<% 'Separating HTML regex function Function stripHTML (strHTML)' Strips the HTML tags from strHTML Dim objRegExp, strOutputSet objRegExp = New Regexp objRegExp.IgnoreCase = TrueobjRegExp.Global = TrueobjRegExp.Pattern = "<. ?>" ' Replace all HTML tag matches with the empty stringstrOutput = objRegExp.Replace (strHTML, "") 'Replace all with strOutput = Replace (strOutput, "<", "<") strOutput = Replace (strOutput, " > ","> ") stroutput 'return the value of stroutput set objregexp = nothingnd function%> How to remove some of the content in the page title> head> <% on Error ResMe nextprivate d_exsitDim RetrievalDim TakenHTML Function GetHtml (url) Set Retrieval = Server.CreateObject ( "Microsoft.XMLHTTP") With Retrieval.open "GET", url, False, "", "" .SendGetHtml = .responsebodyEnd WithSet Retrieval = NothingEnd Function Function bin2str (Binstr) Dim Varlen, CLOW, CCC, Skipflag Skipflag = 0 CCC = "" Varlen = leNB (Binstr) for i = 1 to varLen if Skipflag = 0 THEN CLOW = MIDB (Binstr, i, 1) IF ASCB (Clow) > 127 TEN CCC = CCC & C HR (ASCW (MIDB (Binstr, I 1, 1) & CLOW)) Skipflag = 1 else ccc = ccc & chr (ASCB (CLOW)) end if else skipflag = 0 end if next bin2str = ccc end function takenhtml = gethtml ("http://www.eyou.com") Takenhtml = Bin2Str (Takenhtml) Titl = INSTR (1, Takenhtml, "", 1) Titll = INSTR (1, Takenhtml, " Title>", 1) Title = MID (Takenhtml, Titl, Titl1) fon = INSTR (1, Takenhtml, ", 1) fonn =
INSTR (1, Takenhtml, " font>", 1) font = MID (Takenhtml, FON, FONN) PP = INSTR (1, Takenhtml, "
, 1) PPP = INSTR (1, Takenhtml, " p>", 1) PPPP = MID (Takenhtml, PP, PPP)%>