Romantic national name

zhaozj2021-02-16  96

Romantic national name

H.L.l.a.n.d Netherlands

Hope has love lasts and never dies. I hope our love will never change

I.T.A.L.Y. Italy

I trust and love you. I believe you and love you

L.I.b.y.a. Libya

Love is beautiful, you are beautiful, you are also


Friendships Remain and Never Can End. Friendship Yonggu

C.h.i.n.a. China

Come Here. I need Affection. Come here I need to love

B.U.R.M.A. Myanmar

BetWeen US, Remember Me Always. We often remember me.

N.E.P.A.L. Nikod

Never Ever Part as lovers. Well not to separate like people

I.n.d.i.a. India

I Nearly Died in Adoration. I almost died in madness.

K.e.n.y.a Kenja

Keep Everything nice, yet arousing. All things maintenance is good to keep fun

C.A.N.A.D.A. Canada

Cute and naughty action That Developed Into Attraction Cute and Naughty Action Building into attractive

K.O.R.E.A. South Korea

Keep Optimistic Regardless of Every Adversity. Although it is promising to be optimistic

E.G.Y.p.t. Egypt Everything's Great, You Pretty Thing !! Perfect, you are beautiful, your beautiful thing

m.a.n.i.l.a. Manila

May All Nights Inspire Love Always. The long night is always love

p.e.r.u. Peru

PHORGET (Forget) Everyone ... Remember US. Forgot that all people remember us


Totally Happy. Always in love and never Dull. Full happiness is not bored in honey luck

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j.p.a.n. Japan

Just a Pig, a nut. Just a pig and idiot


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