The Trojan War ------ Greek Mythology

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  92

The Trojan War

AT A Wedding Party Eris, The Goddess of Discord, Threw Agolden Apple Bearing The Words "For the Fairest!" Hera, Athena and Aphrodite, Each Wanting to Get It for Judgement. .

Paris Was The Son of Priam, The King of Troy. At His Birth His Mother Queen He Cuba Dreamed of Holding a Piece of Burning Wood. So He Was Regarded As Likey To Bring Destruction on Thecity, And Was by Chance Exposed to the Sun, Wind and Rain On Mtida. HE WAS Finally Saved and Brought Up by The Herdsmen Twhere. Now acting on the instruction of Aphrodite, he went down them ountain to take part in the game held in Troy, and there so famous did he become that King Priam and Queen Hecuba receivedhim joyfully back into the royal palace.

Soon He Was Sent to Greece At The Head of a Great Team of Boats. He Went to Sparta, WHERE, APHRODITE HAD TOLD HIM, The MOST Beautiful Woman of The Time, Helen, Lived. King Menelaus, Helen's Husband, Generously Received Him But Parisreturned His Host's Kindness with no thanks. In The King's Absence He Persuaded Helen to Elope with Him to Troy. To Payback, Greek TOOK UP ARMS. The Trojan War Broke Out.

As The Greek Ships Gathered At The Port of Aulis, No Favouring Wind Blew. A Prophet Told The Comander of The Expedition, Agamemnon, That He Had TO OFFER HIS Daughter iPhigenia Asa Sacrification To Artemis. IPhigenia Was Placed Before The Goddess' Altar But Artemis Took Her Away At The Last Minute, Putting a Reddeer In Her Place. Agamemnon 's Wife Clytemnestra Was Greatlyenraged At Her Husband' s CRUELTY. The War Lasted Ten Years, During Which Both Side Suffered The Misfortunes of War. AGAMEMNON FOUGHT WITH ACHILLES over Acaptive Princess, And in Anger, Achilles Refused to Fight. . Bent on Revenge, Achilles No longs, And Putting on His New Armour Made by Hephaestus, Went Out To Avenge His Friend. He Killed Hector and Draggedhis Dead Body Three Times Around The Walls of Troy. But soon after, Achilles Was Wounded in the Heel by Paris and Died In Battle. Paris Had Not Long To Live Either, for He Was Killed By Afriend of Achilles'. As Achilles left his armour to the bravest of the Greeks, a bitter struggle happened between its two worthycontestants; and when the weapons were given to Odysseus byjudge, Ajax took his own life for grief and shame.

At The end of nine Years a prophet Predicted That Troywould Not Fall As Long As The Palladium Stayed WitHin ITS Walls. Odysseus and Diomedes Went Into the City in Disguise and Stole Itout of The Temple of the City. THE GREEKS Designed a Great Wooden Horse, in Which Some Greek Soldiers Hid THEMSELVES, AndMADE BELIEVE to with DRAW. Taken in by rumour That the Horsehad Been Sent by Athena, The overjoyed Trojans Hauled It Intotheir Capital. At Night The Hidden Greeks Crawled Out and Threwthe Whole City INTO Confusion. Tory Was Robbed. King priamwas killed. Queen HECUBA, HER Daughter Cassandra Andrhaughterinlaw AndroMache WERE All Carried Into Slavery. Helenand Meelaus at Good Terms Again and Disappeared in the West. Agamemnon Went Back to Mycenae, ONLY to Be Murdered by His Own Wife. His Son Orestes Killed His Mother and Was Pursued by The Furies. ODYSSEUS WENT THROUGH UnTold Hardships, Struggling with Wind and Wave, Before He Reached His Home Island Ithaca To Reunite with His Faithful Wife Penelope. Aneas, One of the Trojan Princes, After Narrowly Escaping Death At Troy, Wandered From Land To Land for A Long Time and Became, INTHE End, The Founder of The Roman Race. Trojan War

At the new wedding party, not with the goddess Erris, a golden apple with the words "dedicated to the most beautiful people". Hera, Afridty and Athena wanted to get this golden apple. They were sent to Paris to make a ruling. Paris is a shepherd on Eishan. He judge Golden Apple to Aphdi, because she promised to help him get the love of the most beautiful woman in the world.

Paris is the son of the King Troji. When he was born, his mother Herioba dreamed of himself holding a firepower; therefore, people think that Paris is likely to bring destruction to the city. A very chance, he was abandoned on Eidashan, with the wind blow, rain and sun. Later, he was saved by the herdsmen there. This time, under Aphroditti, he went down to the rally held in Troy City. There, he is so outstanding, King Pianim and Queen Heri Bazhen accepted him, he re-became a member of the royal family. Soon, he was appointed as the leader of the fleet and was sent to Greece. He came to Sparta, because Aphrodi once told him that the most beautiful woman at the time - Helen lived there. Helen's husband, the king of Mo Denlas warmly treats Paris, but he is enemies. Taking the king is not there, Paris persuaded Helen to rush to Troy City. In order to revenge, the Greek people picked up the weapons, and the Troy war broke out.

When the Greek fleet is parked in Oliss Harbor, the wind direction is not smooth. A prophet told the distant commander of Agama farm, let him sacrifice his daughter Efien, and dedicate her to Ativis. The Ifiry Niria was put on the goddess altar. But At the end of the last hand, she took her away and put a deer in her position. Agamen's wife, Luttennestra, a deep angry.

The war lasted for ten years. During this time, the two sides suffered heavy. Agamen farm and Aquies compete for a princess who captured. Under the surprise, Aquaris refused to continue to participate. Achilis's friends, Putloles borrowed his armor to twist the battle. Unfortunately, he died under the hand of the Big son of Pi'an. Aquaris is aiming to revenge for your friends, he is no longer with Agamemen. Putting Hepstetai for his new armor, he went to him. He killed Heckt and dragged the body around Troy City. But very quickly, Aquaris was shot in Paris, died on the battlefield. Paris didn't live, he was killed by Aquaris's friends. Because the Aquis Listening To give his armor to Greece's brave warrior, the warriors of the two have been in the warriors of this title have launched a fierce competition. When the armor finally judged to the Adechi, another Warrior Ejx was depressed, and his life was over.

When you hit the end of the ninth year, a first-known prophecy, as long as the Athena God in the city is in the city, Troy City will never be captured. As a result, Odechus was in the city with Di Russia, secretly stole the statue. Subsequently, the Greeks carefully made a huge Trojan, and some Greek soldiers hit the horses. At the same time, the Greek army pretend to dismall the troops and spread rumors: this horse is sent by Athena. Letter I am dragging the horse into the city. At night, the hidden Greek soldiers drilled out from the horse belly, so that the whole city was in a chaotic. Troy City was robbed. After King Pi'anm was killed, after Hercua, her daughter Caisandra and Daughter Andoma were filled with slaves. Helen and Mussaus were returned to the Western hidden. Agamen is returning to Sii, but unfortunately suffered from his wife's murder. His son killed his mother and was pursued by anger goddess. Odyssess has a difficult intervention, fighting with big winds, until he finally arrived in Iese, and gathered with the faithful wife. A prince of Troy City, Emanus, is fortunate. For a long time, he wandered from a country to another. Finally, he created a Roman nation.


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