xiaoxiao2021-03-06  132

[URL] http://www.cgier.com [/ url] http://www.cgier.com [URL = http://www.cgier.com] CGI Programmer House [/ URL] CGI programmer House [email=webmaster@cgier.com] I write to me [/ email] write to me [email] Webmaster@cgier.com [/ email] Webmaster@cgier.com [b] text plus bold effect [/ B] Writing bold effect [i] text plus tilt effect [/ i] text plus tilt effect [u] text plus line effect [/ u] text plus line effect [size = 4] change text size [/ size] change Text size [font = IMPACT] Changing font [/ font] change font [color = red] change text color [/ color] change text color [S] text to add dewline [/ s] text to delete the line [SUP] Script text [/ sup] Script text [SUB] subscript [/ sub] subscript [fliph] reverse text [/ fliph]


[Flipv] Upper and down the text [/ flipv]

Upside down

[shadow = text width, color, border size] shadow text [/ shadow]

Shadow writing

[Glow = text width, color, border size] Halo text [/ glow]

Halo writing

[BLUR = Text Width, Direction, Concentration] Blurred Text [/ blur]

Blurred text

[List] Start List [*] list item [/ list]

Start list

List item [img] guestbook.ancool.com/img/logo.gif [/ img] [fly] Flight text special effects [/ fly]

Flying text effect

[Move] Scrolling text effect [/ move]

Scrolling text effect

The color in the above list can be the RGB value, or the English code, if it can be said: [color = red] Color text [/ color] "RED" can be:

Black # 000000 Black Silver # C0C0C0 Silver Gray # 808080 Gray White # FFFFFF White Maroon # 800000 brown Red # FF0000 Red Purple # 800080 Purple Fuchsia # FF00FF purple Green # 008000 Lime # 00FF00 Green Light Green Olive # 808000 Olive Yellow # FFFF00 Yellow Navy # 000080 Deep Blue Blue # 0000FF Blue Teal # 008080 Green Aqua # 00ffFF Light Green


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