup> install.log
After a few minutes, when you see Dleting Temp Files ..., it is installed.
Then we go to the / www directory to unlock IGENUS.TAR.GZ
#tar zxvf igenus.tar.gz
Create a Temp directory
#mkdir temp
Modify the configuration files as follows
#vi config / config_inc.php
$ cfg_basepath = "/ www";
// mysql
$ cfg_mysql_host = 'localhost'; $ cfg_mysql_user = 'root';
$ cfg_mysql_pass = 'your mysql password';
$ cfg_mysql_db = 'vpopmail';
$ cfg_temp = "/ www / temp";
Finally log in to MySQL and add a word PW_ID segment to the vpopmail table
#mysql -u root -p
Mysql> Use vpopmail;
Mysql> ALTER TABLE VPOPMAIL Add Column PW_ID INT (5) Not Null Primary Key Auto_Increment
OK, here, the configuration of an enterprise mail server is complete, Easy is :)
Create an ordinary user first
http:// urip / cgi-bin / qmailadmin
Administrator's password This is not changed, in fact, the administrator account, there is a problem with translation
The domain name is the value of our _domain = domain.com in the setup script we just quasil.
The password is the password below the SETUP Domain.
After logging in, select "Creating a new mail account"
We created a account called FATB, now we land from IGENUS
http: // Urip
You can see the interface of the PL on writing the corresponding information :)