Turn on a IE window in the full screen in the VFP
OIE = CREATEOBJECT ("InternetExplorer.Application")
* Oie.top = 0
* Oie.Left = 0
* Oie.height = 500
* Oie.width = 500
Oie.statusbar = .f.
Oie.navigate ("http://rts.coolbel.com")
Oie.toolbar = .f.
Oie.visible = .t.
* If Type ('oie') = "o"
* Oie.quit
* The main member function of the OIE class is: OIE.NAVIGATE (STRING URL) to a contact designated by the URL;
* OIE.GoHome corresponds to the home page of Internet Explorer; Oie.gosearch and the Search of Internet Explorer;
* Oie.goback corresponds to the back of Internet Explorer; OIE.GoForward corresponds to the Advancement of InternetExplorer.
* The main member variable of the OIE class is: Oie.Top, Oie.Left window left upper left corner coordinate; OIE.Height window height; OIE.Width window width;
* Oie.Statustext window status bar display information; oie.statusbar window is status strip;
* OIE.FullScreen window is displayed full screen;
* OIE.Toolbar window has a toolbar;
* Oie.visible window is visible;
* OIE.Menubar window has a menu.