WINDOW Method list in IE

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  118

WINDOW Method list in IE

ALERT (SMSG) // Pop up a confirmation message box attachevent (sevent, pfunction) // Bind a function to an event, randomly execute one of the bound function Blur () // to the window lost focus when the event triggered

ClearInterval (IINTERVALID) / / Clear the associated function of the specified timer Cleartimeout / / Clear the associated function close () // closes the specified delay, if the window is not opened with the script, the confirmation dialog box will pop up. Confirm ([SMESSAGE]) // pops up "OK / Cancel" dialog CreatePopup ([vargs]) // Creates a hidden pop-up window, VARGS is the parameters provided by future considerations, return window handle Detachevent (sevent, pfunction) / / Cancel a binding function of an event EXECScript (Sexpression, Slanguage) / / Execute the code FOCUS () // activation window with the specified language

Moveby (IX, IY) // With a relative way moving window MoveTo (ILEFT, ITOP) // Turn to the specified connection with an absolute manner

Open ([SURL] [, SNAME] [, SFEATURES] [, "opens the new window and returns the window handle // sname = (* _ blank: Open a new unnamed window; _parent: In the parent window Open; _search: At the same time open the search window; _Self: replace this window; _top: Open in the top window; *) // sfeatures = (* channelmode = {yes | no | 1 | 0}; Directories = {YES | NO | 1 | 0}; Fullscreen = {YES | NO | 1 | 0}; height = number; left = number; location = {yes | no | 1 | 0}; menubar = {yes | no | 1 | 0}; resizable = {YES | NO | 1 | 0}; scrollbars = {yes | no | 1 | 0}; status = {yes | no | 1 | 0}; titlebar = {yes | no | 1 | 0}; toolbar = { YES | NO | 1 | 0}; TOP = Number; width = number; *)

Print () // Print the current window Document content Prompt ([SMESSAGE] [, SDEFAULTVALUE]) // Pop-up input dialog resizeby (ix, iy) // RESIZETO (iWidth, Iheight) // in a relative manner Mode change window size

Scroll (IX, IY) scroll window, the same effect as ScrollTo, for the consideration of compatibility, Scrollby (ix, Iy) // with relative mode scrolls Scrollto (IX, IY) // with absolute way Window SetACTIVE () // Activate the target without turning the target setInterval (Vcode, ImilliseConds [, Slanguage]) // Perform a code setTimeout (Vcode, ImilliseConds, Slanguage) // Delay execution section Showhelp (SURL [, vContextID]) // Open a help file, surl is the help document address, vcontextId is help index number

ShowModalDialog (SURL [, Varguments]) // Open a mode dialog box // Varguments = Parameters to pass to the new mode dialog box // sfeatures = (* Dialogheight: Sheight; Dialoglet: SXPOS; Dialogtop: Sypos Dialogwidth: swidth; center: {yes | no | 1 | 0 | ON | OFF}; DialoGHide: {yes | no | 1 | 0 | ON | OFF}; Edge: {Sunken | raised}; help: {yes | NO | 1 | 0 | ON | OFF}; resizable: {yes | no | 1 | 0 | ON | Off}; Scroll: {YES | NO | 1 | 0 | ON | OFF}; status: {yes | no | 1 | 0 | ON | Off}; unadorned: {yes | no | 1 | 0 | ON | OFF}; *) ShowModelessDialog (SURL [, Varguments] [, SFEATURES]) // Open a non-mode dialog // Vargument = Need to pass parameters to the new open mode dialog / (* Dialoghem: SHEIGHT; DIALOGLEFT: SXPOS; Dialogtop: Sypos; DialogTop: Sypos; Dialogwidth: Swidth; Center: {YES | NO | 1 | 0 | ON | Off}; Dialoghide : {YES | NO | 1 | 0 | ON | OFF}; Edge: {Sunken | Raised}; Help: {YES | NO | 1 | 0 | ON | Off}; resizable: {yes | no | 1 | 0 | ON | OFF}; Scroll: {YES | NO | 1 | 0 | ON | OFF}; status: {yes | no | 1 | 0 | ON | Off}; unadorned: {yes | no | 1 | 0 | ON | OFF}; *)

9: Execcommand's full reference (Chinese version) Document.execcommand (Scommand [, interactive, dynamic parameters])

2D-position; document.execcommand ("2D-position", "false", "true"); allows the absolute positioning object to drag directly; IE5.5 AbsolutePosition; Document.execCommand ("AbsolutePosition", "false", "True"); make object positioning into absolute positioning; IE5.5 BackColor; Document.execCommand ("Backcolor", "False", Scolor); Setting the background color; IE4.0 blockdirltr; None; make block-level element typography For the left to right?; Does not support blockdirrtl; none; make the block-level element typography method from right to left?; Do not support bold; document.execcommand ("bold", "false", null; make the text of the zone Bold; IE4.0 browsemode; none; setting browser mode?; Do not support Copy; Document.execCommand ("Copy", "False", NULL); Copy the selected text to the clipboard; IE4.0 CreateBookmark; document. Execcommand ("CreateBookmark", "False", Settings Specify anchor points for bookmarks; IE4.0 Createlink; Document.execCommand ("CreateLink", "False", SlinkURL); Select text to become a super connection, The two parameters are true, the parameter settings dialog box appears; IE4.0 cut; document.execcommand ("CUT", "false", null; clip selection text to the clipboard; IE4.0 delete; Document.execCommand "Delete", "false", null; delete the selected text; IE4.0 dirltr; none; version of the typography is from left to right?; Does not support Dirrtl; None; version is from right to left?; Do not support EditMode None; setting the editing mode?; do not support fontname; document.execcommand ("FontName", "False", SFontName); change the font of the selected area; IE4.0 FontSize; Document.execCommand ("Fontsize", "FA LSE ", SSIZE | ISIZE); Change the font size of the selected area; IE4.0 Forecolor; Document.execCommand (" Forecolor "," False ", Scolor); Set the foreground color; IE4.0 formatblock; Document.execCommand (" Formatblock "," false ", stagname); set the label name of the current block; IE4.0 window has four parameters: Window.Open (STR1, STR2, STR3, STR4) str1: To open the address: STR2: Name of the window You can customize and remove the value: _blank, _parent, _self, _top, _search, [IE5 support], _ Media [IE6].

STR3: The attribute value:

STR4: Whether a new window: True or False