MSNP10 protocol analysis 06. Account verification [by progsoft]

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  84

Before MSNP8, the account verification is directly transmitted after the MD5 encryption taken. However, after MSNP9, account verification is changed to safer SSL.

The whole process of account verification is introduced below: The first step is interactive with

Client connection (Passport Nexus)

Client Send >>> Get / R / R / N / R / N server response <<< HTTP / 1.1 200 OK / R / N Server: Microsoft-IIS / 5.0 / R / N Date : WED, 01 SEP 2004 01:04:01 GMT / R / N PPServer: H: Bayppnex2a01 / R / N Connection: Close / R / N PassportURLS: DareAlm =, DALOGIN = / login2. SRF, DAREG = http: // ,properties=https: // ,privacy= ASP, GeneralRedir = ,help=http: // ,configversion=12/R/N Content-Length: 0 / R / N Content-Type: Text / HTML / R / N Cache-Control: Private / R / N / R / N

Client Close connection

Nothing to say, we need to care about dalogin = / login2.srf, this is the second step to deal the address.

Step 2, interact with 443.

Client connection (Passport Login)

Client Send >>> Get / LOGIN2.SRF HTTP / 1.1 / R / N Client Send >>> Authorization: Passport1.4 Orgverb = GET, OrgURL = HTTP% 3A% 2F% 2FMessenger% 2EMSN% 2 ECOM, SIGN-IN = EXAMPLE%, PWD = Password, LC = 1033, ID = 507, TW = 40, FS = 1, Ru = HTTP% 3A% 2F% 2FMessenger% 2EMSN% 2ECOM, CT = 1062764229, KPP = 1, KV = 5, Ver = 2.1.0173.1, TPF = 43F8A4C8ED940C04E3740BE46C4D1619 / R / N client send >>> Host:

Here to remind the configuration of the Authorization string as: Authorization: Passport1.4 OrgverB = get, orgurl = http% 3A% 2F% 2FMessenger% 2EMSN% 2 ECOM, SIGN-IN = User account, PWD = user password, Challenge String / R / N

The user account and user password do not need to be explained, but it is necessary to note that the @ symbol must be changed to% 40, which is replaced with a URL string. The Challenge string is the Challenge string given by the NS server in TWN S. Next, the server responds, and the normal situation can get the following response.

Server response <<< http / 1.1 200 ok / r / n connection: close / r / n Date: WED, 01 SEP 2004 01:09:42 GMT / R / N Server: Microsoft-IIS / 6.0 / R / N PPServer : H: baypplogn2b22 / r / n content-type: text / html / r / n expression: WED, 01 SEP 2004 01:08:42 GMT / R / N Cache-Control: no-cache / r / n cachecontrol: no -Store / R / N PRAGMA: NO-CACHE / R / N P3P: CP = "DSP Cur OTPI IND OTRI ONL FIN" / R / N set-cookie: mspsec1 =; Expires = THU, 30-Oct-1980 16: 00:00 GMT; domain =; path = /; HTTPOnly =; version = 1 / r / n Set-Cookie: MSPSec = 6orWjrUokE3i3XG3GGC9tP4KftG 3kUnY2QmTW8ppByVMm1egjI0 260jRwxGSm Wr; HTTPOnly =; domain =;!!! path = /; secure = / r / n Set-Cookie: MSPAuth = 6wUK 5557DsjoJzrD15JNrGLa4VMWbI1rGsOXq R9or2q2colCh3kuqQKTVFQdtsAWz * bumZJDdCBaePFACH14w $$; HTTPOnly =; domain =; path = // r / n Set-Cookie:!!! MSPProf = ! 6Upjs3HLAA4 heb0iHk fCP0h5szP8PzqqL9aj3aisFSWVHSpMubFMvArm t3mqvke4rHkds9kPa * anw93KknJjXiEvBPlLqd0cxLh 8gifNvfPVEDKig4GKi44RECDubf; HTTPOnly =; domain =; path = // r / n Set-Cookie:!!! MSPPre = example @ hotmail. COM; httponly =; domain =; path = /; express, 30-DEC-2037 16:00:00 GMT / R / N set-cookie: mspshared =; httponly =; domain = .passport. COM; Path = /; EXPIRES = THU, 30-Oct-1980 16:00:00 GMT / R / N Authentication-Info: Passport1.4 Da-Status = Success, TName = MSPAUTH, TNAME = MSPPROF, TNAME = MSPSEC, From-pp = 't = 5ocbebB0XDSDMY64A2NOPH10NPH6RP1NUJNWYOTSSCCERYWTQURTJNWGDRDIBKJM5OXNIJPR0Y3E8KYZ0NE1ZY! A $$ & P =

!!! 5hEUIS67wG1DcCFYrcdUiE21rFLPVQSA1N C84nRDSoIwB * w7sIUZgvLTPz60BPoBNMYzeVIlcwrY5 VySn8QyijXOtTPCvy3DdkIxsRTgQzb4qSHjoXotYyN70xAUMIfvQq0Tv ndoy0K4i2jiSrnfNQMisoYqXjFmUEHcnDScjNFdOpKubLAiQ $$ ', ru = http: // t = 5ocbEBb0XDSDMY64A2Noph10Nph6RP1NUJNWyotSSCCeRYWtqURtjnWgDrDiBKjm5OxNiJpr0Y3E8kyZ0nE1zY A $$ & p = 5hEUIS67wG1DcCFYrcdUiE21rFLPVQSA1N C84nRDSoIwB * w7sIUZgvLTPz60BPoBNMYzeVIlcwrY5 VySn8QyijXOtTPCvy3DdkIxsRTgQzb4qSHjoXotYyN70xAUMIfvQq0Tv ndoy0K4i2jiSrnfNQMisoYqXjFmUEHcnDScjNFdOpKubLAiQ $$ Content-!!!! Length: 0 / r / n / r / n is the critical part of our relationship "Authentication-Info:", where the parameters from-PP, what we need "ticket" is t = 5ocbEBb0XDSDMY64A2Noph10Nph6RP1NUJNWyotSSCCeRYWtqURtjnWgDrDiBKjm5OxNiJpr0Y3E8kyZ0nE1zY in this case a! $$ & p = 5hEUIS67wG1DcCFYrcdUiE21rFLPVQSA1N! C84nRDSoIwB * w7sIUZgvLTPz60BPoBNMYzeVIlcwrY5! VySn8QyijXOtTPCvy3DdkIxsRTgQzb4qSHjoXotYyN70xAUMIfvQq0Tv! ndoy0K4i2jiSrnfNQMisoYqXjFmUEHcnDScjNFdOpKubLAiQ $$

If the authentication fails, it will get the following response.

Server response <<< http / 1.1 401 unauthorized / r / n connection: close / r / n Date: WED, 01 SEP 2004 01:21:15 gmt / r / n Server: Microsoft-IIS / 6.0 / R / N PPServer : H: Baypplogn24 / R / N Content-Type: Text / HTML / R / N Expires: WED, 01 SEP 2004 01:20:15 GMT / R / N Cache-Control: No-Cache / R / N CacheControl: No -Store / R / N PRAGMA: NO-CACHE / R / N P3P: CP = "DSP Cur OTPI Ind Otri ONL FIN" / R / N PassportConfig: configversion = 12 / r / n www-authenticate: Passport1.4 Da- Status = failed-Noretry, SREALM =, TS = 0, Prompt, Cburl = Content-Length: 389 / R / N / R / N

That didn't have to say, there is no "admission ticket" that continues to try new certifications.


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