Example for registration code to the user

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  119

Example for the user registration code http://www.cnsw.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1684


Dear xxx xxx, Thank you for choosing the software name .Your registration information: User Name: xxxRegistration Code: xxxPlease take a few minutes to fill in this survey We appreciate your help, as it will help us to improve in the future.Please.: (1) Click reply. (2) Fill in the letters of Your Choice. (3) Ten click send mail.survey form ======================================================================================================================================================================================================== ================================================= 1.where Did you first hear about software name ? A) []] company '

Sweb site (www.xxxsoft.com) b) [] cnet download.com [] zdnet [] tucows.com [] simtel.net [] winsite [] other, please specify: ___________________________ c) [ ] Search Engine [] Yahoo [] Google [] Alta Vista [] Excite [] Lycos [] MSN [] HotBot [] Other, Please specify: ____________________________ D) [] Magazine / Newspaper Name: __________________________________________________ Issue: _________________________________________________ E) [] In other way (eg Mailing List, Newsgroup, Forum or BBS) Please specify:? ________________________________________ 2.What do you think of the interface of software were 1.0 [] Easy to use [] Difficult to understand 3.What search engine phrases did you Try to find software name? 4.what Was The biggest Influnce on your decision to register software name? 5.please Write Down your COM Ments ON Software Name. Thank you for spending your precious time to fill in this survey.if you have any questions please feel free to write a email to xxxx or visitur web site xxxx ============ ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ===== Sincerely, xxxsoft! Team __________________________________________________ xxxsoft, Incsupport Email: Support @


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