1. New project, EJB (Lomboz Wizard)
2. Add in Stateful / Stateless SessionBean
1) Generate DAO Note
* @ ejb.dao class = "au.com.tusc.sessionState.storeAccessStatedao" * IMPL-Class = "au.com.tusc.dao.storeaccessDaoImpl" *
2) jboss. XML and EJB-JAR. Comment to specify the data source in the XML file
* @ ejb.resource-ref res-name = "jdbc / hehe" * res-type = "javax.sql.datasource" * res-auth = "container" * * @ jboss.resource-ref res-ref- Name = "jdbc / hehe" jndi-name = "java: / ejbtest" *
3. Join Module to generate files
4. Add bussiness method to the sessionBean, the file generated when adding EJBCREATE method, may be wrong
××××××××××××××× ejb-jar. XML is all modified into EJB-local-ref
5. Deploy and test