Emulex Fiber Card LPFC Profile Modification

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  121

After the fiber card is installed, you need to modify the two profiles, respectively:

/ kernel/drv/sd.conf

/ kernel/drv/lpfc.conf

Modify content is labeled in the following procedure:

# CD / kernel / drv # vi sd.conf "sd.conf" 65 LINES, 1611 Characters ## Copyright (c) 1992, by Sun Microsystems, Inc. ## Ident "@ (#) sd.conf 1.9 98/01 / 11 SMI "

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI" class_prop = "atapi" target = 0 lun = 0;

Name = "SD" class = "SCSI" class_prop = "atapi" target = 1 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI" class_prop = "atapi" target = 2 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI" class_prop = "atapi" target = 3 lun = 0;

Name = "SD" Class = "SCSI" target = 4 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI" target = 5 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI" target = 6 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI" target = 8 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI" target = 9 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI" target = 10 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI" target = 11 lun = 0;

Name = "SD" Class = "SCSI" target = 12 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI" target = 13 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI" target = 14 lun = 0;

Name = "sd" class = "SCSI" target = 15 lun = 0;

# Start lpfc auto-generated configuration - do NOT alter or delete this line # WARNING:. Anything you put within this auto-generated section will # be DELETED if you execute pkgrm to remove the lpfc driver package # You may need to add additional lines to probe for additional LUNs # or targets. You SHOULD delete any lines that represent lpfc targets # or LUNs that are not used. # You should add any new entries between this line # and the End lpfc auto generated configuration line # name = " SD "parent =" lpfc "target = 16 lun = 0; # name =" sd "parent =" lpfc "target = 17 lun = 0; # a small number of luns for a raid array # name =" sd "parent = "lpfc" target = 17 lun = 1; # name = "sd" parent = "lpfc" target = 17 lun = 2; # name = "sd" parent = "LPFC" target = 17 lun = 3; name = "SD "parent =" lpfc "target = 0 lun = 0; name =" sd "parent =" LPFC "target = 0 lun = 1; Name =" SD "Parent =" LPFC "target = 0 lun = 2; Name =" SD "parent =" LPFC "target = 0 lun = 3; name =" sd "parent =" lpfc "target = 0 lun = 4; name =" sd "parent =" lpfc "target = 0 lun = 5; name = "SD" parent = "lpfc" target = 0 LUN = 6; Name = "SD" parent = "LPFC" target = 0 lun = 7; name = "sd" parent = "lpfc" target = 1 lun = 0; Name = "SD" Parent = "LPFC" target = 1 LUN = 1; Name = "SD" Parent = "LPFC" target = 1 lun = 2; name = "sd" parent = "lpfc" target = 1 lun = 3; Name =

"SD" parent = "lpfc" target = 1 lun = 4; name = "sd" parent = "lpfc" target = 1 lun = 5; Name = "sd" parent = "lpfc" target = 1 lun = 6; Name = "SD" parent = "lpfc" target = 1 lun = 7; name = "sd" parent = "lpfc" target = 2 lun = 0; Name = "SD" Parent = "LPFC" target = 3 lun = 0; Name = "sd" parent = "lpfc" target = 4 lun = 0; name = "sd" parent = "lpfc" target = 5 lun = 0; Name = "sd" parent = "lpfc" target = 6 lun = 0 Name = "SD" Parent = "LPFC" target = 7 lun = 0; name = "SD" parent = "LPFC" target = 8 lun = 0; Name = "SD" Parent = "LPFC" target = 9 lun = 0; Name = "SD" Parent = "LPFC" target = 10 lun = 0; Name = "SD" Parent = "LPFC" target = 11 lun = 0; Name = "SD" parent = "lpfc" target = 12 LUN = 0; name = "sd" parent = "lpfc" target = 13 lun = 0; Name = "sd" parent = "lpfc" target = 14 lun = 0; Name = "SD" Parent = "lpfc" target = 15 Lun = 0; name = "sd" parent = "lpfc" target = 16 lun = 0; name = "SD" parent = "lpfc" target = 17 lun = 0; Name = "SD" Parent = "LPFC" target = 17 LUN = 1; Name = "SD" Parent = "LPFC" target = 17 lun = 2; name = "sd" parent = "lpfc" target = 17 lun = 3;

- Increase some "sd.conf" 100 lines, 3022 characters # vi lpfc.conf "lpfc.conf" 276 Lines, 10863 Characters ## Copyright 2004, Emulex Corporation # 3333 Susan Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 ## All Rights reserved. This computer program and related documentation # is protected by copyright and distributed under licenses restricting # its use, copying, distribution and decompilation. This computer # program and its documentation are CONFIDENTIAL and a TRADE SECRET # of EMULEX CORPORATION. The receipt or possession of this program # or its documentation does not convey rights to reproduce or disclose # its contents, or to manufacture, use, or sell anything that it may # describe, in whole or in part, without the specific written consent # of EMULEX CORPORATION. Any reproduction of this program without # the express written consent of EMULEX CORPORATION is a violation # of the copyright laws and may subject you to criminal prosecution ### Solaris LightPulse lpfc (SCSI) / lpfn (IP) driver:. global initialized da Ta. ## lpfc.conf 1.26 2004/03/15 11: 41: 22pst # verbosity: Only Turn this flag on if you are willing to risk being # Deluged with lots of information. # You can set a bit mask to record specific types of verbose messages: ## 0x1 ELS events # 0x2 Device Discovery events # 0x4 Mailbox Command events # 0x8 Initialization events # 0x10 Link Attention events # 0x20 IP events # 0x40 FCP events # 0x80 Node table events # 0x400 Miscellaneous events # 0x800 SLI events # 0x2000 ioctl Events # 0xffff log all eventslog-verbose = 0x0;

# Setting log-only to 0 causes log messages to be printed on the # console and to be logged to syslog (which may send them to the # console again if it's configured to do so). # Setting log-only to 1 causes log Messages to go to syslog only.log-only = 1; ## variables relating to fcp (scsi) support. # / top # ified all set, nodev-holdio will hold all I / O Errors on Devices That Disappear # until the com back. Default is 0, return errors with no-device-delay.nodev-holdio = 0;

# I 帖子 帖子 帖子 帖子, RETURN, RETUR,

# UE no-device-delay to delay fcp rsp errors and ceerthen check conditions.delay-rsp-err = 0;

# Treat cerantain check conditions as an fcp error.check-cond-err = 0;

# Num-Iocbs [128 to 10240] - Number of IocB buffers to allocatenum-ocbs = 256;

# Num-bufs [64 to 4096] - number of buffers to allocate # Buffers are needed to support Fibre channel Extended Link Services # Also used for SLI-2 FCP buffers, one per FCP command, and Mailbox commands.num-bufs =. 128;

# Topology: link topology for initializing the Fibre Channel connection # 0 = attempt loop mode, if it fails attempt point-to-point mode # 2 = attempt point-to-point mode only # 4 = attempt loop mode only # 6 =. Attempt Point-To-Point Mode, if IT Fails Attempt Loop Mode # set point-to-point ing you want to run as an n_port. # set loop mode if you want to run as an nl_port.topology = 2;

- Changed from 0 to 2

# Set a preferred alPa for the adapter, only validiff ing topology is loop. # Lpfc0-assign-alpa = 2; Request Alpa 2 for LPFC0

# ip-class: FC Class (2 or 3) To use for the ip protocol.ip-class = 3; # fcp-class: FC Class (2 or 3) To use for the fcp protocol.fcp-class = 3;

# 用 adisc for fcp rediscovery INSTEAD OF PLOGI.USE-ADISC = 0;

# Extra IO Timeout [0 to 255 secs] for fabricsextra-IO-TMO = 0;

# Number of 4k streams buffers [64 to 1024] to post to ip Ring. "Lpfc.conf" 276 Lines, 10863 Characters # reboot

After modifying the configuration file, restart the host


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