Distributed Cache Ecache

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  88

Document Number: PT-TR-Cache

Prient Ecache Using Documents

PRIENT ECACHE Architect Document


Initial release time: 2004/05/24

Current Edition Release time: 2004/06/01

Peng Tian Information System (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

Technology research and development

table of Contents

Basic information ... 3

Features ... 4

Technology background ... 4

Interface range ... 4

API description ... 4

Precautions ... 5

Development and test instance ... 5

Local method test ... 5

Distributed mode test ... 5

Notification extension implementation ... 9

Basic Information

Document Description Information:

file name:

Prient Ecache Using Documents

The latest version of:


Document creator:

Peng Tian Company Technology R & D Department

Document maintenance:

Organization: Peng Tian Company Technology Research and Development Department

Member: Era, Chen Yonghui, take people

Document reviewer:

Peng Tian Company Technology Research Department, Nanjing Local Tax Project Group, Xi'an Local Tax Project Group

Date of order:


Document goal:

This document describes the technical details of Prient Ecache as well as the interface and use of the interface and use when describing the theoretical based on, concept, feature, and instance.

Document modification summary:



Modify description




Prient Ecache Using Documents

Original force

Prient Ecache has high-speed retrieval and distributed, and it is a THREADSAFE thread secure Cache product.


1, support local way access

2, support distributed synchronization mechanism

3, divided into cache independent management

4, can perform external configuration

5. Comply with thread safety specifications, no in-memory leakage, support stage Cache and permanent Cache

6, easy to expand

7, the document is complete

technical background

Ecache uses the following techniques to improve the Cache mechanism

1. Use lrumap as the element storage method of cache, use the LRU algorithm

2, use Concurrent's high-efficiency LinkedHashMap to store the index column of the cache element

3. Use the DiskStore extension to ensure that the Cache data is complete in the memory cache technology.

4. Use JGroup technology to perform Cache synchronization between Cluster

5, define the NOTIFICATION interface to extend the personality requirements of Cache on the business layer

6. Provide local cacheManager for direct access to local cache

7. Provide MulticacheManager for Multi mode to encapsulate Local Cache, producing multicache for distributed processing

8. Provide ObjectCache interface for developers to develop cache to encapsulate local cache

Interface range

Core Programs

Cache.java Local Cache implements the interface for local cache access, with local CacheManager management

Cacheentity.java cache stores elements package that requires Cache objects, cacheentity provides properties of the lifecycle, version, access rate, etc. of the elements.


1, ObjectCache.java Provides custom encapsulation interfaces for Local Cache

2, Notification.java provides application interfaces when distributed Cache in synchronization


CacheManager.java Local Cache Manager, managing local cache, can be packaged again, and there is a method of encapsulating muticachemanager.java

MulticacheManager.java encapsulates CacheManager and provides distributed access

ExtensibilityMuticache.java extends local cache to provide distributed access

API description

For details, please refer to Ecache.chm (javadoc is Chinese)



For these Collection

List, you can use the vector instead, you can also use com.ptf.util.concurrent.copyonwriteaRaylist instead

Hashmap, you can use HashTable instead, you can also use com.ptf.util.concurrent.linkedHashmap or com.ptf.util.concurrent.concurrenthashmap instead

Some non-serializabel's Collection can find alternative implementations in com.ptf.util.concurrent.

2, if you apply Cache in a JVM, you can use CacheManager and Cache directly.

3, if you use Cache in multiple JVM or distributed environments, you can use MulticacheManager and Multicache

4, the broadcast sender cannot receive the broadcast of its own, and the sender needs to manually perform the use of Notification () method.

5, broadcast mode has been defined and tested, please do not modify the broadcast mode freely

Development and test instance

Provides a test of various applications in Package Com.ptf.ECTEST;


Local test


com.ptf.ectest.cachetest is a cache test in Junit

Distributed mode test




Two process tests in these three programs are accepted by broadcast conditions

REMOVE is responsible for sending REMOVE actions

Code example

1. Basic operations for Cache



// getMultiManager (NULL, NULL); two parameters in the middle If you don't need to use other configurations, you can set it empty

// The first parameter represents the configuration file using cache, such as ECACHE.XML (not recommended)

// Second parameter represents the use of additional broadcast protocols, such as jgroup.xml (not recommended)

MulticacheManager Manager = MulticacheManager.getMultiManager (NULL, NULL);

/ / Get the specified cache from the Cache group

Multicache cache = manager.getMulticache ("SampleCache1");

System.out.println (Manager.getMulticachenames (). Length "");

For (int i = 0; i <500000; i )


// Add element operation to cache, but not notification

//cache.multistore (Nitofic); adding elements for broadcasting methods

Cache.addcacheentity ("key [" i "]", "value1 [" i "]");}

Long ST = system.currenttimemillis ();

For (int I = 100; i <200; i )


/ / Do not know the Cache

Cacheentity Entity = cache.getcacheentity ("Key [" i "]");

System.out.println (Entity);


Long et = system.currenttimemillis ();

Long ft = etc - st;

System.out.println (ft);

System.out.println (cache.getsize ());


Catch (CacheException EX)


EX.PrintStackTrace ();


Catch (IllegaLaRgumentException EX)


EX.PrintStackTrace ();


2. Operation of Remove for Cache and notify the distributed cache



// getMultiManager (NULL, NULL); two parameters in the middle If you don't need to use other configurations, you can set it empty

// The first parameter represents the configuration file using cache, such as ECACHE.XML (not recommended)

// Second parameter represents the use of additional broadcast protocols, such as jgroup.xml (not recommended)

MulticacheManager Manager = MulticacheManager.getMultiManager (NULL, NULL);

/ / Get the specified cache from the Cache group

/ / For the distributed operation of Cache, you must operate on the same designated cache, other Cache is not affected.

Multicache cache = manager.getMulticache ("SampleCache1");

System.out.println (Manager.getMulticachenames (). Length "");

For (int i = 0; i <500000; i )


// Add element operation to cache, but not notification

//cache.multistore (Nitofic); adding elements for broadcasting methods

Cache.addcaches ("key [" i "]", "value1 [" i "]");


Long ST = system.currenttimemillis ();

For (int I = 100; i <200; i )


/ / Do not know the Cache

Cacheentity Entity = cache.getcacheentity ("Key [" i "]");

System.out.println (Entity);


// Clear distributed cache in // Clear Cache notification

CLEARALLNOTIFICATION N = New CLEARALLNOTIFICATION ("SampleCache1"); // Broadcast You can't receive it, you need to execute your Notification Execute () method

n.execute (cache);

// Call the MulticacheManager interface to send

/ / Other JVM or server Cache will accept the notification and execute the operation and the operation of this operation.

Manager.send (n);

Long et = system.currenttimemillis ();

Long ft = etc - st;

System.out.println (ft);

System.out.println (cache.getsize ());


Catch (CacheException EX)


EX.PrintStackTrace ();


Catch (IllegaLaRgumentException EX)


EX.PrintStackTrace ();


3. Access to local cache



// Use the list to create a Cache initialization environment

CacheManager Manager = cacheManager.create ();

// Get cache that has been created

Cache cache = manager.getcache ("samplecache1");

System.out.println (Manager.getCachenames (). Length "");

For (int i = 0; i <500000; i )


/ / Add an element to cache

Cache.addcaches ("key [" i "]", "value1 [" i "]");


Long ST = system.currenttimemillis ();

For (int i = 100000; i <200000; i )


// Get the elements already in cache

Cache.getCacheentity ("Key [" i "]");


Long et = system.currenttimemillis ();

Long ft = etc - st;

System.out.println (ft);

System.out.println (cache.getsize ());


Catch (CacheException EX)


EX.PrintStackTrace ();


4, dynamically create a cache



// Use the list to create a Cache initialization environment

CacheManager Manager = cacheManager.create ();

// Dynamically create cache and register into CacheManager

// Parameter 1: Cache Name

// Parameter 2: Maximum number of elements of Cache

// Parameter 3: Whether it is occupied in maximum, cache new to disk cache

// Parameter 4: This cache is permanent Cache

// Parameter 5: Element activity time

// Parameter 6: Element free time

Cache Cache = New Cache ("Testcache", 1000, True, False, 5, 2);

Manager.addcache (cache);

System.out.println (manager.getcachenames (). Length ""); for (int i = 0; i <500000; i )


/ / Add an element to cache

Cache.addcaches ("key [" i "]", "value1 [" i "]");


Long ST = system.currenttimemillis ();

For (int i = 100000; i <200000; i )


// Get the elements already in cache

Cache.getCacheentity ("Key [" i "]");


Long et = system.currenttimemillis ();

Long ft = etc - st;

System.out.println (ft);

System.out.println (cache.getsize ());


Catch (CacheException EX)


EX.PrintStackTrace ();


Notification Extension Implementation

Public string getcachename (); // get specific Cache name

Public string getcommand (); // Get notification type

Public serializable getKey (); // Get Entity Key

Public void setcachename (String Cachename); // Setting specific Cache name

Public void setKey; // Setting Entity Key

Abstract Void Execute (ObjectCache Cache); / / Actuator Interface

Public String Tostring (); // Tostring Interface

1. In this interface, the primary implementation of the execute () method is that the distributed cache performs the entry of the local Cache operation after obtaining the notification.

2, other parameters are for Execute () preparation parameters

3. When the Notification interface is implemented, the developer can customize the attribute to meet the execute () method needs.

4, the command attribute is the name of the identity of this Notification, this identity should be unique

The following is an example of a NOTIFICATION

Package com.ptf.ecache.cluster;

Import java.io. *;

Import com.ptf.ecache. *;

/ **

* Communication between distributed Cache container managers to perform a notification implementation of all Cache elements operations

* This notice is implemented for all EntityReload operations at the specified cache

* @Author com.prient.techresearch

* @Author

* @since May 18, 2004

* @version 1.1

* /

Public Class ReloadNotification

Implements notification


/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------

// Property item

/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- / **

* Specific Cache Name

* /

Private string cachename;

/ **

* This notification command name

* /

Private final static string command = "(reloadall)";

/ **

* Specific Entity Key, not used in this example

* /


/ **

* Set up Cache name

* @Param CahcName String

* /

Public void setcachename (String Cahcname)


THIS.CAChename = cahcname;


/ **

* Get cache names

* @Return String name

* /

Public String getCachename ()


Return Cachename;


/ **

* Set Entity Key

* @Param Key Serializable

* /

Public Void SetKey (Serializable Key)




/ **

* Get Key

* @Return Serializable

* /

Public serializable getKey ()


Return Key;


/ **

* Get the command name of this notification

* @Return the final value of static.

* /

Public String getcommand ()


Return Command;


/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------

// Structure method

/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------

/ **

* The default constructor requires Cachename to make this notification structure

* @Param Cachename String Cache Name

* /

Public reloadNotification (String CahcName)




/ **

* Command Actuator Implementation

* This Actuator uses the local cache for Reload operation

* It is divided into two parts, 1: Clear designated Cache, 2: CACHE loading according to the business

* @Param Cache ObjectCache Cache interface

* /

Public void Execute (Objectcache Cache)




Cache.doclerall ();

//cache.doload () This method is related to the business, this is not implemented here


Catch (IOException EX)


EX.PrintStackTrace ();


Catch (IllegalStateException EX)


EX.PrintStackTrace ();



/ **

* TOSTRING implementation

* @Return String

* /

Public String Tostring ()


StringBuffer buffer = new stringbuffer ();

Buffer.Append (Command Cachename);

Return buffer.toString ();



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