Lotus DominoNotes Toolkits Review (8)

zhaozj2021-02-08  328

9.3 Domino / Notes Toolkits Comparison According to the above analysis, we should consider the processing power of non-structured data, consider their dependence on Domino / Notes platform, consider Domino / Notes security features for Domino / Notes platform. Application and restrictions.

At the same time, it will consider tools for performance and efficiency, application extension, and support cross-platform, security, support, coding efficiency, code easy maintenance, etc. in Domino / Notes versions.

9.3.1 Support for non-structured data processing capabilities

Support for Notes Data Object Structure Support for NOTES Design Control Ability to RTF Domain Control Ability Add Field C API ★★★★★★★★★★★★★ PC API ★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★ Pjava / CORBA ★★★★★★★★ PLDDJ does not support ★★ Do not support notesql does not support ★ ★ Do not support dxl ★★★★★★★★ P

9.3.2 Support and dependence on the Domino / Notes platform

Requires the version of Notes / Domino support to the server requirements C APIP All versions C APIP All versions Java / Corbacorba way does not support R5.03 HTTP and DIIOP service LDDJPR5.0 Notesqlp4.6.4 or higher DXLPR5.0

9.3.3 Security and Access Control

User Identity Security Control ACLC API Notes ID Notes Security Mechanism PC API Notes ID Notes Security Mechanism Pjava Notes ID Notes Security Mechanism PCORBA User / Program provides simple password Verification PLDDJ Notes ID Notes security mechanism does not support Notesqlnotes ID Notes security mechanism, attached Safety control does not support DXL Notes ID Notes security mechanism P

9.3.4 Support for operating systems


9.3.5 Development capabilities and data processing efficiency

Data Access Efficiency Design Control Capacity Permissions Control Ability Modify Notes Client Domino Additional Task Extension Event Management C API ★★★★★★★★★★★★ PPPC API ★★★★★★★★★★ P

Java / Corba ★★★★★★ LDDJ ★★★ Notessql ★★★ DXL ★★★★★★★★★

9.3.6 Development Efficiency

Development speed code readability can be maintenanceable C API ★★★ C API ★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★ ★ ★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★ Notessql ★★★★★★★★★★★★★ DXL ★★★★★★★★

9.3.7 Others from the maturity of each toolkit, the Time for C / C API is the longest and most stable. Notessql has also calendered multiple versions of more ripening. The Java / Corba toolkit and LDDJ development time are not long. It is not very easy to use during use, not very mature. Others have some toolkit, such as for COM, LSX, etc., is for a particular demand development, and there is almost no update after the 1.0 release is released.

From the latest release time of the toolkit, it is also relatively active for K / C , NotesSql, LDDJ, Java / Corba. Java-related toolkit update speed is slower than imagination, may be moving from Domino / Notes to the J2EE platform from traditional platforms, not stable.

Lotus Domino / Notes Toolkits Summary (1)

Lotus Domino / Notes Toolkits Review (2) C API

Lotus Domino / Notes Toolkits Summary (3) C Apilotus Domino / Notes Toolkits Overview (IV) JAVA

Lotus Domino / Notes Toolkits Summary (5) LDDJ

Lotus Domino / Notes Toolkits Summary (6) Other

Lotus Domino / Notes Toolkits Review (7) Comparison

Lotus Domino / Notes Toolkits Review (8)

Lotus Domino / Notes Toolkits Summary (Nine) Summary


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