.Text blog's little installation experience

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  111

First get the source code (this is a good article in someone else) The structure of the source code has a DottextWeb directory is the web directory. Add a virtual directory in IIS, such as "blog", directory is dottextWeb. Then modify the web project's properties in dottext.sln to ensure that you can open this Project (if this modified

Project ( "{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "DottextWeb", "http: //localhost/DottextWeb/DottextWeb.csproj", "{D5711AB8-BE34-4D64-91A2-B68F310CA995}" ProjectSection ( Projectdependencies) = PostProject EndProjectSECTION ProjectSection (Projectdependencies) = PostProject EndProjectSectionENDPROJECT

Change to

Project ( "{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "DottextWeb", "http: //localhost/blog/DottextWeb.csproj", "{D5711AB8-BE34-4D64-91A2-B68F310CA995}" ProjectSection ( Projectdependencies) = PostProject EndProjectSECTION ProjectSection (Projectdependencies) = PostProject EndProjectSectionENDPROJECT

Immediately open this SLN with VS.NET, fully compile. (At least the project is going to do it)

The next step is to create a database first created a database. For example, BlogDB. Then prepare to perform the following SQL scripts on this database Dottext / OtherSTUFF / SQL SCRIPTS directory with 3 SQL file dottextSetup _ *** (later is the version number). This executes, used to create table structure in the database Keywords.SQL and then execute this dottextsprocs.sql, finally execute this, create a stored procedure. But don't do it now. First look at 2 bugs below

*** FIX bug1 *** The original author misses a trigger is not created (some version is not created .. This open source project is updated every day ..) Execute the following SQL to create this trigger set quoted_identifier on goset ANSI_NULLS On Gocreate Trigger Blog_Content_Triggeron Blog_ContentAfter Insert, Update, Deleteas

Declare @Blogid Int

--Get the current blogidselect @Blogid = BlogId from inserted

--Much More delete - Need to Run on Updates As Well, Incase An Item Is Marked As Inactiveif (@Blogid Is Null) Begin Select @Blogid = BlogId from Deleted End

Update blog_ConfigSet PostCount = (Select Count (*) From blog_Content Where blog_Content.BlogID = blog_Config.BlogID and PostType = 1 and Active = 1), CommentCount = (Select Count (*) From blog_Content Where blog_Content.BlogID = blog_Config.BlogID and PostType = 3 and Active = 1), StoryCount = (Select Count (*) From blog_Content Where blog_Content.BlogID = blog_Config.BlogID and PostType = 2 and Active = 1), PingTrackCount = (Select Count (*) From blog_Content Where blog_Content.BlogID = blog_Config.BlogID and PostType = 4 and Active = 1) Where BlogID = @BlogIDGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GOSET ANSI_NULLS ON GO *** fix bug2 *** man named DNW_GetRecentPosts this document storage process, the inside and Blog_content.ID <> 50 taken, otherwise the ID of the ID is 50 blogger, will never be displayed on the homepage.

Next, you have to make sure you use this blog. .Text supports 3 ways. Single users physically multi-user and virtual multi-user single users are definitely won't use. Here you first have to talk about the difference between physical multi-user and virtual multi-user. .Text's blog looks like this www.ncuhome.com/blog/xxx/ xxx when visiting a person's blog. According to the general experience. There must be an XXX directory or a virtual directory in a blog directory. When the user is less, no problem. But the user is more troublesome. Then need to set an IIS to achieve the properties of the site to select the site to the .NET -> Home Directory -> config, add a suffix * processing method (even the folder contains past), Setup processing ISAPI is "p: /windows/microsoft.net/framework/v1.1.4322/ASPNET_ISAPI.DLL" in 2003, as long as ISERT is ISAPI. (I can't add it in the XP professional version .. I must not forget to add the default page in IIS Default.aspx

After these are all completed, you can add a user to test, execute SQLinsert Into [Blog_config] ([Username], [Password], [Email], [Title], [Subtitle], [SBIN], [Subtitle], [SBIN], [SUBTIL], Host], [Author], [Timezone], [ITEMTIVE], [LANGUAGE], [ITEMCOUNT], [ALOWSERVICEACCESS], [Lastupdated], [News], [Secondarycss], [Application]) Values ​​('Aliy', ' Aliy ',' Joy@joycode.com ',' Aliy ',' Aliy's Blog ',' Marvin3-Red ',' Blog.joycode.com ',' Aliy ', 0, 1,' EN-CHS ', 15, 1, '7/28/2003', null, null, 'aliy') Need to pay attention to the Host field. Must be identical to the same as you entered in your browser. For example, you have a site of Host is ncuhome.com, IP is Then you use http://ncuhome.com/blog/waterflier/ to access the user's Waterflier's blog, but use / Blog / Waterflier / I'm not accessed. This should be paid to this.


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