Imports system
Imports System.Text
Namespace TOEXCEL
'Features: Generate the DataGrid in ASP.NET to create an Excel file download. 'Mountains improvement: 1, support Chinese 2, hidden columns do not display the' Date: 2002.10.30public Class DataGridtocsv
Public function generatefile (byref page as, byval myDataGrid as system.web.ui.webcontrols.datagrid, Byval FileName As String) AS STRING
Dim RespRes Httpresponsedim Colcount As Integer = MyDataGrid.columns.count - 1
Resp = Page.Response
Resp.contentencoding = system.text.encoding.getencoding ("GB2312") 'Resolves Chinese garbled "Resp.Charset =" UTF-8 "' Resp.addFileDependency (filename) 'Resp.contentType =" Text / html "' 'Resp.Appendheader ("Content-Type", "Text / HTML; Charset = GB2312")
Resp.Appendheader ("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename =" filename) 'necessary, make download files
Dim colheaders as string = "" DIM STRITEMS AS STRINGBUILDER = New StringBuilder ()
DIM Mycol as DataGridColumn
DIM I as integer
For i = 0 to colcountmycol = mydatagrid.columns (i) if mycol.visible = true kilofeaders = colheaders & mycol.Headertext.toString & "End IfNext
IF colheaders.length> 0 thncolheaders = colheaders.substring (0, colheaders.lastindexof (",")) Endiff
Colheaders = colheaders & chr (13) & chr (10)
Resp.write (colheaders)
DIM Colrow As String
DIM ITEM AS DataGridItem
For Each Item in MyDataGrid.ItemsResp.write (formatexportrow (Colcount, Item, MyDataGrid) Next Item
Resp.end ()
Private Function FormatExportRow (ByVal colCount As Integer, ByVal Item DataGridItem As, ByVal MyDataGrid As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid) As StringDim strItem As StringDim i As IntegerFor i = 0 To colCountIf MyDataGrid.Columns (i) .Visible = True Thenif Item.cells (i) .text is system.dbnull.value kil titym.cells (i) .text = "" END IFIF I = Colcount Tenstritem = item.cells (i) .text.toTString & Chr (13) & CHR (10) Elsestritem = item.cells (i) .Text.toString & "," End IFEND IFNextStritem = Replace (strItem, "," ") Return Stritement Function
End Namespace