Download Demo Project - 0.8 KB Internet File Select and Upload Dialog (Latest Version)
Uploading files to the Internet has become much easier since we have ASP.NET, but to build a solution for upload, browse, preview ... is not quite as easy as it is in the Windows Forms world (e.g., ShellDialog).
That Can do all these things for you: Internet file select and upload dialog.
THE Control
First, we need to register the assembly:
<% @ Page language = "c #"%>
<% @ Register tagprefix = "ctrl"
Namespace = "staticdust.web.ui.controls"
askMBLY = "staticdust.web.ui.controls.uploaddialog"%>
Our Next Step is to insert a TextBox to Store The name of the selfip file:
and the "UploadDialogButton" that is associated to the TextBox by its "ControlToFill" property. We also need to define the "UploadDirectory". "images /" will be translated to the root of your application.
ID = "MyuploadDialogbutton" ControlTofill = "MyImage" UploadDirectory = "images /" Runat = "server" /> The "UploadDialogButton" renders to a button (or a link, if you define the "Text" property) with JavaScript code to open a file called "UploadDialog.aspx". This is where we need to configure the HttpHandler. The httphandler To configure a httphandler, We need to add it to the web.config file (a Configuration File for A ASP.NET Web, Found In The Root of the Application): ... ... PATH = "UploadDialog.aspx" VERB = "*" TYPE = "staticdust.web.uploadhandler, staticdust.web.ui.controls.uploaddialog" VALIDATE = "false" /> httphandlers> configure> Now, we are ready to use the uploaddialog. More There Are A Few Properties of The "UploadDialogbutton" To Configure the Dialog: AllowCreateFolder: Displays a button in the dialog to create a subfolder in the UploadDirectory AllowDelete:. Displays a button in the dialog to delete files CssClass:.. Adds the given CSS class to the button DemoMode: Disables upload, delete, and subfolder creation. FileNameOnly: If set to true, only the filename (without path) will be returned FileTypes:. Define what files can be uploaded / are displayed (eg, "jpg, gif, png") MaxBytes:. Define a maximum file size for the upload MaxHeight:. Define a maximum height for the upload / browsing (jpg, gif and png only) MinHeight:. Define a minimum height for the upload / browsing (jpg, gif and png only) TotalHeight:. Define a total height for the upload / browsing (jpg, gif and png only) MaxWidth:. Define a maximum width for the upload / browsing (jpg, gif and png only) MinWidth:. Define a minimum width for the upload / browsing (jpg, gif and png only ). TotalWidth: Define a total width for the upload / browsing (jpg, gif and png only). NOUPLOAD: DISABLES the upload function ShowUploadFirst:. Opens the dialog with the upload function Text:. Define something else than the button E.g., a text or an image that will be surrounded by an A-tag with the needed JavaScript code.. About Daniel Fisher (Lennybacon)