Windows and DOS (client) network interconnect based on TCPIP programming implementation

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  93

1. Under the development of network technology, the application of Lin network is low, fast, and so on. Since the client is in the mall POS or industry site usually uses a DOS environment (due to facts and easy-to-operate hardware, And occupying less disk space), and use Win9X development in server-side design and friendly user interface: Win9X-side implementation adopts popular Win9x network settings to programmatically, you can use VB writing server Interface implementation, this system uses TCP protocol. The specific implementation is relatively simple, there is a large number of examples. 4: DOS-side network settings

DOS client needs to install MS-Client for MSDOS (Winnt4 CD, netbook for DOS Times)

Sockets.exe socket driver loading MS Client for DOS in AutoExec.bat

AutoExec.bat file

C: /net/neetbind.comc: /net/umb.comc: /net/tcptsr.exec: /net/tinyrfc.exec: /net/nmtsr.exec: / net / emsbfr. EXEC: / NET / NET START

Modify the TCPUTILS.INI file under the NET directory, plus hostname = localhost in the [TCPGlobal] segment (your machine name)

5: DOS-side software design uses the TCP protocol routine as follows:

// Development environment: DOS622 BC 3.1

/ ************************************************** File Name: Client. C Develop member: Wu Jianping function: DOS client send message last modified: 2001-08-20 *************************** **************** /

// Server Name Send #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include

#define buffer_size 1000 # Define line_len 70 # define ini_file "netsend.ini"

Char sendbuf [buffer_size]; char recvbuf [buffer_size]; struct sockaddr_in server_addr, client_addr;

INT F_GETINIKEY (CHAR * FNAME, CHAR * Section, Char * Key, Char * Value); int Sleep (INT Seconds) {long start_seconds, current_seconds, end_seconds;

Time (& Start_Seconds); End_seconds = Start_seconds (long) Seconds;

DO {TIME (& current_seconds);} while (current_seconds / n", argv [0]); exit (1);}

/ ************************************************** ************* * Read the machine IP address from the configuration file ***************************** *********************************************************** / MEMSET (LS_SERVER_IP, 0x00, SIZEOF (LS_SERVER_IP)); if (f_getinikey (INI_FILE, "Server", "IP", LS_SERVER_IP) <= 0) {Printf ("Take the server address configuration file [netsend.ini] error / N "); exit (1);} MEMSET (ls_localhost_name, 0x00, sizeof (ls_localhost_name)); if (f_getinikey (INI_FILE," LocalHost "," Hostname ", LS_LOCALHOST_NAME) <= 0 {Printf (" Take this machine address Over the configuration file [NetSend.ini] error / N "); exit (1);}

/ *

** Establish a local communication endpoint * /

SD = Socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); IF (SD <0) {Printf ("Error: socket () call failed W / RC =% D, Errno =% D / N", SD, Errno); EXIT 1);} printf ("Socket () returns% D / N", SD);

/ *

** Fill the Socket address structure with the necessary information

** Remote server node (introduced remote node IP address and port) attempt to connect the server

** Call the Until loop until the remote server is successful or timeout

* /

Server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; Server_Addr.sin_Port = HTONS (6000); Server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (ls_server_ip);

Rc = Connect (SD, STRUCKADDR *) & Server_addr, SizeOf (Server_ADDR)); if (RC <0) {Printf ("Error: Connect () call failed w / errno =% d / n", errno); Close_Socket (SD); exit (1);} Printf ("OK 0x% lx / n", server_addr.sin_addr); // Seconds = ATOI (Argv [4]); seconds = 1; printf ("Wait% D Second Before sending data ... / n ", seconds); SLEEP (Seconds); / * ** send the number of bytes specified on the command line to the server. * /

// for (i = 0; i

For (i = 1; I

// STRCPY (Sendbuf, "Hello, Server!"); size = strlen (sendbuf); len = send (SD, SENDBUF, SIZE, 0);

Total = 0; Printf ("Try reception data / N"); do {len = recv (SD, & Recvbuf [Total], Size-Total, 0); if (len <0) {Printf ("error: RECV ( ) Call failed w / errno =% d / n ", errno); Close_Socket (SD); exit (1);} Printf (" RECV () Returns% D byte / n ", LEN); Total = LEN; WHILE (Total <2);

Printf ("Receive Buffer: / N"); for (i = 0; I

/ * * * After all data transfer is complete, turn off the socket and exit after. * / Close_socket (sd); exit (0); return;}

In the project file, you need to include dos_socket.lib, in the mircrosoft TCP / IP SDK for DOS 1.0

Microsoft's development kit (Microsoft provides) Compare Socket development for TCP / IP

Microsoft TCP / IP Sockets Development Kit 1.0 for DOS & Windows Development Pack


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