MSNP10 protocol analysis 02. Synchronization [by progsoft]

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  110

Give a successful synchronization case >>> SYN 8 0 0 / R / N <<< SYN 8 2004-06-24T02: 30: 09.5170000-07: 00 2004-07-15T05: 59: 26.8770000-07: 00 6 3 / r / n <<< GTC A / R / N <<< BLP BL / R / N <<< prp MFN EXAMPLE_NICKNAME / R / N <<< Prp MBE N / R / N <<< Prp WWE 0 / R / n <<< lsg group_name1 C20FB8B6-53CA-451D-970F-48B1A1B69C4F / R / n <<< lsg group_name2 BCAD589C-CA2D-4AA7-88FD-A998DDD2AFCC / R / N <<< lsg group_name3 76F9948F-3F7A-43FB- A3C5-F29EE6B32813 / R / N <<< LST f = user1_name c = 625919E4-43A2-3FC3-8558-435423BABCD8 3 76F9948F-3F7A-43FB-A3C5-F29EE6B32813 / R / n <<< LST f = user2_name c = 621394E5-09A6-5FC3-8A58-340344315AFA 3 / r / n <<< lst f = user3_name c = 5E542365-0096-4FC3-A858- 05332315cbe8 11 c20fb8b6-53ca-451d-970f-48b1a1b69c4f / r / n <<< LST F = user4_name C = 1322c193-09c6-4f73-95aa-05eafdfaf5e5 11 bcad589c-ca2d-4aa7-88fd-a998ddd2afcc / r / n <<< Lst f = user5_name C = 8d534343-0096-47c3-0548-05e143abece4 11 76F9948F-3F7A-43FB-A3C5-F29EE6B32813 / R / N <<< LST N = USER06 @ 2 / R / N

I have a boy, we have already successfully launched a list of friends ~!

Here we give a description.

During this operation, the client synchronous server data client is implemented >>> SYN 8 0 0 / R / N server response <<< SYN 8 2004-06-24T02: 30: 09.5170000-07: 00 2004-07- 15T05: 59: 26.8770000-07: 00 6 3 / R / N2004-06-24T02: 30: 09.5170000-07: 09.5170000-07: 09.5170000-07: 09.5170000-07: 09.5170000-07: 09: 26.8770000-07: 26.8770000-07: 26.8770000-07: 26.8770000-07: 00, pointing out the final group Change time 6, point out the number of friends, point out the number of groups

The server responds <<< GTC A / R / NGTC pointed out that when someone adds me to the list of contacts, please inform me that the status A means notification, n means not notify

The server responds to << BLP BL / R / NBLP indicates whether the person I "Allow List" can view my state or send me a message BL indicates whether it is.

Server response <<< prp MFN EXAMPLE_NICKNAME / R / NPRP MFN EXAMPLE_NICKNAME points out the user nickname server response <<< PRP MBE N / R / N server response <<< prp WWE 0 / r / nphh - home phone pHW - office phone PHM - Mobile Phone MOB - Areal Other People Authorised to Contact MEON MSN Mobile Device? MBE - Do I HAVE A Mobile Device Enabled On MSN Mobile?

Server responds <<< LSG Group_Name1 c20fb8b6-53ca-451d-970f-48b1a1b69c4f / r / n server response <<< LSG Group_Name2 bcad589c-ca2d-4aa7-88fd-a998ddd2afcc / r / n server response <<< LSG Group_Name3 76f9948f-3f7a The three responses of -43FB-A3C5-F29EE6B32813 / R / N are given, the user's packet case syntax structure is: LSG group name packet GUID LSG points to the command to packet the group name points Define Group Name Group GUID points out the unique identification number of packets

Server response <<< lst f = user1_name c = 625919E4-43A2-3FC3-8558-435423BABCD8 3 76F9948F-3F7A-43FB-A3C5-F29EE6B32813 / R / N server response <<< LST n = user02 @ F = USER2_NAME C = 621394E5-09A6-5FC3-8A58-09A6-5FC3-8A58-340344315AFA 3 / R / N server response <<< lst f = user3_name c = 5E542365-0096-4FC3-A858-05332315CBE8 11 C20FB8B6-53CA-451D-970F-48B1A1B69C4F / R / N server response <<< lst f = user4_name c = 1322c193-09C6-4F73-95AA-05EFDFAF5E5 11 BCAD589C-CA2D-4AA7-88FD- A998DDD2AFCC / R / N server response <<< lst f = user5_name C = 8d534343-0096-47c3-0548-05E143ABECE4 11 76F9948F-3F7A-43FB-A3C5-F29EE6B32813 / R / N server response << n = friend Passport [ f = friend, said C = friend guid] friend relationship [ grouping Guid] / R / N

LST pointed out that the command is a friend's situation n = Friends Passport pointed out that friends' passfortf = Friends said that C = Friends GUID pointed out that the unique identification number of friends pointed out that the unique identifier of the group in which the friend is located, no such reference Friends or not in group

The friend relationship pointed out the relationship between the relationship between the friends FL forward list, indicating that the friend, has added the Al allowed list, indicating that the friend can view my state or send a message BL to the list, indicating that the friend can't view my state or Send me a message RL reverse list, indicating that the friend has added me to friends PL phone list, unknown 1 = FL2 = Al4 = BL8 = RL16 = PL Other status as above, state superimposed, 3 = fl al, 11 = FL Al RL, etc., we have gained a list of friends.


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