xiaoxiao2021-03-06  113

General structure:

1.Corba Module CORBA IDL Module Map Map The Java Package with the IDL module 2.Corba unusual CORBA defines two types of exceptions I.System Exceptions a Corba defined anomaly II.user-defining Exceptions by the user in IDL Exceptions defined in 3. Corba parameter CORBA defines three parameters transmission mode: in, out and inout. Java only supports IN. 4. Corba Holder class Due to the corresponding object of Idl OUT and INOUT in Java, IDL-to-Java mapping must provide some additional mechanisms to support values ​​(and return results). Mapping Defines the Holder class that implements additional parameter transfer mode in Java. For each IDL OUT or INOUT parameter, the customer must instantiate an instance of an appropriate HOLDER class (it is passed through value). 5. Corba Helper class Helper class contains methods for operating IDL in different ways. Helper class provides a static method that can be used to operate the type, which includes any insertion and removal operation of this type, a repository ID, a Typecode, read the type, and write the type in. In addition, the Helper class that maps the IDL interface provides a static Narrow method, which can be used to make mandatory type conversion. 6. Corba Attribute The CORBA IDL interface can have properties, which are required for SET and GET operations in type domain. Each attribute is mapped to a pair of overloaded Java Accessors and modifier methods with the same name.

structure type:

1. Sequence (sequence) A variable size one-dimensional element sequence, where the element can be any type of IDL definition. The maximum length of the sequence can be restricted. 2. Struct (Structure) You can use the structure to assemble multiple types of naming fields. Each structure has two constructor. One is the default constructor, set all the fields in the structure to empty. The second constructor uses the structure field as the parameter and initializes each field.

3. UNION (United) is used to only reference one of several data members at any given time (any time, only one member in memory). The joint uses the Discriminator tag value to display that value contains the member. 4. Any Any is a self-descriptive data structure that retains its type, which allows you to extract and insert a predefined IDL type with a type secure conversion function. The ANY type allows you to specify an attribute value, parameter, or return type, which contains any type of time that is determined at runtime rather than compile. You can use Any to pass anything.


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