Flashget to advertising

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  102

Crack this thing is too difficult to me, I just don't want to watch advertising.

As for the registration menu, use VC to delete it.

code show as below:

#include #include

INT set_dir (void) {char Temp [512]; if (! getModuleFileName (0, Temp, 500)) {MessageBox (0, Temp, "getModuleFileName", 0); return -1;} * Strrchr (Temp, '/ / ') = 0; if (! SetCurrentDirectory (Temp)) {MessageBox (0, "setcurrentdirectory", 0, 0); return -1;} return 0;}

INT CLEAR_AD (VOID) {char Temp [512]; if (! getCurrentDirectory (500, Temp)) {MessageBox (0, "getcurrentdirectory", 0, 0); return -1;} strcat (TEMP, "// ADS / /cache434//*.* "); SHFILEOPSTRUCT op; op.hwnd = 0; op.wFunc = FO_DELETE; op.pFrom = temp; op.pTo = 0; op.fFlags = FOF_SILENT | FOF_NOERRORUI | FOF_NOCONFIRMATION; op.fAnyOperationsAborted = 0; op.hnamemappings = 0; op.lpszprogresstitle = 0; shfileOperation (& op); return 0;}

INJECT_TIMER (Handle Proc) {Void * Ra, * RM; Hinstance Kern; Char Tw [] = "Flashget.dll"; kern = getModuleHandle ("kernel32"); if (! kern) return -1; ra = getProcaddress Kern, "LoadLibrarya"); if (! ra) return -1; rm = Virtualalocex (Proc, 0,4096, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); if (! rm) return -1; dword b; if (! WriteProcessMemory (proc, RM, TW, SIZEOF (TW), & B) {VirtualFreeex (Proc, Ra, 0, Mem_Release); Return -1;} if (! CreateRemoteThread (Proc, 0, 0, Ra, RM, 0, & B) { VirtualFreeex (Proc, Ra, 0, Mem_release); Return -1;} VirtualFreeex (Proc, Ra, 0, Mem_Release); CloseHandle (Proc); Return 0;}

int exec_flashget (char * cmd) {SHELLEXECUTEINFO sei; memset (& sei, 0, sizeof (sei)); sei.cbSize = sizeof (sei); sei.fMask = SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS; sei.hwnd = 0; sei.lpVerb = "open "; sei.lpFile =" flashget2.exe "; sei.lpParameters = cmd; sei.nShow = SW_MINIMIZE; sei.lpDirectory = 0; if (ShellExecuteEx (& sei)) {if (sei.hProcess); inject_timer (sei.hProcess ); Return 0;} MessageBox (0, "exec flashget", 0, 0); return -1;} int hide_ad_bar (void) {hwnd flash_get = null; hwnd tool_bar = null; dword now = gettickcount (); while Flash_Get && ((GettickCount () - NOW) <100000) {Flash_Get = FindWindow ("Jetcar Class", 0);} if (! Flash_Get) {MessageBox (0, "Findwindow Jetcar", 0, 0); Return - 1;} Now = gettickcount (); while (! Tool_bar && ((GettickCount () - NOW) <1000) {TOOL_BAR = FindWindowEx (Flash_Get, 0, "AFXWND42S", 0);} if (! Tool_bar) {MessageBox 0, "FindWindow Toolbar", 0, 0); Return -1; } ShowWindow; Sleep (1000); showwindow (flash_get, sw_restore; showwindow); setForegroundWindow (Flash_Get); return 0;}

DWORD WINAPI TIMER (LPVOID P) {HWND HWND, PARENT; INT B = 0; INT I = 0; While (1) {IF (! (I = (i 1)% 120)) CLEAR_AD (); hWnd = Parent = 0; Parent = FindWindow ("AFX: 400000: 0", 0); if (! Parent) b = 0; if (parent) hWnd = FindWindowEx (PARENT, 0, "AFXWND42S", 0); if (hwnd) {IF (b == 0) {ShowWindow (hwnd, sw_hide); showwindow (parent, sw_hide); showwindow (parent, sw_maximize); b = 1;}} Sleep (1000);}} int WinAPI DLLMAIN (Hinstance Hinst, DWord Reason, void * resv) {switch {copy dll_process_attach: {DWORD TID; if (0! = Set_dir ()) {MessageBox (0, "SET DIR", 0, 0); Return False;} CreateThread 0, 0, Timer, 0, 0, & Tid); Break;} Case DLL_Process_Detach: {Break;}} Return True;

Int WinApi Winmain (Hinstance Hinst, Hinstance Hprev, LPSTR CMD, INT Show) {IF (0! = set_dir ()) {MessageBox (0, "SET DIR", 0, 0); Return -1;} IF (0! = CLEAR_AD ()) {MessageBox (0, "Clear AD", 0, 0); return -1;} if (0! = exec_flashget (cmd)) {MessageBox (0, "Exec Flashget", 0, 0); Return -1;} if (0! = HIDE_AD_BAR ()) {MessageBox (0, "Hide Ad Bar", 0, 0); Return-1;} Return 0;

Use VC to compile this file into flashget.dll, Flashget.exe, put them in the Flashget directory, before change the original flashGet.exe to Flashget2.exe.


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