Achieving the page display of tensile data!

zhaozj2021-02-16  100

/ * Name: Spall_deletenoneunique Enter: To query the table name and field list output: call: Description: Paging display of thousands of data! - You can get 100 records in 14.48 million records in 5 seconds. Do you? Author: Tekken-mail: Website: http: // Updated: 20,040,610 Support: http: // Copyright: Please indicate the source when paraphrased: creating the future by thinking * /

Create Procedure GetRecordfromPage @tblname VARCHAR (255), - Table Name @fldname varchar (255), - Field Name @Pagesize INT = 10, - Page Dimension @PageIndex INT = 1, - Type @iscount bit = 0, - Return to the total number of records, non-0 values ​​returns to @ORDERTYPE BIT = 0, - Set the sort type, non-0 value, descending @Strwhere varchar (1000) = '- Query Conditions (Note: Do not add WHERE) AS

Declare @strsql varchar (6000) - Professional Sentences Declare @STRTMP VARCHAR (100) - Temporary Variable Declare @strORDER VARCHAR (400) - Sort Type

IF @ORDERTYPE! = 0BEGIN SET @STRTMP = "<(Select Min" set @strorder = "Order by [" @fldname "] desc" endelsebegin set @strtmp = "> (Select Max" set @strorder = "ORDER By [" @fldname "] ASC "end

Set @STRSQL = "SELECT TOP" Str (@Pagesize) "* from [" @fldname "] where [" @fldname "]" @strtmp "([" @fldname "] ) from (SELECT TOP " STR ((@ PageIndex-1) * @ PageSize) " [" @fldname "] from [" @TBLNAME "] " @strorder ") AS TBLTMP " @strorder

If @strwhere! = '' set @strsql = "select top" str (@PageSize) "* from [" @TBLNAME "] where [" @fldname "]" @strtmp "([[[ " @Fldname "]) from (SELECT TOP " STR ((@ PageIndex-1) * @ PageSize) " [" @fldname "] from [" @TBLNAME "] where " @strwhere " @Strorder ") as TBLTMP) and " @strwhere " " @strorderif @PageIndex = 1begin set @strtmp =" "if @strwhere! = '' Set @Strtmp =" Where " @strwhere

Set @strsql = "SELECT TOP" STR (@Pagesize) "* from [" @tblname "]" @strtmp "" @strorderend

IF @iscount! = 0 set @strsql = "Select count (*) as total from [" @tblname "]"

EXEC (@strsql)



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