Description Network Computer Aided Teaching Model

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  94

Description Network Computer Aided Teaching Model with Item Guide Method

Description Network Computer Aided Teaching Model with Item Guide Method

Using Object Oriented Method in Network Cai Model

Lin Minhui, Huang Zhengkui, Wang Bai *, Chen Qingfan *

Freshwater College Directory Department, Tiles University Consultation Office *

No. 32, Truedom Street, Deli Town, Taipei County,, lmh @


In recent years, online technology has improved rapidly, and the online resource collection is more easier, and the traditional computer assist teaching system is lacking in teaching resources, so the multi-textive materials can be based on the global network. The road is transferred to each other. Exploring the mutual transmission of teaching resources can be said to be reused by the textbook. How to make computer-assisted resources reuse, you must introduce the object-oriented approach to the architecture of the computer-aided teaching process, this method will be cut into the process of teaching into One component, and using unified modeling language (UML) to plan the components generated by each process, in addition to the reuse of components, as long as the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (Corba) is followed on the network, The specifications of the Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) can produce teaching resource components, and to get rich in teaching resources, we can get rich teaching resources to increase system visibility.


The renewal of instructive resources is lacking for the traditional CAI systems. And in recent years, the sapid advancement of Internet technology has brought about the easy collection of resources on Internet, so the diverse instructive materials can be passed through the Internet for each other. to discuss the passage of instructive resource is to discuss the reuse of the instructive materials, whenever we want to reuse the resources of CAI systems, we must take the object-oriented method into the architecture of constructing CAI systems. In our thesis, we partition the whole teaching process into several individual objects, and we use the unified modeling language (UML) to design the object for every corresponding phase in the teaching process. We just obey the specification of Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) or Distributed Component Object MODEL (DCOM) TO IMPLEMENT THE INSTRUCTIVE OBJECTS, THEN WE CAN ACHIEVE The Reuse of Objects. And Thereafter, We can Download THESE Objects to Our Own on Others Cai Systems, Such That We All Can Get The Abundant Instructive Resources And Raise The Value of CAI Systems. Keywords

Use Case, UML, CAI, Object Oriented, Java.

1 Introduction

American computer education is predicted in 1978: "At 2000 to the West, the main learning methods of schools and almost all kinds of sectors will be conducted through the interactive learning of the computer, thereby expecting the computer. Auxiliary teaching is more and more easier information to lectors and learners in the future, effectively integrates various multimedia materials such as animation, film, sound, sound, and text, but these multimedia resources are often unfair to flow. , The reason may be that these teaching resources are limited to system users in a certain area, and those who are undeniable can be reused in other systems, so packing these teaching resources into components, put them on the Internet. System developers are reused, which can thus reach a multifaceted circulation of teaching resources. Computer-assisted teaching component planning is based on object-oriented as a background, how to plan the benefits of re-use, can be planned by the UML of Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson, James Rumbau, etc., and in UML USE Case is the operation of the overall system. User Case has been practical for many years in the field of objects, mainly to illustrate the behavior or transmission of the behavior in the system, and CAI is a computer-aided teaching system, and the paper will show how to use USE Case to plan CAI system. 2. Compare the process planning of traditional CAI and object-oriented CAI

The planning of the CAI system is used to integrate planning, which will compare the integration of human-machine interface. Generally, as long as the user starts the use of the side browser, no matter when, where, you can display the network network to present the teaching content, so these systems are integrated into multimedia files or materials. The library is often located only in regional (local), such system planning, allows users to share the resources of the servo, but can not meet the sharing of teaching resources within other servo.

In addition, in the system development plan, the lack of uniform expansion is compared, and the current database will be combined with a system database, and by individual correction mode (Entity-Relationship Model) The design method is planned to explain the system's database, and the archives of the system teaching are also stored in a tree manner. The future managers will be more difficult to maintain the system. If it is programs a set of CAI systems, no matter how the program is developed in the system, or the domain directory ODB is used as the background of the object, it will be easy to manage and maintain, and these resources After the Corba, DCOM is encapsulated, it can also be reused under different heterogeneous systems, regardless of the teaching resources under any network system, and in the three-layer architecture, intermediary Element management and control of the layer will have considerable utilization, reduce the control burden of other layers.

3. Research Method for ISE Case

3.1.USE Case

In essence, USE Case is an entity interaction representation of the user and computer system, or the following points can be used to illustrate the features of the representative of USE CASE:

• Use case is a function that you can see some users can see.

• USE CASE is possible to represent a small or large structure according to the structure of the system.

User Case is allowed to reach their individual purpose.

• USE Case is a functional decomposition technology.

For more than one point, USE CASE technology is easy to use, but it is also easy to misuse. It must be used correctly to get higher quality demand specifications when system development, and USE Case is not only "expression" requirements, USE Case can also find and define the needs of the system.

3.2. Narrative CAI USE Case

Now explain how to use Use Case to plan the system with the current Internet computer-aided teaching system. BP (Business Process) Enterprise Procedure, for a series of in line with the system, the system developed by using Use Case will follow this principle, and its principles contain: for a sequence of services and must meet the expectations of the system. First explain the CAI's procedure to enterprise program: The user enters the global information network through the TCP / IP communication agreement to browse the webpage to the computer-aided teaching system, and accept the security certification of the system before entering the system. , Then select the subject to participate in the study, then render the content of teaching by HTML, XML, or ASP, and the user can switch the teaching web page to communicate the content of the class. When the teaching assist system comes backward, the user does not need to replace the interface environment, just switch to another web page, enter the smart-type hypervisor system, directly accept the test, and can be based on each learner learning efficiency and The degree will immediately get answers and post-class reviews, and the latter users can also exchange experience in online (BBS) and classmates who are in class, and they can also use email (email) and teacher discussions.

The above-mentioned execution computer-assisted teaching instructions will express the description with USE CASE technology, as follows:

USE Case: Computer Aided Teaching

User-end system server

Entering the teaching system

2. Enter the user name and password

3. Review the use of the end

4. Confirm with the user's visa

5. Choose subjects to class

6. Generate teaching content according to the user's attributes

7. Display computer teaching content

8. Appear of the user attributes

9. Evaluation

10. Interactive conversation and class discussions

11. Users leave the system

12. Record use of end learning materials

Overall, the above USE Case model only hopes to make developers easier to understand the Planning process of the CAI system, only for the text of the small part of the system functional process, maybe the development team has a new idea (IDEA) And it has been added, it is necessary to spend a lot of time until each participant has a consensus, that is, the BP has reached an ideal realm. Why do you want to discuss abstract work? Because the results of the discussion, the essence of the computer-aided teaching system is also found, and fewer CAI system descriptions, the larger the reuse, the lower the level of abstraction, including more details And statics limit, the opportunity to reuse after the future will decrease. After the development of the project, all sampling level discussions can be retained, and if there is a project of the same type of development software, the high-like project can be reused, the similarity is low. Reuters can be reused for higher level discussions.

Description Use Case to plan the system, you can further use the sequence diagram in UML to detail the action and procedure of the entire teaching system:

Figure 1: CAI's teaching process sequencing

There are four master objects in the step-in-step diagram under the UML, and the class diagram in the UML can more specify the attributes and actions of the interaction between four items and explain the four item members list:

Figure 2: Categories of Four items

classification name

Category member

Member description



Passing the user input identification code


Passing the user's identification password


Instructions in inquiry under the user identity database


Open the Table identified in the heterogeneous database


Numbered each Identify object, mainly easy to manage


Confirm the user identity, pass the result of the comparison to return the result to the screen



Record course category code


The keyword of the course content, the main content of the record user


Record of this course


Show the way courses such as: text, sound or image


The number of exhibitions in this lesson, thereby, you can learn about the extent of each chapter.


When the user selects the course topic, the program is responsible for arrangeing the course order


Deuting the course after the course is responsible for displaying the topic



Unique identification of each test element


Display media type of test media


The main topics of this test content can produce test questions for the subject


Record the number of each test topic


Number of uses of each test topic


The number of records on this topic is difficult to calculate objective topic


Correct answer from this topic


Detailed explanation

Pretest ()

Test the extent of initiator, thereby rehabilits the extent to which the user can be adjusted


Introduce a test question

Show_examquestion ()

Show the questions



Tests Classification Code (IRT MODE)


Test property (IRT Mode)


Test questions (IRT MODE)


Test questions difficult indicator (IRT Mode)


Test Idmity Indicator (IRT Mode)


Test two series related coefficients (IRT Mode)


Test point two series related coefficients (IRT Mode)




Test validity (IRT Mode)


Classic Mode, Reaction Theory


Classic Mode


Test question guessing (Classic Mode)


Execute the project reaction theory (item response theory) to analyze users


Perform classical measurement theory to analyze users

3.3. Summary of using the USE Case plan

Regardless of any set of development using USE Case, you must first understand the essential activities of the development system, and the nature activities can restart in essential activities. All in all, developers must pay attention to the necessary activities related to the user's purpose, focusing on which activities rather than how (how to) activities, based on how to tell developers how to communicate the user's communication interface Architecture, instead of how to put the function of the system, the starting point of the development is necessary to review this activity is necessary, so when BP activities, times, secondary activities ... already stopped in detail. .

4 Conclusion

This paper is to explain the process of using the process of computer-aided teaching in detail, and the most powerful "function is to decompose the system's development processes in detail. One item and illustrate the encapsulation, inheritance, and diversification of each article, information between objects and objects, and behavior can also be apparent. Therefore, it is also possible to use in the field of computer-aided teaching, including the content of the class or online examination question bank, etc., developers can treat it as one, one component, because it is often lacking of computer-assisted teaching. Collection, however, these are all necessary after the CAI system is completed, because the materials that have always been improved in progress should be updated in a timely manner, and they will not cause the user's unrefreshing, and these media, and the collections are not teachers. System developers, data maintenance, or users can be fully provided, and must be packaged in the way of the object by the agreement method of packaging components, and the objects issued through the world are provided to the teaching The auxiliary system is more abundant teaching resource (resource), which can reduce the cost of maintenance and human waste in computer-aided teaching systems. appendix

Appendix I:

The Cai Class Structure (Use Java):

Class Identify {// The Identify Class Structure

protected string uname; // input user name

protected string password; // input user of password

Private string exe_query; // query to find user dbase

Private string open_table; // Which dbase's table with us

Public int class_id; // class id

Public Static Void Check (String Uname, Password, EXE_QUERY, OPEN_TABLE)

{// the check of ustein Class methods, That Certain User}}

Class classes {// the class classes structurepublic int class_id;

Protected string keyword; // the keyword of those qustions

Protected byte class_type; // how to show the multimedia of classes

Protected byte show_method; //how to show this apative test

Protected byte showed_time; // how much question?

Public Static Void Create_onclass (Byte Class_Type, String Keyword)

{// Create a class content}

Public static void show_onclass (byte show_method, showed_time)

{// show class conent}}}

Class testing {// the testing class structure public const guid; // Globally unique Identifier of the Object

Protected byte Media_Type; // Catch DBase At this Question's Type

Protected string keyword; // reference test dbase of keywordprotected int test_no; // this question's no

Private Byte Used_time; // The Question's Use Time

Protected byte get_right; // How much people people get right

Private string test_ans; // Correct Answer

Private string ans_detail; // the answer's detail

Public static void pretest (int start_mode) {

// Create a first question to test user's attribute}

Public static void create_examquestion ()

{// Create an apative test}

Public static void how_examquestion ()

{// show an questions}}}

Class Analysis {// The Analysis Class Structure

protected int test_no; // Testing no (IRT Mode)

Protected byte test_attribute; // attribute (IRT MODE)

Protected string test_style; // test style (IRT MODE)

PRIVATE INT DIFFICULTY_INDEX; // Difficulty_index (IRT Mode)

PRIVATE INT Discrimination_index; // Discrimination_index (IRT MODE)

Private byte twice_coefficient; // twice_coeffect (IRT MODE)

Private Byte Point_Coeff Indicient; // Point_CoEfficient (IRT Mode)

Private Byte Test_Trust; // Trust of Testing (IRT MODE)

Private Byte Effect; // Effect of Testing (IRT Mode)

PRIVATE INT RESPONSE_IDENTIFY; // Response_Identify (Classic Mode)

PRIVATE INT Degree_diffulty; // degree_diffulty (classic mode)

Private Int Surmise; // Surmise (Classic Mode)

Public static void exe_irtmode () {

// item response theory Operation}

Public static void exe_classicmode () {

// Classic mode Operation}}}}


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about the author

Ching-Fan Chen, Ph.D., Specialized Education Research Institute, specializing in the design, software engineering, network program, currently serving the computer center of Freshwater College.

Wang Bai is currently serving the professor of the Institute of Information Engineering, Talented University.

Lin Minhui (Min-hui Lin), Master of Information Engineering, Tiles University, specializing in the design, software engineering of the database, and is currently a deputy director of the Freshwater College.

ZHENG-KUI Huang, School of Information Management, School of Business Administration.


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