When developing a video on demand website, you may need to play a series of streaming media files in a row, and my experience is that you can use the SMIL language to dynamically generate a needed playlist file. This method will be described below. I feel that this is not a good way, but it can be used as a kind of idea for your reference.
First we should learn about the SMIL language structure. SMIL is a language dedicated to streaming media servers, which is in line with XML language specification. The following is a typical SMIL file for Helix Server:
113.SMI --------------
Code example:
Several custom functions are not introduced (getExtName is the acquisition file extension)
xRMExtNames = "rm, ram, rmvb, mp3, mpeg, mpa" rmPlayList = "smil / a.smi" Sub WritePlayListRM dim strTmpSrc, sql Set fso = CreateObject ( "Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set tf = fso.CreateTextFile (server. Mappath (RMPLAYLIST), TRUE) Tf.writeline ("
/ body> ") Tf.Writeline (" smil> ") TF.Close set tr = nothing set rsserver = Nothingend Subfunction XMLFILTER (STRINPUT) XMLFilter = Replace (Strinput," <"," (") XMLFilter = Replace XMLFilter, ">", ")") XMLFilter = Replace (XMLFilter, Chr (34), ") XMLFilter = Replace (XMLFilter," '",") End Function This is my method, welcome everyone to criticize.