Hardware English

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  124

ACER -> Acer Company A / D -> Simulation / Data Address Bus -> Address Bus ALT = Alternate -> Convert Key / Change / Family Alt = Alteration Switch -> Conversion Switch AMD = Advanced Micro Devices INC -> Ultramic Semiconductor Equipment Company AMI = American Megatrrends Inc. -> Mi Gitred AGP = Accelerated Graphics Port -> Graphics Acceleration Port API = Application Program Interface -> Application Interface APM = Advanced Power Driver -> Advanced Power Drive ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange American Information Exchange Standard Code BIN -> Collector / Binary BIOS = Basic Input / Output System -> Basic Input Output System Bit -> Bit Block -> Module BS = BACKSPACE -> Return Key BSB = BACK Speed ​​Bus ----> Back-end Bus Cache -> Cache CD = Compact Disc -> Device, CD CGA = COLOUR GRAPHIC ADAPTER - > Color Graphic Monitor CHCP = DISPLAY The Active Code Page Number -> Display Activity Mode Time CHIPS -> Chip Clock Freq Clock Frequency CMOS = Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor -> Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor CN = Connector - -> Connector Column -> Columns COM = Control Lines -> Control Cord Controller -> Controller Copyright -> Copyright CPU = Central Processing Unit -> Central Processor CRT = Circuits -> Circuit CRT = Cathode Ray Tube -> Cathode Radio Ctrl = Control -> Control / Control Key Cylinder -> Magnetic Cylinder Cyrix ---> Siekes Data Bus --- > Data Line Daughterboard ---> Sub-board 3 -DS = 3-Dimension Studio ---> 3D Drawing Studio Del = Delete ---> Delete Key DHCP = Dynamic Handle ConfigRue Processor ---> Dynamic Configuration Processor DM = Disk Manager ---> Disk Manager DMA = Direct Memory Access ---> Memory Direct Access (Access) Dot = Device Operating Terminal ---> Device Operation Terminal DPMI = Data Processing Memory Information ---> Data Processing Memory Information DRAM = Dynamic Random-Access Memory ---> Dynamic Random Memory DRV = Drive ---> Drive DSP = Digital Signal Processor ---> Digital Signal Processor EGA = Enhanced Graphic Adapter ---> Enhanced Graphic Display EMM =

Expanded Memory Management ---> Extended Memory Management EMS = Expanded Memory System ---> Extended Memory System EMS = Expanded Memory Specification ---> Extended Memory Specifications Encode KEYBOARD ---> Encoding Keyboard EROM = EraSable Read Only Memory - -> Erase read-only memory ESC = escape ---> Exit key / exit system ESDI = Enhanced Small Device Interface ---> Enhanced Small Device Interface (Interface) FSB = Front Speed ​​Bus ----> Front End Bus FDD = FLOPPY DISK DRIVE ---> Fa-drive FPU = floating point unit ---> Floating point processor (mathematical coprocessor) GB = Gigabyte ---> Gigabybed gold finger ---> Golden Pin Hard Disk -----> HDD = HARD Disk Light-Emitting Diode ---> Hard Disk Indicator (Light Emitting Diode) Head ---> Tap HPM = Hyper-Page-Mode ---> Temple Page IBM = International Business Machines Corporation ---> International Commercial Machine Company ID = Identifier ---> Identifier ID = Inside Diameter ---> Internal diameter IDE = INSEDE DIAMETER ENHANCED ---> Internal diameter enhancement interface (its original meaning means controller For hard drives integrated with tray, we often say the IDE interface, also called ATA (Advanced Technology Ttachment) Interface INS = INSERT ---> Insert / Insert button Intel ---> Intel Interleave ---> Cross (access) factor intersections ---> internal node I / O = INPUT / OUTPUT ----> Input Output IRC = Interrupt Controller ---> Interrupt Control IRQ = Interrupt Require ---> Interrupt Request JoySticks- -> JPP JP (Jumper) ---> Jumper JCP = Jumper Channel Port ---> Jumping Channel Line KB = Kilobytes ---> Qiyin KB = Keyboard ---> Keyboard Land Zone Cylin DER ---> Wasper storage area Magnetic column Laser = light amplification by Stimulation EMISSION OF EADITION ---> Laser / Laser LPT = line parrallel tandem ---> Parallel port mainboard ---> motherboard map = microprocessor Application Project ---> Microprocessor Application Plan Master Clock ---> Main Clock MCI = Media Control Interface ---> Media Control Interface MIDI = Musecal Instrument Digital Interface ---> Musical Digital Interface MODEM = MODULATOR AND DEMODULATOR --- > Modem Motherboard ---> Masterboard MPU = Micro-Processor (Processing) Unit ---> Microprocessor MS = Microsoft ---->

Microsoft MS = Memory System / Main Storage ---> Memory / Main memory NMOS = Negative Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor ---> Cathode Metal Oxide Semiconductor NT = New Technology ---> New Technology NTAS = New Technology Advanced Server- -> New Technology Super Server NTFS = New Technology File System ---> New Technology File System PC = Private Compatible Machine ---> Personal Compatant PCI = Peripheral Component Interconnect ---> Peripheral Components Interconnect PDI = Program Device Information ---> Program Equipment Information PDQ = PARRALLEL DATA Query ---> Parallel Data Query Peripherals ---> Peripheral PGDN = Page Down ---> Topping Page PGUP = Page Up ---> Page up Pins ---> Ping PMOS = POSITIVE METAL-OXIDE-SEMICONDUctor ---> Anode Metal Oxide Semiconductor Power ---> Power Precompensation Cylinder ---> Pre-Compensation Magnetic Cylinder Printer ---> Printer / Print PROM = Programmable read only memory ---> Program read-only memory RAM = random-access memory ---> Random memory / memory RBS = Remote Boot Service ---> Remote Boot (start) service

Regulator ---> Adjustrator RESET ---> Reset / Reset button REV. = Revision ---> Version number risc = reduced instruction set computer ---> Fixed instruction set computer system ROM = read Only Memory --- > Read-only memory rows ---> Row RTC = Real Time Clock ---> Real Clock Serial ATA -----> Serial ATA (usually referred to in Serial ATA Hard Disk) SB = Sound Blaster ---> Sound Device / Sound Card SCSI = Small Computer System Interface ---> Small Computer System Interface (Interface) Sector ---> Sector SELECTOR ---> Selector SFT = Shifter ---> Single-in-line Memory modules) ---> Single-line in-line memory module SL = slot ---> SMM (System Management Mode) ---> System Management Mode SPK = Speaker ---> Speaker SRAM (System Random Access Memory) ---> System random access memory SW = Switch ---> Switch sys = system ---> system tag rum ---> tag random memory TM = trade Mark ---> Trademark Track ---> Channel UPS = Uninterruptible Power System ---> Continuous Power Supply System UPS = Uninterruptible Power Supply ---> Uninterruptible Power Supply VB = Vision Blaster ---> Overcoming Card VCC = VOLT CURRENT CONDENSER ---> Power Potent Video Display Generator -> Video Display VGA = Video Graphic Adapter ---> Video Graphic Display

AADO ActiveX data object ActiveX Data Objects ADODC ActiveX Data Object data control ActiveX Data Objects data control AI Artificial Intelligence AI API Application Programming interface application programming interface ATM machine abstract class abstract class active class / Diagram Activity class / ActiveX control wizard ActiveX FIG. control Wizard ActiveX control interface wizard-introduction describes the ActiveX control Interface Wizard ActiveX control interface wizard-set mapping ActiveX control Interface Wizard - the mapping actor actors association class association class academic schools, colleges, active diagram activity diagram adaptable and extensible adaptable And Scalable Add-in Manager Add User Document Add Procedure / Custom Member Add / Delete Programs Additional Items To Deploy and Association Associated aggregates aggregation aggregation aggregation Analysis ALLOWANCE Allowance Alert Alert ALIGNMENT Queue, Aligned Alpha Application Specialist appearance change application experts appear, argument argument assignment allocation amount details appearance account details area regional, district, delegating the task attribute properties available names available names mean value Bbalance average balance back style background style base attributes the basic properties of base class base class bicycle bike ,

Bicycle booch modeling methodology modeling methodology boss boss browse browsing break suspended build generation CCOM Component Object Model Component Object Model CMM Capability Maturity Model Maturity Model CISC complex instruction set computing capability COM Component Object Model Component Object Model CRS support the specification calculate calculation call stack calls Stack Call Stack Window Call Stack Window Caption Title, Description, Subtitled Candidate Classes Candidation Cardinal Class Cast Of New Movie New Movies Cassette recorded Catalog Class, Directory / Category Category Cardinality Associated Base Character Set Characters CHECK BOX Check Box Circle Class Builder / Module Class Builder / Module Classical Categorization Traditional Category Clerk Employee Click To Add Title / Text Click here to add Title / Text CRITERIA Guidelines Collaboration Diagram Collaboration COLUMN WIDTH LANGW Commission Worker commission Workers combined joint command type combo box combo box type common dialog control command common Dialog control communication exchange, communication components consisting member component diagram of FIG conditional compilation conditional compilation construct a connection string connection string parameters configured const keyword considering consideration,

Thinking context context converter converter concrete class concrete class create link / parameter to create a connection / add parameters to create custom interface member to create a custom interface member criteria guidelines cursor type cursor type customer number customer number DDHTML Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language Dynamic HTML DAO data access Object data access object DBMS data Base management system database management system DAA data access Arrangement data access arrangement DLL dynamic link library DLL date date database default null ability controllability default database data source data source behavior behavior data link properties data link attribute data abstraction / member data abstraction / member defining a problem to define a problem demoted demoted deadlock deadlock deployment diagram deployment diagram deployment method expansion method designer designer destructor destroyer design specification design specifications deactivate deactivate the function invalid decomposed functionally decomposed description Describe Classification of words discriminator discriminator director display displaying instructor discriminator discriminator diameter diameter (variable) Diagram illustrating disassembly window disassembly window double click to add clip art double-click here to add dynamic shear dynamic view Videos dynamic model view edit dynamic model Eedit watch Monitor Employee Efficiency Efficiency ENABLED Yes, capable Energy Energy,

Energy encapsulation package expression expression extending a use case extending a use case event handler event handler Ffiles of type file type file group file groups fill cells fill the cells fill color fill color float floating-point flush embedded feline feline animal form layout window window Body layout window format form, format the FOOTER script, FUNCUSSION FULL TEXT CATALOGS Full Text Directory GGD Group Discussion Group Discussion GUI GRAPHICAL User Interface Graphical User Interface Generalization Generalization, Generalized Get Cap Get Value Goal of Analysis Target Goals To Achieve grade grade grade grade grade grade grade, grade Grandchild grandson Grid, HHRA HYPERSONIC Research Airplane, HHRA HYPERSONIC Research, HEIGHT HEIGHT Height Height Height Height Help File Help File HIDDEN FIELD Hidden domain Hourly Work Hourly humble humble, low-level, simple hyperlink hyperlink IIIS Internet Information Server Internet Information Server identification attributes to identify properties image image immediate window window immediate implementation operation perform the initial operation of the first word of the first initial of included files include files independent Index index, indicator, Inheritance inherited Input Image Insert Image Insert Object Insert Object Install Locations Installation Location Integer Integer Internet Explorer Internet Browser Interaction Interaction Introducture Introduction,

DESCRIPTION irrelevant classes independent class KKPA Key process Area key process area key key code key Abstractions key abstract knowledge and neural network expertise and neural network Llabel label length longer length list box list box link attribute connection property lower case lowercase letters M MDI multiple document interface Multi-Document Interface MSDN Microsoft Developer's Network Library Microsoft Developer Network Work Library MANY-TO-MANY LINK Multi-to-Multi-Dip Manage Script Management Script Masked Edit Control With Mask Editing Control MEASURE Measurement,

MEMORY WINDOW Register Window Menu Editor Singpie Editor Message Message Method Method MINUTE Minute Mode Mode Mode Model Menu Modify Menu Module Module Moving To First / Next Record Move to First / Next Record MOVING THE last / previous record to the last / recorded on a multi-user multi user Nnative code native code new employee / cap new employees / new project new construction value normal normal alternatives Alternatively OOLE Object link embed Object linking and embedding object-oriented OOA Object oriented Analysis analysis ODBC open database connectivity open database Connectivity OO D Object oriented and design of object-oriented design OOP Object oriented programming techniques of object-oriented programming techniques OMT Object modeling technique OMT object browser such as browser object model diagram illustrating the object model for object oriented OR Association "Or" related one-to-one link one-to-one link One-to-man-link a pair of multi-link ORDER of the association association Optimize for Fast / Small Code Code Speed ​​/ Size Optimization Option Option Operation Operator Operation (Operation) Control PPDCA Process Plan (Plan), Do (Execution), Check (Check), Action (Implementation) Package and Deployment Wizard Package and Expand Wizard Package Folder Package Parameter Parameters Passnger Passenger Password Field Codes Ware Wafer Table PAYLOAD Weight, burden Picture Box picture Box PieceWorker PHRASE Pieces, phrases, and use,

Case polymorphism polymorphism preliminary investigation preliminary investigation private private protected protecting property page wizard Property Page Wizard project source manager window Project Explorer window property changed change the attributes of property pages / window / bag Properties page / window / packet procedural process promoted upgrade project properties Project properties public function public function QQA quality assurance QA QCT quality control technology quality control query optimizer query optimizer quick watch window viewing window RRDO remote data Object remote data Object RISC reduced instruction set computing RAID redundant array of inexpensive disks redundant array of inexpensive disks RADIUS radius Rating Rating Recursive Associations Recursive Record SET Record Set Record Source Record Source Rectangle Rectangle Release Release, Relaxation The return data type row-height line height role name role name SSEPG Software Engineering Process Group Software Engineering Process Group SDM Software Development Methodologies software development methodology SMP Symmetry Multiple Process symmetric multiprocessing SDLC Synchronous Data Line Control synchronous data link control Software Development Life Cycle Software Development Life SWOT refers to Stregth (Advantage), Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (Threat) SAVE Project Group Save Engineering Group Scholarship Academic,

Scholarships scroll bar scroll bar scope range search direction search direction secondary association indirectly associated second semester seconds secretary secretary for six months, half of the select the property pages and select Properties page select interface member selected interface member selector enter a database name Select or enter a database name sentence sentence sequence diagram illustrating the sequence session session set attribute / property setting properties set focus settings the focus shared files shared file show display, (debug result) show single-user single user skip skip row specialisation particularized square square sort order sort order standard setup package standard Installation Package Start Component Startup Parts Start Menu Items Start Menu Item State Machine State Machine State Transition Static View Static View Stereotype Prototype Step Into (Single Step) / over (Procedure STEP) Sentence / Process Step Out jumps out of the stream Data stream, a sequence string line structure relationship structural relationship subclass subclass submit button submit button super class parent sub-system subsystem T TQM Total Quality Management Total quality management table or stored procedure name table or a stored procedure name text box / field textbox / terminal domain terminate ternary associations triple association teaching assistant teaching assistant toggle break point Toggle breakpoint today tomorrow tomorrow today event transaction control transaction exchange transaction control truck built uUML unified Modeling language unified touch language UT unit testing unit testing,


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