Favorites programming download resource (reposted)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  109

Main ?????? Title: Programming Download Resources in Personal Collection All announced! ! ! ?

Java: IT people information exchange network http://www.it315.org This website is I recently discovered, although there is not much content, but the relevant Java tools are very complete. There is also a free download of Java teaching video videos, it seems to be replaced in a two week. Personally feel very suitable for beginners, especially the set of classpath, very reasonable, everyone can take a look. Java Official Site (English) http://java.sun.com To learn about the latest Java dynamics, download the latest Java-related Java, such as J2se, J2EE, J2SE's latest JDK version is here. Java Chinese Station http://www.java-cn.com This may be aware of everyone knowing, don't say, the Java resources he offer are the most abundant. The registration forum is free, send points, you can download software and e-books with points. If the points are used up, you need to publish some articles to earn new points. Chinese Java website http://www.cn-java.com A station similar to the above site, the purpose is: Serving Java enthusiasts. It is worth seeing! Feng.com http://www.ijsp.net/tech/book/index.jsp comprehensive Java website, contains the "Download Center", "Tutorial Teaching" and other columns. Java power http://ewW.cn website content, but the most well is the flash technology it uses, I will not say more here, everyone will know, one word "cool"! ! ! VC: VC Knowledge Base http://www.vckbase.com This website does not have to say more, learn VC must go. The website provides free FTP downloads, good East East! VC Road Http://www.vcroad.com Integrated Software Development Website, mainly VC. "Resource Center" has many Dongdong worth downloading. Visual C / MFC Development Guide http://www.vchelp.net to tell the Site-based site, provide the latest source code, development tools, development materials, development tutorials, and good development sites, development tools, books To introduce, and provide software, code, and tools that publish your own development for developed friends. CV point http://www.c-view.org/root/index.htm Recently found VC good stations, books, software, code downloads! ! ! Game development: Yunfeng studio http://www.codingnow.com/ Practice Game Make http://makegame.myetang.com/ Future Developer http://www.fdev.net/ Comprehensive: China Software Network HTTP : //www.9cbs.net China's largest developer network, the reason why he is famous is because of his forum, everyone can go to see, you can get a lot of good Dongdong, and also a good place to exchange learning. E-book: http://www.itebook.net Finally announce a giant, mad e-book download http://www.pdown.net also http://www.codestudy.net/ Default.asp I will constantly improve this post, if you are allowed, please set it! ! ! Please also ask your friends to download the website you know, thank you! ! !

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