GNULinux Beginner's Favorite Content !!!

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  133

? All the articel below area all come from internet, these aren't my article.but i Have Found That it's very good, so i copy it to my blog. So best wish the author of the article wi n't limited ... ... ?? ^ 00 ^ GNU / Linux Beginner Tour Lee Friend EDWARD GJ LEE Terms?

0.1 Preface 0.2 strongly recommended that there is one, two basic books! ! ! 0.4 GNU / Linux DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION (Distribution Suite, Brief Disclaim) Problem 0.5 Mouse VS. Keyboard 0.6 Recommended a few instructions and architectures (starting a little bit of horses! :) 0.7 gnu / linux Is there a `` window ''? 0.8 What do I do in GNU / Linux? 0.9 Essence 0.10 Nice Chinese Website 0.11 Nice English Site 0.12 There are many files in the system, you can refer to 0.13 hardware support database 0.14 find software 0.15 network learning 0.16 calls should not be called 0.17 Advanced Contents Getting 0.18 Content Change of this article 0.19 Authorized Notification About this Document ...

0.1 Introduction This article is designed to help young friends who come to GNU / Linux can easily enter the world of GNU / Linux. Since the data is more and more, some of the books introduced have to endurely, you should find it properly to the Book Company. Although it has been checked before publishing, it is inevitable, content or links If there is an error, or some content you think it is necessary to include, please let us know, please feel free to accept everyone's opinion, thank you! ?? 0.2 strongly recommended that there must be one, two basic books! ! ! No matter what you use GNU / Linux, please prepare one, two books, first look at the relevant content of the book, then cooperate with the essence of the BBS station, the documents on the Internet, which will be more Have obtained. Of course, if you already have experience in the UNIX-Like system, on the Internet, some information on the system can also make it easy for you to enter. In addition, please don't have to urgently pursue a new version, the new version is caught up, it is better to be familiar with the entire architecture in a stable version. Whether it is a distribution kit or core, it's just released, the related supporting tool software has been updated, and the setting will not be the same. This will often get a foggy water for beginners. It is really no need to waste time here. In order to be familiarity, you can use the developed version 2, such as the version of the CVS (Concurrent Version System) Server, which is new than the version you can see on the market, so you still have the foundation. Compilation core, almost books will be mentioned, but do you need to compile KERNEL? Very well, do you really do some options before compiling KERNEL? In case of a problem (some may be a potential problem), that is really not worth, KERNEL is the heart of the entire system! Still waiting for the game to compile the Kernel! Here is an article that kids brother translation, it is worth a reference, please see, do you need to compile KERNEL: 0.3 Preparing GNU / Linux 3 is a very young job system (just ten years old), currently In a growth period, revision (improved) is quite fast, meaning what you look now, it is likely to have a lot of yellow flowers yesterday (of course some system basic operation is small, this is not worried), so you have to use GNU / Linux, it is best to have DIY's mental preparation, but also can actively learn. The GNU / Linux and Windows systems are different working systems, and the positioning is different. Operating philosophy is different (at least is currently this), so if you are used to Windows operation, please forget it first, You have never been contacted by the computer, otherwise you will bring Windows's operating habits to GNU / Linux, which will cause great problems. The advantages and disadvantages of the operation is true to be closely related to your habits. The current KDE, GRAME GUI (Graphical User Interface) environment is operated, but the Windows system is a bit similar, but the underlying mode of operation is still different, and these GUIs currently operate some details of the GNU / Linux system. However, it is obvious that progress is quite fast, and the general use should be possible to cope. At present, it is only a fluent in Chinese. It is still very fluent in terms of printing, which has to rely on everyone's efforts. 0.4 GNU / Linux's Distribution problem Linux is actually only the kernel written by Linus Torvalds, which must be equipped with many tools (most of the GNU 4) to become a complete job system. Therefore, there are many vendors or groups to do this integrated work, which is the origin of various disrs. But due to the main part or: kernel gnu Tools XFree86, the basic operation is still the same, don't worry too much. Each disrt has each support, often see which disrtRo discussed on the version is better. For beginners, I think this is not a very important issue, each disrto has a thousand autumn, where do you choose which Distro you? Try to adapt to her, after a while, I am familiar with the entire GNU / Linux architecture, and then choose the disgu in your mind. However, there are many systems that have been integrated with Chinese, you can start from here, such as Cle, Mandrake, Debian, and Domestic manufacturers DISTRO. The DISTRO used by the installation method and installation is very likely to be different. Under the architecture of I18N (INTERNATIONALIZATION, the number of letters and intermediate alphabets), most of the current distribution has a Chinese capability, but there is no problem with no Chinese pattern. Individual DISTRO Discussion Area You can find:

Telnet telnet

Including Cle, Slackware, Red Hat, GNU Debian, Mandrake, SUSE ..., etc., if you want to understand each disrto to go shopping and then decide, and even have many disrtows have enthusiastic to translate installation and manual Chinese in Chinese for free download. Here, you solemnly remind you, come on a time when you have time, look at some stuff, recently due to the automation of the installation program, so many users don't know what suite can be used, so that I often have a lack of programs, what kind of suite is to be installed, and thousands of please familiar with what inventory in your warehouse. ?? 0.5 mouse vs. keyboard Weird, how to talk about this problem? Since UN * X system is basically a combination of a group of tools, these tools combine powerful, but it will also scare a lot of beginners (because there is always a few instructions that will always be used, will always don't know what to use. How many parameters are instructions). For example: The LS instructions will be mentioned below, mainly to observe the files in the directory, but there is also a relatively graphical file management program (File Manager), just like you are using in Windows Like the Explorer (Explorer). Which tool is to use? GUI's File Manager is relatively convenient, but the efficiency is not very good, even a lot of memory, and there is a very significant disadvantage is that no discrimination is convenient to put it in the Script 6 you wrote. . Secondly, no one dares to guarantee your own system. If you don't have problems, you can only boot with a flush. At this time, you can use it without the GUI tool! In addition, the parameters of these instructions are quite a very fine fine-tuning work, which achieves the effect you want, this is the Dong Dong's Dongdong is not easy, even if it does, the general list will be more than the parameters of the instruction. complex. In fact, GUI's archive management is only integrated with some commonly used systems facilities for use. This is not a tool to degrading the GUI, but instructions to see the occasion to choose a suitable tool will increase your productivity. Of course, sometimes you have no choice! :) Un * x is a multi-worker working system, even if it is a personal use at home, it is still a multi-worker environment, so basically, you are a system manager, this is the Windows you used to use. The OS / 2 system is different, so some system managers need to do things, you have to know a little best to use the GNU / Linux system. Especially the current Linux XFree86 is unable to make a comprehensive GUI, you have a horse step is necessary, even if you have a comprehensive GUI, it is recommended that you have more horses, you will be used. The horse step referred to here is the command line instruction below. Therefore, the older usually likes the use of Command Line, if you take into account the efficiency, you want to know more about the system structure, and later want to write a simple Script program to play, please pay more attention to / sbin, / usr / sbin, / bin, / usr / bin, there are some tools available (you may have a long time!). The command of the command column is often used under X, and you can open an analog terminal. For example, RXVT / XTERM is used.

?? 0.6 Recommended a few instructions and architectures (starting a little bit of horses! :) Not a detailed instructions here, is a very simple introduction, let's see MAN Pages, Info Pages, HOWTO files or books instruction of. Most importantly, you have to go to your behalf. When you start studying, you will be unfamiliar due to rules, you will be very uncomfortable, but you can collect some commonly used tips, just like the sentence, you will start with the sentence. If you are in the GUI environment, please open a terminal (RXVT / XTERM ...) to try. LOCATE This is a quick look for instructions, please try Locate Locate to see. If there is an error message, please update the system repository with UpdatedB. Compare a complicated conditional search, please study the Find instruction. Man This is the instructions illustrated by the MANUAL PAGES line. Try MAN Locate to see. Press H to see the operating instructions, and if you have time, you will. Please use Man -K (or Apropos) to find instructions on the system. For example, if you want to find an FTP, Man -k FTP will list a plurality. In addition, WHATIIS FTP will have a short description of FTP. The WHEREIS FTP will point out the FTP's procedure and its Man Page (FTP.1). INFO This is an instruction description on another line. Try INFO LS to see. Press CTRL H to see the operating instructions, if you have time, INFO INFO. There is a Pinfo directive, but there may be no system, find it to see if there is anything on your disc, which can replace the Info directive, easy to operate, and have colors. LS (list) This is the DIR directive in DOS, meaning List! The function is much better than DIR! The parameters of the LS are quite, don't forget MAN LS, find some parameters you like. Try. CAT (Concatenate) can display file content or combined with several files into a file. More (less) This is also in DOS, but the function is not synonymous. Compressed files Please use ZMORE and Izless (*. Gz, * .z) or Bzmore and Bzless (*. BZ2). More / etc / profile or cat / etc / profile | More in both ways. Gzip, Bzip2, Tar This is a compressed, packaged tool, which is commonly used in UN * X system. Be sure to be familiar with it. There are many files downloaded on the Internet. There are many * .tar.gz, * .tar.bz2, *. TGZ's format, you want to unwield these tools. Wget This is a tool for grabbing. If you don't have installed, put your installation disc mount, put it up, HTTP, FTP files can be grabbed, and the entire website caught down. General use is very simple:

Wget wget -c (renewal) wget .tar.gz wget -m -np (will grab down the entire correlation of target.html, m = mirror, np = no parent does not grab the upper directory file).

There are quite a few examples in the Man Wget for reference, and there is also a GWGET's GUI interface for use. Does TELNET play BB? Telnet is ok! Of course, you have to have Chinese terminals, such as CHDRV, JMCCE, CRXVT ..., etc. Moreover, there must be Chinese input method, chDRV, JMCCE, and CRXVT can be entered in combination with XCIN. If you encounter garbled, you can use the Telnet -8 parameter to try it. Please familiarize with any editor in un * x, there are many files to set up, you have to manually edit the setting file, and the editor in Un * X is much unlike words :-). Please choose your own editor that you think in your way and other UN * X systems. Vi, Emacs is almost the basic equipment of the UN * X system, of course, very personality is! There are also Joe, Pico ..., etc. is more simple.

VI (M) Chinese Sympand: or http: / / Emacs Chinese User Instructions: ftp: //beta.wsl.sinica. There are also some Chinese files, which is the ASPAC program of the Chinese research institute. Please take a look at: Doc / announce.doc Take a look at the decision not to catch other files. Joe Chinese Instructions: Pico This doesn't have to be explained! :-) This is the editor attached to the mail news software Pine, and you don't have it on your system. Bash This is the shell, which is commonly used by GNU / Linux. It is easy to enter GNU / Linux. This shell is responsible for the work of your communication system, just like in DOS. This shell is detailed, you can have a book, you have time, you may wish to man Bash or Info Bash, familiar with some of the changes in the SHELL, and there will be detailed explains. Bash's related questions can be referred to FAQ: in-depth file: Bash, this ABS (Advanced Bash-scripting) Guide file is worth studying, there are quite a few examples for reference, in the author's webpage, Tarball can be downloaded. The GNU / Linux system's control room should understand the mechanism of the entire GNU / Linux system, the best way is to familiarize yourself with / ETC 7 What do you do something in this directory. The files in this directory are some of the initial setting files of the Script to the system to perform. These files are quite, and the basic knowledge of Shell Script (Man Bash) is required. I have to see the bean flowers, it doesn't matter, don't worry, slowly will come faster! :-) If you are using the GUI interface, you can call the gnome-help-browser or khelpcenter, you can call it directly to select, or add parameters, to see some systems. Description file, for example, Bash's Man / Info: GNOME-Help-Browser Man: Bash Gnome-Help-Browser Info: Bash Khelpcenter Man: Bash Khelpcenter Info: BASH

Since the GNOME / KDE environment does not have a documentation for Man / Info Pages, you should use these two tools to call their instructions, and these two tools can also interpret the Man / Info Pages format, which is quite convenient to use. Man, Info, More, Less will have search functions, press / and then enter the string you want to find, press Enter, press n (next) to continue looking, uppercase N is back (on) find, Press Q (QUIT) to leave. ?? Is there a `` window '' on GNU / Linux? Of course! And the `` `multi-window '' environment, that is, X WINDOW SYSTEM (can be referred to as X or X11), although porting to the PC is called XFree86, but usually referred to as X should be. This is the "Standard" GUI of the UNIX-Like system, and any UN * X system should have x window system. Why is it a `` multi-window ''? Because X is only specified in some basic specifications, the flexibility is quite large, and the details are free to play by the program designer. Therefore, there are many WM (Window Manager), you have a quite choice, not only that, Most of the WMs support the Meme, and the different features present will make you sigh. In this place, there are many changes than the Windows system, not just the difference of Look & Feel, and the way to operate is also different! More commonly used KDE environments, GNOME environment, Afterstep, WindowMaker, ICEWM, FVWM ..., etc. KDE, gnome is not pure is WM, he is a GUI integration environment. X is the design of the Client-Server mode, which is quite suitable for use on the Internet. Especially some expensive commercial software or some of the large volume of soft software, as long as a high-grade machine is installed, others can use the network and transfer the results back to your computer screen. Moreover, this is the design of Portable, which is not related to the work platform you are using, that is, you can connect this machine by other operating systems to perform X applications on the machine. Of course, the local operating system is to install your X Server. The remote machine is a client (referring to the application software above). Moreover, basic premise is that the network is to be smooth. Linux / FreeBSD, Windows, OS / 2, MS-DOS systems have X Server installation. In addition, remind you that GNU / Linux is a set of independent work systems, while Xfree86 is just a set of software on it, I hope not to misunderstand! There are many friends, because such misunderstandings, which is unfair to do inappropriate comparisons with the Windows system. Various WM websites, you can go to the sightseeing: (KDE integration environment) (GNOME Integration Environment) (the old name of the WM, the feature is: fast, provincial memory) (the show, short and delicious, no beautiful) (WMaker has a new shadow) (the most gorgeous WM) (Practical WM, the sparrow is small, the five organs) (another NEXT ")



?? 0.8 What can I do on GNU / Linux? This is not finished, anything you want! In addition to the daily instrument processing, online, send and receive email, play BB, GNU / Linux is the paradise of the program, except for some special C # languages, probably you have found it. Compile, group translation, interpretation of program language, found on GNU / Linux, and 99.9% are free 9. Of course, GNU / Linux 's native language is C, if you understand C, use GNU / Linux to enjoy much, because the program in GNU / Linux, 99.9% of its program code is open! Don't understand C but understand a little shell script, you can also play! In short, depending on your use. GNU / Linux is installed, and the generally commonly used servo (Server) is installed, and the remaining is some fine-tuning settings, such as FTP, Email, WWW ..., etc. Basically, GNU / Linux is currently oriented in the network operation system, although the environment is gradually mature, but the focus of GNU / Linux is still on the Internet, it is foreseeable that gradually go to Server Desktop trend, though There is also a way to go ... like the current very popular WWW Server, there is a combination of Apache10 PHP11 * SQL12 in GNU / Linux, low cost, quite power, there is a ready-made example: (commercial) (non-commercial)

More advanced use, such as Google search engine, composed of thousands of GNU / Linux machines, which has exceeded my ability range, waiting to explore. In short, things are dead, people are living ... that, a problem that is often issued: Can you completely replace xxx? I can't answer this, I have to see you "fall" XXX, if you are willing to change the habits, maybe it may, but please don't be too "religion", just a tool, where is it convenient? ! I personally use GNU / Linux to do Desktop System, almost all can be handled, but it is not possible to handle very well, and it is not convenient to handle it. It is another problem. Instead, it is sometimes returned to Windows. Open NOTEPAD, but press the ESC key (VI)! However, since other OS can exist, it must have its value, we seem to be able to use it. Open Source, Open Mind. ?? 0.9 Essence each BBS station should have the features of the essence and query, please use more Avoid the same problem repeatedly. Free online books: (English) 13 These are all for general UNIX systems, but can be referenced, the basic principles are the same. (English Info version) 14? 0.10 Nice Chinese website This is Chaoyang University Hongji Gui Teacher's website is a paradise for learning FS / OSS, and Tarball for Packing the most recent content for download, please take advantage of it! The webpage is often updated, there is time to find it! :-) This is a website created by Netman, which is a network, but there is also computer hardware and the basics of GNU / Linux. . Currently maintained by the Study-Area team. Http:// This is a Moto brother's motorcycle school, hurry to dig. Here is the "Debian painless starting method" written here, which is the gospel of the GNU / Debian person, don't forget to download. This is the CLE (CHINESE Linux Extension) headquarters. This is the debian-Chinese headquarters. Debian's Chinese User Manual can be found here. Http:// Chinese User Manual can be found here. This is the Chinese input method XCIN Project headquarters. XCIN and internationalization (i18n) issues, please come to see it. Many Chinese don't come ..., how to enter Chinese, please go to this website I18n project.

Although the web page is English (because there are foreign people who will communicate), most of the instructions in the child directory are Chinese. This is the Chinese terminal simulation program under Console, and is currently maintained by a new JMCCE Team member. Friends with this area, please go to this station and help test. Here, you must especially thank Crazykid (KIDs) to take the initiative to maintain, and there are many generals to help. This is the web page of Tlug (Taiwan Linux User Group, some important messages in Taiwan Linux. Where CLDP (Chinese Linux Documents Project) is a big camp for Linux Chinese file plans, there are quite a few Chinese files. This is the KDE China Chemical Project Headquarters. This is the Linux Internationalization Project Headquarters. This is the Linuxfab Electronic News Magazine headquarters established by Chinese. Http:// This is the website of George Oh, there are many introductions about x. This is a website maintained by network farmers. It is a quite exquisite website. The content includes UNIX / GNU / Linux and * BSD, which can be said to be Unix large collection, files (links) It is quite classic, I want to know the development of the family of Unix-Like OS, you can go to this tour, absolute value return price, as well as autonomous self-made desktop pictures, each month's themes. 0.11 Nice English website This is the Linux-FAQ maintained by Mr. John Pisini, which is another FAQ file written by himself, updated every week, information Quite new, it is worth reference. This is a big home camp of LDP (Linux Documents Project), is some HOWTOS files. It is the latest version here. This is the Linux installation guideline from Professor Norman Matloff, which is to tell the object with RedHat, but other Distro can also be referred to. This is a Linux manual that is finished. Inside the important system setting file and some quite useful instructions, you can download it after you are printed at hand. Although it is a page, but the PDF file I download is two pages, the author probably refers to the printed on both sides! :-) This is the XFree86 FAQS Base Camp. ?? 0.12 There are many files in the system that can refer to MAN Pages (using the Info Info) / USR / USR / USR / Share / DOC) directory (especially Some HOWTO files) / USR / X11R6 / DOC / USR / SRC / Linux / Documentation Information Please remember to install some files when installing, don't let the file lying in HD or CD, but run to the version to ask questions.

Many lines of instructions or books can be found on the book, such as some driver usage instructions, in fact, in / usr / src / linux, and the following subdirectories, even some in the corpus. If your DISTRO has a Chinese version of howto file, please: Tour, there is a lot of Chinese translation files. 0.13 Hardware Support Database GNU / Linux is the work system of Free (free), some new hardware is not necessarily supported, the reason is that the hardware manufacturer does not want to release the hardware specification, so the best installation Check the hardware that GNU / Linux can support, if you don't want your hardware GNU / Linux, please don't be polite, write a letter to hardware vendors, if you think a person is weak, please Po to version, everyone responded together . Linux-FreeBSD hardware support database (mainly chipset, not a card name): (Chinese) (English) The following is in English: red Hat Linux: / HCL /? PAGENAME = HCL SUSE Linux: Printer: Notebook (notebook computer Resources: Winmodem (Windows Soft ModeM Resources): X window system: (4.2.0 variable more to your version) Others: http: // www .MOSTANG.COM / SANE / SANE-BACKENDS.HTML 0.14 finds a soft body (fresh meat Store) (Bulldo) (Software Report) All Email can subscribe, so you can sit I know the latest software! News: Comp.OS.Linux.announce This news group will not issue new software without regular. ?? 0.15 Network Learning Network The learning can start from here, first put some foundation. This is a Quest Note Book website, there are quite a multi-network related articles. This is the website of Vbird brothers, there are many experience (private cuisine). ?? 0.16 Htttp:// http: // www / Please pay attention to study the method of use, for example, the ASK station can use: "What is linux?" Narrative to ask questions. The Google Station has a Chinese traditional interface that can be used, and Site can be entered to narrow the search range. Please refer to: online computer noun dictionary (English) Foldoc / Dot Files (Generally referring to the system, set files) Troubleshow: English version of Linux FAQS will be in each month in commun's newsGroup Post come out. ??? 0.17 Advanced content The acquisition of a special method or a deep problem, in a general discussion area or online, not necessarily found, asked. Therefore, make good use of mailing list as a very affordable approach. Generally, independent Project will set up a Mailing List, which will have a method of subscribe to the webpage, which is very convenient. Probably a slightly large-scale software will also establish mailing list, such as XCIN, JMCCE, TTFM, VIM ..., and more. Here is xcin as an example: where the website will be explained where to subscribe, there are also Archive stations to see the situation discussed by others. General Google should check the information on these Archive, just not concentration. Just fill in the information, then wait for the List Server to send your confirmation to you, receive a reply (usually directly reply), confirm that the Welcome letter will be received, tell you the email address, and your password, use this Password, you can enter the list server to change some individual settings. Other programs, such as Vim even divided into several LISTs, such as Vim-User is used to discuss general users, focus on "use", and Vim-dev is discussed to developers, the focus is the development of software. These lists are very good, please use more. ?? 0.18 The content of this article changed ???? - ?? - ?? Sorry, I forgot when posts were when POST was.

2002-05-19 Join the website of the network. Thank you CNOIZE reminder.

Changes to Moto Notification URLs in 2002-05-20.

2002-05-22 Thank you KIDS to believe that it is recommended to join the core compilation.

2002-07-02 Thank you vbird letter to the letter, I forgot to update this article. :-)

A description of the mailing list.

2002-07-05 Change the two formats of HTML and PDF.

The PDF format of this paper is for the convenience of network transmission, and the font is not embedded, and acRoreAD or XPDF can be used, but the display quality of Acroread may be better. To send a printing machine, you can use Acroread to transfer him into postscript format, and Acroread uses his built-in solid font. This article PDF can be downloaded here: 0.19 Authorized Notice Copyright ??? 2001,2002? Lee Friendly? Edward Gj Lee Last revision date: This document is free File (FDL), free copy, modify, spread, but please keep the copyright statement. The trademarks mentioned in the document are all legitimate registration companies. About this document ... GNU / Linux beginner Tour This document was generated using the LaTeX2HTML translator Version 2002 (1.62) Copyright? 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, Nikos Drakos, Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds. Copyright? 1997 ., 1998, 1999, Ross Moore, Mathematics Department, Macquarie University, Sydney The command line arguments were: latex2html -split 0 -show_section_number -ascii_mode -noimages linux_entry.tex The translation was initiated by on 2002-07-05Footnotes

... / let / Oldfootnote






Of course, please don't go with some old antiques, such as the "Kernel 1.0.x? The version of the Kernel 1.0.x era, it is really coming with the" society "! :) actually operated machine, for safe vulnerabilities, of course, is to be updated as a secure version as much as possible.

... gnu / linux


GNU / Linux is a UNIX-LIKE operating system, operating environment, and other UNIX systems. What is a UNIX system? Please refer to: (English). What is a Linux system? Please refer to:

Http:// (Chinese)

... gnu


GNU = GNU's Not UNIX. Is a Project, mainly in developing a unix-like system of FREEDOM. In combination with a genius all over the world, we want to write a good program to people around the world free to use, and there is no convenient use of GNU / Linux today. Please refer to:



Check a book, or man mount, study how Mount is used, some systems have automatic mounted functions, then don't have to manually Mount!

... Script


Script can temporarily imagine the batch file in DOS, of course, the function is strong! Basic is shell script and some powerful Perl Script, Python Script ..., etc. ... / ETC


Different from DISTRO, the location of the files in the directory may not be the same. These files can be easily understood by MC, GMC, KFM, Filerunner.



This is the ready-made picture of Moto brothers. You can see how people are arranged on the desktop, and there are many simple descriptions of soft use. Some pictures on the eyes, I can't get it right away. :-)

... free


Free refers to the freedom of the software itself, open, and it is available without money, but usually can be obtained in the case of cost.

... Apache


Apache is a very high usage of WWW Server.

... PHP


The HTML embedded Script language of the PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor server).

... * SQL


SQL (Structure Query Language) is a library system language, commonly used with mysql postgreSQL, etc., there are also large commercial products.



This is the `` UNIX beginner's manual written by Mr. Yang Jingxiang ', also published a book (third wave).



This is the Linux cookbook written by Michael Stutz. There are HTML versions in the Debian website:

Compiled by Edward G.j. Lee (2002-07-05)


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