Lotus DominoNotes Toolkits Summary (5) LDDJ

zhaozj2021-02-08  294

5 Lotus Domino Driver for Java

5.1 Function Introduction LDDJ is a Type 2 type JDBC Driver, which is in line with the JDBC1.0 specification, developed in a JDK1.1.8 environment. It enables developers to access the Domino / Notes database like Java programs like accessing relational databases.

The following table is the control relationship between objects and objects in the Notes database.

SQL object Domino / Notes object TableForm or Universal RelationColumnForm Field or View ColumnIndexViewViewVIEW

Compared with the relational database, it has some limitations:

The string is up to 15360 table name for the longest 64 characters column name, index name, view name up to 32 characters does not support rollback and two-stage submission do not support bit, tinyint, bigint does not support binary, varbinary, 即Big object access does not support Primary Key, Foreign Key, Unique does not support stored procedures

At the same time, provide the following special features:

Column values ​​allow multiple values ​​(text), you can access, but you cannot create such columns with the INSERT statement, the default value, input conversion, and enter the verification in the INSERT statement, the input check is still valid, and the data is not deleted. Domain, such as Notesid, Notesform, LastModified, etc. readers are still valid for the control of reading ranges.

Compared with other ways of notes data processing, there is a difference:

It is not possible to insert a domain that exists in the field document in the form definition, only the first one (according to the order), if the view name and the table name are the same, only the table object can be accessed, and the view object cannot be accessed for the RTF domain. Can only handle the content of the text, can not process the individual domain content of the attachment is 15360 bytes

Support platform

Windows 98, NT 4.0, 2000, XP

The latest version

V1.5, published in 2002.10.11

5.2 Development and use

Use environment

LDDJ V1.5 supports R5 or higher, you can directly connect the remote Domino server, you need to install Domino / Notes locally, and the current user has at least reader permissions for remote data. At the same time, you also need to add the jdbcdomino.jar file in the lddj package to the ClassPath, copy a few DLL files in the package to the Windows system directory (for example, System32).

LDDJ and Notes clients use the same security mechanism, use the Notes ID, if the user starts and enters the Notes client, the current user ID is set to allow the Notes Add Identoscope to allow the password again.

Working mechanism

LDDJ is the JDBC driver of Type 2, so locally requires Notes application support. The schematic is as follows:


Mainly pay attention to two points using LDDJ development applications:

First, the syntax of the database URL. Settings to specify the server, database path, set text field, and rich text domain in the URL. See the documentation of LDDJ for details.

Second, in order to obtain a relatively good data access efficiency, a view is required reasonably. The way views established different ways will have a great impact on the efficiency of the application.

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