Data analysis refers to the process of analyzing, calculating and evaluating various factors affecting the amount of influences on awareness.
The method of decision is divided into two categories: soft decision method (qualitative decision) and hard decision-making method (quantitative decision);
There is also a branching is divided into: structured decision (can be used in a certain model and language description, there is an optimum resolution), semi-structured decision (no optimal resolution, relative optimization solution), non-structured decision ( Empress, no optimal resolution);
Time series refers to a set of ordered data sequences in time;
Time series prediction method is divided into:
Moving averaging
Arithmetic averaging method
Weighted average method
Moving averaging
Trend average method
Index smoothing
Trend external push
Season cycle method
Life cycle method
Prediction of causal relationships, there are multiple arguments;
Linear regression
One yuan linear regression
Multi-line regression
Nonlinear regression