PHPMYADMIN Common option settings

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  93 All content is as follows: (take phpMyadmin2.5.4 as an example)


/ * $ ID:, v 2003/10/10 14:24:24 Nijel EXP $ * /// Vim: expandtab sw = 4 TS = 4 STS = 4:

/ *** phpmyadmin configuration file ** all directives are expectives area explained in documentation.html * /

/ *** sets the php error reporting - please do not change this line! * / If (! Isset ($ old_error_reporting) {Error_Reporting (E_ALL); @ II_SET ('Display_errors', '1');}

/ *** Your phpMyAdmin url ** Complete the variable below with the full url ie * [url] [/ url] ** It must contain characters that are valid for a URL , and the path is * case sensitive on some Web servers, for example Unix-based servers. ** In most cases you can leave this variable empty, as the correct value * will be detected automatically. However, we recommend that you do * test to see that the auto-detection code works in your system. A good * test is to browse a table, then edit a row and save it. There will be * an error message if phpMyAdmin can not auto-detect the correct value. * * If the auto-detection code does work properly, you can set to true the * $ cfg ['PMAABSOLUTEURI_DISABLARNING'] VARIABLE BELOW. * / $ Cfg ['Pmaabsoluteuri'] = '; ----- Here you PHPMYADMIN URL, such as: [url] http: // localhost / phpmyadmin / [/ url]

. / *** Disable the default warning about $ cfg [ 'PmaAbsoluteUri'] not being set * You should use this if and ONLY if the PmaAbsoluteUri auto-detection * works perfectly * / $ cfg [ 'PmaAbsoluteUri_DisableWarning'] = FALSE;

/ *** Disable the default warning that is displayed on the DB Details Structure page if * any of the required Tables for the relationfeatures could not be found * / $ cfg [ 'PmaNoRelation_DisableWarning'] = FALSE; / *** The 'cookie '. auth_type uses blowfish algorithm to encrypt the password If * at least one server configuration uses' cookie' auth_type, enter here a * passphrase that will be used by blowfish $ cfg. [ 'blowfish_secret'] = ''; ---- - Set the root password after you have to fill in

/ *** Server (s) configuration * / $ i = 0; // The $ cfg ['Servers'] Array Starts with $ cfg ['Servers'] [1]. Do Not Use $ CFG ['Servers'] [0] .// You can disable a server config entry by setting host to ''. $ I ; $ cfg ['servers'] [$ I] ['Host'] = 'localhost'; // mysql hostname or ip Address ---- Here you can set the remote mysql server IP address

$ cfg ['servers'] [$ I] ['Port'] = ''; // mysql port - Leave Blank for default port ----- defaults to 3306

$ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] [' Socket '] ='; // Path To The Socket - Leave Blank for Default Socket

$ cfg ['Servers'] [$ I] ['Connect_Type'] = 'TCP'; // How to Connect To MySQL Server ('TCP' Or 'Socket') ---- Connect the Mysql Server

$ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] ['Compress'] = false; // Use compressed protocol for the mysql connection // (Requires php> = 4.3.0) ----- Whether to use a compression protocol, PHP Version must> = 4.3.0

$ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] [' ControlUser '] =' '; // Mysql Control User Settings // (THIS User Must Have Read-Only $ CFG [' Servers'] [$ I] ['ControlPass '] =' '; // access to the "mysql / user" // and "mysql / db" tables) ----- mysql control user settings, the user only has the USER and DB tables under the mysql database Full Permissions $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] ['Auth_Type'] = 'config'; // Authentication Method (config, http or cookie based)? ----- If the PHP installation mode is apache, you can use HTTP and Cookie; if the PHP installation mode is CGI, you can use cookie; default is config, is unsafe, not recommended.

$ cfg ['servers'] [$ I] ['user'] = 'root'; // mysql user ----- mysql connection user

$ cfg ['Servers'] [$ I] [' Password '] ='; // MySQL Password (Only Needed with 'config' auth_type) ----- mysql connection password, it is recommended to install PHP and MySQL after installation First set the root password with phpMyadmin, then fill in

$ cfg ['Servers'] [$ I] [' Only_DB '] ='; //iff set to a db-name, only // this db is displayed // at left frame // it May Also be an array // of db-names ----- If you set a database name here, then the database will only display this database on the left side of the landing.

$ cfg ['servers'] [$ I] ['verbose'] = ''; // verbose name for this host - leave blank to show the hostname

$ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] [' PMADB '] ='; // Database Used for Relation, Bookmark and Pdf Features // (See Scripts / Create_Tables.SQL) // - Leave Blank For No Support / / Default: 'phpMyadmin' $ cfg ['servers'] [$ I] ['BookmarkTable'] = '; // Bookmark Table /// - Leave Blank for no bookmark support // default:' PMA_BOOKMARK '$ CFG [' Servers'] [$ I] ['RELATION'] = ''; // Table To Describe The Relation Between Links (See Doc) // - Leave Blank for no recomlation - links support // default: 'PMA_RELATION' $ CFG [ 'Servers'] [$ I] [' Table_Info '] ='; // Table To Describe The Display Fields // - Leave Blank for No Display Fields Support // DEFAULT: 'PMA_TABLE_INFO' $ CFG ['Servers'] [ $ I] ['Table_Coords'] ='; // Table To Describe The Tables Position for the PDF Schema // Leave Blank for no Pdf Schema Support // Default: 'PMA_TABLE_COORDS' $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] ['PDF_PAGES'] = '; // Table To Describe Pages of RelationPDF // - Leave Blank if you don't want to use this // default:' PMA_PDF_PAGES '$ CFG [' Servers'] [$ I ] ['colorn_info'] = '; // Tabl e to store column information // - Leave blank for no colorness: 'PMA_COLUMN_INFO' $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] [History '] ='; // Table To Store SQL History // - leave blank for no sql query history // default: 'pma_history' $ cfg ['servers'] [$ I] ['verbose_check'] = true; // set to false if you know That your pma_ * Tables // is Up to date. this prevents compatibility // checks and there INCRESES Performance. $ cfg ['

Servers '] [$ I] [' ALLOWDENY '] [' Order '] // Host Authentication Order, Leave Blank to Not Use ='; $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] [AllowDeny '] [' Rules'] // Host Authentication Rules, Leave Blank for defaults = array ();

$ i ; $ cfg ['servers'] [$ I] ['Host'] = '; $ cfg [' servers '] [$ I] [' Port '] ='; $ cfg ['Servers'] [$ I] ['Socket'] = ''; $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] [' Connect_Type '] =' TCP '; $ CFG [' Servers'] [$ I] [COMPRESS '] = False; $ cfg ['Servers'] [$ I] ['ControlUser'] = '; $ CFG [' Servers '] [$ I] [' ControlPass '] ='; $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] ['auth_type'] = 'config'; $ cfg ['servers'] [$ I] ['user'] = 'root'; $ cfg ['Servers'] [$ I] ['Password' ] = '; $ cfg [' Servers '] [$ I] [' Only_DB '] ='; $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] ['Verbose'] = '; $ CFG [' Servers '] [$ I] [' PMADB '] =' '; //' phpMyadmin '- See Scripts / Create_Tables.SQL $ CFG [' Servers'] [$ I] ['BookmarkTable'] = '; //' PMA_BOOKMARK '$ CFG [' Servers'] [$ I] ['Relation'] = ''; // 'PMA_RELATION' $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] [' Table_Info '] ='; // ' PMA_TABLE_INFO '$ CFG [' Servers '] [$ I] [' Table_Coords '] ='; / 'PMA_TABLE_COORDS' $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] ['PDF_Pages'] = '; //' PMA_PDF_PAGES '$ CFG [' Servers '] [$ I] [' Column_Info '] ='; // 'PMA_COLUMN_INFO' $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] ['History'] = '; //' PMA_HISTORY '$ CFG [' Servers '] [$ I] [' Verbose_Check '] = true; $ cfg [' Servers '] [$ I] [' ALLOWDENY '] [' ORDER '] =' '; $ CFG [' Servers "

] [$ I] ['ALLOWDENY'] ['Rules'] = array ();

$ i ; $ cfg ['servers'] [$ I] ['Host'] = '; $ cfg [' servers '] [$ I] [' Port '] ='; $ cfg ['Servers'] [$ I] ['Socket'] = ''; $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] [' Connect_Type '] =' TCP '; $ CFG [' Servers'] [$ I] [COMPRESS '] = False; $ cfg ['Servers'] [$ I] ['ControlUser'] = '; $ CFG [' Servers '] [$ I] [' ControlPass '] ='; $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] ['auth_type'] = 'config'; $ cfg ['servers'] [$ I] ['user'] = 'root'; $ cfg ['Servers'] [$ I] ['Password' ] = '; $ cfg [' Servers '] [$ I] [' Only_DB '] ='; $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] ['Verbose'] = '; $ CFG [' Servers '] [$ I] [' PMADB '] =' '; //' phpMyadmin '- See Scripts / Create_Tables.SQL $ CFG [' Servers'] [$ I] ['BookmarkTable'] = '; //' PMA_BOOKMARK '$ CFG [' Servers'] [$ I] ['Relation'] = ''; // 'PMA_RELATION' $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] [' Table_Info '] ='; // ' PMA_TABLE_INFO '$ CFG [' Servers '] [$ I] [' Table_Coords '] ='; / 'PMA_TABLE_COORDS' $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] ['PDF_Pages'] = '; //' PMA_PDF_PAGES '$ CFG [' Servers '] [$ I] [' Column_Info '] ='; // 'PMA_COLUMN_INFO' $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] ['History'] = '; //' PMA_HISTORY '$ CFG [' Servers '] [$ I] [' Verbose_Check '] = true; $ cfg [' Servers '] [$ I] [' ALLOWDENY '] [' ORDER '] =' '; $ CFG [' Servers "

] [$ I] ['ALLOWDENY'] ['Rules'] = array (); // if You Have More One Server Configured, You Can Set $ ​​CFG ['ServerDefault'] // TO ANY ONE OF TO AutoConnect To That Server When PHPMYADMIN IS Started, // Or Set It To 0 To Be Given a List of Servers WITHOUT Logging In // If You Have Only One Server Configured, $ CFG ['ServerDefault'] * Must * BE // Set To That server. [color] = red] ----- Whether to display all MySQL Server $ CFG ['ServerDefault'] = 1; // Default Server (0 = No Default Server $ CFG ['Server'] = ' '; unset ($ CFG [' Servers'] [0]);

/ *** Other core phpmyadmin settings * / $ cfg ['obgzip'] = 'auto'; // use gzip output buffering if Possible (true | false | 'auto') ----- If necessary, if you use GZIP Output buffer

$ cfg ['PersistentConnections'] = false; // use persistent connections to mysql database ----- Do you use mysql persistent connection, ie PConnect

$ cfg ['execTimit'] = 300; // maximum execution time in seconds (0 for no limit) ----- Maximum script execution time, unit: second

$ cfg ['skiplockedTables'] = false; // Mark Used Tables, Make Possible to show // Locked Tables (Since MySQL 3.23.30) $ cfg ['showsql'] = true; // show sql queries as run --- - Display SQL query statement when running query

$ cfg ['allowuserdropdatabase'] = false; // show a 'DROP DATABASE' LINK to NORMAL USERS ----- Whether to display "Delete Database" connection to ordinary users

$ cfg ['confirm'] = true; // confirm 'DROP TABLE' & 'DROP DATABASE' ----- Delete Data Table / Box A confirmation prompt box

$ cfg ['logincookieReCall'] = true; // recall previous login in cookie auth. mode or not ----- Whether to recover the cookie of previous cookie authentication mode

$ Cfg [ 'UseDbSearch'] = TRUE; // whether to enable the "database search" feature // or not $ cfg [ 'IgnoreMultiSubmitErrors'] = FALSE; // if set to true, PMA continues computing multiple-statement queries / / even if one of the queries failed $ cfg [ 'VerboseMultiSubmit'] = TRUE;. // if set to true, PMA will show the affected rows of EACH statement on // multiple-statement queries See the read_dump.php file for hardcoded // Defaults on how to contact! $ cfg ['allowarbitraryserver'] = false; // allow login to any user entered server in cookie based auth // Left frame setup ----- left frame settings $ CFG ['LeftFramelight'] = true; .----- Whether to use a drop-down box Show Current Database // Use a select-based menu and display online $ cfg ['leftframetableseparator'] = '__'; // Which string will be used to generate table prefixes // to split tables into multiple categories $ cfg [ 'LeftFrameTableLevel'] = '1'; // How many sublevels should be displayed when splitting // up tables by The Above Separator

$ cfg ['ShowTooltip'] = true; // Display Table Comment As TooltIP in LEFT FRAME ----- Whether to display the data table content prompt on the left side of the frame

$ cfg ['ShowTooltipaliaSDB'] = false; // if showtooltip is enabled, this Defines That Table / DB Comments

$ cfg ['ShowTooltipaliastb'] = false; // area shown (in the left menu and db_details) instead of // table / db names

$ cfg ['leftdisplayLogo'] = true; // Display logo at top of left frame ----- Whether on the left side of the frame to display PHPMYADMIN logo

$ cfg ['leftdisplayservers'] = false; // display server choice at top of left frame ----- Whether to display the mysql server selection option

// in the main frame, at Startup ...----- Right Side Frame Set (just entered) $ cfg ['showstats'] = true; // allow to display statistics and space usage in // Thae Pages About Database Details and Table // Properties $ CFG ['ShowMysqlinfo'] = false; ----- Whether to display mysql Run Time // WHETHER TO Display THE "MySQL Runtime $ CFG ['ShowMysqlvars'] = false; - Is Mysql System Variable // Information, "MySQL System Variables", "Php $ CFG ['ShowphPHPINFO'] = false; ----- Whether to display PHP information // information" and "change password" Links For $ cfg ['showchgpassword'] = false; ----- Modify Password Option // Simple UserS or Not $ CFG ['suggestdbname'] = true; ----- Whether to display the default name to be established //// Suggest a new db name if Possible (false = keep empty) // in browse mode ... $ cfg ['showblob'] = false; // display blob Field Contents $ cfg ['NavigationBariconic'] = true; // do NOT Display Text Inside Navigation Bar Buttons $ CFG ['Showll'] = false; // allows to display all the rows ----- Whether to display all Data table rows $ cfg ['maxRows'] = 30; // maximum number Of rows to display ---- Datasheet line display number $ cfg ['ORDER'] = 'ASC'; // default for 'Order By' Clause (Valid // Values ​​Are 'ASC', 'Desc' or 'Smart' -ie // Descending Order for Fields of Type // Time, Date, DateTime & TimeStamp, // Ascending Order Else-)

// in Edit Mode ... $ cfg ['protectbinary'] = 'blob'; // disallow editing of binary fields // valid values ​​all: // false allow editing // 'blob' allow editing except for blob FIELDS / / 'all' disallow editing $ cfg [ 'ShowFunctionFields'] = TRUE; // Display the function fields in edit / insert mode $ cfg [ 'CharEditing'] = 'input'; // Which editor should be used for CHAR / VARCHAR FIELDS: // Input - Allows Limiting of Input Length // Textarea - Allows Newlines in Fields // for the Export Features ... $ cfg ['zipdump'] = true; // allow the use of zip / gzip / bzip $ CFG ['gzipdump'] = true; // compression for $ cfg ['bzipdump'] = true; // Dump files $ cfg ['compressonfly'] = true; // Will compress gzip / bzip2 exports on // fly without NEED for MUCH MEMORY. // if You Encounter Problems with // Created Gzip / Bzip2 Files Disable // This Feature.

// Tabs display settings $ cfg [ 'LightTabs'] = FALSE; // use graphically less intense menu tabs $ cfg [ 'PropertiesIconic'] = TRUE; // Use icons instead of text for the table display of a database (TRUE | False | 'Both') $ cfg ['PropertiesnumColumns'] = 1; // How Many Column SHOULD BE Used for Table Display of A Database? // (a Value Larger Than 1 Results in Some Information Being Hidden)

$ cfg ['defaultTabserver'] = 'main.php'; // Possible Values: // 'main.php' = The Welcome Page // (Recommended for MultiUser Setups) // 'Server_Databases.php' = List of Databases / / 'server_status.php' = runtime information // 'server_variables.php' = MySQL server variables // 'server_privileges.php' = user management // 'server_processlist.php' = process list $ cfg [ 'DefaultTabDatabase'] = 'db_details_structure .php '; // Possible values: //' db_details_structure.php '= tables list //' db_details.php '= sql form //' db_search.php '= search query $ cfg [' DefaultTabTable '] =' tbl_properties_structure. php '; // Possible values: //' tbl_properties_structure.php '= fields list //' tbl_properties.php '= sql form //' tbl_select.php = select page // 'tbl_change.php = insert row page / ** * Export Defaults * /

$ cfg ['export'] ['format'] = 'sql'; // SQL / LATEX / EXCEL / CSV / XML ----- Export file format $ cfg ['export'] ['compression'] = 'none'; // none / zip / gzip / bzip2 ----- Whether the file is compressed

$ cfg ['export'] ['asfile'] = false; ---- Whether to export $ CFG ['ONSERVER'] = false; ----- Export to Server $ CFG [' EXPORT '] [' OnServer_OverWrite '] = false; ----- Whether to use export override $ cfg [' export '] [' Remember_File_Template '] = true; ----- Remember File Template

$ cfg ['export'] ['csv_columns'] = false; $ cfg ['export'] ['csv_null'] = 'NULL'; $ cfg ['export'] ['csv_separet'] = ';'; $ CFG ['export'] ['csv_enclosed'] = '"; $ cfg [' export '] [' csv_escaped '] =' // '; $ cfg [' export '] [' csv_terminated '] =' auto ' $ cfg ['export'] ['Excel_Columns'] = false; $ cfg ['export'] ['Excel_null'] = 'Null'; $ cfg ['export'] ['latex_structure'] = true; $ cfg ['Export'] ['LATEX_DATA'] = true; $ cfg ['export'] ['latex_columns'] = true; $ cfg ['export'] ['Latex_ReLance'] = true; $ cfg ['export'] ['latex_comments'] = true; $ cfg [' export '] [' latex_mime '] = true; $ cfg [' export '] [' latex_null '] =' / textit {null} '; $ cfg [' export " ] [ 'latex_caption'] = TRUE; $ cfg [ 'Export'] [ 'latex_data_label'] = 'tab: __ TABLE __- data'; $ cfg [ 'Export'] [ 'latex_structure_label'] = 'tab: __ TABLE __- structure' ;

$ cfg ['export'] ['sql_structure'] = true; $ cfg ['export'] ['SQL_Data'] = true; $ cfg ['export'] ['SQL_DROP_DATABASE'] = false; $ cfg ['export '] [' SQL_DROP_TABLE '] = false; $ cfg [' export '] [' SQL_AUTO_INCREMENT '] = true; $ cfg [' export '] [' SQL_BACKQUOTES '] = true; $ cfg [' export '] [' SQL_RELATION '] = False; $ cfg [' export '] [' SQL_COLUMNS '] = false; $ cfg [' export '] [' SQL_EXTENDED '] = false; $ cfg [' export '] [' SQL_Comments'] = false; $ cfg ['export'] ['sql_mime'] = false; / *** link to the official mysql documentation. * Be Sure to include no trailing slash on the path. * See [url] http://www.mysql .com / documentation / index.html [/ url] for more information * About mysql manuals and their type. * / $ cfg ['mysqlmanualbase'] = '';- ---- MySQL Online Manual Address

/ *** TYPE OF MYSQL Documentation: * Old - Old Style Used in phpMyadmin 2.3.0 and sooner * Searchable - "Searchable, with user comments" * Chapter "HTML, One Page Per chapter" * BIG - "HTML, ALL On One Page "* None - Do Not Show Documentation Links * / $ CFG ['MySqlmanualType'] = 'Searchable';

/ *** pdf options * / $ cfg ['pdfpagesizes'] = array ('A3', 'A4', 'A5', 'Letter'); $ CFG ['PDFDefaultPageSize'] = 'A4' ; ----- PDF page default size

/ *** Language and Charset Conversion Settings * /// default language to use, if not browser-defined or user-defined $ cfg ['defaultlang'] = 'en-ISO-8859-1'; ----- If you want to display Chinese directly, fill in: zh

// force: always use this language - must be defined in // libraries / select_lang.lib.php // $ cfg ['lang'] = 'en-ISO-8859-1'; // default charset to use for recodin of MySQL queries, does not take // any effect when charsets recoding is switched off by // $ cfg [ 'AllowAnywhereRecoding'] or in language file // (see $ cfg [ 'availableCharsets'] to possible choices, you can add your OWN $ cfg ['defaultcharset'] = 'ISO-8859-1'; ----- Default phpMyadmin language, can be set to: GB2312 // Allow Charset Recoding of mysql queries, Must Be Also Enabled in Language ///// file to make harder using other language files than unicode.// Default value is FALSE to avoid problems on servers without the iconv // extension and where dl () is not supported $ cfg [ 'AllowAnywhereRecoding'] = FALSE;

// You can select here which functions will be used for charset conversion.// Possible values ​​are: // auto - automatically use available one (first is tested iconv, then // recode) // iconv - use iconv or libiconv functions / / Recode - Use recode_string function $ cfg ['recodingen "] =' auto '

// Specify Some parameters for iconv buy in charset conversion. See iconv // Documentation for Details: // [URL] [/ url] ... v / iconv_open.3 .html $ cfg ['iconvextraparams'] = '';

// Available charsets for MySQL conversion. Currently contains all which could // be found in lang / * files and few more.// Charsets will be shown in same order as here listed, so if you frequently // use some of these move THEM to the Top. $ cfg ['availablecharsets'] = array (' ISO-8859-1 ',' ISO-8859-3 ',' ISO-8859-4 ',' ISO- 8859-5, 'ISO-8859-6', 'ISO-8859-8', 'ISO-8859-9', 'ISO-8859-10', 'ISO-8859- 11 ',' ISO-8859-12 ',' ISO-8859-13 ',' ISO-8859-14 ',' ISO-8859-15 ',' Windows-1250 ',' Windows-1251 ',' Windows- 1252 ',' Windows-1257, 'KOI8-R', 'BIG5', 'GB2312', 'UTF-8', 'UTF-7', 'X-user-Defined', 'Euc-JP', ' KS_C_5601-1987 ',' TIS-620 ',' Shift_JIS '); // Loads Language FileRequire (' ./ Libraries / SELECT_LANG.LIB.PHP ');

/ *** Customization & Design ----- page format setting, with more content, can be set according to the annotation details, hereby comment * / $ cfg ['leftwidth'] = 150; // Left Frame Width ----- Left frame width

$ cfg ['leftbgolor'] = '# d0dce0'; // background color for the left frame ----- Background color of the frame

$ cfg ['rightbgcolor'] = '# f5f5f5'; // background color for the right frame ----- Background color on the right side of the frame

$ cfg ['rightbgimage'] = '; // path to a background image for the right frame ----- Frame Right Frame Background Image Address, do not use background pictures, please leave blank // (Leave Blank for no background Images $ cfg ['leftpointercolor'] = '#ccffcc'; // color of the pointer in left frame // (BRANK for no Pointer) ----- Frame left point color $ cfg ['border' ] = 0; // border width on tables ---- Table Width $ CFG ['THBGCOLOR'] = '# D3DCE3'; // Table Header Row Colour ---- Table Head Color $ CFG ['BGCOLORONE' ] = '#Cccccc'; // Table Data Row Color ----- CFG ['BGCOLORTWO'] = '#dddddd'; // Table Data Row Colour - Alternating colors in the table in the table $ cfg ['browsepointercolor'] = '#ccffcc'; // color of the pointer in browse mode // (BrowsemarkerColor '] =' # ffcc99 '; // color of the marker (Visually Marks Row // By CLICKING ON IT) IN Browse Mode // $ CFG [' TextareAcols'] = 40; // TextArea Size (Column) in Edit Mode // (this value will be emphasized (* 2) for sql // query textareas and (* 1.25) for Query Window $ cfg ['TextareArows'] = 7; // Textarea Size (Rows) in Edit Mo de $ cfg [ 'LongtextDoubleTextarea'] = TRUE; // double size of textarea size for longtext fields $ cfg [ 'TextareaAutoSelect'] = TRUE; // autoselect when clicking in the textarea of ​​the querybox $ cfg [ 'CharTextareaCols'] = 40; // textarea size (columns) for char / varchar $ cfg ['ChartextareArows'] = 2; // Textarea Size (Rows) for char / varchar $ cfg ['ctrlarrowsmoving'] = true; // enable Ctrl Arrows Moving Between Fields When Editing? $ cfg ['limitedchars'] = 50;

// MAX Field Data Length in Browse Mode for All Non-NuMeric Fields $ CFG ['ModifyDeleTeatleft'] = true; // show Edit / Delete Links on LEFT SIDE OF BROWSE / (OR At The Top With Vertical Browse) $ CGG [ 'ModifyDeleteAtRight'] = FALSE; // show edit / delete links on right side of browse // (or at the bottom with vertical browse) $ cfg [ 'defaultDisplay'] = 'horizontal'; // default display direction // (horizontal | vertical | horizontalflipped) $ cfg [ 'DefaultPropDisplay'] = 'horizontal'; // default display direction for altering /// creating columns (tbl_properties) // (horizontal | vertical) $ cfg [ 'HeaderFlipType'] = ' CSS '; // TABLE-HEADER ROTATION VIA FAKING OR CSS? (CSS | FAKE) // Note: CSS ONLY WORKS IN IE Browsers! $ cfg [' ShowbrowseComments '] = true; // shows stored limited-comments in' browse 'Mode. $ cfg [' ShowPropertycomments'] = true; // shows stored reason. $ cfg ['repeatcells'] = 100; // REPEAT HEADER NAMES EVERY X CELLS? (0 = deActivate )

$ Cfg [ 'QueryFrame'] = TRUE;. // displays a new frame where a link to a querybox is always displayed $ cfg [ 'QueryFrameJS'] = TRUE; // whether to use JavaScript functions for opening a new window for SQL commands.// if set to 'false', the target of the querybox is always the right frame $ cfg [ 'QueryFrameDebug'] = FALSE;. // display JS debugging link (DEVELOPERS only) $ cfg [ 'QueryWindowWidth'] = 550; // width of query window $ cfg ['querywindowheight'] = 310; // Height of query WINDOW $ cfg ['queryhistoryDB'] = false; // set to true if you want db-based query history.// If false, this utilizes js-routines to display // query history (Lost By Window Close) $ cfg ['QueryWindowdeftab'] = 'SQL'; // Which Tab To Display In The QueryWindow on Startup // (SQL | Files | History | FULL) $ cfg ['queryhistorymax'] = 25; // will db-based Query History, How much entries // Should Be Kept? $ cfg ['browsemime'] = true; // use mime-types Stored in column comments Table) For $ cfg ['maxexactcount'] = 20000; //when approximate Coun T

/ *** SQL Query Box Settings * THESE ARE THE LINKS DISPLAY IN All of the SQL Query Boxes * / $ CFG ['SqlQuery'] ['Edit'] = true; // Edit Link to Change A Query $ CFG [' SqlQuery '] [' Explain '] = true; // explain on select queries $ cfg [' SQLQuery '] [' showasphp '] = true; // wrap a query in php $ cfg [' sqlQuery '] [' Validate ' ] = False; // Validate a Query (See $ cfg ['sqlvalidator'] AS Well) / *** Webserver Upload / Save / Import Directories * / $ CFG ['UPLOADDIR'] = '; // Directory for Uplined files that can be executed by // phpMyAdmin for example './upload' Leave empty for // no upload directory support $ cfg [ 'SaveDir'] = '';.. // Directory where phpMyAdmin can save exported data on // ... server for example './save' Leave empty for no save // ​​directory support $ cfg [ 'docSQLDir'] = ''; // Directory for docSQL imports, phpMyAdmin can import // docSQL files from that directory for. Example // './docsql'. Leave Empty for No Docsql Import Support.

/ *** misc. Settings * / $ cfg ['gd2available'] = 'auto'; // is gd> = 2 Available? Set to yes / no / auto. 'Auto' // does autodtection, Which is a bit Expensive for // PHP <4.3.0, but it is the the only method gd version ./*** SQL PARSER SETTINGS * / $ CFG ['SQP'] ['FMTTYPE'] = 'HTML' ; // Query statement output styles (HTML, TEXT, NONE) $ cfg ['SQP'] ['fmtind'] = '1'; // Each line spacing (FLOATS OK) $ CFG ['SQP'] ['FMTINDUNIT '] =' em '; // Each row of indent units (CSS Types - {EM, PX, PT}) $ cfg [' SQP '] [' FMTColor '] = array (// Syntax Color Data' Comment " => # 808000 ',' Comment_Mysql '=>' ',' Comment_nsi '=>', 'Comment_C' => ',' Digit '=>' ',' Digit_HEX '=>' Teal ',' Digit_INTEGER '=>' TEAL ',' Digit_float '=>' Aqua ',' Punct '=>' Fuchsia ',' alpha '=>', 'alpha_columntype' => '# ff9900', 'alpha_columnattrib' => # 0000FF ',' alpha_reservedWord '=>' # 990099 ',' alpha_functionName '=>' # FF0000 ',' alpha_identifier '=>' black ',' alpha_variable '=>' # 800000 ',' quote '=>' # 008000 ',' quote_double '=>' ',' quote_single '=>' ',' quote_backtick '=>');

/ *** If you wish to use the SQL Validator service, you should be * aware of the following:.. * All SQL statements are stored anonymously for statistical purposes * Mimer SQL Validator, Copyright 2002 Upright Database Technology * All rights reserved. * / $ cfg ['sqlvalidator'] ['use'] = false; // make the sql validator available $ cfg ['sqlvalidator'] ['username'] = ''; // if you have a custom username, Specify IT Here (Defaults to Anonymous $ CFG ['SqlValidator'] ['Password'] = '; // Password for UserName / *** Developers Only! * To Use the Following, please install the dbg extension from [URL][/url]*/$cfg['dbg'][''enable '] = false; // make the dbg stuff available $ cfg [' DBG '] [' Profile '] Enable'] = false; // Products PROFILING RESULTS OF PHP $ CFG ['DBG'] ['Profile'] ['Threshold'] = 0.5; // Threshold of Long Running Code To Display // Anything Below THRESHOLD IS Not Displayed

/ *** mysql settings * /// Column type; // varchar, tinyint, text and date area listed first, based on estimated popularity $ cfg ['color "] = array (' varchar ',' tinyint ',' Text ',' Date ',' Int ',' Bigint ',' Float ',' Double ',' Decimal ',' DateTime ',' TimeStamp ',' Time ',' Year ', 'Char', 'tinyblob', 'tinytext', 'blob', 'mediumblob', 'mediumtext', 'longblob', 'longtext', 'enum', 'set');

// Atributes $ cfg [ 'AttributeTypes'] = array ( '', 'BINARY', 'UNSIGNED', 'UNSIGNED ZEROFILL'); // Available functionsif ($ cfg [ 'ShowFunctionFields']) {$ cfg [ 'Functions' ] = array ('ASCII', 'Char', 'Soundex', 'Lcase', 'Ucase', 'Now', 'Password', 'MD5', 'Encrypt', 'Rand', 'Last_Insert_ID', 'Count ',' AVG ',' SUM ',' CURDATE ',' CURTIME ',' FROM_DAYS ',' FROM_UNIXTIME ',' PERIOD_ADD ',' PERIOD_DIFF ',' TO_DAYS ',' UNIX_TIMESTAMP ',' USER ',' WEEKDAY ', 'Concat');

// Which column types will be mapped to which Group? $ Cfg [ 'RestrictColumnTypes'] = array (' VARCHAR '=>' FUNC_CHAR ',' TINYINT '=>' FUNC_NUMBER ',' TEXT '=>' FUNC_CHAR ',' Date '=>' FUNC_DATE ',' Smallint '=>' FUNC_NUMBER ',' MEDIUMINT '=>' FUNC_NUMBER ',' INT '=>' FUNC_NUMBER ',' Bigint '=>' FUNC_NUMBER ',' FLOAT '=>' FUNC_NUMBER ',' DOUBLE '=>' FUNC_NUMBER ',' DECIMAL '=>' FUNC_NUMBER ',' DATETIME '=>' FUNC_DATE ',' TIMESTAMP '=>' FUNC_DATE ',' TIME '=>' FUNC_DATE ',' YEAR '=>' Func_date ',' char '=>' func_char ',' tinyblob '=>' func_char ',' tinytext '=>' func_char ',' blob '=>' func_char ',' MediumBlob '=> Func_Char ',' MediumText '=>' FUNC_CHAR ',' longblob '=>' func_char ',' longtext '=>' func_char ',' enum '=>', 'set' => ''); // Map Above Defined Groups to any function $ cfg ['restrictfunctions'] = array ('func_char' => Array ('ascii', 'char', 'snoudex', 'lcase', 'ucase', 'password', 'MD5', 'Encrypt', 'Last_Insert_ID', 'User', 'Concat'),

'FUNC_DATE' => array ( 'NOW', 'CURDATE', 'CURTIME', 'FROM_DAYS', 'FROM_UNIXTIME', 'PERIOD_ADD', 'PERIOD_DIFF', 'TO_DAYS', 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP', 'WEEKDAY'), 'FUNC_NUMBER '=> Array (' ASCII ',' Char ',' MD5 ',' Encrypt ',' Rand ',' Last_Insert_ID ',' County, 'Avg', 'Sum'));

} // end if

/ *** unset magic_quotes_runtime - do not change! * / Set_magic_quotes_runtime (0);

/ *** File Revision - Do Not Change Either! * / $ Cfg ['fileRevision'] = '$ revision: $';?>


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