Lucene1.4 finally succeeded

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  139

Classmates: Lucene1.4 finally succeeded, to use this StandardAnalyzer analyzer, do not apply Chinese analyzers, it has been integrated. I: Oh, congratulations. I: You have got a Chinese analyzer classmate: CJK's a lot, all written in the car, Lucene1.4 has integrated the bag of the car. Me: How is the speed? Classmates: You put the demo's results.jsp of Analyzer Analyzer = New Stopanalyzer (); Analyzer Analyzer = New StandardArDardanalyzer (); I: Is there a code? For example, GB2312, GBK Differences: In Index.jsp and Results.jsp plus classmates: <% @ Page ContentType = "text / html; charset = GB2312"%> Classmates: I will change these three places. Classmates: Speed ​​has no way to test, because I have only a few files now. Me: I seem to be retrieved by PDF or some files: I have tried there is no classmate: I haven't, I may have to retrieve MS Office: Yes, I can check that the document uploaded by others can be required.


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