ServerVariables description

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  84

ServerVariablesServerVariables sets retrieves a predetermined environment variable.

Syntax Request.ServerVariables (Server Environment Variable)

Parameter Server Environment Variable Specifies the server environment variable name to retrieve. You can use the values ​​listed below.

Variable Description All HTTP Title Files sent by the all_http client. All_RAW retrieves all the titles in the form in the form. All_raw and all_http are different, all_http places http_ prefix in front of the title file name, and the title name is always capitalized. When using all_raw, the title name and value appear only when the client is sent. Appl_md_path retrieves the metabological path of the ISAPI DLL (WAM) Application. Appl_physical_path retrieves the physical path corresponding to the metadata path. IIS returns the value by converting the Appl_MD_Path to the Physical (Directory) path. Auth_password This value is input to the client's authentication dialog. This variable is only available when using basic identification. Auth_type This is the server for verifying the user's verification method when the user has access protected script. Auth_user is not identified by the username. The unique ID of the CERT_COOKIE client verification is returned in a string. Can be used as a signature of the entire client verification. Cert_flags If there is a client verification, Bit0 is 1. Bit1 is set to 1 if the verification person of the client authentication is invalid (not in the CA list recognized by the server). The enactor field in Cert_issuer User Verification (O = MS, OU = IAS, CN = User Name, C = USA). The Cert_Keysize Secure Socket Tag layer The number of bits of the keyword, such as 128. The Cert_secretKeysize server verifies the number of bits of the private key. Such as 1024. Cert_serialnumber user authentication serial number field. Cert_server_issuer The issuer field of server authentication. Cert_server_subject server authentication primary field. Cert_subject The primary field verified by the client. The Content_length client issues the length of content. Content_type content data type. Use with additional information, such as HTTP query GET, POST, and PUT. The revision of the CGI specifications used by the Gateway_Iterface server. The format is CGI / Revision. HTTP_ HeaderName is stored in the title file. The title file that is not included in the table must be prefixed as an HTTP_ as a prefix so that the ServerVariables collection retrieves its value. Note The server explains the underscore (_) in Headername as the dash in the actual title. For example, if you specify http_my_header, the server will search for title files sent by My-header name. HTTPS returns ON if requests through the Secure Channel (SSL). Returns OFF if requests from non-secure channels. HTTPS_KEYSIZE Secure Sockets The number of bits of the keyword is connected, such as 128. The HTTPS_SecretKeysize server verifies the number of bits of the private key. Such as 1024. HTTPS_SERVER_ISUER The issuer field of the server authentication. HTTPS_SERVER_SUBJECT Server Verified the primary field. INSTANCE_ID text format IIS instance ID. If the instance ID is 1, it appears in the form of characters. Use this variable to retrieve the ID of the request belonging (meta) web server instance to which the request belongs. Instance_meta_path responds to the metabological path of the requested IIS instance. Local_addr Returns the server address that accepts the request.


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