GNU General Public License (GPL)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  110

GNU General Public License (GPL) The following body is a copy of the original document of the Free Software Foundation GNU General Public License. The Linux operating system and a large number of software related to it are developed and released under the promotion of GPL.

You will see: If you intend to modify, update or improve any software that is constrained by the General Public License, the software software you modified must also be bound by the GNU General Permit Terms.

GNU General Public License 1991.6 Second Edition Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 675 MASS AVE, CAMBRIDGE, MAO2139, USA allow for each person to copy and publish a copy of this license original document, but absolutely does not allow any modifications to it.


Most software licenses are determined to deprive your freedom of sharing and modifying software. In contrast, GNU General Public License Promotion Map Guarantees your sharing and modifying free software free software - guaranteeing free software to be free to all users. GPL is suitable for software for most Free Software Foundation, as well as author developed by authors using these software. (Some of the other software of the Free Software Foundation are protected by the GNU library license). You can also use it in your program.

When we talk about free software, we refer to free instead of price. Our GNU General Public License is determined to ensure that you have freedom to release free software (if you like, you can charge this service); ensure that you can receive the source or get it when you need it; You can modify the software or part of it for new free software; and also guarantee that you know you can do.

In order to protect your rights, we need to make regulations: No one does not admit your rights or ask you to give up these rights. If you have modified the free software or post a copy of the software, these regulations transformed into your responsibility. For example, if you release a copy of such a program, whether it is charged or free, you must give you the receipt of all rights you have; you must guarantee that they can receive or get the source; and give these terms They see that they know that they have such rights.

We take two measures to protect your rights. (l) to the software with copyright protection. (2) Provide you with a license. It gives you a copy, release, and modify the legal license of these software. Similarly, in order to protect each author and us, we need to clearly let everyone understand that free software is not guaranteed (No Warrant ". If the software is modified by other people, it will continue to spread. We need it to understand that they are not the original free software. Any questions from others, should not damage the reputation of the original author. Finally, any free software is constantly being threatened by software patents. We want to avoid such risks, and the release of free software will receive a patent license based on individual name. In fact, the software becomes private. To prevent this, we must clear: any patent must be presuppose to allow each person to be freely used, otherwise it will not be allowed to have patented.

Terms and Conditions for copying, publishing, and modifying 0. This license applies to any programs and other works that include the copyright owner's declaration, and the copyright owner explicitly explains that procedures and works can be released under the constraints of GPI clauses. The "program" mentioned below refers to any such programs or works. "Program-based work" refers to a derivative of programs or any copyright law. That is to say to a part of a part of the program or program. Can be an original, or modified and / or translated into other languages ​​(procedures). Hereinafter, translations are included in the modified terms for a long time. The license terms are not applicable to activities other than replication, publishing, and modifying. These activities beyond the scope of these terms. The activity of running procedures is not subject to the terms. This article applies only when the output of the program constitutes a program based on the content of the program (if only the program is only running). Whether it is universally applicable to what the program is specifically used. 1. As long as you have a clear and properly published copyright statement and not assured statement, keep this license statement and unsured statement intact, and draw a license for each other program recipient together with the program. A copy of the certificate, you can use any media to copy and release the source code for the original program you received. You can charge a certain fee for the actual action of the transfer copy. You also have the right to choose a guarantee to exchange for a certain fee.

2. You can modify one or several copies of the program or any part of the program to form a program-based work. As long as you meet all the conditions below, you can copy and publish this modified program or work as required by the previous paragraph. A) You must accompany a clear description in the modified file: You have modified this file and the specific modification date. B) You must make you publish or publish (it contains all or part of the program, or contains all or partially derived by the program) allows third parties to be used as a whole according to the license clause. c) If the modified program reads commands in an interactive manner, you must print or display declarations when starting into regular interaction methods: including appropriate copyright declarations and declarations without guarantees (or you provide guaranteed Declaration); users can re-release programs according to this license terms; and tell users how to see this license. (Exception: If the original program works interactively, it does not print such a statement, your program-based work does not print a statement).

These requirements apply to the overall work of modified works. If it is possible to determine a part of the work is not a derivative product, it can reasonably believe that this part is independent and different works. When you release it as an independent work, it is not subject to this license and its terms. But when you use this part as a program-based work, it will be constrained by the license terms as a whole. The range of use of other license holders is expanded to the entire product. That is, everyone, no matter who it is. Therefore, the intent of this Territor is not to obtain rights; or deprive all the rights of all works you are written. Instead, perform rights to control the release of the program-based collective work or derivatives.

In addition, the works independent of the program and the program or the program or the program-based work are placed on the same volume of the storage or release media, and other works are not placed within the constraints of this license.

3. You can copy or publish programs in your target code or executable form (or comply with the program-based work), as long as you follow the previous paragraphs L. 2, and meet 1 of the following three. A) On the media that is usually used as software exchange, with the target code with a machine readable complete source code. The release of these source code should meet the requirements of Top 1, 2 above. Or b) On the media typically used as software exchange, with the target code, the written quote of the corresponding machine readable source code is supplied with the third party. The validity period is not less than 3 years, and the cost does not exceed the actual cost release of the actual completion of the source. The release of the source code should meet the requirements of paragraph 1, 2 above. Or c) with the target code, accompany the offer information of the release source. (This provision is only available for non-commercial release, and you only receive the offer from the program's target code or executable code and press B) requirements.). The source code of the work refers to the modification of the works to modify the most preferred form. For executable works, the complete source code includes: all source programs of all modules, plus the definition of the relevant interface, plus the installation and compilation of the executable works. As a special exception, the published source code does not have to contain any of the main components of the operating system that are running on the above-running operating system (such as compilers, kernels, etc.). Unless these components are combined with the executable works.

If you use the access and replication of the access and replication to the specified location, the access and replication source code to the same location can be provided as a source code, even if the third party does not force the source code with the target code.

4. Unless you make it clear as required by the license, you can't copy, modify, forward licenses and release procedures. Any tried to copy, modify, forward licenses, and publishers in other ways are invalid. And the right to automatically end the license gives you. However, people who get copies and rights from you according to the license terms, as long as they continue to fully perform the terms, the license is still valid.

5. You have not signed on the license, so you don't have to accept this license. However, there is no other thing to give you the right to modify and publish procedures and their derivatives. If you do not accept licenses, these behaviors are prohibited. Therefore, if you modify or publish a program (or any program-based work), you indicate that you accept this license and all its terms and conditions for copying, publishing, and modifying programs or program-based works.

6. Whenever you re-press (or any program-based work), the recipient automatically receives a license for replication, release, or modifying programs that are dominated by these terms and conditions from the original license issuer. You can't fulfill the rights to your recipient to impose other restrictions. You have not forgiving the third party to fulfill the obligation of the license terms.

7. If the court decisions or violates patent or any other reason (not limited to patent issues), there is a conflict with your conditions (whether court decisions, agreements or other) and licenses have conflicts. They can't open it with the license terms. When you can't meet the obligations and other relevant obligations specified in this license, you can do not publish the program at all. For example, if a patent license does not allow all those who directly or indirectly accept copies without paying the procedure without paying the patent fee, the only way to meet both aspects is to stop the release process.

Use the remainder of the terms if any of these clauses are invalid or unforgettable in a particular environment. The terms will be used as a whole for other environments. The purpose of this Territor is not to attract you to invade the requirements of patents or other property rights, or debate the effectiveness of this requirement. The main purpose of this Territor is to protect the integrity of the free software distribution system. It is implemented by the application of a general public license. Many people adhere to the application of this system, which has been generous for publishing a large amount of free software through this system. Author / donor has the right to decide whether he / she releases software through any other system. The license is not allowed to force this choice. The purpose of this section is to express the results that may produce the rest of the license.

8. If the patent or a copyright interface issue makes the program in some countries, the original copyright owner placed under the license constraint can increase the terms of the restriction area, clearly exclude these countries. outer. And release procedures outside of these countries. In this case, the license is the same as the restriction terms and the text of the license.

9. Free Software Fund may be published in a modified version or new version of a general public license at any time. The new version and the current version are consistent in principle, but may have differentials in the details when referring to new issues or related matters.

Each version has a different version number. If the program specifies the license version number that is applied to its, "any updated version". You have the right to choose a new version that follows the specified version or the Free Software Foundation, if the program does not specify a license version, you can choose any version of the Free Software has been published.

10. If you are willing to combine a part of the program into other free programs, their publishing conditions are different. Write a letter to the author, requiring it to be used. If it is a free software foundation, copyright protection, write a letter to the Free Software Foundation. We sometimes be treated as exceptions. Our decision is guided by two main goals. These two main goals are: our free software derivatives continue to remain free. And from the overall promotion of sharing and reuse.

No guarantee

L1. Due to free use of the program, there is no guarantee for the program within the scope of the applicable method. Unless otherwise written instructions, the copyright owner and / or other providers "the same" do not provide any type of guarantee. Whether it is clear or implicit. Include but not limited to implicit sales and guarantees for specific purposes. All risks, such as the quality and performance issues of procedures are taken by you. If the program has a defect, you assume all necessary services, repair, and corrections.

12. Unless the requirements of the applicable or written agreement, in any case, any copyright owner or anyone who modifies and publishes the procedure according to the license terms will not be responsible for your loss. Including any general, special, accidental or major losses caused by use or cannot use programs, including but not limited to data loss, or data becomes inaccurate, or your or third parties continue to lose, or The program cannot be coordinated with other programs, etc.). Even if the copyright owner and others mention this loss are no exception.

The final terms and conditions use these terms to your new program. If you have developed a new program, and you need it to get the public to maximize the utilization. The best way to do this is to turn it free software. Each person can modify and re-release it on the basis of compliance with the terms. In order to do this, the drawing is attached to the following statements. The safest way is to put it on each source program to the most efficient delivery of the information that refuses to guarantee. Each file should have at least "copyright" line and where you can see the full text of the statement.


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