English idiome collection :: Recommended ::

zhaozj2021-02-16  105

Chen Qinglin, "Joint Morning Post"

1. Abandon oneself to something - allow onself to be completely controlled by something, especially passions or impulses - completely succumbed ......; caught ...... Example:. Tom tried and tried but failed again and again Finally, he abandoned himself to despair. .

2. ABASE Oneseelf - Make Oneseelf Humble. - Reduces your identity Example: in Ancient Times, People of Low Social Status offen abased Themsels in The Presence of An Influential or Powerful Person.

3. Abide by Something - Observe or Follow Something. - Follow something Example: When You Play A Game, You Must Abide by The Rules and Regulations Concerned.

4. Back A / The Wrong Horse - Put One's Faith In Someone Who Later Loses or Something Which Fails. - Write a bet; support the 输 家 Example: the manager backed a Wrong Horse by Giving the Much-Coveted Job To Jack, WHO Turned Out to have a criminal.

5. Back Away (from doing something) Because of dislike or fear. - Due to fear or disgusting, EXAMPLES: 1. The cat bac backed Away as The Strange Raised His Hand To Hit It. 2. In The Face of Strong Opposition, The Government Has Backed Away from Increasing Taxes.

6. Call forth / out something - cause something to be seen or used - sth occur; lead sth Examples:. 1. Lily's outward appearance was so attractive that it called forth admiration from every man in the office 2. Difficulties. In Life May Call Out A Person's Good Qualities Not Easily Seen in Good Life.

7. Call in SomeOne / Something - Ask Someone to come. - Please come to Example: Please call in my family doctor. - Request the return of something. - The order recovered EXAMPLES: 1. The Banks Have Called in All The Old One-Dollar Notes. 2. a Japanese Car Maker Has Called in Some Cars with Engine Faults.8. Dab Hand At (Doing) Something. - (DOI) Something. As Susan Is A Dab Hand At Interior Design, Let Her Decorate The New Apartment for You.

. 9. Dabble in something - play with water by moving one's hands and feet about - wading Example: The children enjoyed dabbling in the river water after the rain - do things in a half-serious manner - covered; tasted Example..: Sean Does Not Like Stamp-Collection But Only Dabbles in It At His Leisure.

10. Had Better - IT Would Be wise to. - Premier Example: You Had Better Go Home Before Rain Coms.

11. Haggle over / about something - argue in an attempt to fix a price on something - bargain Examples:.. 1.Mrs Li haggled with the storekeeper over the goods she was buying 2. I seldom haggled about the food price when I found IT REASONABLE.

I Beg to Differ

- i don't agree with you.

- I am not agreeable

Example: You May Think That John Should Be Offered The Job, But I Beg To Differ. John Has No Practical Experience and is not highly motid.

2. I / you bet

- I am / you are saute.

- I dare to be sure; you can confirm

EXAMPLES: 1.The Weather IS Fine. I Bet IT Won't rain.

2. You Bet I'll Arrive At The Airport Before Everyone else.

3. Jack-in-the-box, a

- a Person WHO FIDGETS or Does Not Sit STILL.

- Doll in the box; a metaphor is can't calm down

Example: "BOY! SIT PROPERLY! DON 'T Jump Up and Down Like A Jack-in-The-Box."

4. Jack of all trades is masser of none, A

- Person Who Can Do Many Different Kinds of Work May Not Be Good at Any of Them.- 博 不 精

Example: This Chap Repaired The Television and Installed The Air-Conditioner All Day DAY, But None of The Work HE DID SEEMED RELIABLE. Isn't HE A Jack of All Trades Master Of?

5. Oblivious of / to Something

- unaaware of something; not noticing something.

- Unaware of something; don't pay attention to something

EXAMPLE: What is WRONG WITH JAMES? He Seems Completely Oblivious of What Has Happened Here.

6. Odd Man / One Out, AN

- a Person or Thing Different from a group or left out of it.

- people with different people or things

Examples: 1. You Had Better Learn To Use a Computer if you don't want to be an odd man out. 2. Look at the watch on the dining table! It is an odd one out.

7. Pack of Lies, A

- Sometting That Is Completely Untrue.

- a belonging

Example: don't listen to him! His story is a pack of lies.

8. Pack SomeOne Off (To some place)

- Send Someone Away, USUALLY Quickly and with $ 10ing time.

- Quickly send someone

Example: The Mother Could NotALow The Children to Sleep Late, So She Packed THEM OFF To bed at About 10p.m.

9. Qualify as someone / for Something

- Show That One Is Suitable for a Professional, Reaches A A Standard, ETC.

- Eligibility for ...; qualified;

Examples: 1. After Years of Hard Work, Judie Has Qualified as a Dentist.

2. Our School is Sure To Qualify for The region. ENGLISH Debating Competition.

10. Quarrel With One's Bread and Butter

- Dislike The work by Which One Earns One's Living.

- Don't go with your own livelihood

Example: if you are more.

11. Race Against Time / a Race Against Time

- Hurry to do Something Before a Certain Time.

- Work as soon as possible, complete on time

Examples: 1. Being late, you have to race against time to finish the work by 5 p.m.2. I try to get this assignment done by Monday, But it will be a race against time.

1 Abide by the consequences

- Endure the result

- endure bad consequences

EXAMPLE: if you insist on Going to Such A Dangerous Place, No Other Person But You Have To Abide by The Consequences.

2 Able to / Can take Something

- (OFTEN in the negative) Able to face Something Sad, etc. Without being weakened ;able to endure something

- can withstand bad things

Examples: 1 Don't Mind About Rugged Life Take It. 2 Please stop Speaking So Loudly! I am Not Able To Take It Any More. 3 Go Ahead Hitting Him. He Can Take It. 4 I DON 'T thisk nancy can take any more bad news.


- Have Plenty of Something

- There are a lot of ...

Examples: 1 Our neighbouring Countries Abound in Natural Resources. 2 That Dirty Man's Hair Seems To Have Abounded with Fleas.

4 Back Down

- Retract; Withdraw Charges, Claims, ETC.

- Abandon the requirements of something, etc.

EXAMPLE: For the Sake of National Unity, Even Those Who Have Good Reasons To Complain Have Decided to Back Down.

5 Back on to Something

- Have The Back Next To Something, Especially with Reference To a House

- back

EXAMPLE: The Rich Man's Bungalow Backs on to a Hill While Facing a Beautiful Lake.

6 Call IT a day

- STOP Work or Cease Activities

- Stop work or activities

Example: IT IS Quite Late Now. Let's call it a day and go home.

7 Call Offething

- Cancel Something

- Cancel something

Example: The Called Off The Soccer Match Because of Heavy Rain.

- Stop Something

- Stop something

EXAMPLE: As there is noh of finding the escaped prisoner, The Police Decided to Call Off The Search Until Some Time Later.

8 Dally About

- Be Slow and Waste Time

- Wash time Example: Don't Go on Dallying About Or We Will Be Late for the Film Show.

⑨ dally with something

- Think About Something in An iDLE Manner

- Don't seriously consider something

Example: The Shy Young Man Has Been Dallying with the idea of ​​asking June to marry him.

⑩ DAM UP Something

- Control Something; Hold Back Something

- inhibit something

Example: listening to the sad story, Many Girls Were Touch But The Tried To Dam Up Their Tears.

(11) Hail-fellow-well-met with someone

- Overfriendly with someone

- is very friendly to people

EXAMPLE: David is always hail-fellow-well-met with every person hs. No Wonder He Has Many Nodding AcquainTances.

1 Hail Someone or Something As Someone else / Something Else

- Recognise or Welcome Someone / Something As Someone else / Something else.

- I am enthusiastic to admit something or greet someone

Examples: 1 Because of Having a Good Voice, Sharon Has Been Hailed As Singing Queen In Her School.

2 The Recent Scientific Discovery Was Hailed As Breakthrough.


- I agreed completion.

- (with someone) is exactly the same

Example: A: I Think Our Country is Well-Developed.

B: I COULDN'T Agree More.

3 I Dare Say

I Suppose.

- I believe; possible

Example: in your quarrel with jason this time, I Dare Say you.

4 I hate to disturb / bother / trouble you, but ...

- I am Sorry for disturbing / bothering / troubling you, but ...

- I don't want to trouble you, but ...

Example: i hate to bother you at you are so groupy, but there is thing it.

5 Jack UP

- Lift with a jack.


Example: You Have to Jack Up your car before you can remove the Tyre.

- (of prices) increase.

- increase; improve

Example: During Festive Seasons, Some Shops Have Jacked Up The Price of Some Goods.

6 Oddities and Absurdities

- Something Odd and Absurd.- 奇 古怪

Example: Sometimes, We Have to Accept The Oddities and Absurdities of Certain Aspects of a Language Which Cannot Be Logical Explained.


- Small Objects of DiffERENT KINDS.

- trivial items

Example: where there is lotren, there it odds and ends lying here and there.

8 Pack Up

- stop doing something.

- No longer do something; give up ...

EXAMPLE: IT IS LATE NOW. Let's Pack Up and Go To Bed.

⑨ Packed Like Sardines

- Pressed Very Tightly Together.

- Crowd (such as sardines in the can)

Example: The bus was full packed like sardines.

⑩ Queue Up (for Something)

- Stand in a queue.

- Wait in line

Examples: 1 People Queue Up One After ANOTHER OUTSIDE The Theater.

2 All Have to queue up for tickets for the musical concept.

(11) Quibble About / at Something OR A Quibble over Something

- Argue About Small Unimportant Points.

- arguing due to little things

Examples: 1 Don't quibble with mer About the money.

2 She quibbled at the small price.

3 There Was A Quibble Cver A Few DOLLARS.

(1) About average

- No better or no worse trion.

- in line with the general level

Example: Some Staff's Performance Is About average. They has never proped better.

(2) About Time

- The appropriate time.

- Almost time

Example: You Have Been Working for Quite a while. It's about time you had a new car.

(3) About to

- Ready To

- is about to be;


(4) Back to BACK

- with the back facing the.

- back to back

Example: Stand Back to Back, Boys! Let Me See Who is The Talles.

(5) Back to Front

- With the back placed where the front shouth be.

- reverse front and rear

Example: You Got your pullover on back to front.

- Thoroughly

- thoroughly

EXAMPLE: All The People Here Know The Government's Major Policies Back to Front. (6) Back Up SomeOn / Something

- Support someone / Something.

- Support someone / something

Example: 1 No Matter How, We Should Back Up Our Most Respected Repensentative.

2 Some New Evidence Backed Up Up The Prosecutor's Argument.


- Visit Someone

- Access someone

EXAMPLE: WHEN Are We Going to Call on Our New Neighbours?

(8) Call ON / UPON SOMEOD Do Something

- Invite Someone to Speak, ETC.

- Invitation

Example: WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, Let Me Call Upon Our distinguished guest to speak to us.

- Appeal to someone to ACT.

- pleading;


(9) Call Out Someone


Call of summon

Example: during the riot, the chief of police had to call out the riot policy to restore law and order.

(10) DAMP (EN) Something Down

- Make a fire burn less strongly.

- Slow fire burning

Example: IT Was A Moonlit Night, So The Campers Dampened Down The Fire.

- Control and redus Something; Suppress Something.

- inhibition;

EXAMPLE: 1 Some Boys Were over-Zealous and We Had to Damp Down Their Enthusiasm.

2 LACK OF Support Has Damped Down Political Dissidents' Activities.

(11) Dance Attendance ON / UPON SOMEOENE

- do what someone wants without askings.

- Waiting for someone, listen to it

Example: The ManageRess Sat Still, Expecting Everyone to Dance Attendance ON Her.

(1) Halcyon Days

- Times of undisturbed Peace and Happiness.

- Taiping happiness days

Example: When People Grow Older, They Long for Halcyon Days More Than Anything Else.

(2) Hale and Hearty

- Strong and Healthy

- the strong

Example: in Spite of Old Age, MR Lin Is Still Hale and Hearty.

(3) Half a Loaf Is Better Than No Bread

- WE SHOULD Be Thankful for What We Have, Even if The Amount Is Not AS MUCH AS EXPECTED.- Small than is completely good

Example: Dr Huang Applied for a Week's Leave, But Was Given Three Days. Half a Loaf Is Better Than No Bread.

(4) I Hate to Mention IT, But ...

- May I Remind you That ...

- Let me remind you

Example: i Hate To Mention It, But You Still Haven't Given Me Your Annual Report.

(5) I Would Be The First / Last Person To ...

- I am Very Willing / Unwilling to do Something.

- I am very willing / I am very reluctant to do something

Examples: 1 if you ask me for Assistance, I Would Be The First Person to Volunteer.

2 I Assure You I Would Be The Last Person To Commit a crime.

(6) Jealous of someone / Something

- Envious of someone / Something

- jealousy / something

Examples: 1 Why is she so jealous of mer Successful colleagues?

2 IT is Wrong to Be Jealous of Your Friends' AccompLishments.

(7) Jeer At SomeOne

- Laugh or Shout DisrespectFully At someone

- fling in teeth

Example: The spectators jeered at the team for playing dreadfully.

(8) Odds Are That, The ...

- The likelihood is what ...


Example: Nobody Knows What The Pay Rise Will Be Like, But The Odds Are That IT Will BE ABOUT 5%.

(9) of Great / Some / No Account

- of great / some / no importance.

- very / some / not important

Examples: 1 All Political Leaders Must Be Persons of Great Account.

2 to the manager, The Secretary is a staff member of some account.

3 Don't Worry About That Matter; IT is of no account.

(10) Palm Something Off On SomeOne / Palm Someone Off with Something

- Get Rid of An Undesirable Thing by Giving, Selling, etc. It to someone else; Get Rid of someone by giving, Selling Him Something.

- Advise that others accept things they don't like; people who don't like it

Examples: ① His 10-year-old car was always breaking down, so he was forced to palm it off on his honest friend.② The shopkeeper was so tired of the talkative woman that he palmed her off with something of poor quality.

(11) Raise One's Eyebrows (At Something)

- Lift One's Eyebrows to show surprise or doubt (of something ".

- Expressed surprise or doubts

Examples: 1 Some Foreigners' Bold Remarks Against The Authorities Raised Everyone's Eyebrows.

2 The People Raised Their Eyebrows At The Discontinuity of Some Excellent Staff's Teaching Contracts.

(1) Above all


- The most important; especially

EXAMPLE: A Successful Person Must Be Learned, Healthy and Above All, Diligent.

(2) Above average

- Above the Ordinary Standard

- above the general level

EXAMPLE: Helen's School; She is Better Than The Majority of Her Classmates.

(3) Above criticism / suspicion

- Someone or Something That Cannot Be criticiad / Suspected

- Unable to criticize / suspect

Examples: 1 Most of the Artist's Paintings Were So Well Painted That They Were Above Criticism.

2 for the Sake of Dignity, Judges OuGht to Be Above Suspicion.

(4) Back-breaking task / work, a

- a Demanding or Exhausting Task or Work

- Make people's exhausted work

Example: Digging The Hard Soil in The Garden Under The Hot Sun Is Really A Back-Breaking Task.

(5) Backfire ON Someone

- Have An Unexpected Effect Opposite To The Effect Intended

- A result of unexpected and wrong things

Example: John's New Scheme Backfired On Him and He Lost a Lot of Money.

(6) Backroom Boy, A / The

- a Person Whose Work Is Important But SECRET

- people working silently behind the scenes

Example: The Factory-Expansion Project Has Been a Great Success, But We Should Not Forget The Backroom Boy WHO HAS Played An Important Part.

(7) Call Someone Names

- Insult someone by Applying Rude Names - insults someone

Example: The Keep Calling Him Names by Shouting Things Like "BIG Head!" And "four eyes!".

(8) Call Someone to Accent

- Demand An Explanation from Someone

- ask someone to explain something

Example: The Offector Called A Soldier To Account for Not SaluTING HIM.

(9) Call Something In (To) Question

- Raise Doubts About Something

- Doubt something

Examples: 1 Tom's INABILITY TO Do Work Efficiently Called Into Questions His Suitability for Being Promoted to a higher position.


(10) Darby and Joan

- Devoted Elderly Couple

Loving elderly couple

Example: Eric and Irene Have Been So Devoted to Each Other Since Their Marriage 35 Years ago That They is described as "Darby and Joan".

(11) Dare Someone to do Something (Dangerous)

- Challenge Someone to Do Something Dangerous

- I am doing something for something (dangerous); challenge

Example: We Dared Our Timid Friend, Kelvin, to Spend A Night Near The Graveyard.

1. Half An Eye- A Quick Look

EXAMPLE: The New Teacher Could See With Half An Eye That Jim Was Going To Have Trouble with Some Boys Who Disagreed with Him.

2. Half-and-hald - as much one thing as the other - not good is not bad;

Example: That Much-Publiciad Movie Was Neither Good Nor Bad; IT WAS JUST HALF-AND-HALF.

3. HALF-BAKED IDEA - An IDEA THAT HAS NOT BEEN PROPERLY THOUGHT OUT - Considering the idea of ​​no circumference

Example: I don't think it wise to adopt His Half-Baked Idea Unless It is Further Develop.

4. I Would I Could But I Can't - I Worthwhile, But I am Unable to - I want to do something but can't

Example: x: Marry Me While there is still time. Y: I Would I Could But I can't. I Have a good boy friends.5. I wouldn't say no - I would ie Would Readily Agree - I must agree / promise

EXAMPLE: - HAVE ANOTHER CUP of Beer, OK? - Well, I Wouldn't Say NO.

6. JIB At doing Something - Be unwilling to do something - refused to do something

Example: I don't Mind Mopping The Floor, But I Jib At Cleaning The Walls.

7. Join / Combine Forces (with someone) - Come TOGETHER for a common purpose - Union with someone to achieve a common purpose

EXAMPLES: 1. The Two Immediate Neighbouring Countries Have Joined Forces To Fight Their Common Enemy.

2. WE Must Combine forces with the new friends to set up the tent.

8. of high calibre - of top Quality - high quality or high

Example: a Good Government Places ONLY PEOPLE OF HIGH CALIBRE IN Key Positions.

9. of no / little avail - of no / little us - no one bit / only small use

Examples: 1. Janet Tried Hard, But Her Efforts Were of Little Avail.

2. The U.S. Advied The Two Hostile Countries Not to Use Force, But The Advice Was of No Avail.

10. Parting of the Ways, a - the point where the road divides - a part of the second;

Example: The Two Tourists Stood undecided at a parting of the Ways.

- a Deciding Point

- Key to choose between the two

Example: Kenneth Has come to a parting of the Ways: going to work or limitedment?

11. Pat Someone on The Back / Give Someone a Pat on The Back - Clap Lightly on Somene's Back for Praise, Support, etc. - Tap someone expresses praise, encouragement, etc.

Examples: 1. The Basketball Coach Patted Every Player on The Back with a smile.

2. Jason, Our Lecturer, Gave Each of US A Pat on The Back and Uttered A Few Encouranging Words.

1. Above / Over One's Head: Too Difficult for Someone to Understand.

Example: What John Had Said Was WAS WELL ABOVEMERT; He Should Have Made His Speech Simpler and Clearer.2. Above Oneseelf: Self-satisfied; Conceited.

Pracely forget;

Example: Peter Was Above Himself After He Was Promoted to a higher position.

3. Above / Below Par: at a price higher / lower THAN THE ORIGINAL VALUE. (Price) is above / below

Examples: (1) Most of the Good Shars Are Expensive and Above Par Now.

(2) When the Market Is Bad, IT IS Possible

TO PURCHASE The stock at a price below paral.

4. Back-seat driver, A / the:

(i) The bossy person in a car who always tells the driver what to do. Passengers whose driver pointed

Example: Most of US Disliked The Back-Seat Driver Who Was Too Arrogant.

(ii) a person who refeatedly gives advice weing asked for it. Automatic people who advise the advice

Example: let the officer-in-charge handle

Matter; don't be nosey like a back-seat driver.

5. BACKSTAIRS INFLUENCE / TALK: Secret or Indirect Influnce / Talk. Secret or indirect impact or conversation

Examples: (1) I Think His Wife Has Backstairs Influnce on His Decisions.

(2) It is discourteous to have this Type of Backstairs Talk about the New Manager.

6. Bad Blood Between One Person and Another: Ill-Feeling Between Two Persons. Hate; disgusting

EXAMPLE: The Unfair Distribution of The Father's assets caused the bad blood Between the Two Siblings.

7. Calculate ON / UPON (Doing) Something: Depend On (Doing) Something. County

Examples: (1) We Calculate ON MAKING An Early Start in this Matter.

(2) Don't Calculate Upon The Weather Being Fine for Tomorrow's Basketball Match.

8. Call a spade a spade: SAY EXACTLY What you mean.

Example: I am A Frank Person Offe you don't mind.

9. COCOON SOMEONE AGAINST SOMEONE: Keep Someone in a protective cover in the protective layer EXAMPLE: IT May Not Be a good. Cocoon One's Child from The Realities of a Cruel Life.

10. Dark Horse, A: a Person of Unknown Abilities And May Spring a surprise. Black Horse (with a person who has a deep-resended person)

EXAMPLE: No One Expected Him To Run Very Fast, But He Proved to Be a Dark Horse This Time and Won The Race.

11. Dash OFF: (i) Write Hurriedly. Write

Example: Dan Dashed Off a letter to his friend while waiting for the plane at the airport.

(ii) Leave or move awai in a hurry. Sweep

EXAMPLE: IT IS LATE NOW; I Must Dash Off To the bus stop before the last bus level.

12. Half the battle: a large part of the work.

Vocal part of it (work)

Example: to know your faults and decide to Correct The Can Be Half The Battle of Self-Improvement.

13. Hallmark of Something, A: a Typical Feature of something. Something.

Example: Concisness in Wording is a Hallmark of Good Writing.

14. Hammer Away At Something: Keep Working on Something. Strive to do something

Example: No Matter How, We Have To Hammer Away At The Problem UnTil We Get It Solved.

15. Ideal for: Very Suitable for. Ideally; most appropriate

Example: Good Picture Dictionaries Areal for PRESCHOOL CHILDREN.

16. Identical To Something: Exactly Alike. Same as something

Example: on the phone, your voice is almost Identical to your Elder Sister '.

17. Import Something To someone / Something: Give Something, Usually a Quality, To someone / Something. Conveyed

EXAMPLE: The Pepper and The Herban Spice Have IMPORTED A Special Flavour To The Soup.

18. Join Hands (with someone):

(i) Hold Somene's Hands, E.G. While Dancing.


(ii) Unite with someone. United

Example: The Government Has To Join Hands with The People To Combat All Forms of Social Injustice.19. Join in Something: Take Part in Something.

Participate in something

Example: in the get-together last night, all of us Joined in the start-song.

20. of Two Evils Choose The Lesser: Pick The Evil That Is Less Serious or Harmful. Two harm is small


X: do you want to walk to the shop which is not Very Far Away or ask Su, Who Has Just Got Her Driving Licence To Give You a Lift?

Y: i choise to walk. Of two evils choose the lesser.

21. Patch Up: (i) Mend Sometting Quickly. Quick Patch

EXAMPLE: The Worker Patch Up The Roof with PIECES OF TILES AND WATER-Proof Plastic.

(ii) Settle a quarrel, etc. Solve disputes

Examples: (1) The Two Friends Soon Patch Up Their disagreement.

(2) IT is Time Weatch Up Our quarrel with our neighbours.

22. Pave the Way for Something: Make it it is ortho. For ...

Examples: (1) The Peace Treaty Paves The Way for Lasting Co-Existence Between The Two Countries Concerned.

(2) People's desire for freedom paved the Way for a nation's struggle for independency and actual sovereigne.

(1) Above Someone: Too Difficult for Someone to understand. (It is difficult to understand))

Example: That Speaker's Lecture ON Astronomy Seemed to Be Above The Audience.

(2) Abscond from a place: Leave a place unlawfully. (Esping somewhere)

EXAMPLE: The Prisoner Has Twice Absconded from The Prison, But He Was Re-Arrested and Imprisoned Again Not Long Later.

(3) ABSENCE MAKES The Heart Grow Fonder: We Have More Affection for Our Friends and Relatives WHEN THEY ARE AWAY. (Don't see more memorable)

Example: Michael Used to Quarrel With His Sister, But He Has Missed Her Since She Went Abroad for Further Studies. It is a case of 'Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder'. (4) Bad for Someone: Harmful for Someone. Someone is harmful)

Example: SMOKING May Be thringing, but it is definitely bad for you.

(5) Bad News Travels Fast: Bad News Nearly ALWAYS US More Rapidly Than Good News.

Example: The news of my neighbours' Divorce Spreads from One Person to Another. Bad News Travels Fast, Doesn't it?

(6) Bad Workman Always Blames His Tools, A: A Bad Workman Tries To Excuse His Ownlack of Skills by Blaming The Tools for Poor Workmanship. (Technical Work Worker Comprehensive Tools)

Example: To "I COULDN'T WRITE Well Because I Had Used Someone Else's Pen", Your Response Could Be: "A Bad Workman Always Blames His Tools".

(7) Cajole / Coax Someone Into / Out of (Doing) Something: Persuade Someone Into / Away from (Doing) Something. (Persuade someone to do / do something)



(ii) Betty Tried to Coax Her Father INTO Increase Her Pocket Money.

(iii) please cajole the BOYS OUT OF THEREASONABLE DEMANDS.

(iv) We Had to coax His Boss Out of Punishing Him.

(8) Calculated Risk, A: a Possibility of Failure That Has Been Estimated Before A Course Of Action Is Taken. (Interested Attempt)

Example: David Took a Calculated Risk When He Bough Such Expensive Equipment from That New Company.

(9) Calculated to do something: planned with the inteention of donig something. (Plan to do something)


(i) The New Law Is Calculated to make Cheating iMpossible.

(ii) Such Commercials Are Calculate to Attract The Attention of Ignorant Housewives.

(10) Call at a place: Arrive at a place, USUALLY for A Short Time and with with a special purpose. (Stop somewhere) Example: Some Boats Called at the port to unload the caroes.

(11) Call Back (someone):

1. Return Someone a Telephone Call. (Back)

EXAMPLE: WILL You Call ME Back Later?

2.Pay Another Visit. (Come back to visit)

EXAMPLE: IF you don't Mind, Could you call back lat?

1. Date Back to / from a Certain Time: Go Back to a Certain Time Self-era


(1) The History of Our Club Dates Back to 1960.

(2) The Spraditional Customs Date from The Time WHEN WHEN WERE VERY SMALL.

2. DAUB WITH SOMTHING: Cover with Something Soft and Sticky


After Being in The Kitchen for the Whole Afternoon, Mother's Apron Is Now Daubed with Cooking Oil And Condiments.

3. Dawn ON / UPON SOMEONE: (used with the subject "it") Become Suddenly Clear to someone Suddenly understand


(1) It dawned on Me What HE HE HAD Really Meant When He Used That Analogy.

(2) IT Dawned Upon US That SuCH a Dialogue Came from A Small Chinese Town.

4. Half The World Knows NOTHOW The Other Half Lives: People of One Social Class Are Off Ignorant of The Problems of Those of Another Class This kind of person does not know another type of person's lifestyle


People in Some Poor Countries Have Not Enough To Eat, But Many of US Here Have Leftovers To Throw Away. Half The World Knows Not How The Other Half Lives.

5. Hammer Out Something: (i) Decide on a scheme after a long discussion or argument strives to do something


Let's get to achieve the Hammer Out The Required New Scheme.


6. Impose on someone: ask Someone to do something what should not be asked to do; Bother Someone makes people custom-to-example:

I hope i am not imposing on you by asking you to answer the door.

7. Impoverish SomeOne / Something Of Someone / Something Else: Take Something Good Away from SomeOne / Something makes someone poverty; make something unique


................ ..

8. Impress Someone with something: make someone realise the importance of something makes someone impressed with something


Our Teachers Impress US with the need for mutual help.

9. Impress Something ON / UPON SOMEONE: Make The Importance of Something Clear To someone makes someone deeply realize something


Our Leaders in Different Fields Impressed The Value of Hard Work ON US.

10. Join with someone: Do The Same Thing As Someone


Will All of you join with me in drinking a toast to the bride and the bridegroom?

11. Joint Efforts: Combined EFFORTS common efforts


Our Team Won the match through the Joint Efforts of the coach and the players.

(1) ABSCOND with SOMETHING: Go Away with Something Valuable with expensive


I Wonder Why The Accountant In a Very Big Organisation Could Abscond with a huge sum of money without being detected.

(2) ABSENCE OF Mind: Inattion is not awkward


Absence of Mind During Driving Offen Leads to Road Accidents.

(3) Absent Oneseelf from a place: Be absent from a place is absent; did not go


Lazy students like to absent themselves from class welh gift.

(4) Absolve Someone from (doing) Something: Free Someone from fulfilling a promise, etc. Or from a guilt, etc. Was;; eliminating someone


(I) After making an apology, the soldier was absolved from returning to the barracks on certain Saturdays. (Ii) Our education system does not absolve the parents from their responsibilities to their children.

(5) Badly off: (i) Not Having Much Money Poor


The huangs are too bagly off to have a hoping abroad as tahers do. (Ii) Not happy enough is not enough;


Many Schools in The Village Are Rather Badly Off for Modern Equipment and Other facilities.

(6) Bag and Baggage: with all one's belongings carrying the belongings (to)


Some Guests Were Unable to pay the hotel bills and were the the the hotel.

(7) Bail Someone out: Obtain freedom for someone by paying a bail bail


How much shouth he pay to bail out the suspect?

(8) Call / BRING SOMETHING TO A HALT: Stop Something; Put an end to something stop ...


(i) It is time to call the stupid arguments to a halt.

(ii) Production Was Brought to a Halt by The ProLonged Strike.

(9) Call Something to Mind: Remember Something Remember


I am Sure I Know The Man Over Therething I can't call to Mind Where I Met Him.

(10) Call Something to Order: ask Something, Usually a Meeting, To Perform in An ORDERLY Manner. Requirements to make something


After Some Vehement Arguments Between Two Members, The Chairman Called The Meeting To Order Again.

(11) DayAfter day / day in, day out: continuously forman days. One day


(i) IT Went on Raining DayAfter Day.

(ii) Despite the Riot, Business Went on Day in, day out.

Day Dream, A:

Imagining about things one.................


Some People Would A Day Dream WHATED. TO GET What THEY WANTED.

2. Day of reckoning, A: The Time When One is obliged to answer for one's missage day.



3. Hammer Something Home:

Emphasize a Point One Has Made in An Argument by Repeating It With Great Force emphasizes.


In The Face of Opposition, The Speaker Hammered His Point Home with Extensive Illustrations.

4. Hand Back Something:

Return Something by Hand is returned by hand.


The Teacher Said That He Would Hand Back The Examination Scripts in Week's Time.

5. Hand Down Somthing to someone:

Bequeath Something to someone. () pass it ...


(1) Before The Rich Man Passed Away, He Handed Down His Property to His Wife.

(2) That Big House Has Been Handed Down To Them by Their Grandfather.

6. Impose Something On SomeOne / Something Else:

(i) Force Something on someone. Strong:


Please don't impose your Will on us.

(ii) Place a Tax, Fine, Etc. on someone or something. (tax); penalty (deposit)


(1) The Traffic Police Have Imposed A Fine on The Reckless Motorist.

(2) The Government Has Imposed a Heavier Tax on Liquor.

7. Improve ON / UPON SOMTHING:

Make Something Better improvement.


(1) Your suggestion is good, but I think i can Still Improve on it.

(2) You Had Good Results in The First Year, But Can You Improve Upon Them THIS YEAR?


Let's stop JOKING AND TALK SERIOUSLY Don't make a joke.


(1) JOKING APART, WE Really Must Do Something About The Leak in The Water Pipe.

(2) JOKING Aside, What Did John Really Think of ME?

9. Of Moment: Important. Important


Nothing of moment occurred in your absence during the last two weeks.

10. (GO) OFF One's Head: Mad. Crazy Examples:

(1) You Must Be Off Your Head to Go Mountain-Climbing On Such a Cold and Rainy Day.

(2) When Tom Heard That HE WAS DISMISsed, He Almost Went Off His HEAD.

11. Part Company (with someone):

(i) Go in Different Directions. Go in different directions


Helen and Her Boy Friend Parted Company at The Rails.

(ii) End a friendship or partnership, ETC. end;


As A Result of Constant Quarrels, The Man Finally Parted Company with His Wife.

1. Deadbeat: Exhausted is exhausted


(a) After the day's hard work, all looked deadbeat.

(b) The long-distance ranners.................


(i) a path or road which haas no exit on the Other side has no exit

Example: Don't Drive Into That Place; IT IS A DEAD End.

(ii) The Stage in One's Work That Can make no further progress. Cannot progression

Example: The Aircrash Investigation Has Reached a dead end; there is nothing new in the report.

3. DEAD-END JOB, A: a Job with no procriptive work

Example: Such a Job Is Badly PAID AND HAS No Good Prospects. It is a dead-end job, Also Known as a blind-alley job.

4. Hand Something Out To Someone:

Give Something By Hand To someone handles ...


(a) Some Boys Are Handing Out Leaflets to Passers-by.

(b) Before the lecTure, The Lecturer Handed Out Lecture Notes To His Students.

5. Hand over someone / something to someone: Give a Person Or send a thing to someone extradition of someone; hand over something


(a) The shopkeeper handed the Petty Thief over To the Police.

(b) The old man decided to Hand over Business to Other Family MEMBERS.

6. Hand Something On (To someone):

PASS Something, especially information transfers the message to someone


(a) I have some good news to hand on. Don't you want to hear?

(b) COULD You PLEASE HAND THISSAGE ON To All The Staff Concerned?

7. in a big war: on a large. Large-scale


The Plan to Organise A Concert in a Big Way.

8. In a bind / jam: in Difficulty or Trouble. Difficulties


(a) After accepting two job offers from two..

(b) WHENEVER HIS Research Was in a Jam, He Went to His Supervisor for Help.

9. Judging from / by Something:

If one can see something as an in Indication; considering something Judging from something


(a) Judging from the bight sky, there Won't be any rain today.

(b) Judging by Their Dirty Clothes, The Must Just Be Back from Work.

10. Judge Someone / Something By Appearance The Judgement of someone / Something On Outside Looks takes people from appearance


(a) Don't Judge People by Appearance, but their actual performance.

(b) IT IS Safer to Judge A Thing by ITS Quality, Not by Appearance.

11. of necessity: Logically and Necessarily is logically necessary

Example: University Courses Must, of Necessity, Be Practical and Useful.

1.ACCommodate Someone with Something: Provide Someone with something, OFTEN AS A FAVOUR

Example: I hope the bak in which you are working in Will Be Kind Enough to Accommodate Me with a car loan.

2. Accompany Something with something else: add something to something else. Come with something

EXAMPLE: The Rascal Accompanied His Abusive Language with a show of his two fists.

3. Accord with something: match something. Team with something

Example: The Young Man's Political Ideology Does Not Accord With His Father's. The former is radical; the latter is conservative.

4. According to:

(i) as stated or shown. according to

EXAMPLE: According to The Records, The Books You Borrowed Were Offerdue. (Ii) in agreement with. Follow

Example: Always Try To Act According To your promise.

(iii) in the order of.

Example: The Books in a Library to Their Authors, Titles, etc.

(iv) in proportion to. Depending on ...

Example: part-time workers are Normal Paiding to the Amount of Work Done by the hour.

5.Bar Someone from (doing) Something: Prevent Someone from (doing) Something. Block someone from doing something


(1) The Invigilator Has The Right To Bar Any Dishonest Student from Taking The Examination.

(2) Some Members Have Been Barred from The Club for Misconduct.

6. Bare Bones, The Simplest But Most Important Parts. Syringe

Example: The System Which Must Be Incorporated.

7. Bare of something: Missing Sometting That is Normally Present. (Refers to it) empty

EXAMPLE: IN Sharp Contrast to Other Apartments, Judy's Was Austerely Furnished and Bare of Any Ornament.

8.can / could do no wroen: one is so much favor, one is so much, is wishht to be right. Absolutely failed


(1) in The Teacher's Eyes, a Good student Like Susan Can do no wrong.

(2) MRS Lin Considered Her Only Son Perfect and could do no no wrong.

9.can ill, Something: Cannot Afford (to do) Something.


(1) I am busy now and can nothing.

(2) Our Soccer Team Can Ill Afford to Lose The Match Again.

10.cancel something out: balance something; strike out something. Offset

Example: The Failure In Overseas Business Cancelle Out The Overall PROFITS of The Company.

11.dead set against someone /

Something: firmly opposed to someone / something. Tropic


(1) MR Li Is Dead Set Against His Arch Rival, MR Huang. (2) Most Workers WERE DEAD SET AGAINST LONGER WORKING HOURS.

1. Accustomed / used to (doing) Something: in the Habit of (doing) Something. Breaking ...


(1) I am Accustomed to getting up early in the morning.

(2) After Some Time, Westerners Are Used to the Hot Weather He.

2. Ache for someone / something OR Ache to do Something:

(i) Have a strong desire to do something, desire to get ...


(1) Though Separated, John's Heart Is Aching for His former Girl Friend.


(ii) Feel piTY for someone.

Example: My Heart Aches for the Unfortunate In Many Countries.

3. Aches and pains:

Considerable Fatigue, Especially in the Muscles or Joints All Over One's Body. Various pains

EXAMPLE: JUNE IS Still Young But Has Behaved Like A Woman, Continual Company COMPLAING ABOUT ACHES AND PAINS.

4. Achilles' Heel: The Weakest Point in a Person's Character. Deadly

EXAMPLE: Insincerity Is The Achilles' Heel Of Many People, Be They Politicians Or Businessmen.

5. Base ON / UPON SOMETHING: (OFTEN in the passive) Use Something as a foundation. Based on ...

Example: Since That Report Was Based On Facts, IT Must Be Reliable.

6. Bask in Something:

(i) Sit or Lie in PLLASANT WARMTH. Warm

EXAMPLE: The Picknickers Are Lying on The Sand, Basking In The Mild Sunshine.

(ii) Enjoy Somene's Favour. It is praised, grace, etc.

EXAMPLE: No Joy Is Greater Than Basking In The Praiseworthy Remarks of One's Employer and Colleagues.

7. BATHED IN / WITH SOMETHING: Covered with something. Bathing in ...; full wet


(1) Bathed in The Morning Sunlight, The Corn Field Looks Bright Like Gold.

(2) Being Wrongly Scolded, The Child's Eyes..

8. Cannot make Head or tail of something nor tail of something: cannot understand ... can't understand ... Examples:

(1) i cannot make head or tail of the policeman's instructions.

(2) The speaker can make Neither Head Nor Tail of The Audience'S Questions.

9. can't be bothered: not willling to care about someone / Something. Surround ...; suspected trouble


(1) Sorry, I can't be bothered to do it now.

(2) We are busy right now and can't be bothereed with all these trifling matters.

10. can't bear / standard the right of someone / Something: Seriously upset by seeing someone / Something. Can't bear to see ...


(1) AHMAD DOESN'T LIKE TO Climb Up The Coconut Tree, But He Can't Bear The Sight of Others Doing IT.

(2) How can you become a doctor if you can't Stand The Sight Of BLOOD?

11. DEAL in Something: Buy or Sell Something.

EXAMPLE: MANY Shops Along This Street DEAL in Fashionable Wearing Things.


A Way of provign WHETHER SOMETHING IS TRUE or Not. Decisive Test

Example: The Joint Military EXERCISE IS Seen As an Acid Test of The Cooperation Among The Countries Concerned.

2. acquaint someone / Oneseelf with Something:

Inform Someone of Something / Make Someone Familiar with Something. Let someone know something


(1) We Have to acquaint a new worker with the conditions here.

(2) As The Company's Consultant, You Must Acquaint Yourself With ITS Development Plans.

3. acquiesce in something:

Agree to do something; accept something quietly. Agree something;

EXAMPLE: After a long time of considration, The Government Has Finally Acquiesced in The open-door policy.

4. Be-all and end-all of something, the:

The Whole of something. Something

Example: Learning How To Take ORDERS IS NOT THE BE BE MAY:

Even SO. even so

Example: i know, one of you don't like anna, but be what as it may, you can at Least Greet Her Every Day.

6. Bear a Grudge Against SomeOne / Bear SomeOne A / No Grudge:

Have a / no feeling of an, dislike, etc. of someone. A person is malicious / no malicious


(1) Tony Bore A Grudge Against Aileen Because She Got The Job He Wanted.

(2) I don't bear anyone a grudge.

(3) I bear him no grudge. Why is he so hostile?

7. can't / couldn't Go WRONG:

Some to make a success, or not make any..

Example: You Know The Ways and Means, Don't you? You Just CAN't Go Wrong.

8. CAN't Hear Oneseelf Think:

One is Irritated by Too Much Surrounding Noise. I can't hear what I want (it is too noisy than the week)

EXAMPLE: EVERYONE IN The Lobby Kept Talking Louder and Louder Until I Couldn't Hear Myself Think.

9. Can't help but Something:

UNABLE TO Choose Any Other Course OR Action. Have

Example: Since There is no Taxi in this area, We can't Help But Walk Home.

10. Death is The Great Leveller:

Death Makes US All Equal. "Death" is a great equalityist

Example: as there is't and poeti the the great level, etc. Among the dead, death is the great.

11. Death to someone / Something:

Bad for or fatal to someone / something.

To ... very bad / fatal


(1) This Type of detergent is death to my sensitive Skin.

(2) Living in selfh a city is death to hysterical people; it is too noisy there.

Earn An Honest Penny:

Make Money Honestly. Make money in just means

Example: Though Once a Prisoner, Tom is now Earning An Honest Penny by Being a Regular Truck-Driver.2. Earn One's Living:

Gain Money by Working. Make money

EXAMPLE: Some Uneducated and Unskilled People Earn Their Living by Doing Manual Work.

3. Ears Burn:

Feel Embarrassed at Hearing People Talk About you. Ear fever (referred to being said to be bad)

EXAMPLE: JESSIE OVERHERD People Commenting Badly on Her and this Made Her Ears Burn.

4. Ease OFF / UP

(ON someone / Something):

Become Less Strong, Less Severe. Dissolution, Ease


(1). The Toothache Has Eased OFF.

(2). It looks as if the rain is beginning.

(3). Tell The To Ease Up and not to work so hard.

(4). Please ease off on the workers; they is getting tired.

5. Facts and Figures:

Precise Information. Precise

Example: in The Report, please include all the facts and fass as long asseby.

6. Fade Away / Out:

(i) Become Fainter. Distribution

Example: The Music in The Hall Faded Away After A While.

(ii) Leave quietly. Slowly disappear

EXAMPLE: She Was So Nasty That The Interviewers Faded Her Out And Sent for Someone else.

7. Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady:

A Timid or Discouraged Person Won't get the best of anything in life. 人 博 美 美

EXAMPLE: TRY AGAIN! FAINT Heart Never Wort Having.

8. Gain Access to a place:

Enter a place. Enter somewhere

Example: You can Gain Access to the house through twis Gate.


Become Widely Known or Very Common; Be believed or affilt.

Example: Reports Concerning Bad Government Affairs Offen Gain Currency in Foreign Press.


a good health is more important tour 行 美 美 美 美 美

Example: He Looks Ugly, But He Treats All Very Well. Handsome IS AS HANDSOME DOES.11. Handy for Something:

Near Something; Something is Easily Reached. ... very close (very convenient)

Example: My APARTMENT IS IN A Convenient Location Handy for Shops and Other Amenities.

12. In a Daze:

In a confused condenation.

Example: After the Natural Calamity, Those Who Survived WERE IN A Daze.

13. in A Dream:

In a state of mindin which one doesn't pay attention to the real world. Living in dreams

EXAMPLE: Some People not and They Seem to have Lived in A Dream.

14. Jump for Joy:

SHOW Great Pleasure. is happy to jump

Example: The Moment She Heard The Good News Getting The Much-Coveted Job, She Jumped For Joy.

1. Across the Board / Across-the-Board; Applying In All Cases; Affecting Everybody or Everything. Comprehensive; all


(1) The civil servants..................

(2) Because of Bad Business, Some Companies Have Announced An Across-The-Board Cut in Development Spending.

2. Act as someone / Something: do the work or duties of someone / Something. Replace


(1) In The Director's Absence, Mary Will Act As The Director.


3. Act as a brake on / upon / to someone's activity:

Make Someone Act with More Caution; Play The Role of DetersRing Someone or Something. containment

EXAMPLE: The Rise in Bank Interest Rate ACTED AS A BRAKE OON INPE'S Unnecessary Loans.

4. Bear A / No Resemble To someone: (not) Look like Someone. It looks like / unlike ...


(1) Helen bears a resemble to a family singer.

(2) Though They Are Sisters, They Bear No Resemble To Each Other.

5. Bear no reason to someing:

BE VERY DIFFERENT from Something. With ... no similarities

Example: What Jack Has Just Said Bears no reason. Bear out: Support or confirm. Support; confirm

Example: I Will Bear You Out if you lodge a Complaint Against That Rascal.

7. Capable of doing something: Able to do something.


(1) Is you company Capable of Handling Such a Large ORDER?

(2) Be Careful! That Person IS Capable of Playing Tricks.

8. Capitalise ON Something: Take Advantage Of. Utilization.

EXAMPLE: OUR TEAM Capitalised on Its Opponent's obvious weakness and won the game in the end.

9. DECIDE / DETERMINE ON / UPON SomeOne / (Doing) Something: Choose SomeOne / (Doing) Something. Considering the decision



(2) After Some Contemplation, The Couple Determined On Spending The Holiday Abroad.

10. Decline and Fall, The: The sequence leading to a final and completion loss of power, etc.

EXAMPLE: Nothing is Commoner Than The Decline and Fall of an Empire.

11. Dedicate Something To someone / (doing) Something:

(i) Give Something Completely to someone; devote. dedicated

Example: Dr Lin Dedicated His Life To Finding a Cure for AIDS.

(ii) Declare Something in Honour of someone. dedicated to ...

Example: He Dedicated His First Book to His Late Mother.

1. East or West, Home Is Best:

No matter where you go, home is the best place for you. No place is better than home

Example: a Traveller Knows That East or West, Home Is Best. True, There is no place like home.

2. Easy Come, Easy Go:

He Who Gets Money Easily Usually Sqanders It: Easily Got Easily Lost. Easy to lose


(1) The Young Man Sources All The inherited Money at a Short Time. Easy Come, Easy Go, ISN't IT?

(2) Bob Made Some Money from Gambling But Used IT Up Quickly. With Bob, It's Easy Come, Easy Go.3. Easy In Mind: Free from ANXIETY. Reassuring

Example: wicked people is used.

4. Easy in One's Mind: Be More Relaxed. Reassured

Example: His Mother Won't Be Easy In Her Mind Till She Knows That He Has Arrived There Safely.

5. Faithful to someone: Loyal to someone. Loyal to someone

Example: The dog remained faithful to his master when became poor and misterable.

6. Fall Apart: Break Into Pieces. Fraction

Example: Tom Knocked A Tree and His Bicycle Began to Fall Apart.

7. Fall Away: Become Less in Number. Gradually decrease

EXAMPLE: The Spectors Did NOT FIND The Game Interesting and Began To Fall Away.

8. Fall Back on Something: Use Something for Help by Has Been Tried. Relying on a matter

Example: Don't be worried! You still have your savings to four back on.

9. Gall and Wormwood: Something That Arouses The Most Bitter Resentment. Resentment

EXAMPLE: IT WAS GALL AND WORMWOOD for The Teacher To Have To Make A WITHDRAWAL OF HIS Promise In Front of All The Students.

10. Galvanise Someone Into (Doing) Something: Move Someone to do Something. I am aroused someone to act

Example: The News About The General Election Galvanised Potential Candidates INTO PREPARATORY WORK.

11. Gamble On Something:

(i) Risk Money On The Result of a Card Game, Horse-Race, ETC. Adventure or touch

Example: Tony Sometimes Gambled A Great

DEAL OF Money on The Horse-Race.

(ii) Take a chance or risk. I am alone ...

EXAMPLE: Some Illegal Immigrants Robbed The Bank, Gambling on Its Being Not Watch At Night.

12. Game at Which Two CAN Play, A: a Plan or trick which Both Side, you will also have a set of

EXAMPLE: Political Favouritism Is A Game at Which Two Can Play.

1. ACT As a catalyst: cause a change or an event to happen. Promoting the changes in Example: One Speaker's Questions ACTED AS A Catalyst to Set Off New Trains of THOUGHT.

2. Act for / on behalf of someone: do something for someone. Generation ... do something


(1) Mary will act for david in his absence.

(2) The lawyer is acting on behalf of his client.

3. Act high and mighty: act proudly and powerful. Behavior is arrogant

EXAMPLE: IF Su Had Not Acched High and Mighty, She Would HAVE HAVE HAVEEREENDS.

4. ACT IN BAD FAITH: ACT DISHONESTLY. Behavior is not honest

Example: we don't like this man, WHO OFTEN ACTS IN BAD FAITH.

5. Bear Someone No Ill Will: there is no unkind feputs Someone. No misfortune

EXAMPLE: Althiuary I Didn't Agree with Him, I Bore Him No Ill Will.

6. Bear the brunt of something: Suffer The Heaviest Part of Something, Such As Attack, ETC. Belt the collision of a thing

Example: do you have to ber the brunt of her anger for no reference?

7. Bear Up: Keep Up Courage, Stregth, etc. Under Adversity OR Affliction. Don't worry in trouble



(2) How are you today? -Not Very Well, But Managing to Bear Up.

8. Care About Something: Think That Something IS IMPORTANT. 理 理

Example: Some People Today Don't Care About Saving Money for Future Use.

9. Care for someone / Something:

(i) Look after someone / Something. Taking care

EXAMPLE: WHO WILL CARE for you when you are old?

(ii) Like (in NEGATIVE SENTENCES or Questions). favorite


(1) WOULD You Care for Some More Beer?

(2) I don't really.

10. Care Killed a cat: Care is a loading on the mind, so try not to worry. Worry


11. Careful / caleless with / about something / unconcerned About Something. Care; Carex Example:

(1) You Should Be More Careful with your mother next time.


12.deP (Down): in One's True Nature; Feeling Strongly. In the bottom


(1) Deep in The Boy's Mind, He Knew He Was Wrong.

(2) Jack Seems Unfriendly, But Deep Down, He Is Very Nice.

1.Act on / upon someone / Something:

(i) Do Something According to someone's Advice, Instructions, etc. According to advice or instructions

Example: you won't be wrong if you act on his instructions.

(ii) Have an effect on someone / Something. To ...

Examples: 1. This Medicine Doesn't act on him at all. 2. Certain Acids Act Upon Metals.

2.act out:

(i) show An IDEA, Etc. by Your Looks, Talk, ETC. Performance

Example: The Children Are Acting Out A Story The Have Read.

(ii) Put Something Into Action. Putting

EXAMPLE: as an idealist, betty tried to act out her ideals Somehow or other.

3.Act out of duty: do what one out to do, not because what one wants to do. Doing a business

Example: The Head of a Department Generally Acts Out of Duty. He Has No Time To Do More That.

4.Bear with someone / Something: Be Patient with someone / Something. Tolerant

Example: if You Can Just Bear with me for a few minutes, i will becomle to answer your question.

5.Bear Witness to something: prove something. Proof

Example: Jason's Latest Book Bears Witness To His Writing Ability and Versatility.

6.Beard The lion in his den: Face Someone strong Openly or boldly. Entering the lion (Yalan visiting a strong person)

EXAMPLE: The Rascal IS in His Office, So Let's Go In and Beard The Lion in His Den.

7.carp / cavil at someone / Something:

Find fault with small errors. picking;


1. Janet IS Always Carping At Unimportant Matters.2. It is no good carping at The Disobedient Boy About His Behaviour.

3. Why is he cavilling at your minor faults?

8.Carried Away: Be Controlled by One's Feelings. Lost homemade

Example: Nancy Was Much Carried Away While She Was Arguing With Her Husband About a misunderstanding.

9.carrot-and-stick: The Hope of Re-Ward and The Threat of Punishment. Carrots Increase the Bar (软 硬 硬)

Example: To a large extent, a student Has Benefited from the carrot-and-stick approach of teaching.

10.defeat One's purpose: undo an intended purpose or effect. Can't reach your own purpose

EXAMPLE: if You Follow That Undertain Method, You Risk Losing The Support and Defeating your purpose.

11.defer to something: act accounting to the opinion of someone or because of something. Compliance


1. I will be glad to defer to your good advice.

2. I am PLLEASED to Defer to your Rich ex-perience in this matter.

12.deficient in something: Not enough of something. Lack

Example: Such Food Is Deficient in Vitamins.

1. Act up to something: act accounting to one's principles, etc. According to the principle, etc.

Example: MR Lin Claims to Have High Principles, But He Doesn't Always Act Up to His Proclaimed Ethics.

2. Actions Speak Louder Than Words: What We do is more important Than We Say. Action is better than language

Example: To Prove That He Is An Honest Person, Jim Behaved Himself. Actions Speak Louder Than Words.

3. Adapt Oneseelf to Something: Make Oneseelf Suitable for Something. Adapt to

Example: When You Go To A Foreign Land, You Must Adapt Yourself to The New Customs There.

4. Beat A (HASTY) RETREAT: Go Away in a hurry. Warehouse retreat; hurried away

Example: When the Rascals SAW The Policeman, They Beat A Retreat.

5. Beat About The Bush: (in the Negative) Go Round A Subject Instead of Coming Directly to the point. Turning the corner. EXAMPLE: if you have anything to say, go straight to the point. Don't beat about the bush.

6. Beat Down (a price): Lower the price by bargaining. Reduce something

Example: Since $ 30 is Too Expensive, You Can Beat Down The Price as you wish.

7. Carry All / Everything Before Someone: Be Completely successful. Full success

Examples: 1. In School, Sam Carried All Before Him.

2.The Soldiers Carried Everything Before The W Gained The Control of The Place.

8. Defraud Some Art of Something: Deceive Someone So as to get or Keep Something Wrongly or illegally defrauded something

Example: The Cashier Defrauded The Boss of Thousands of Dollars.


EXAMPLE: The Police Chief successmedededed the the situation before any real trouble start.

10. Defy Someone to do something: challenge someone to do something, do something unwilling to do

Example: Since You Are A Brave Man, I Defy You To Fight That Bully.

11. Eat Away Something: Destroy Something By Chemical Action. Corrosion

Example: The Acid Has Eaten Away The Metal Bit by bit.

12. Eat, Drink and Be Merry For Tomorrow We Die: We Should Enjoy Ourslves While We Can Because Life Is Uncertain. Life should be self-enjoying

Example: Life is Full of Imponderables. Hence, Let's Eat, Drink and Be Merry For Tomorrow We Die.

13. Eat Humble Pie: Be more respectful or apologetic Than One Has Been Before.


1. Fall Foul of something: quarrel; fight; get 通 通;. Conflict with someone / something

Example: Being Dishonest, He Soon Fell Foul of the Law.

2. Fall IN / INTO PLACE: BECOME CLEAR. Started with a clue; starting clear-out Example: Just Wait and See. The MyStery Will Fall Into Place Soon.

3. Fall in love with someone: love someone. Fall in love with someone

EXAMPLE: The Two Young Persons Fell in Love with Each Other.

4. Gasp Out Something: Say Something While Breathing. Packed

Example: The Girl Ran Up and Gasped Out The Robbery To The Police.

5. Gateway / Pathway to Something, The / A Way of Reaching A Place or Gaining Something. Give the way ...


1. General Speaking, Diligence Is The Gateway to success.

2. Constant Practice is The Pathway to a better command of the language being Learned.

6. Gather from Something: Understand from Something Said or Done. (From what is done or what you said)

Example: I Didn't Gather Much from the confused story He Had Just Told US.

7. Hang on someone's lips / every Word / The Words of someone: listen attentively to someone. Note that someone talks


1. The Speaker Was So Eloquent That Everybody WAS HANGING ON HIS LIPS.

2. June Hung On Every Word of Her Teacher and Took Detailed Notes.

3. Deeply Interested, The Audience Hung on The Words of The Invited Speaker.

8. In A Fit of ...: Under The Influnce of a Sudden Violent Feeling (E.g. Temper, Anger, ETC.) is under one ...... under a while ...

EXAMPLE: MR Brown Hit His Son in A Fit of Temper.

9. IN / LIKE A FLASH: IN A Very Short Time; Quickly. Soon; Immediate


1. I Will Be Back in a Flash.

2. Last Night's Bank Robbery Happened Like A Flash.

10. IN A Fog: in a confused and uncertain state of mind. Confused


TOM WAS IN A FOBOUT HIS Science Lesson this Morning.

2.MR Lin Told me HE WAS in a family thing what to do.

11. Jumble Up / TOGETHER: MIX or Throw Together WITHOUT ANY ORDER. Mixed together


1. The Letters of the Words Have Been Jumbled Up.2. Returned Books Were Jumble Together on The Library Tables.


(i) Make a surden attack on someone. Assault

EXAMPLE: The Robber Jumped on His Victim in a Dark Corner.

(ii) criticise someone unfairly. Unfair criticism

EXAMPLE: Why Did You Jump On Him for His Minor Pronunciation Problems?

Add fuel to the fire / flames: cause someone to be more angry.

Example: The Workers Were Not Satisfied with Their Wages, And WHEN The Fire.

2. Add insult to injury: make Matters Even Worse. Adulteration outside the injury (making the relationship worse)

Examples: 1. Asking the wounded man to pay for the damage of the car was simply adding insult to injury 2. Having failed to thank me for my help, Bob complained about my insincere attitude He added insult to injury...

3. Add to Something: Increase Something. Plus

Examples: 1.The Rise In Food Problex's Added to the Livelihood Problems of The Poor. 2. Heavy Rain Added to The Difficulties of Driving ON AN Unfamiliar Road.

4. Beat Someone At His OWN GAME: Do Better Than Someone in His Own Field of Activity. Someone is better than others

EXAMPLE: Jason Won A Book Prize and Beat His Rival At His OWN GAME.

5. Beat the Drum for someone / Something: do everything Possible to draw public attention to something for someone. Knocking drums for someone / something

Examples: a. His Party's Supporters Never missed An Opportunity To Beat The Drum for Him. B. I know you are now beating the drum for your new product.

6. Beat Up Someone: Hit Someone Severely. Poisonous

Example: The Rude Man Beat Up His Wife without Any Good Reason.

7. Carry Forward: (of account:) Move to the next page for further address. Total total is transferred to another page

Example: She Forward To Carry The Total Figure Forward. So There Was a Mistake In The Calculation.8. Carry On (WTIH Something.) Continue

Examples: 1.IT is Difficult to Carry ON A CONVERSATION IN A Crowded Place. 2 Please Carry On Well Work After the Tea Break.

9. Carry One's Point: succeed in making Others to agree with what one has suggested. Conserving others to accept their own point of view

Example: Now That You have carried your point, is there, is there, is there?

10. Degenerate Into Something: Become Less Good Or Admirable. Decline, Defusion

EXAMPLE: The Length Discussion Soon Degenerated Into An Exchange of Insults.

11. Degrade Oneseelf: DISGRACE Oneseelf. Reduce your identity

Example: don't degrade yourself by couch for Money All The Time.

12. Delegate (Power, Rights) To someone: Give Power, Rights, etc. To someone. Entrusted the right to someone

Example: The Captain Delegated His Supervisory Power to His Capable Assistant.

13. Eat Into Something: (i) DESTROY by Chemical Action. Corrosion

EXAMPLE: Acid Eats Into Metal. (Ii) Use or Waste Gradually. Consumption

Example: Increase Expenses Have Eaten Into Her Savings.


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