1. Must ensure that there is no ALLOWOVERRIDE NONE to this file area (which can be set to ALL)
Then use the .htacess method to realize the authentication function:
Add a .htacess file in the area you want to set the authentication, the contents of the file are as follows:
ErrorDocument 401 / Error.php // URL
Authorfile d: /websamples/phpmysql/chapter14/protected/.htpass // Physical path
Authname "Realm-Name"
Authtype Basic
Require Valid-User
Where. Htpass files are used to use an HTPasswd.exe tool under Apache / bin generation:
HTPASSWD -BC path /.htpass user1 pass1
HTPASSWD -B path /.htpass user2 pass2
The above command generates a .htpass file in the specified path, which contains the user and the corresponding password.
2, modify the http.conf configuration file directly
Options Followsymlinks
ErrorDocument 401 / Error.php
Authorfile d: /websamples/phpmysql/chapter14/protacected/.htpass
Authname "Realm-Name"
Authtype Basic
Require Valid-User