English words words

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  100

English word constructor (1) prefix

1. Represents the prefix of a negative meaning

1) Pure negative prefix A-, AN-, Asymmetry (asymmetric) Anhydrous (anhydrous) DIS- DISHONEST, DISLIKEIN-, IG-, IL, IM, IR, INCAPABLE, INABILITY, IGNOBLE, IMPOSSIBLE, IMMORAL, ILLEGAL, Irregularne-, N-, None, Neither, Nevernon-, Noneseneg-, Neglectun- Unable, UNEMPLOYMENT2) indicates the wrong meaning MALE-, MAL-, MALFUNCTION, MALADJUSTMENT (offset) MIS-, MISTAKE, MISLEADPSEUDO-, PSEUDONYM (fake name) Pseudoscience3) means that the anti-action means de-, defend, demodulation (DISARM, DISCONNECTUN-, UNLOAD, UNCOVER4) indicates the opposite, mutual opposition, anti-, antiknock, anti-AntiGN, CONTRA-, Contra-, Contro-, ContraDiction, Controflow (Counter) Counter-, CounterreAction, CounterbalanceOb-, Oc-, Of-, Op-, Object, Oppose, Occupywith-, WithStand2. Representative Space Location, Direction Prefix 1) A- Represents "in ...", "to ..." Aboard, aside, 2) BY- Representation "Near, neighbor, edge" bypath, bypass (detour) 3) Circum-, Circu - -, ES-, express, EXIT, Eclipse, Expand, Export7) Extra-, indicates "additional" extrantion 8) Fore- means "in front" forehead, foreGround9) in-, IL-, IM -, IR- , Demonstrates "Inland, Inside, Mu" Inland, Invade, Inside, Import10) Inter-, Intel-, "In ..." InterNational, INTERACTION, Internet11 Intro-, "Introduction" Intro-, Inside, inner "Introduce, Introduce 12) Medi-, Mediterranean, MidPosition13) Out-, represents" Outline, Outside, Outward14) OVER-, indicated "OUTLINE, OUTSIDE, OUTWARD14) "On the top, in the outside," Overlook, Overhead, Overboard15) Post-, represent "backward, behind, second" PostScript (demonstraightening), 16) pre-, indicates "in front" in front "prefix, preface PRO-, representation "In front, forward" Progress, Proceed, 18) SUB-, SUC-, SUF-, SUG-, SUM-, SUP-, SUR-, SUS-, indicates "in the following,

"Subway, Submarine, Suffix, Suppress, Supplement19) Super-, sur -, represents" above ... "Superficial, Surface, Superstructure20) TRANS-, indicates" shifting, turning, on that side "Translate, Transform, TransoCeanic21) Under-, representation "under ..." underline, underground, underwater22 up-, represents "up, up, on" Upward, Uphold, Uphill (Upho) 3. , Sequence relationship prefix 1) Ante-, anti-, represents "previous, earlier, pre-" antecedent, anticipate, 2) EX-, representation "first, so old" expresident, exHusband3) Fore-, indicating "in front , Previous, front "Foreward, Dorecast, Foretell (prediction) 4) MID-, Medi-, Representation , Indicating "pre-, prior, preheat, previce, prehistory7) Pro-, represent" in front, first, before "Prologue (prelude), prophet (prophey) 8) RE-, indicate" once again, re-" Retell, Rewrite4. Represents the prefix between the comparative degree difference relationship 1) BY-, represents "Deputy, secondary" byproduct, bywork 2) extra-, represents "Beyond, additional" extraordinary, 3) Hyper- represents "more than , Extreme "hypersonic (ultrasonic), Hypertesion 4) OUT-, indicating" more than, excessive "Outdo (more than), Outbid (bid high) 5) OVER-, indicating" more than, over, too " OveReat, Overdress, Oversleep6) Sub-, SUC-, SUR-, ?? Represents "Low, Second, Deputy, Subtropical Subeditor, Subordinate, Subtropical" Super-, Sur-Represents "More than" Supernature, SuperPower, Surplus, surpass8) Under-, "Poor, low" undersize, undergrown, underProduction (lack of production) 9) Vice- Represents "Depth, Second" VicePresident, Vicechairman5. Represents Common, Equal Meaning Prefix 1) COM-, COP-, CON-, COR-, CO - Express "common, together".

Connect, Combine, Collect, Combat, Coexist, Co-operate2, Syn-, Syl-, Sym-, Represents "Same, Total, and, Class" SYMMETRY, SYMPATHY, SYNTHESIS (Synthesis) 6. Represents the entire fully meaningful prefix 1 AL- Represents "Complete, Full" Alone, Almost, 2) OVER- Represents "Complete, All" Overall, Overflow (full) 3) Pan- Represents "All, Total, Wan" PANENTHEISM (Pan God), Panorama7. Representation , Leaving the prefix 1) A-ab-, abs "de-expand, decene, 3) DEPART, DECOLOUR, 3) DIS-, DI-Di- , DIF-, denotes "Separation, Leaving" Divorce, Disarm (Connection) 4) EX-, E- indicates "leaving, separation" exel, exclude, exporeate (driven abroad) 5) FOR - means "leaving, detachment" Forget, Forgive6) Represents "Leave" Release, Resolve7) means "Separation, Isolation" Separate, Seduce, SELECT8. Represents through, all over the prefix 1) DIA-, expressed "pass, cross" Diameter, Diagram, 2) per -, PEL-, express "Tong, Total, Cloud" Perfect, Perform, Pervade (Soaked) 3) Transparent, Transmit, Transport9. Represents the enhanced prefix A-, AROUSE, Ashamedad -, adjoin, adhere (adhere) 10. Representation of a prefix be-, befriend, en-, enslave, enable, annage, AN-, AP-, AR-, AS -, AT-, Adapt, Accord, Affix, Aggression, Arrive, Assist, Attend, Attract, Arrange, Assign (delegated) 11. Represents the quix relationship 1) means "single", "a" MON-, MON-, Monotone, Monopoly, Monarchuni-, un- , Uniform, Unicellular 2) Represents "two, two, double" AMBI-, AmbIGUOUS, AMPHIBIAN (amphibious) Bi-, Bin- Bicycle, Di-, Diode (Level 2), Twi-, Twilight3) Represents "Ten" Deca, Deco-, Dec- Deci-, Decade, Decimals4) means "Hundred, 100 Mathemato"? HECTO-, HECT-, Hectometer, Centi-, Centimeter5) represents "Qian, Monolecular One" KILO- Kilometer6) means "10,000, Meri-a" MYRIA-, MERI-, Myriametremega-, Meg-, Megabytemro-, Microvolt 7) means "Many, Reic, Most" Multi-, Mult-, Multipmetre (Multi-Table ) Poly-, polysyllable, 8) means "half,

Half "Hemi-, Hemisphereedemi-, Demiofficialsemi-, Semiconductor, Semitransparentpene-, Pen-, Peninsula12. Represents special meaning prefix 1) Arch-, represents" first, first, main "Architect, Archbishop2) auto-, "Irself, independent, automatic" Automobile, Autobiography3) Bene-, said, "Good, Fu" Benefit4) EU-, express "excellent, beautiful" Eugenics (Qiji), Euphemism5) Male-, mal-express "evil, bad" Maltreatment, Malodor, 6) macro-, represents "big, grand" macroscopic (macro) 7) MAGNI-, means "big" magnificent8) micro-, indicates "micro" microscope13. Representation of the prefix of the term 1) AUD-, representation Listening, sound "Audience, 2) Bio-, expressing" life, biological "Biography (Biography) 3) GE-, express" Earth, "Geography4) PHON-, express" sound, tone "phonograph5" Tele-, said " Keep away from "Television, Telephone English word constructor (2) suffix

1. Nounted suffix (1) People with certain occupations or movements 1) -an, -ain, expressions "... people" people "American, Historian, 2) -al, indicating" " ... People "Principal, 3) -ant, -ent," ... "Merchant, Agent, Servant, Student, 4) -ar," ... "Scholar, Liar, Peddler5) -ARD, -ART, said "Do ..." Coward, Laggard, Braggart (exaggerated person) "..." ... "people" Humanitarian, vegetarian7) -ary, said "speaking ... ... "Secretary, MISSIONARY8) -ANT, indicating" people with ... "Candidate, graduate9) -ator, indicating" do ... "educator, speculator (speculator) 10) -crat, indicating" The breeders, the supporters "Democrat, Bureaucrat11) -ee, indicating" action receiver "Employee, Examinee 12) -eer, said" engaged in ... people "engineer, volunteer13) -er," engaged in some occupation " People, somewhere, people "Banker, Observer, Londoner, Villager14) -" ... "Japanese, ... .." Japanese, Cantonese15) -ss, "JAPANESE, CANTONESE15) -ESS," negative people ", Actress, Hostess, ManageRess16) -eur, representation "..." "Amateur, Littérateur17) -ian, said" ... local people, beliefs ... "people who are teaching ... CHRISTIAN, Physician (Physician), Musician18) -ICian, expressing "master, ... home," electrician, magician, technician19) -icist, said "... home, ......, .... can" Physicist, Phoneticist, Technicist20) -IC, said "... ... people, ...... Mechanic, critic21) -ie, express "love, refer to small" dearie, Aunt IE, Lassie (Little Girl) 22) -ier, said "engaged in ..." Cavalier, Clothier, Brazier 23) -ine, Ian, said "negative person" Heroine, Ballerina24) -ist, said " Engagement ... Researcher, belief ... Theists "Pianist, Communist, Dentist, Artist, Chemist25) -ive," Action, actor "native, captive26) -logist, means" ... ", researcher" Biologist, Geologist (Geologist) 27) -or, said "..." Author, Doctor, Operator, 28) -ster, means "Do ..." Youngster, Gamester (gambler), Songster29) -Yer, means "Engage ... Professional" Lawyer (2). Composition, meaning of abstract nouns 1) -acy, representation "nature, state,

The situation "Accuracy, Diplomacy2) -age, representation" status, behavior, identity, and results, generally called "Courage, Storage, Marriage3) -al, ???? a) Represent" Action of things, process "Refusal, Arrival, Survival Denial, Approval, represents the specific things Manual, Signal, Editorial, Journal4) -ance, -ece represents "Nature, Status, Behaviors, Process, Total," Endurance, Importance, Diligence, Difference, Obedience5) -ancy, -ency, expressing "Frequency, Status, Behaviors, Process" Frequency, Urgency, EffICIENCY, 6) -BILITY, "Action, Nature, State" Possibility, Feasibility, 7) -craft, represents "Technology, Tips" Woodcraft, Handicraft STATECRAFT 8) -cracy, representation "rule" Bureaucracy, Democracy9) -cy, representation "nature, state, position, level" Bankruptcy, Supremacy10) -DOM, representation "level, field, State "freedom, kingdom, wisdom11) -ry, -ry, represents" behavior, status, habits "BRAVERY, BRIBERY, RIVALRY12) -Ty, represents" Nature, State "Variety, DubieTy 13) -FAction, -FACTURE , Representation, "Satisfaction, Manufacture14) -Hood, representation" Quality, identity, age, state "childhood, manhood, falsehood15) -ice, represents" behavior, nature, status "NOTICE, JUSTICE, Service16 ) -ine, indicating that "the abstract concept" Medicine, Disciline, Famine17) -ing, representation "Action process, result" building, writing, learning18) -ion, -sion, -tion, -ation,-media, means "The process of behavior, result, condition" Action , Correction, Destruction, Expression, Correction19) -ise, represents "Nature, State" EXERCISE, MERCHANDISE (Business) 20) -ISM, representation "System, Missing, Learning, Belief, Behavior" Socialism, Criticism, Colloquialism, Heroism 21 ) -ity, representation "Property, State, degree" Purity, Reality, Ability, Calamity22) -ment, representation "behavior, status, process,

Means and results for Treatment, Movement, Judgment, Punishment, Argument23) -Mony, representative "result" Ceremony, Testimony24) -ness, represents "Nature, State," Goodness, Kindness, Tiredness, Friendlines25) -or , -OUR, representation "Action, Nature, State" Favor, Error, 26) -Onsity, "Action, Status" Curiosity27) -ship, represents "Situation, Nature, Skills, Skills and Identity, Occupation" Hardship, Membership, Friendship28) -th, representation "Action, Nature, Process, State" DEPTH, Wealth, Truth, Length, Growth29) -tude, "Nature, State, Level" Latitude, Altitude (Altitude) 30) -ure, means "behavior Results "Exposition, Pressure, Failure, Procedure", "Behaviors, State, Nature" Glory, History, Victory, Inquiry (3) with place, local meaning 1) -AGE Representing "residence, location", clen, representative "residence, venue" Library, Granary (Barn) 3) -ry, ry, represents "Workplace, Feeding Office, Location" Laundry, NURSERY, SURGERY ( Operating room) 4) -ory, representation "Workplace, Residence" Factory, Dormitory, Laboratory, Observatory (4) With Academic, Science and Technology Meaning 1) -grapy, "...", ...... -IC, ICS, representation "..." ... Logic, Mechanics, Optics, Electronics3) --ology, representation "..." ... "Biology, Zoology, Technology 4) -Nomy, said" ...... Structure "ASTRONOMY, ECONOMY, Bionomy 5) -ry, express" discipline, technology "Chemistry, Cookery, Machinery6) -y, representation "...... Learning, Surgery" photography, philosophy (5) Represents the sum of people and things,

Collection meaning 1) -dom, newspaperdom (Press) 3) -Hood, Neighbourhood, Womanhood4) -ry, cavalry, ministry (cabinet) 5) -ure, legislature, Judicature (6) Representative And material names 1) -ant, ent, strength, constant2) -Al, Signal, Pictorial (Dictionary) 3) Ar, collar, pillar (stone column) 4) - ER, Boiler, Computer, Washer, Cooker5) -ry , Drapery (satin) 6) -ing, clothing, matting, 7) -ment, instruction, Equipment, Attachment (7) means "small" meaning 1) -Cle, Particle, 2) -Cule, Molecule (Molecule) 3 ) -EL, PARCEL4) -Et, Pocket, Ticket6) -tta, -ette, etco, cigarette, Essayette (Show) 7) -kin, napkin8) -Ling, Duckling, 9) -Let , Booklet10) -Y, Baby, Doggy2. Adjective suffix (1) The meaning of "attribute, tendency, related" 1) -able, -ible, movable, comfortable, applicable, visponsible2) -al, natural, additional , Ane, Urban, Suburban, Republican4) -ant, -ent, distant, important, excellent5) -Ar, Similar, Popular, Regular6) -ary, military, voluntary7) -ice, -atie, iCal, Politic, Systematic, Historic, Physical, 8) -ine, Masculine, Feminine, Marine9) -ing, Moving, Touching, DARING10) -ISH , Foolish, Bookish, Selfish11) -ive, Active, Impressive, Decisive12) -ory, satisfactory, compulsory13) -il, -ile, -eel, fragile, genteel (2) represents an "image, similar" Meaning 1) -ish, Boyish, Childish2) - Esque, Picturesque3) -Like, ManLike, Childlike4) -ly, manly, fatherly, scholarly, motherly5) -Some, Troublies, Handsome6) -Y, Milky, PaSTY (3) "Full" Meaning 1) -ful, Beautiful, Wonderful, Helpful, Truthful2) -ous, Dangerous, Gnerous, Courageous, Various3) -ent, Violent, (4) indicates a substance,

Making or producing the meaning 1) -En, Wooden, Golden, Woolen2) -ous, gaseous3) -fic, Scientific (5) Represents the meaning of the direction 1) -ERN, EASTERN, WESTERN2) -Ward, Downward, Forward (6 ) Represents the meaning of "multiple" 1) -ble, double, treble2) ple, triple3) -fold, twofold, tenfold (7) means "quantity relationship" meaning 1) -teen, thirteen2) -ty, fifty3) -th Fourth, Fiftieth (8) represents nationality, language, religion meanings 1) -N, Roman, European2) -e, Chinese, 3) -ish, English, spanish (9) means "Compare degree" meaning 1) - ER, RedDish, Yellowish3) -est, highest4) -most, foremost, topmost (10) Other meaning-De, indicating no, countless, stainless, wireless3. verb suffix 1) -ize, ISE, said "Made, become, ... chemical" modernize, mechanize, democratize, organize2) -en, indicating "making it, caused," Quicken, Weaken, Soften, Harden3) -fy, "make ... Make "Beautify, Purify, INTENSIFY, SIGNIFY, SIMPLIFY4) -ISH, indicating" making "finish, abolish, diminish, establish5) -ate, representation" to become ..., processing, role "Separate, Operate, Indicate4. Adverb Suffix 1) -ly, possibly, swiftly, simply2) -ward, -wards, downward, inwards, upward3) -ways, always, sideways4) -wise, OtherWise, Clockwise English word constructor (2) stem

1) AER, AR, meaning "Air, Atmospheroplane, Aerial, 2) AG, ACT, IG, meaning" Do, Action "Active, Agent, Reaction, 3) Alt, the meaning is" high ", Altitude, 4) Alter, Altern, Altr, meaning is "Other, change" Alternate, 5) BIO, BI, BION, meaning "Biology, Life" Biology, Bionics 6) BREV, BRI, Brief, meaning " Short "Brief, Abbreviation, Abridge 7) CAP, CAPT, CEPT, CIP, meaning is" Take, "Capture, Except, Concept, Capacity 8) CED, CEED, CESS, meaning" line, concession "Proceed , Succeed, Excess 9) CENTR, CENTR, meaning is "center" Concentrate, EcCentric (eccentric) 10) CLAIN, CLAM, meaning "shout" CLAIM, Proclaim, Exclaim 11) CLOS, CLUD, meaning " Closed "Conclude, Enclose, Include 12) Col, Cult, Meaning is" Cultow "Colony, CultiVate, Agriculture 13) COR, CORD, meaning is" Heart "Cordial, Record, Accord 14) Curr, Cur, Cour, meaning" Run, action "Current, Occur, Concurrence" 15) DIC, DICT, meaning "Said," Dich, Edit, Indicate, Predict 16) DOC, DOCT, Meaning is "Teaching" Doctor, Document 17) DUC Duct Meaning is "Boot, Pass" Introduce, Product, Conduct, Deduct (Inference) 18) Fact, FAC, FECT, DIC, DIT, Meaning Yes "Do" Factory, Effect, Profit, Faculty, Perfect 19) Fend , fens, meaning is "hit, hit" Defence, OFFE NCE 20) FER, meaning is "handling, transfer" Ferry, Transfer, Defer) 21) Fin, Finit, meaning is "final, extreme" Final, Finish, Confine 22) Firm, meaning "Rugged" Firm, Confirm, Affirm 23) FIX, meaning is "fixed" prefix, AFFIX (additional) 24) FLECT, FLEX, meaning is "Bend" Flexible, Reflex 25) Flor, Flour, Flower, meaning "Flower" Flower, FLOURISH 26) FORM, meaning is "shape" uniform, formula, transform, reform, deform 27) Forc, FORT, meaning is "force, intensity" Force, Enforce, Effort 28) Gen, Genit, meaning is "production, happening" GRAM, GRAPH, Meaning is "Writing, Record" Telegram, Diagram, Photograph 30) GRAD, GRESS, GRED, GREE, Meaning is "Steps, Stage" Gradload, Degree, Progress 31) Hab, Habit, Hibit The meaning is "keep it,

With "inhabit, Exhibit, Prohibit 32) HER, HES, meaning" Adhere "Adhere, Cohesion 33) JECT, JET, meaning" Browse "Project, Inject 34) Jour, the meaning is" day, one day "Journal (diary ), Journey, Adjourn 35) JUG, JUNCT, meaning is "combined, mix" conjunction, Junction "36) Labour, labor, meaning is" labor, work "Labouro, Elaborate, Collaborate 37) Lect , LEG, LIG, meaning "Choice, Collection" Collect, SELECT, LECTURE 38) LIF, LIV, meaning "Life, Survival" Life, Alive, Live 39) LOC, Meaning is "Site, Location" Location, Dislocate Dislocation) 40) Long, Leng, Ling, Meaning is "Long" Length, Prolong, Linger 41) Loqu, LOCUT, Meaning is "Speaking" Colloquial, Eloquent, 42) Mand, Mend, Meaning is "Command" Command, Demand , Recommend 43) Man, Manu, Meaning is "Hand, Technical" Manage, Manaal 44) Memor, MeNber, Meaning is "Memory" MEMORY, REMEMBER, MEMORIAL 45) MIND, MENT, meaning "Heart" MIND, REMIND, MENTAL 46) MERC, MERCH, meaning is "trade" Commerce, Merchant 47) Meas, Mens, Meter, Metr, Meaning is "Measurement, Measure" Measure, Meter, Diameter 48) Min, meaning "Small" Diminish, Minority 49) MISS, MIT, meaning is "dispatch," MISSION, DISMISS, TRANSMIT, MISSILE 50) MOB, MOT, MOV, meaning is "moving" MOVEMENT, MOTION, Mobile, Remove 51) NECT, NEX, meaning is "bundling" Conne CT, Disconnect, Annex (Merger) 52) Not, Meaning is "Notes, Note" Note, Denote, Annotation (Note) ONOM, ONYM, Meaning is "Name" Synonym, Antonym, Anonymous 54) Pair, Par, Meaning Yes, "a), peer, prepare 55) Pel, PULS, meaning is" chasing "Exel, Impel (advanced) 56) Pend, Pens, Pond, meaning is" suspension "depend, independent, explacese (Payment) 57) PHON, the meaning is "Sound" Symphony, Telephone, Microphone 58) PLAC, meaning "Location" Place, Replace 59) PEOPL, POPUL, PUBL, meaning is "People, People" public, republic, REPUBLIC, POPULAR, People 60) Port, meaning is "handling" export, import (conveying) 61) Press, meaning "pressure, press" press, express, oppress, impression 62) prob, proof, prov, meaning "experiment , Verify "Prove, Approve, 63) quer, Quest, Quir, Quis, meaning" Looking,

Explore "Inquiry, Question, Inquisition (investigation, investigation) 64) Rang, Rank, meaning" Arrange "Arrange, Rank, 65) Rect, Right, RIG, meaning" positive, straight "Correct, Direct, ERECT 66) RIV The meaning is "river, flow", River, Arrive, Derive 67) Rupt, meaning is "destruction, destruction" ERUPTION, BANKRUPT, CORRUPTION 68) SCI, meaning is "understanding, knowledge" science, conscious 69) SCRIB, Script , Meaning is "writing, record" Describe, Script 70) Sens, Sent, meaning "feel, emotion" SENSATION, SENTIMENT 71) SIGN, meaning "tag, symbol" Signal, Signature, Design 72) SEMBL, SIMIL, meaning It is "Similar" Similar, Resemble, Assimilate (assimilate) 73) SOCI, meaning "combined, social" Social, Association 74) Spec, Spect, Spitc, SPIS, Meaning is "View, Vision" Inspect, SpecTator, Conspicuous , Respect 75) Struct, Meaning is "Building" Structure, Construct, Instruct, Destruction 76) TECT, TEG, Meaning is "Shake, cover" Detect, Protect 77) TEMP, TENS, Meaning is "Time, Time" TENSE , Contemporary, Temporal 78) TEND, TES, TENT, meaning is "tendency, extended" TENDENCY, INTENSION, EXTEND, INTEND 79) TEST, meaning "prove, confirm" Testify, Protest, Contest (argument) 80) Text, meaning It is "Weaving, constitute" Textile, Texture, Context 81) tract, trail, meaning "Tractor, attraction" Attract, Tractor, Abstract, Contract (shrink) 82) TR IBUT, meaning is "Give" Contribution, Distribute 83) US, UT, Meaning is "Utty" Usable, Utilize, Abuse 84) Vac, Van, Meaning is "Empty, Virtual" Vacancy, Vanity, Evacuate (Clear) 85 VAD, VAS, WAD, meaning is "walking, go" invade, wade, evade (escape) 86) VERS, VERT, meaning "rotation, reverse" Convert, Inversion, Reverse, Divert (make steering) 87) VID, VIS, VEY, view, meaning "Watch, see" Television, Visible, Evident, Interview, Survey88) VIV, VIT, Meaning is "Raw, Live" Vivid, Vital, Survival, 89) WAR, WARD, The meaning is "attention, protection" aware, wary (cautious), Ward (guard) 90) WAY, meaning "road" Way, Away, Subway, always English word common root summary

AG, ACT, drive Agent agent Active activity, positive

AGR Farmland Agriculture Agriculture Agrarian AM Love, Dear Amicable Amiable Amiable Amiable

Anim Mind, Spirit, Life Animal Animate has life

Ann, Annual Annual one year of Centennial's first century

Astro Star AstronomY Astron ASTRONAUT Cosmic Navigator

Audi listened to Audience listening

Bell war rebelion rebellion, rebellion against Bellicose

Bio life, biological biological biology antibiotic antibiotic, antibiotic

Brev Short BREVITY short abbreviate shorten,

CEDE takes precedent first, before the precede first


Center, Centr Center Concentrate Concentrated Centrifugal Centrifugal

Cide, CIS kill, cut Suicide suicide bactericide bactericide

Claim, Clam called Exclaim screamed Proclaim announcement, announcement

Clar clearly, understand Declare indicates that Clarify is clear

CLUD, Clos Close Close Close Exclude Review

Cogn knows that Recognize recognizes Cognitive awareness

Cord heart Cordial heartfelt core core

Cosm universe, the world's Osmic universe COSMOS universe

CRED believes Credibility Credit Trust

Cur, cours ran ccurrence appeared, Current circulation

Cycl circle, ring Bicycle bike Cyclone whirlwind

Diari Diary Diarist Journalist

Dict said Predict prophecy Indicate

DUC, DUCT Boot Conduct Guide Induce


Fact, manufactured by Factory Factory Manufacture, Processing

Fer Band, transfer Ferry ferry with TRANSFER

Flu flow flunt fluent Influenza epidemic cold

Form form, profile transformhange Formula formula

Fract, FRAG breaks, folded fragment fragile fragile

FUS pour, note, dissolve Fusion Melt Effuse diaraminated

Gen origin generate causes Genetic genetic

Geo Earth, Land Geography Geography Geology Geology

Grad step, walk, grade Graduate graduated graduation

Gram write, record Diagram chart Program program list, program

Graph writes, painted, record photography autographs Autograph, manuscript

GRESS walks Progress progress retrogress

HAP opportunity, luck, happen happen mishap disaster

Hospiti Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital, Attentive

Insul Island Peninsula Peninsula INSULATION Isolated, Isolate

HYDRA Water Hydraulic Water Resources Hydrant Fire Hose

JECT, throw, throw EJECT to shoot Project projection

JUNCT connection, combined with the conjunction connection adjunct attachment Lect, Leg, LIG ​​selection, collecting lect elections Selection Element Eligible qualified, suitable

Lev lift, liter Elevator elevator Lever lever

Liber Free Liberate Liberate Liberalist Liberal

Lingu language linguist linguist BILINGUAL two languages

Liter text, letters literate literacy LITERATURE Literature

Local local local Locate makes it

Log word, language, talking Dialogue dialogue logic logic

LOQU talking eloquent eloquial speaking, session

Manu hand manuscript manuscript manus, with hand

Medium mediation mediation in Medium Medium Medium Medium

Memor memory, memorial memorial memorial, monument

Milit soldiers Military military MILITANT combat

Min less, small inority minority Diminish reduces, decrease

MOB, MOT, MOV Mobile Mobile Motion Motion Immovable is not movable

Mort death Mortal End there is a dead Mortician to host funeral

NOV new Novel Novel NOVELTY Novel

NuMER Numeral number Numerous is numerous

Oper work Operate Operation CoOperate Cooperation

OPT line of sight, Optics Optical Optography of Light Optic Vision

Path feelings, bitter, disease sympathy sympathy PATHETIC poor

Pel push, cross-by, drive, reverse, rebel, counterattack, resistance

Pend, Pen suspension Depend relesals from Pendent

PHON Sound MicroPhone Megaphone Telephone Phone

Plen full, full Plenty, a large amount of Plentise, adequate

PON, POS Place PostPone Postpost Position Location

Popul People Population Popular Popular, Volkswagen

Porter handle, portable porter porter

Prim first, primary primary initial primitive

Psych Spirit Psychology Psychology Psychic Spiritual

PUR Qing, Pure, Net Purify makes pure depurate make purification

Rect is correct, straight anlect's upright Correct correction

Rid, RIS smile Ridicule laughs at Derision laughter, laughing

RUPT breaks Rupture rupture, cracking in Interrupt interrupt

Scend, Scens, SCENT climbs on Ascend, Lifting DESCENT

Sci knows that science science conscious is perceived

SENS, SENT feeling sensories feel SENTIMENT feelings

Sol Sun Solar Sun Parasol Umbrella

SPEC looks at SpecTacle Lightscape, Scene Prospect Prospect

Spir breathing, life conspire, conspire Inspire, inspiration

Tact, Tang, TAG Contact Tangible contact with Intact

Tail cut, cutting Tailor Tailor Retail Retail

Tain, Ten, TiN holds, grip, accommodating contain, stay Obtain, Sustain supports TECT hidden, covering DETECT reconciliation, Detective detective

Tele far TELESCOPE Telescope Telegram Telegraph

TEND, TENS, TENT eXten extended, expanded Extensive

Text Knitting Textile Textile TEXTURE Tissue, Structure

Thermor thermometer thermometer

Tor, Tort twisted, reverse oursion torsion distortion distortion

Tractal drag, pull, attract Attract to attract Attractive attractive

Unity, Union Unity, United Union United, Trade Union

UT uses Utility Use Utilize Utilization

Vac, van empty, vacancy Vacation holiday vanity emptiness, vanity

VARI changes VARIANT variation, different

Ven to intervene intervene, intervene in Prevent

VERT, VERS to AdverSe Convert Conversion

VID, VIS See eviDent obvious visible visible

VIT, VIV life, survived for Vital life Survival surviving

VOLV Rolling Revolve Rotate Involve Volume

WIS, WIT knows Wisdom Wisdom Witty anesson

English word root dictionary

Abstract: Like the opposite side of the Chinese characters, the root is an important part of English words, familiar with the English roots, and you can take a contrast between memory words.


Charlim AB, ABS is from the Latin Word A, AB Latin means away, from, etc., usually in the typical word form of Latin, A, AB, ABS, the post-name The beginning of the sound uses A, the beginning of the sound is used with AB, and the tie T and Q starters use ABS. In the Latin word, it is the header, such as aberration n. [Out of the right track], Abduct v. [Abduction], etc., from Latin Aberrare, Abducere et al. Forms in English, AB and ABS, A is very rare. As abominate v. [hate], the root root has Ill Omen []], therefore [deemed to be a foreign 凶 而] It became [hate]. Absolve v. Since the root SOLV, SOLU [Relax], so Absolve has the meaning of release.

Abdicate, abandon Abduct kidnapping, tie Abrration, out of the normal track Abhor, hate Abject Despicine, bertone, abpjure, abandon abomnormal deformity, abnormal abominate hate, abhorrent ABRADE wear, friction Abrogate Cancel, abrupt ABRUPT suddenly, steep abscond, escape Absence absence, lack absolute pure, complete, absolute absolve exemption, forgiveness, relieve ABSORB absorption abstain inhibition, quit Abstract to extract, refine, extract Abstruse, esculent absurgy Abundant rich, sufficient Abuse abuse, insult

Ad-to, toward

The header AD is derived from the latin word AD, the meaning of TO in Latin. The spelling of the AD is quite complex. In order to cooperate with the rib, the second letter D will disappear or assain, and derived A, AC , AF, AG, AL, AN, AP, AR, AS, AT various forms, such as Accustom V. [Let's accustom to], Affix v. [Adhesive], append v. [Add], etc. AD is Represents the direction, but after the word root is fitted, the word root of the word must be defined. Such as Accelerate V. [Promotion], by the first AC plus the word root Celer [agile], the word root is also the meaning of the word Another example is Adapt v. [Make], the AD and APT [Suitable], the APT has become the word word. Accelerate consent, Accelerate is accelerated, accelerated accost greetings, talk about Account, indicates Accredit. Attributed to Accumulate, accumulating accustom, accustomed to Adapt to adapt to adhere, adhere to AdHere, adhesive Adjust, to make Adjure begging Adjust adjustment, so that AdMiniSTER management Admire admire, sigh Admony warning, warn Adopt Adoption Adoption Adore adore, love adorn decorate ADULTERATE mixed, the quality of the AffAble is united, add, join, affirms assertion Affix, attached, attached, attached, additional Afflicits, enhanced, aggravate, aggravated, Annometric aggregate, the total AGGRIEVE makes distress, makes the abstract Align makes the collaboration, aligning AlLay makes and slow, so that the calm AlleViate is alleviated, so that the alleocate allot allocate allot allot allot allocation Ally, combined with Ameliorate improvement Amenable, responsible AMEND correction, improve Annex, attach AnniHilate to eliminate Annotate comment, annotation Announce officially announced AnnUL cancellation, abolishing the Apparatus instrument Appeal attraction, pleading Appese to make calm, mitigate append addition AppertAin, with ... About Appraise Distribution, Assign Appraise Differentiation , Evaluation AppRehend Arrest, Scratch APP Robate is approved, approves ApproPriate Dial (pay), allocate (for a purpose), arouse, arouse the Arrange processing, mediation assail attack Assault attack assemble assembly, aggregate Assent, agreeing Assert Assent assimilation, similar, absorb associate finish , Joint Assort classification Assortment, the item is collected, the item is collected, Assuty assure, pretending assure to ensure that Attach, additional Attain gets attain to insult, humiliate Attemper, so that Atteth is attended, pay attention to Attest confirmed Attune Adjustment, so that the uniform AVER asserts Avow publicly recognizes that the confession admits that Awake is wakeful, evoke

Bene-, bon-good

The Bonus in Latin is adjective. After gender variations, there is Bona, Bonum form, and English's good meaning. Bene is an adverb, there is Well meaning. Bene, BON must also be considered a word root, and general words book will be considered First, because Bene, BON usually appears in the head position. For example, Boon N. [En Hui], bounty n. [Generous], bountiful a. [Rich], all by BON void. Among them, Bounty, Bountiful 均 Latin Wen Bonitas (Goodness, n.) Is evolved.

Benediction, giving benefiting beneficial benefine benefits benefiting beneficial benefits, kindleficen, kind, kind, charity, benefit, benevolent charity, kindly Benign, good, friendly Benignant kind, kindly, bonus bonus, bonus Boon, gift BOUNTY bonus, Generous Bounteous generous bountiful, generous Cata-Down, Complete decline, complete

Cata is derived from the Greek, for Downward, Completely is used for adverb, mens, such as CataclySm n. Greek KataklySMOS, is the meaning of the big flood; Catalog (UE) n. From Katalog OS, there is statistics, catastrophe N. From Katastrophe, there is a meaning of [change, destruction].

Cataclysm flood, dramatic Catalog (UE) catalog Cataracta Waterfall Catastrophe Disaster Category species

Circum-Around surround

The header Circum is from the Latin Circum as a menu, and there is Around. Latin Circa (Around, Adv., Prep.), Circus (CircUit, NM), Circuitus (Circuit, NM), and English Circle N [Round], Circular a. [Round], Circulation v. [Cycle] and other words, all of the Circum homologous. Fit Circum and the Root Scrib [Write] combination, CircumScribe V. [Latin original Circumscriber], original [painting circle], after the [restriction]. Combine with the root SPECT [see], CircumSpect a. (Latin Circumspectus, a.), by [Enlain], and quotable [Be careful, cautious].

circuit cruise, tour circuitous route indirect, circuitous, bypass the circumference circumference around circumlocution mildly tortuous argument circumscribe restrictions, legislation limits circumspect careful, be careful not important circumstance circumstances circumstantial, indirect, inference cicumvent surrounded by better than

CO-, COM-, Con-with, Together

Charlim CO, COM, CON originates from the Latin Xenom word cum, is the meaning of With. Co, CoM, con is important English characters, except for Co, COM, Con, and five of COL and COR Method. The first sound of the ribbon is the sound, half of the pound or h, generally spell as coalescev. [Combined], cohere v. [Coherent, combined], etc. is p, b, m three lip tones (BILABIAL One, I spent COM, such as Compress V. [Netherlatinated], Combat n. [Battle], Commend V. [Advocacy], etc., if l or r, then spell as COL or COR, such as Colleague n. [Tongren], Correspond V. [Uniform], etc. Other spelling is connity, such as Condone V. [forgive], conquer v. [conquer] and so on.

Coalesce merger, combined with coalition, union COERCE forced Coeval, coexist, coexist, coexiscond, coupling Cogitate, contemplation, combined with coherent coherence, consistent COINCIDE, uniform collaborate collaborative collapse collapse, collapsed Collateral Stripth, attached ColLeague Colleagues Collect Collide colligible, conflict colloquial spoken collusion works, combined with Comment Combat Combat, combined with Commends comparable, the same amount of Commingle mix, mixed commiSERATE, sympathize with Commission, the commission, the committee, representative Commit, pay, make, friends, friends, companion company companion, companion compare, comparison, match, competition Compartment, compartment COMPASS, range Compassion sympathy, compassion, compliance, match Compel Forced Compensate compensation, compensation, compensation competten, competition compile, edit Complacent, complaisant contains comprehensive broad, broad compress compression, including the reduction comprise compromise compulsory settlement of forced, compulsory compunction conscience, remorse compute computing concave concave concede concessions to admit conceit conceit concentrate concentrated concentrated concoct plans, modulation concord and harmonious, consistent concourse will Flow, shared Condense makes concise, shortened CONDESCEND, condole, condolences to condone forgiveness, forgiveness CONDUCE, help Confederate, giving, giving confide, confide, confident confident, contour, appearance confineLimiting confirm to confirm confidence, confrgent conflict Confluence traffic, conflict confork makes it in line, so that confusing confound makes confusing Confuse make confusing congenal condensate, frozen Congenial ineezing meetings, conferences conjunction combine, link conjure called to curse the soul, magic, pleading connect connection connote meaning, suggesting conquer conquer, conquer conscience overcome conquest conscience conscientious honest, conscientious conscious consciously, knowing consecrate consecrated consecutive consensus continuous The consistent opinion is Allow, agree to the consequence result conserve preservation, save the consist.

.. made, consisting of consolation console consolidate consolidated consistent consonant, commensurate consort continue to make constant, persistent constellation constellation, constellations constitute constitute, appoint constrain forced to construct buildings construe interpretation, translation consume consumption, waste consummate complete contact contact with contagious infection Sex contain contains, accommodating contaminate contaminated Contemporary with the Contend competition for the era, makes satisfied contert games, struggle with ContiGuous, adjacent Contrat twisted, distorted Contract, shorten, omitted Conveute, donate Convene convened, convene Collection Converge is concentrated, making aggregated Converse conversations CONVERT change CONVEY conveyed, transporting Convict Declaration guilty Convince makes believes, explains convivial joy, happy convoy escort CONVULSE spasm, convulsions, shock, cooperate with coooperate, coordinate coordinate equivalent Correct correction , Correcting Correlate makes the associated Correspond, complies with Corroborate confirmed Corrode corrosion, erosion Corrugate makes wrinkles Corrupt makes corruption, corrupted Contra-, Contro-, counter-against relative, oppose

Standle Contra, Contro, Counter derived from the Latin system, adherent Contra, It is intended to oppose, oppose. Latin regards Contra and Contro as a word, such as ContraDict v. [Denial], contrary a. [Opposed] Controlsy n. [Controvers] Words, CONTRADICERE, Contrarius, Controversia, etc. COUNTERV. [Resistance], is a special example, with the first form to evolve into a verb.

contradict deny the contradiction contrary contrast difference opposite contravene conflict, deny, refute controversy controversy, debate controvert deny, refute arguments counter opposition against counteract digestion offset counterattact counterattack, counterattack counterbalance to compensate for the offset counterfeit fake, fake countermand the withdrawal, Cancel the very similar people in Counterpart, matching things Countervail offset, confrontation

Dedown, completion, complete

The header DE is also the header in Latin. There is Down, Complete's meaning, or it can also be derived or strengthened. For example, Decrepit a. [Shabby, aging], the root CREP Latin original Crepare v. The meaning of bursting, full word from Latin Decrepitus, is old, shabby meaning. Deliberate v. [Consider] From Deliberare V. Reni from the Latin name libra nf [balance, pounds] (English Pound can be written into LB., It is from libra.

Debar prohibits Debase to debate discussion, debate deceased, Declaim speech DEFER comes from deflate, makes it fall, derivating Deject, derivation, deme, deme, deme, deme, deme, deme, deceit, shortcomings, Demoralize, Demoralize, make depression, corruption Demote Down Demure, Decoction, Elegant Denominate named Denote, indicating that Denounce is responsible for Deny denial, does not admit depict description, narrative deplore grief deposit storage, put down, put down the decree to grace the decree, grab DEPRIVE, depressed derelict abandonment Deride ridicule, Mock up Design Design Designate assignment, appointed Despise, despise despicable, despicable Despise despise, plundering Destitue, Destination, destruction, DETERMINE determined, decide Dethrone waste (Jun) Detonate makes explosion DETOUR Circuit Devaluate Devastate Destroy, DEVOID Lack, Unable Devolve Transfer, appoint DE-, Di-, Dis-Away, Off, Not Separation, Negate

DE, DI, DIS are one of the most important words in English. The number of single words is much. DE is Down, the Complete intention is the meaning of Away, Off, belongs to Di, DIS. Di, DIS If one of the first letters of the ribbon is one of D, G, L, M, N, R, V, if it is a DI; if it is C, P, Q, S, T, they will fight as DIS. Except DE, DI, DIS three common spelling, and a Dif, the first letter of the ribbon is f, use this spelling, such as Differ v. [Difference], Difficult A. [Tough], Diffident a. [timid], etc.

Fallen decadence, decline decapitate decapitation decay decline, gradually weakened deceive deception decide decision determination to decipher explained decipher decode decipher decompose decomposition, decay decrease decree to reduce damage to the reputation of command defame, libel lack of default, neglect defeat to defeat, failure defect shortcomings, Neglament, go to the enemy, change the DEFEND defend, protect Defer Deficient has a shortcomings, insufficient deficit deficits, insufficient (amount) define definition, detail Definite clear, determined definitive determined, the last deflective makes skew, so that the turn to DEFORM Do not shape, make ugly DEFRAUD spoof, fraud Defy deficiency, desperate, patching Degenerate deterioration, deteriorating Dehydrate dehydration, making dry Delegate instructions.

.. For the representative, delegated Delinquency crime, illegally delirious 违, deceived Delude confused, deceive DELUGE flood Demarcation boundaries, boundary DEMONSTRATE prove, demonstration, demonstration Demur against, hesitate to peeled, take off, deprive depart, give up DEPLETE is exhausted, deployment deployment, expands DEPORT, expulsion depose abolition deprecate against, does not agree, despise DepReciate fell, depreciation, despise, slander depute (someone) to represent derangende Deco, make the disrupture of Derive , Detail Describe Describe Describe, Describe, Desparage, Desparage, Desperate Desperation, Desperate Despondency, Disappointing Detach, Display Detail Details, Detail Devenous, damaging DEVELOP development, progress, development deViate, escape, escape, devible, devout dedication dedication, devout loyalty, devout Differ, different Diffrentiate distinguished, distinguish Difficult Diffith, Diffide Diffuse spread, lengthest digestion, absorption, classification Digress leaves this question DILAPIDATE to make partitioned DiLigent to expand diligent dilut dilution, faint, minimize Dimension size, size DIMINISH reduces Diminutive small Direct command, guide, Directly, frank, absolute disable makes the disabled, making unqualified disadvantage, shortcomings, harm disaffect makes the emperor, make the two hearts, make the alienation disaprie inconsistency, arguing disapprove is non-difficult, not allowed, disapow disable disaster disap Denified, it does not recognize Disband dissolution discard, abandoned Discern discrimination, see discharge release, expel, release, out of disclaim denial, refuse to recognize discomfit frustration, make confusion discomfort Uncomfortable, unhappy disconnect the separation disconsolate sad, lonely discontent discontent discontinue stop discord inconsistent discount discount discourage prevent the frustration hinder discourse speech ditch talks, the paper discourteous not polite, rude discover discovery, disclosure discredit suspicion, mistrust discreet Cautious, careful discrepancy contradictory, different discrete, different discriminate, discrriminate, discriminate, discursive, unreasonable DISDAIN despise Disease disease, pain, DiSembark, unload, unloaded DISENGAGE, release disabled Disfavor does not agree, do not like Disfigure destruction (posture, shape, etc.) disfranchise.

DISGORGE spit out, out, spurt DISGRACE shame, disguise, dishearten DiSinfect disinfection disintegrate crashed, divided by Disinter discovery, DISINTERESTED, selflessness, selflessness, indifferent DISLIKE dismantling, exiting dismiss dismantling, removing Dismbiss dismantling, making confused DISOWN not recognizing all, denying DISPARAGE Defia, despage different DISPATCH dispatch, speed DISPEL to spread, disperses, distribute Disperse scattered, dissipate, exemption from Displace to make the back well, dispersit, replace, replace DISPLEASURE, display DISPLEasure, not Yue Disport, play, entertainment DISPOSSESS, deprived dispro demonstration, anti-DISPUTE quarrel, debate disquiet disturbance, shake DISREGARD neglect, despise DISROBE undressing DISRUPT tile, interrupted, distorted DISSECT, cut, analyze Dissent Communication, spread dissent disagree DISSERTATION Papers, speech DISSIDENCE dismia, not consistent DISSIMULATE, pretending DISSIPATE to dissipate, dispel DISSOLUTE, eliminate, dissolve Dissonance is not coordinated, disguised, stop DISTANT, away from DISTASTE, DISTASTE, DISTINCT Difmented, different, clear distinguish distinguished, distinguished, cranked Distinguished outstanding, famous Distort distort, misinterprete Distract distract, troubled Distraught heart dispersed, mad Distress poor, difficult, pain Distribute, distribute Disturb, Drashing Diverge Disagreement, Eyuto DIVERSE, different Diversify makes diversification, make changes to change, turn, self-entertainment, pastime Divest Take off, remove Divorce divorce, separate DIVULGE leakage, reveal Diathrough, Between, Across cross, home

The first DIA source from the Greek language and adapt DIA, for Through or Between. This word has many words in Greek. Such as Diagect N. [Dialect] and Diagectical a. [Dialectical] The word source, the meaning is far away. Because Diagect originated from the Greek [Dialect], and Dialectical's noun Diagectic [Dialect] Source [Dialektike] [Dialect], both words are constructed by the same raditure Lect [speech], original meaning Different, transfer to English also explained. Diacritic can distinguish between Diagnosis diagram Diagonal diagonal Diagram pattern, chart Dialect dialect, the language of the language Dialectical dialectical Dialog (UE) dialogue, dialogue Diameter diameter Diaphanous transparent, Qing Cheng Diatribe, crust, argument

E-, EC-, EX-, EXTRA-OUT outward

E, EC, EX, EXTRA is one of the important words of English. The E, EX originates from the Latin Xingli Word E, EX, EC from the Greek word EK, EX, all have OUT, OUTSIDE Extra comes from the Latin adverb and the mesenter Extra, the original Outside, Except, Without. This word is one of the other fewer voids. The first sound of the root received later is F 子音It is often simply chemical, such as EFACE V. [Elimination], Effect N. [Effect], etc. The first letter of the root is C, and some will be simply simulated as ES, such as Escape V. [Escape], Escort N [Guards] When the word is spent, the first letter of the root is S, then S is assimilated in the X letter in the head, such as Execute V. [Complete, execute] Round root is SECU [follow ], EXISTV. [Survival] Roots are SIST [Stand], etc.

Ebullient smiles, boiling EcCentric quirky Eclipse, obscuring ECSTASY, eucalyptus educate education, cultivating EduCe to extract Effecu, dilute Effect, effect, implementing Effectual effective Effectuate makes realization, practice Effeete lost vitality, exhaustion, weakness Efficacious effective effect effective, capable Effort works Effuse divergent, out EJaculate, suddenly said, calling Eject to expand, perfect, complex ELAPSE (light cloud), slip away Elevation, happy ELECT election, elected, Choose Elegant elegant, elegant elevate, raising Elicit to extract Elide to extract Eligible, appropriate elite social celebrity, essence Elongate, extends eloquence eloquent elucize, explain Elude Emaciate Emaciate Emaciate Send, out of EMANCIPATE EMINENT EMIGRATE Emines Emines Emissary Messenger EMIT Radiation, Spread Emotion Emotion, Emotion, Emotion ERASE ERADicate Continuous, Extinguity Erase Wipe, Eroe Elect, Erect, Erect Erode Erosion Erudite enrich Erupt Escap Escape Escort escaping, escape, escape evacuate, withdrawing evade evade, evade Evalate to evaluate EvaneScent Short, EVENT results, event EVENTUAL EVICT Extended evike evoke evoke, Cause Evolve lead, developing exacerbate makes intensive, irritating Exact needs, insist on request; accurate exaggerate exaggerate, enlargement Exceel to irritate Excavate excavation ExceED exceeded, except for ExcePt, except, excerpt exception Excess, exceeding, extra, additional, exceeding Exchange exchange Excise cut, remove Excite encouragement, causing Exclaim exclude refused, exclude ExcRrete excretion Exculpate to make no guilty, Certification of unnowfein Excursion travel Excursive, unconnected Excuse forgive EXECRATE Cantress Execute execution, death, executation Exempt enables exemption (responsibility, etc.) Exert uses Exe, exhaled Exhem, exhaled Exhem, exhausted Exempt, exhausted EXHIBIT exhibition , Advise Exhume to dig out from the tomb, urged Exodus to leave, (immigration) ExpoRate except exorcise to remove exotic, expanded, expanded, expanded expatiate, roaming Expatriate sent abroad Explanations Expect expectations, expected Expedient power, convenient Expedite makes accelerating Expeditious agile, quickly Expel Export, Exceeding Expendment, Expire Expire, Full, Termination Explain Interpretation, Expllicable Expllicate Explanation Describe the explicit explode explosion, epploit commissions, development, exploration, exploration, exploration, exploration of Exponent interpretator, export, output, output EXPOSE exposure, expose expound explanation, explain Express expression, correct; clear, fast Expulsion Exceeding Exquisite, exquisite Extant extemporienEous, temporary EXTEMPORIZE SEEND, EXTENUATE, EXTENUATE, EXTENUATE Diffusion;

Outside, the appearance exterminate eliminates the external appearance, form, exterior EXTINCT, extinguished EXTINGUISH extusion, extinguish extirpate extinction, and then open out Extol 颂 扬 Extort Extra extra, special extract extract, take out, extradition, get extradite extradition Extraneous Extraordinary outstade, amazing extravagant excessive EXTREME extreme, extreme thing -, EN-, IM-, IN, UPON entry, on

The header EM, EN, IM, IN is an important word component. There are four spelling, EM and EN are derived from Greek adverbs and mens, IM and in from Latin menstruation, there is in , WITHIN, UPON, the first sound of the finishes of the finishes, if it is one of the three double lips, if it is one of the three lips, it is spelling EM or IM, with a double lip tone, convenient, such as Embargo N [Prohibiting Hong Kong], Empirical a. [Experience], Impart V. [Teaching, Notice] The words are. The first sound of the root is not in the lip sound, then the en or in, such as Enamor v. [Family], Incise V. [Cut, Carving], etc. Emblem emblem, badge EMBODY specific performance, encrypted EMBRACE hug, contain, accept EMBroil to make confusion Empathy, god EMPHASize emphasize Employ Hire, Utilization, use Empower Authorization with Enact, incorporated the box enchant fascinated, puzzled enclave surrounded by packages territory enclose encounter encounter around encompass, encounter encourage encouragement, motivation encroach encroachment, invasive endeavor efforts endemic somewhere unique to endorse endorsement; endorse endow conferred endure endure, patience, long-lasting energy energy , Energetic enfold, shroud, envelop, enforce, force adviser, forcing Engage to engage in, busy with ENGENDER, generate ENGRAVE, remember (in the heart) Enhance increase, improve enjoin command, ban enjoy, enjoy enlist service, from the military enrage I am angry, enrolling the hazy enrapture enrich, enrich, decorate enroll, registered, enrollment ENSHRINE, is covered with sacred ENSHROUD, covering ENSLAVE ENSNARE ENSNARE Survivors Ensure guaranteed Entangle to make confused Entice attracts, attracting Entitle to give the name, so that there is the right to enthrance makes the gods, making the soul upside down the entreat pleading Entrench digs trench to protect, establishing EnVelop surrounded by Environment Environment, ENVIRONGENT Environs, envision envision, envision, envoy envoy, IMMERSE, immanent Immigrate, Immigrate, immode Damage, reduce IMPALE stab, surrounded by Impart, give, telling Impeach non-difficult, accusing, rather, IMPEDE hinders IMPEL drive, forced imperil, so that the crisis Impetuous urge, violent impetus original power, piping, stimulation impingement impact , Combat IMPLANT instill, inject import tool, appliance; implementation, completion of implicate implicit, hint IMPLICIT hint, implied IMPLORE begins to import input; enter the item Impose class (tax), strong Imposing instrument hall, magnificent impound About the column, Dressing IMPRECATE Curse IMPRESS Inscribed, Imprint, Covering; Printing Memory, Memory Imprint Printing, Covering; Invozyst Influence Impromptu Up, No Preparation, Improve Improve, Improve Impulse Inspiration, Motivation, Stimulating Inborn Natural IncarceraTe imprisonment, Hear INCARNATE makes the avatars, enabling incarnation incentive incentives, stimulation, motivation INCAPTION, incident, incubient, initial Incise, carving Incisive, sharp incit, causing incline Tilting, tilting;

Tendency, sex, hobby include, including Incorporate, incorporation, specific manifestations Increase increase, increasing Incriminate accusation Incubate maturity, deep thinking, strategy Inculpate, accusing INCUR incurbed Indent left smaller IndiTe, Show INDUCE causes infatuate to make (people) fascinated infer to infer, ink, suggesting infiltrate infiltration, soaking inflame makes anger, irritation inflate makes it large, make INFLECT steering, change INFLICT to make pain, application (injury, etc.) Influnce (force) , Power influx flows into, infused infringe infringe, violating infuriate irritation infuse, inspiring ingenious, sensitive ingenuous frank, honest, honest Ingrained root deep, deep, indriedient element, Composition molecule Ingress enters Inhabit, inhale inhale Inherit inherit in Inherit inherit Inhibit Initial Initial Initial Initial Injunction, Start Inject Join Injunction Show, Command, Ban Inlet Bay, Haikou Innate Inn, Born Inner Inner, Innovation Inn, Inquiore Inquire, Inquisitive Heli idle, good question, curious INROAD attack INSCRIBE engraving Inseminate seeds, enabling fertilized Insert insights, insights insistic inspict inspection, examines Inspire inspiration, inspiration instance, illustration instant, instant, immediately instigate instigate InStill instilting INSTITUTE, formulating, launching, Instruct, informing Instrument tool, instrument INSTRUMENTAL has helpful insults, ignorant insults, ignorant insurgents, doing intense, intense intense integrity, plan INTOXICATE Intoxication, make excited intricate complex Intrigue attract, stir up interest, make confusion; conspiracy Intrude, invading intuition intuitive knowledge, intuition inundation madness, Flood Inure is used to invade InveIgle, temptation invention, fiction Inventory catalog, invest investment, 与 鼓, make strong invoke, involes invoire, traverse, influence Inward, heart, inward inWards Inward, in the inside EPI-UPON, TOWARD is on,

The header EPI originated from the Greek adverb and the menu EPI, in Greek, it is an important word, which consists of single words, but there is not much in English. EPI's spelling can also vary to EP, general depend The first tone of the subsequent root is determined: the first sound of the rolling root is the sound or H tie sound, causing the EP, otherwise it will fight as EPI. For example, EPOCH N. [New Era] (Greek Epoche), and Ephemeral A [Short-lived] (Greek Ephemeros) is all this. The name of the Ephemera is Ephemera, there is the meaning of [DPRK, the first radius "is inferred, EP is UPON, HEMERA is DAY, UPON A Day [Life is only DPRK between Shanghai, that is, knowing life is very short.

Ephemeral Short Epidemic Popular, infectious Epigram Temporary, Short and Wisdom of Epilogue End, Take the White Episode Epistle Epitaph Epitaph Poetry, Epithet Attached to Typical Description Words Epitome , Period, era


Forefon the name of the name in the ancient English. There is not much important one of the words in English. This is an important one. In addition to the fore, it is occasionally spelled for for, such as forward [forward]. for In addition to the use of Before, there is still [separation, except], such as: Forbid v. [Disable], forgo v. [Abandon], forlorn a. [Loneliness, helpless], Forswear v. [Revolution, Abandoning], etc., all of the words, for some reference words., Forehead, forehead, forehead, forecast, foreseeable forecast, foreseeable, foreseeable forecast, foresee, foresee, foreseeable, forecast, forecast, foresee, foresee, foresee, foresee, forecast, forefront Place, the most striker, foregoing, foregoGone past, previous Foreground's most attention status Foreground foreground, foreshine foreman, forehead, foreserunner forward, pioneer Foresee foresee Foresh, foresee, foresight, foresight, foresee Prevent Foretell predictive ForetHough premodation, prefoct FOREWARN's pre-warning Foreword order, preface, introduction Forward front, front; forward; upgrade, promote

Inter-Between, Among Center

The header INTER originates from the Latin Xen word Inter, the original already Between, Among Meaning. Like InterDict V. [Disable], Interest N. [Interest, Right] is more special. InterDict is from Latin Interdicer, Dicre This is the meaning of the verb [speech], plus inter, turned from [inserted] to [decision], then become a modern English [prohibition] .interest from the Latin Interesse, the root part of the ESSE is the Latin Be The verb is originally [in it], and then it is attracted to [mutuality], [participation], [barely related], etc. ESSE's third person singles now form an EST, so INTERESSE spells become Interest.

Interaction interaction, interacting intercede, intercept intercepte, intercept intercept, arrest interchange exchange, alternating intercourse communication, traffic intercourse, interested; interest; interested InterfeRe interference, intervene intermission intermediate, transition period interior intermission Intrinsic interjector inserted Interlace to make the interlaced interval interval time, intermediate intermediate intermediate intermediate intermediate intermediate intermediate intermediation, interrupt intermission, intermittent InterNal inner, internal international international interplay, inner, internal INTERNATIONAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNALEN Interaction Interpolate Add, Inserting the INTERPOSE, Inserting, Arbit Interrogate, Questioning Interrupt Interrupts, hindering the intersect, running through the Intersperse, dotted the intertice crack, void intertwine, entangled interval interval, interval intervene Insert Intervene Insert Intervene Insert ,interference


MAL is from the Latin Adjective Malus and Advances Male, which is primary for Bad. For example: MALEDICTION N. [Curse], MaleFactor n., MaleVolent a. [vicious, gloating], is transformed by Male, other words Mal. Some from French, such as Latin Male Habitus [sick, physical discomfort], French is Maladie N. [Disease], because the ancient French is also from Latin, then enter English, gradually considering it today Malady n. Malaise n. [body micro] is also the same: the root part of AISE is a French noun, which is equivalent to the English Ease or Comfort.maladjusted disorder, and cannot adapt to the environment of Maladroit clumsy malady disease malaise discomfort. Uncomfortable Malcontent Resistance, dissatisfied MALEDICTION Cuisine Malefactor is evil, malicious Malfeasance malicious Malnourished nutrition lack of malnutrition is not enough Maltreat abuse

Mon-, mono-one

The header mon, mono is from the Greek adjective monos, the original intention is [alone, unique]. The first sound of the root part is a mother, spelling Mon; if it is a tone, spell mono. Such as Monastery n. [Abbey] From the Monasterion [lives from the Greek monasterion, after the latin monasterium combined with the ancient English, Monastery's spelling. The word consisting of Mon, Mono is difficult, for example: monochrome n. [Monochrome painting], monocle N. [Single Glasses], Monocracy N. [Dorda Politics], Monogamy N. [An Mono-wife], Monolingual A. [Monotheism N. [One God], etc.

Monarch King, Monarch, Emperor Monarchy Monarch Monastery Monolograph, Monolog (UE) monotone monotonous monotone monotonous, monotonous monotonous monotonous, tired monotonous monotonous monotonous

Ob-Toward, Against, Over, opposing, comprehensive

The header OB is from the Latin Word OB. It has the meaning of Toward, Against, Over. In addition to OB's spelling, there are OC, OF, OP and O form. The first root part When the letters are c, f, p, then the OC, OF, OP, such as Occult a. [Juan Olympics], Offend V. [Offer, Anger], Opportune A. [Suitable], etc. O. Omit v. [省略] In fact, omit comes from the Latin omittere v. [Abandoned, relax], English is two ways to write, because B, M two sub-sound are double lip sounds It is very easy to assimb a sound, OBMIT is eliminated, only omit is left.

Obdurate is cold, ruthless, the Obey obey, obey, object objections; objects, objects; objectives, destination Objective targets, obligation obligations, duties obligatory obligations, obligatory mandatory oblig, Make the bound Oblique, indirect, indirect, destroyable obliterate, wipe off the oblong rectangle Obnoxious, and annoying obscene obscene, 亵 os; 僻, 藏 微 微; Compliance Obsess makes the heart of Obsolete Over, the abstacle obstacle Obstinate is stubborn, not yield Obstruct hinders Obtain to get Obtrude to break into Obtruse blunt, dull, slow OCCAsion time, occasion, special events Occult, Due, difficult Occupy Occur Angry, hurt ... Emotion Offensive Attack Offer offers OMIT Opportune Opponent opponent, enemy Opportune icy Opportune Opport Opportunity Opportunity Oppose, confrontation, opposite to Opposite, oppose; opposite people Oppress, press PARA- Beside, Beyond side, surpass

Para is derived from the Greek adverb and mens PARA, which is the meaning of Beside, Near, Beyond. In Greek is also the header, the following example is borrowed in English. For example: Parabola n. [parabolic], parallax n. [Parallax], Parallelogram n. [Parallel Siki], paramilitary a. [Assisted army], paranoian. [执], parasite n. [parasite], etc. Parase, except for Beside, Beyond, [Anti-avoidance] 's significance. Latin dynamic parare [Preparation], French turned to the first PARA, there is [Anti-Avoid], therefore, the adding root SOL [Sun], [anti-avoiding sun] became Parasol N [Umbrella]; Dai Zengen CHUTE [Fall], the [landed anti-avoidance device] became parachute n. [Parachute], it was derived from Paratroops n. [Airborne troops], patrooper n. [Paratroer], etc. word.

Parable Fables, 语 Paradigm Model Paradox Full contradictory people or things, contradictory Paragon models, typical paragraph paragraphs, fertile paralallel, similar; Similar things, the same thing Paralyze makes unable Paraphrase to speak significance,


The header PER originated from the Latin Kingword Per, THROUGH, THROUGHTOUT. In Latin is also the head, such as Percolate v. [Filtration] from Latino Percolare, Perennial a. [Permanent] from Perennis, Perforate v. [Dear] From Perforare, etc., and Perspire V., the root spir is [breathing hole], combined with the header Per combination [through breathing], finally turned into [sweat]. Gula Ding Perspirare This only has the word meaning of Breathe, BlowConstland, and later, in English, it is ignored by fine holes] or [evaporation], and finally turns into [sweat]. Per can also be replaced into awaientirely, to destruction [destroy, Destroying], but this usage is not much single, there is peremptory a. [Casually, Specialized], Perfidyn. [Betrayed], perish v. [Lowered, dead], perverse a. [张, stubborn], Pervert V. [Misunderstand] et al.

Perceive feels PERCOLATE filtration, out of Percuss Perduile lasting, immortal Peremptory absolutely, mandatory Perennial perfect Perfect has no shortcomings, completely; improvement, complete perfidy hand, do not thoroughly perforate, chisel perfunctory perfunctory, surface, do not care Perish rot, dead permanent fixed, permanent permeate diffuse, full, penetrate permit allows, perpendicious harmful perpendicular, vertical perpetrate (non), criminal (sin) Perpetual perpetual, lifelong perplex makes confusion, Make confuse persecute, bothering persevere persisted, perseverance persisted, lasting persftive correct eyes, scenery Perspicacious The relevant Perturb makes upset, disturbing the peruse, reading Pervade is filled, all over the perverse, and the pervert is corrupted, introducing the evil road post-after, behind

POST originates from the Latin adverb and mensimetry, originally forfent, behind. Latin's proverb, POST PROELIUM, PAREMIUN (After the Battle, The Reward), where there is a post-word word for an AFTER. POST composition The single word is more rare, for example: postbellum a. [Post-afterward], postdate v. [Date late], postern n. [Back door], postgraduate n. [Postgraduate], postlude n. [Sequence Song], PostPrandial A, POSTLUDE N. After meals], etc..

Post-Mort-Mortemu Post-Morte Post-Mortemu postpone postpone postpone after Posterior time, postpone postpone after death, retained PostScript Additional information, Appendix Postwar


The header PRE is from the Latin adverb and mens PRAE, which is originally made as preach v. [说教] Original Latin Pracialare, the root DIC has [speech] meaning, then turn into preach, the law, is The influence of ancient law. PrediCament n. [Dilemma] The root DIC is also [speech], there is a meaning in Latin [Provisions], the current English is not common. Later, gradually evolved into [prior concluding but unable to reach] Finally, it became the [Dilemma]. Such as Pretennd V. [Pretend] from Latin Pratendere [to the forward, Trust Phone] Pretend to be.

Precede Prevention, advocacy Precede, Precede, superior to Precedent, Precept, Profit Precept, Zone Precept, District, PRECIPITATE, to accelerate precipitous steep precise, correct preclude, obstruct, prevent PRECOCIOUS precocious, premature precursor pioneer, former senior predecessor, ancestry predicament predicament predict predict, predict predispose make tend to make biased in favor predominant dominated advantage predominate dominate, dominant preeminent Unrivaled preface the beginning of the preamble prefer prefer prejudice Preferences, see preliminary preamble, prepared, prevature, prevature, prevature, prevature, premission, payment, bonus premonition, premonning, pre-propercupy papers (heart), making condensation in preorderate weight exceeding, dominant preposterous ridiculous, Prerequistite prerequisite pre-presence, presence, present, presented, present, present, present, present, present, present, present, presented, present, present, present, present, present, preserve, presentiment, preserve, preserve, Manage PRESUME assumptions, speculative PRESUMPTUOUS Self-proportional PRESUPPOPPOPPOPPOPPOPPOPPOPPOPPOPPOPPOPPOPPOSE assumption -forward, before forward, before

The first PRO, PUR Source out the Greek adverb and the menspro, and the Latin system word Pro, for Forward, Before. PUR is from ancient law, the monographs are rare. Such as: Profane a. [Disrespectful Secular], from the Latin Profanus, the Raw Fan has the meaning of [Temple] [Latin Fanum nm], the original refers to [in front of the temple], also made [outside the temple], the temple is naturally a class, That is, [secular] is meaning. Prohibit v. [Prohibit] Latin PROHIBERE, Raw root HIB has Have meaning (Latin Habre), originally Hold Before, then attracted KEEP Away, and finally become [stop, prohibited : Prostitude n. [女] Source out of the Latin Prostituere V. [Placed in front], the root Stitute has STAND, then ProstitudeRe is introduced to become [to show an appearance of the throwing], and as for [prostitution], English proteration is gradually The meaning of [prostitute].

PORTEND indicates that portentous strange, ominous portray portrays, depicting proceded continues, procedure proClaim officially claims ProClivity tendencies, Procreate manufacturing, production of Prodigal squander, extravagant, waste, manufacturing, causing Profane secular PROFESS, claims Professional Proffer, proposing Proficient Proficient, Followed Profile Side Image, Contour Profligate, Deep PROFOND Deep Feel, Deep, Music Profuse Waste Progenitor Origin, Ancestors, Senior PROGENY Pre-subregulated Prognocate predicts, prophecy Program program, plan, program single Progress progress, improve Prohibit prohibiting Project projected; design, proliX length Prologue open white, preamble Prolong Extend Prominent significant promiscuous a variety of, messy promise, PROMISE Promote, promising, promoting Prompt, immediately; drive, provoke Promulgate promulgation, announcement of Pronounce assert, claiming, clear pronounstel push, drive Propensity, prophecy prophecy Prophensy prophecy Propitiate make anger, comfort, propitious compassion, beneficial, Geely the proportion ratio, balanced proposal propose proposition comments, propound proposals put forward propulsion propulsion proscribe prosecute prohibited conduct, practice; denounce, sue, sue prospect hope, prospect, scenery prospective expected prosper strong, prosperous prostitute prostitution prostrate prone, lie down, debilitated Protect Protest Against Protest Objects Protrude Protrude Protest Protrude, Highlight Proverb Maxi Province Supply Provident Gu Nian, Saving Provential Lucky Provisional Temporary ProvoKe Stimulating, causing PURPORT claiming PURPOSE Again reverse, again

RE is the most common word of English, from the Latin word RE-, there is a back or again meaning. This word is based on the English single word, partially borrowed from the Latin, which is affected by French, and even In the early days of the development of Latin, the first sound of the reusing root can be used to use the root of the sound, and the RED is used as a RE. On, such as redeem v. [Redemption, make up], redound v. [Increase], redundant a. [Delicious, excess]. Relish n. [Delicious] original from ancient leg text transactions ], The meal that the food eating is still fragrant, and it is ignored [delicious]!

Rebate Rebate Rebel Rebel Rebels; Refersee, Trace Rebound bounces back to Rebuke, accusing rebuts, demonstrating that pseudo Recalcitrant is resistant to re-reborn, refacting Recal Recall Recant Cancel, withdrawing Recapitulate, referring to receiving RecaPitulate Receive to receive, accept Recess, Recite, Recite, Recient, Recognize Recognche, Radler Recognize, Reciprocal Recognize, Radle, Radler Recognize, Recreation, Recognizing, Note, Note, Note, Note, Note, Note, Note Recollect Recalling Recommend, advise reconcile, make harmony, enable reconnaissance, reconnaissance, recovery, recovery, recovery, recovery, recruit recreation, recruit recruit recreation, recruit recruit recreation (new soldiers) Recumbent Recucerate recovery (health) Recur, reproduce Redeem repayment, redemption, compensation Redound increase, help, to promote redress, remedy Reduce, reduce many redundant, excess REFER instructions, related refine makes elegant, beautiful, Make pure, improve refined, high, accurate reflective reflection, photo; consideration, thinking reform reform, transformation, improve refrain suppression, prohibiting refresh to restore fatigue, make REFURBISH refreshing, renovation refuse refuse REFUTE refute Refuting the Regale treats Regard as; respect; respect; about regenerate, re-resend new re-reconstruction, restore rehash old things new bomb, change into new forms Rehearse preview, exercise, Reimburse repayment, refund Compensation Reinforce Reinforce Reinstate repeatedly, repeatedly, repeatedly rejected, uncomfortable Gem gear Relevant related, pertinent relics, monuments relieve remembers Relin Quish gives up relish delicious; hobby, happy relocate is not willing to put in another place Relucatant is unwilling, reluctantly relying Remain continues, stays, lives Remark phrase, pay attention to remarkable, significant, irregular Remember, remember, recalling Remind, Recalling Reminiscence memories, recalling Remit relief, alleviating;

Remnant remnant remains, residual Remonstrate persuasion, protest Remorse remorse Remote, hidden remove off, migrate, renew Renaissance Renaissance, resurrection renegade traitor renew, restore, update Renounce give up, deny Renovate repair, update renown name, famous Renowned Repair Repair, Patch, Reparative Repament Reparative Repair, Returning Repel Cancel, Returat, Refused, Refused, Refulte Repent Replacing, replacing the replanish, complement the replete, full supply the replica replica replication reply reply, the reaction narrative report, released repose rest, sleep reprehend reprimand, reprimand represent said representatives repress suppression, repression reprieve reprimand reprisal reprieve reprimand reprisal, retaliation behavior reproach reproach, reprimand reprobate refused to reproduce duplicate, copy Reprove scolding, condemning repugnant's disband, refertile, reputation, repane, requires Requisite, requires Requisite Requite, returns, Refactor, Requite, Replenishing Rescue, rescue Ressability Research, investigation resemble similar resetnt dislike, hatening reserve reserves, retaining Residual residual residue, remaining resign, obilient, elastic RESIST resistance, confronted Resolution, decisive resolve; decomposition, Solve the resonant resonance, the loud resort resort; means, RESOUND is full of sound, resounding Resource resources, Fuyuan; (strained) means Answer Responsible Respons for Restore Restore, rebuild RESTRAIN suppression, restrained restrict restriction Result Resumption Resume, RETINT RESUAL, RESU RRECTION resurrection, Revival retain reserved retard hindered Reticent silent Retire retirement; retreat, left Retort answer; retaliation, return Retract retreat, retreat Retret retreat, retreat Retrench save, reduce RETRIBUTION retribution, retaliation Retrieve rescue, rescue, recover Return returned, re-emergence Reunion party, re-emergence, revealing REVEAL REVENGE Revenge Revenue Country, the resulting REVERATE reflection, returning Revere Dear, respected REVERSE reverse, switch Revert Return, recall REVIEW, observe Revise Correcting Revive wakes, let revoke cancel, abolish Revolt rebel revolve pensive, rotate the revulsion drama, disgusting Reward remuneration, bounty SE-Away, Separate separation

The header SE is out of the Guratin adverbs and mensis SE, SED, the original Away, Separate. The word is composed of English single words, almost all from Latin, such as SECEDE V. [Detachment, exit] From SECEDERE, SECLUDE V. [Isolated] from SECLUDERE, SECRET A. [Secret] From Secretus, etc. After the first sound of the root root is the sound or H tone, then the SED is spent, and the other will be embedded. Sedition n. [rebellion], Department of Sed, is more rare. The sever v. [cut, separated] is from Separate V. [Separation] The words are from the Latin Separare, and after the ancient fashion into Sevrer and Severer. After borrowing English, it is the current sever.


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