[J2SE 1.5] Joshua Bloch Tiger Poetry

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  114

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Joshua Bloch Tiger Poetry

"Ease of Development" is the main selling point of J2SE 1.5. To this end, this version joins seven new language features --enhanced for loop, autoboxing / auto-unboxing, varargs, static import, enumeration, metadata, and generics. Using these features, you can make the program written more concise, clearer, more uncomfortable, thereby simplifying the development process.

Joshua Bloch ("Effective Java", one of the main developers of J2SE 1.5) Effectively imitation William Blake (TIGER "in William Blake, a poem, wrote such a group of poems for these characteristics:


Tiger, Tiger Burning BRIGHT

Like a get WHO Works All Night

What new-fangled bit or byte


This first is always a variety of new language features that make developments make developments in Tiger.

ENHANCED for loop

While Iterators Have their buy

They Sometimes Strangle US Like Nooses

WITH ENHANCED-for's deadly ray

Iterator's Kept At Bay

This Skinding ENHANCED For Loop mechanism provides a simpler traversal array, Collection, and other methods that implement the Java.lang.Iitrable interface. Autoboxing / auto-unboxing

When from the collections INTS Are Drawn

Wrapper Classes Make Us Mourn

When Tiger Comes, We'll Shed No TEARS

We'll AutoBox Them in the EARS

This first single autoboxing mechanism / auto-unboxing provides a simpler integration of two sets of different types of systems (basic types, and reference types).


O Joyless Nights, o Joyless Days

Our Programs Cluttered with arrays

With varargs here, we needn't white;

We'll Simply Put the args inline

This first single VARARGS mechanism provides a simpler way to deliver a number of variable arguments.


And from the constant interface

WE Shall Inherit No Disgrace

With static import aturid

Our Joy Will Be Unqualified

This first single Static Import mechanism provides a simpler mechanism to access static members.



Like a foe we've knower too long.


Our Foe Will Bother US No More

This first single ENUMERATION mechanism provides a simpler way to define the type of "enumeration class".


As for noble metadata

I'll Have to Sing ITS Praises Later

ITS Uses Are So Numerous

To Give Their Due, I'D Miss The Bus

This first single MetAdata mechanism provides a simpler mechanism for defining "Machine Readable Description Information".


To The Most Despised Collectes' Cast

We'll Bid A Fond Fondwell At Last

With generics' burning spot

The need for cast will disappear

This first is to use the Generics mechanism to avoid the steps of multi-mandatory types of steps. The Generics mechanism has some other usage, not mentioned here.

Complexity of various characteristics

The new seven language features in J2SE 1.5 is very complicated. Generally, Enhanced for loop, autoboxing / auto-unboxing, varialgs, and static import are relatively simple, and Enumeration, Metadata and Generics are more complicated.

No feature included

J2SE 1.5 has not joined all language features that have been invented to be invented -, for example, to assign the default value to the parameter, it is not included. Of course, if you just want to do this, you can consider replacement with overload.

related information

Gradually excavation enhanced for loop gradually excavation Autoboxing / Auto-Unboxing gradually excavated VARARGS gradually excavated Static Import



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