The component object model (COM) proposed by Microsoft, including the Automation and ActiveX specifications. The ActiveX component technology can be combined with an object-based component that can be created by many different tools. Applying "Part Software Development" method has a lot of benefits such as code reuse, module functionality. Below to create an independent interface to control the ActiveX DLL component, further analysis:
The following two ActiveX DLL components implemented "In Partial Internal Response Events", ie references objects with events within class modules, and dynamically add controls in the program run phase (see "MSDN"). Example 2: The splitter control is provided in Delphi, and it is easy to implement the split view of the form interface, and this feature to be implemented in VB will write a large number of code. Referring to the "Tree View List-Removal Branch" control set or "VB Application Wizard -> Explorer Style" code of VB 6, it is now granted to ActiveX DLL components: Create an ActiveX DLL (named: EasyViews) Engineering and add the following code (named: splitView):
Option explicitdim mbmoving as boolean
Const Ierror = 120const Irrorxy = 150const SplitterHW = 80
DIM LEFTCTL AS ControlDim Rightctl As ControlDim Topctl As ControlDim Bottomctl As Control
Dim Withevents Imgsplitterh as imagedim withevents Imgsplitterv as image
DIM Pictureh As PictureBoxdim Picturev As PictureBox
Public property get leftmargin () as integer leftmargin = ineftmarginend property
Public Property Let Leftmargin (Byval VNewValue As Integer) ileftmargin = VNewValueEnd Property
Public property get rightmargin () as integer Rightmargin = IRIGHTMARGINEEND Property
Public property let rightmargin (byval vnewvalue as integer) IRight Margin = VNewValueEnd Property
Public property get TopMargin () as integer TopMargin = ITOPMARGINEND Property
Public property let topmargin (Byval VNewValue As INTEGER) ITOPMargin = VNewValueEnd Property
Public Property Get BottomMargin () As Integer BottomMargin = iBottomMarginEnd PropertyPublic Property Let BottomMargin (ByVal vNewValue As Integer) iBottomMargin = vNewValueEnd PropertyPublic Property Get MinWidth () As IntegerMinWidth = iMinWidthEnd Property
Public property let minwidth (byval vnewvalue as integer) iMINWIDTH = VNewValueEnd Property
Public property get minheight () as integerminHeight = iMinHeightenD Property
Public property let Minheight (Byval VNewValue As Integer) iMinHeight = VNewValueEnd Property
Private Sub Formx_Load () Dim Temp As String
temp = "DynamicImageH" On Error GoTo ErrorHandlerFormX.Controls.Add "VB.Image", temp, FormXOn Error GoTo 0With FormX.Controls.Item (temp) .Visible = TrueEnd WithSet ImgSplitterH = FormX.Controls.Item (temp) ImgSplitterH. MousePointer = 7 'CCSIZEEW
temp = "DynamicImageV" On Error GoTo ErrorHandlerFormX.Controls.Add "VB.Image", temp, FormXOn Error GoTo 0With FormX.Controls.Item (temp) .Visible = TrueEnd WithSet ImgSplitterV = FormX.Controls.Item (temp) ImgSplitterV. MousePointer = 9 'cc2sizens
temp = "DynamicPictureH" On Error GoTo ErrorHandlerFormX.Controls.Add "VB.PictureBox", temp, FormXOn Error GoTo 0Set PictureH = FormX.Controls.Item (temp) PictureH.BorderStyle = 0PictureH.BackColor = vbBlack
Temp = "DynamicPicturev" on error goto errorhandlerformx.controls.add "vb.picturebox", Temp, Formxon Error Goto 0
Set picturev = formx.controls.Item (TEMP)
PictureV.BorderStyle = 0PictureV.BackColor = vbBlackLeftCtl.Move LeftMargin, TopMarginImgSplitterV.Move LeftCtl.Left LeftCtl.Width, LeftCtl.Top, SplitterHW, LeftCtl.HeightRightCtl.Move ImgSplitterV.Left SplitterHW, LeftCtl.TopRightCtl.Height = LeftCtl.HeightImgSplitterH .Move LeftCtl.Left, LeftCtl.Top LeftCtl.Height, FormX.Width - LeftMargin - RightMargin, SplitterHWBottomCtl.Move LeftCtl.Left, LeftCtl.Top LeftCtl.Height SplitterHW 'LeftCtl.HeightExit SubErrorHandler: temp = temp & "X "Resumend Sub
Public Sub Create (LeftCtlX As Object, RightCtlX As Object, BottomCtlX As Object) Set LeftCtl = LeftCtlXSet RightCtl = RightCtlX'Set TopCtl = TopCtlXSet BottomCtl = BottomCtlXSet FormX = LeftCtlX.ContainerFormX_LoadEnd Sub
Private Sub FormX_Resize () If FormX.WindowState <> vbMinimized Then If FormX.Width Private Sub ImgSplitterH_MouseMove (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) If Button = vbLeftButton Then If mbMoving Then If Y ImgSplitterH.Top Private Sub ImgSplitterV_MouseDown (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) PictureV.Visible = TrueWith ImgSplitterV PictureV.Move .Left, .Top - 10, .Width / 2, .HeightEnd WithmbMoving = TrueEnd Sub Private Sub ImgSplitterV_MouseMove (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) If Button = vbLeftButton Then If mbMoving Then If X ImgSplitterV.Left To this part is created. Next, create a standard project and draw any three controls on the form, such as: TreeView, ListView, DataGrid, and write the following code to test the class splitview of the EasyViews part: Option ExplicitDim x As New EasyViews.SplitViewPrivate Sub Form_Load () '... x.TopMargin = 500' Toolbar1.Height 100x.LeftMargin = 1000x.RightMargin = 1000x.BottomMargin = 500 'StatusBar1.Heightx.MinHeight = 1000x.MinWidth = 1200x.create TreeView1, ListView1, DataGrid1 '... End Sub Example 1: People who have used Delphi and PB should know that their Form and Window do not need to program, you can implement scrolling windows. In VB, you want to implement the scroll window, you need to write some code, you can refer to the MSDN: "Scroll Bar Control Scene: Create Scrollabable Graphics Viewport", which is now machined into an ActiveX DLL component: Create ActiveX DLL (named : EasyViews) Engineering and add the following code in class module (named: scrollview): Option ExplicitDim Picture1 As PictureBoxDim Picture2 As PictureBoxDim Picture3 As PictureBoxDim WithEvents HScroll1 As HScrollBarDim WithEvents VScroll1 As VScrollBarDim WithEvents FormX As Form DIM IWIDTH AS INTEGERDIM IHEIGHT AS INTEGERDIM ILEFT AS INTEGERDIM ITOP AS INTEGER DIM ILEFTMARGIN AS INTEGERDIM IRIGHTMARGIN AS INTEGERDIM IBOTTOMMARGIN As INTEGERDIM IBOTTOMMARGIN AS INTEGER Dim Balignform as Boolean Const Irrorxy = 135const DXY = 60 Public Sub Create (PictureBox As Object, Optional BalignFormx as Boolean = true) set picture2 = PictureBoxSet Formx = PictureBox.ContainerbalignForm = BalignFormxFormX_loadend Sub Private Sub Formx_Load () Dim Temp As String temp = "DynamicPicture1" On Error GoTo ErrorHandlerFormX.Controls.Add "VB.PictureBox", temp, FormXOn Error GoTo 0With FormX.Controls.Item (temp) .Visible = TrueEnd WithSet Picture1 = FormX.Controls.Item (temp) temp = "DynamicPicture3" On Error GoTo ErrorHandlerFormX.Controls.Add "VB.PictureBox", temp, FormXOn Error GoTo 0With FormX.Controls.Item (temp) .Visible = TrueEnd WithSet Picture3 = FormX.Controls.Item (temp) temp = "DynamicHScroll1" On Error GoTo ErrorHandlerFormX.Controls.Add "VB.HScrollBar", temp ', FormXOn Error GoTo 0With FormX.Controls.Item (temp) .Visible = TrueEnd WithSet HScroll1 = FormX.Controls.Item (temp) temp = "DynamicHScroll1" On Error GoTo ErrorHandlerFormX.Controls.Add "VB.VScrollBar", temp ', FormXWith FormX.Controls.Item (temp) .Visible = TrueEnd WithSet VScroll1 = FormX.Controls.Item (temp) HScroll1.TabStop = FalseVScroll1.TabStop = FalseSet Picture1.Container = Picture3Set HScroll1.Container = Picture3Set VScroll1.Container = Picture3Set Picture2.Container = Picture1'Picture3.BorderStyle = 0Picture1.BorderStyle = 0Picture2.BorderStyle = 0If Not bAlignForm Then Picture3.Move Left , Top, Width, Height HScroll1.Move 0, Picture3.Height - HScroll1.Height - dXY, Picture3.Width - VScroll1.Width - dXY VScroll1.Move Picture3.Width - VScroll1.Width - dXY, 0, VScroll1.Width, Picture3 .Height - HScroll1.Height - dXY Picture1.Move 0, 0, Picture3.Width - VScroll1.Width - dXY, Picture3.Height - HScroll1.Height - dXY Picture2.Move 0, 0 HScroll1.LargeChange = HScroll1.Max / 5 VScroll1 .LargeChange = VScroll1.Max / 5 If Picture1.Height> = Picture2.Height Then HScroll1.Width = Picture3.Width - dXY Picture1.Width = Picture3.Width - dXY End If If Picture1.Width> = Picture2.Width Then VScroll1. Height = Picture3.height - DXY Picture1.Height = Picture3.heigh t - dXY End If HScroll1.Max = Picture2.Width - Picture1.Width ' 10' dXY VScroll1.Max = Picture2.Height - Picture1.Height ' 10' dXY HScroll1.SmallChange = 100 VScroll1.SmallChange = 100 HScroll1 .Visible = (Picture1.width Private Sub FormX_Resize () On Error Resume NextIf bAlignForm Then Picture3.Move LeftMargin, TopMargin, FormX.Width - LeftMargin - RightMargin - iErrorXY, FormX.Height - TopMargin - BottomMargin - iErrorXY - iErrorXY - iErrorXY HScroll1.Move 0, Picture3.Height - HScroll1.Height - dXY, Picture3.Width - VScroll1.Width - dXY VScroll1.Move Picture3.Width - VScroll1.Width - dXY, 0, VScroll1.Width, Picture3.Height - HScroll1.Height - dXY Picture1.Move 0, 0, Picture3.Width - VScroll1.Width - dXY, Picture3.Height - HScroll1.Height - dXY Picture2.Move 0, 0 HScroll1.LargeChange = HScroll1.Max / 5 VScroll1.LargeChange = VScroll1.Max / 5 If Picture1.Height> = Picture2 .Height Then HScroll1.Width = Picture3.Width - dXY Picture1.Width = Picture3.Width - dXY End If If Picture1.Width> = Picture2.Width Then VScroll1.Height = Picture3.Height - dXY Picture1.Height = Picture3.Height - Dxy end if hscroll1.max = Picture2.width - Picture1.width ' DXY vscroll1.max = Picture2.Height - Picture1.Height ' dXY HScroll1.SmallChange = 100 VScroll1.SmallChange = 100 HScroll1.Visible = (Picture1.Width Private sub vscroll1_change () = -vscroll1.valueEnd SUB Public property get width () as integer width = iWidThend property Public property let width (byval vnewvalue as integer) iWidth = VNewValueEnd Property Public property Get Height () AS Integer Height = Iheightens Property Public Property Let Height (Byval VNewValue As Integer) Iheight = VNewValueEnd PropertyPublic Property Get Left () AS Integer LEFT = Ileftend Property Public Property Let Left (Byval VNewValue As Integer) Ileft = VNewValueEnd Property Public property get top top () AS integer top = itopend property Public property let top (byval vnewvalue as integer) ITOP = VNewValueEnd Property Public property get leftmargin () as integer leftmargin = ineftmarginend property Public Property Let Leftmargin (Byval VNewValue As Integer) ileftmargin = VNewValueEnd Property Public property get rightmargin () as integer Rightmargin = IRIGHTMARGINEEND Property Public property let rightmargin (byval vnewvalue as integer) IRight Margin = VNewValueEnd Property Public property get TopMargin () as integer TopMargin = ITOPMARGINEND Property Public property let topmargin (Byval VNewValue As INTEGER) ITOPMargin = VNewValueEnd Property Public property get bottommargin () as integer bottommargin = ibottommarginend property Public property lettommargin (byval vnewvalue as integer) ibottommargin = VNewValueEnd property To this part is created. Next, a standard project is created, and a PictureBox (Picture1) control is drawn on the form, plot a certain number of controls in the Picturebox control, and write the following code to test the class scrollview of the EasyViews part: Option ExplicitDim x As New EasyViews.ScrollViewDim y As New EasyViews.ScrollViewPrivate Sub Form_Load () '... x.Left = 1000x.Top = 200x.Height = 3000x.Width = 4000x.TopMargin = 3000x.LeftMargin = 500x.RightMargin = 500x.bottommargin = 600x.create pictures, false y.left = = 300y.height = 2500y.width = 4000'y.topmargin = 1000y.rightmargin = 1000y.Rightmargin = 4000y.create Picture1, False '... End Sub This scheme makes the main program code of the calling component, so that the "code part" that implements interface control is separated from the code to achieve other functions, and the boundaries are clear.