Font and text properties

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  115

Font and text properties

Font-Family Features: For changing the HTML flag or element, you can set a list of available fonts. The browser is selected by the forward. Syntax: {font-family: Font 1, font 2, ..., font n} font-style function: It is indicated that the text is displayed as a flat hedles or oblique. Numerical: Normal - Normal Italic - Body OBLIQUE - Dialantric Font-Variant Features: Troubleshooting between normal and small uppercase letters. Numerical: Normal - If the flag inherits the Small-Caps settings of the parent element, the keyword Normal sets Font-Variant to normal font. Small-Caps - Display lowercase letters as lowercase letters. Font-weight function: Used to set the font grayscale, generate the deep, shallow version of the font. Numerical: Normal grayscale - Normal relative grayscale - Bold, Bolder, Light, Lighter gradient grayscale - value is as follows: 100, 200, 300, 400 (equivalent to Normal), 500, 600, 700 (equivalent to bold), 800, 900. Font-size function: Control text font size with a variety of metrics. Numerical: There are four numeric methods absolute dimensions - define the font size with the specific font size table, you can remove one of the column values: XX - Small, X-Small, Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, XX-Large. Different fonts have different values. Relative dimensions - Larger, Smaller, the resulting size is relative to the parent container font size. Length - with millimeter (mm), cm (cm), inches (in), points (PT), pixels (PX), PICA (PC), EX (lowercase letter X height) or EM (font height) as metrics unit. Percentage - percentage relative to its parent element font size. FONT Function: Shorthand Properties, provide shortcuts for all properties of font. Syntax: {font: Font Properties 1 Font Properties 2 ... Font Properties N} Numerical: The font attribute value is the previously listed value, and the line spacing attribute line-height (see text attribute), the order of content For: Font-Style; Font-Weight; Font-Size; Line-Height; Font-Family. Partial properties can be omitted, and the attribute value is separated by spaces. Letter-spacing function: Control the spacing between text element letters, and the distance set is applies to the entire element. Numerical: Normal - Normal spacing, reset the spacing between characters to all fonts and font numbers. Length - Set the word spacing length, the positive value indicates the normal length of the inherited in the parent element, and the negative value is subtracted. The measurement unit is specified after the number is as follows: mm, cm, in, pt (points), PX (pixels), PC (PICA), EX (lowercase letter X height), EM (width of uppercase letters M). Line-HEIGHT function: Set the line spacing of text in the element. Numerical: Normal - Normal height, usually 1-1.2 times of the font size, which is the default setting. Numbers - Set the distance of the text in the element to multiply the font size. For example, the font size is 10 points, and the line-height is 2, the spacing is 20 points. Length - Set the spacing in standard metrics, some are absolute, some are relatively, see the description of Letter-spacing for details. Percentage - percentage of font size sets the spacing. Text-align function: Align in the element box.

Numerical: Left - Left Align Right - Right Align Center - Uniformly distributed Wait for text effect. Numerical: None - No text modification, default setting. Underline - Underline. Overline - Underspace. Line-through - delete line. Blink - flashes. Multiple keywords can be combined in the same statement. Text-Indent function: text regeneration, used for paragraphs of paragraphs. Numerical: Length - Set the size of the first line to specify the unit, some units are relatively, some are absolute, and the description of the letter-spacing property is absolute. Percentage - Set the first line of zoom in the percentage of the percentage. Text-Transform features: Set a capital criterion for one or several elements. Numerical: none - Does not change the capital lowercase. Capitalize - The first letter of the word in the element with uppercase. Uppercase - Set all text to uppercase. LowerCase - Set all text to lowercase. Vertical-Align function: vertical alignment. Numerical: Baseline - Large-write letter baseline for two elements. Sub - subscript. Super - marketer. Top - top alignment. TEXT-TOP - text top alignment. Middle - Middle Line Alignment. Bottom - Bottom line alignment. Text-Bottom - Alphabet bottom line alignment. Percentage - Wire Elements Baseline Rolling a certain percentage of the parent element baseline, and uses the element's line-height property combination. Word-spacing function: Control the spacing between elements in the text. The set spacing is suitable for the entire element, which cannot be inserted into a larger or smaller spacing between a word. Numerical: Normal - Normal spacing. Length - If the length is positive, the normal length of the inheritance from the parent element is added, and if it is a negative value, then minus.


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