[转] Plugin

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  125

Eclipse 2.1 has built-in support for Ant and Junit, but for development, we also look forward to more ...

Checkstyle Plug in

For companies that require or already have Code Standard, they understand its importance. But people are not machines, will always write code that violates the code standard in interested in unintentional. How to make these errors displayed when encoding? For Java, the answer is: "Checkstyle".

CheckStyle is one of the tools that check if Java code follows existing coding standards. It default encoding criteria is Sun's Java programming specification and can be used with ANT integration. At the same time, it also provides the Eclipse's PLUG IN to expose the wrong exposure to the programmer during the encoding period.

Checkstyle download address:


Download address of Eclipse Checkstyle Plug in


Tomcat Plug in

Are you using Tomcat as a Servlet / JSP container? If there is a graphical debug interface for JSP or servlets! Try it, Tomcat's Eclipse Plug IN. Download address: http://www.sysdeo.com/eclipse/tomcatplugin.html

However, those who expect directly to .jsp files please don't be too early, there is currently no such tool, its debugging principle is: Directly debugging the JAVA file generated by the JSP file. However, this is also much stronger than the JSP file.

Strut Plug in

Development web application is still using Model 1? ! Do you want to try MODEL 2? Other people have the principle of using it, of course, Strut is preferred. I know that it is not awkward, I don't know how to search for Google is also a lot, huh, huh. But how is this good thing to integrate with Eclipse? "Plug in", of course, or Plug IN.

For Strut, I collected Easy Strut. It can do:

Easy Struts Plugin Can Be Used with J2EE Plugin: Sysdeo Tomcat, Resin, Lomboz ... (Or SIMPLY A JAVA Project).

- Provide Struts Config Editor for struts 1.0 and struts 1.1 files.

XSLT generation.

- Provide a Global View of Any Java Project with easy struts supports.

- Full Support for struts 1.1 modules.

- Tool Tip text extracted from Struts DTD.

- Input Helper (Chooser Dialog and Validation).

- Compatible with IBM WSAD 5 (with some troubles ...)

- xdoclet support in progravel.

- ... and it's free

- Easy Struts Development Is in Progress ... There store bugs in theses Versions ...

Download address: http://easystruts.sourceforge.net/uml plug in

In recent years, MDA is increasingly concerned, how is it? Rose, together, these are spended (even if it is a D version, huh, it is not integrated with Eclipse (Rose may be possible). It doesn't matter, you are more enthusiastic. Try this: eclipseuml. It provides features of all 9 maps in the drawing UML, while the corresponding Java code can be generated simultaneously when the drawing class.

Its reverse engineering is also doing, when new UML class diagram files in the directory containing the source code, it will automatically generate various types of class diagrams and relationships.

Download: http://www.eclipseuml.com/


Although Tomcat Plug in provides a means of debugging JSP, no JSP / Servlet's wizard is provided, and J2EE's development commissioning is not supported. How to do? Oh, fortunately, I have prepared: Lomboz.

It supports the JSP / Servlet / EJB wizard to support JSP / Servlet / EJB debugging. In short, it is very good. Download: http://www.objectLearn.com/products/download.jsp


At this point, the Plug in I collected is finished, and I hope that the other good Eclipse's Plug IN to collect the comrades can also know the sound. Ha ha.

Author Blog:


1.Myeclipse J2EE development plugin, support servlet / jsp / ejb / database operation, etc.


2.Properties Editor edits the Java properties file and you can automatically save the available in Unicode format


3. COLORER TAKE colors to colors with a hundred types of files


4.xmlbuddy Edit XML file


5.Code Folding Add to multiple code folding (more than Eclipse)


6.easy Explorer Access the selected file from Eclipse, the folder where the directory is located


7.fat JAR packaging plugin, which can be convenient to complete various package tasks, which can contain external packages, etc.


8.Regex Test Test Regular Expression


9.jasperassistant report plugin (strong, required money)


10.jigloo Gui Builder Java GUI Editor Plugin


11.Profiler Performance Tracking, Measurement Tool, Can Track, Measuring BS Programs


12.AdvanQas Provides tips and shortcuts (automatic change structure, etc.) http://eclipsecolorer.sourceforge.net/advanqas/index.html

13.log4e log4j plugin, providing various and log4J-related tasks, such as methods, categories, add a logger, etc.


14.VssPlugin VSS plugin


15. IMPLEMENTORS provides a way to jump to a method, not the function (practical!)


16.Call Hierarchy Displays a method of calling hierarchy (which method adjustment, which method is toned)


17.Eclipsetidy check and format HTML / XML files


18.CheckClipse Check the style of the code, whether it is in line with the specifications


19.Hibernate Synchronizer Hibernate plugin, automatic mapping, etc.


20.VeloeClipse Velocity plugin


21.EDitorList's convenient listing all open Editor


22. Monitor monitoring of MemoryManager memory


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