Add Google PageRank on your own page

zhaozj2021-02-16  103

One: What is PageRank (web level) PageRank (web level) is a way Google is used to evaluate a web page "importance". After combining all other factors such as Title Identification and KeyWords Identification, Google adjusts the results through PageRank, enabling those more "importance" webpages to improve the search results, thus improving the search results And quality. Simply put, Google implements a few steps in its search results page (SERPS): 1) Find all web pages matching the search keyword match) Page 2) According to page factors such as title / keyword density Level 3) Calculate the keywords in the anchor of imported links 4) Take the Site Ranking Results by PageRank Schedule 2: PageRank's Decision Factors Google's PageRank is based on such a theory: If the B web page is set to have a web page link (B is When a is introduced, it is description that B is considered to have a link value, which is an "important" web page. When the B page level (importance) is relatively high, the A web page can be divided into certain levels (importance) from this import link from the B web page, and is assigned to the export link on the A web page. Import link (also called reverse link) means the site of your website, that is, we generally say "external link". And when you chain to another site, then this site is your "Export Link", you provide this site to other websites. PageRank reflects the level (importance) of a web page import link. Therefore, it is generally said that PageRank is determined by the number of import links of a website and the level (importance) of these links (importance). Three: How to know the pageRank score of a web page can be downloaded from and install the Google toolbar so that you can display the PageRank score of the browse page. PageRank score from 0 to 10, if you cannot display the PageRank score, you can check the installed version number, you need to completely uninstall the old version, and then install the latest version after restart the machine. Four: How do I add Google's PageRank on my own site? Said so much nonsense, I said that everyone is paying attention, I want to get the PageRank value of this site or a station. It is seen by Google's Bartool, which can not be made to display PageRank values ​​on their own page. ? I found code on a site called (

This site Google page level Replace the address behind the HREF to your URL, see the effect:

It should be noted that: is not the address behind the href is the test address, but the address you load it is the test address.


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